9,227 research outputs found

    The sticky resting box, a new tool for studying resting behaviour of Afrotropical malaria vectors

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    Background: Monitoring densities of adult mosquito populations is a major challenge in efforts to evaluate the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases, and their response to vector control interventions. In the case of malaria, collection of outdoor-resting Anophelines is rarely incorporated into surveillance and control, partially due to the lack of standardized collection tools. Such an approach, however, is increasingly important to investigate possible changes in mosquito behaviour in response to the scale up of Insecticide Treated Nets and Indoor Residual Spraying. In this study we evaluated the Sticky Resting Box (SRB) - i.e. a sticky variant of previously investigated mosquito Resting Box, which allows passive collection of mosquitoes entering the box – and compared its performance against traditional methods for indoor and outdoor resting mosquito sampling.<p></p> Methods: Daily collections were carried out in two neighbouring villages of Burkina Faso during rainy season 2011 and dry season 2012 by SRB located indoors and outdoors, and by Back-Pack aspiration inside houses (BP) and in ad hoc built outdoor pit-shelters (PIT).<p></p> Results: Overall, almost 20,000 Culicidae specimens belonging to 16 species were collected and morphologically identified. Malaria vectors included Anopheles coluzzii (53%), An. arabiensis (12%), An. gambiae s.s. (2.0%) and An. funestus (4.5%). The diversity of species collected in the two villages was similar for SRB and PIT collections outdoors, and significantly higher for SRB than for BP indoors. The population dynamics of An. gambiae s.l. mosquitoes, as obtained by SRB-collections was significantly correlated with those obtained by the traditional methods. The predicted mean estimates of An. gambiae s.l. specimens/sampling-unit/night-of-collections was 6- and 5-times lower for SRB than for BP indoors and PIT outdoors, respectively.<p></p> Conclusions: Overall, the daily performance of SRB in terms of number of malaria vectors/trap was lower than that of traditionally used approaches for in- and outdoor collections. However, unlike these methods, SRB could be set up to collect mosquitoes passively over at least a week. This makes SRB a promising tool for passively monitoring anopheline resting populations, with data presented here providing guidance for how to set up SRB-based collections to acquire information comparable to those obtained with other methods.<p></p&gt

    Maternal Geohelminth Infections Are Associated with an Increased Susceptibility to Geohelminth Infection in Children: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Children of mothers infected with soil-transmitted helminths (STH) may have an increased susceptibility to STH infection. Methods and Findings: We did a case-control study nested in a birth cohort in Ecuador. Data from 1,004 children aged 7 months to 3 years were analyzed. Cases were defined as children with Ascaris lumbricoides and/or Trichuris trichiura, controls without. Exposure was defined as maternal infection with A. lumbricoides and/or T. trichiura, detected during the third trimester of pregnancy. The analysis was restricted to households with a documented infection to control for infection risk. Children of mothers with STH infections had a greater risk of infection compared to children of uninfected mothers (adjusted OR 2.61, 95% CI: 1.88–3.63, p,0.001). This effect was particularly strong in children of mothers with both STH infections (adjusted OR: 5.91, 95% CI: 3.55–9.81, p,0.001). Newborns of infected mothers had greater levels of plasma IL-10 than those of uninfected mothers (p = 0.033), and there was evidence that cord blood IL-10 was increased among newborns who became infected later in childhood (p = 0.060). Conclusion: Our data suggest that maternal STH infections increase susceptibility to infection during early childhood, an effect that was associated with elevated IL-10 in cord plasma

    Survival of thermophilic spore-forming bacteria in a 90+ year old milk powder from Ernest Shackelton's Cape Royds Hut in Antarctica

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    Milk powder taken to Antarctica on Shackelton's British Antarctic Expedition in 1907 was produced in New Zealand by a roller drying process in the first factory in the world dedicated to this process. Thermophilic bacilli are the dominant contaminants of modern spray-dried milk powders and the 1907 milk powder allows a comparison to be made of contaminating strains in roller-dried and spray-dried powders. Samples of milk powder obtained from Shackelton's Hut at Cape Royds had low levels of thermophilic contamination (<500 cfu ml−1) but the two dominant strains (Bacillus licheniformis strain F and Bacillus subtilis) were typical of those found in spray-dried powders. Soil samples from the floor of the hut also contained these strains, whereas soils distant from the hut did not. Differences in the RAPD profiles of isolates from the milk powder and the soils suggest that contamination of the milk from the soil was unlikely. It is significant that the most commonly encountered contaminant strain in modern spray-dried milk (Anoxybacillus flavithermus strain C) was not detected in the 1907 sample

    African trypanosomiasis in travelers returning to the United Kingdom.

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    Two returning safari tourists with African trypanosomiasis were admitted to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, in a 3-day period, compared with six cases in the previous 14 years. We describe the clinical features, diagnosis, and problems encountered in accessing appropriate therapy, and discuss the potential for emergence of this disease in increasingly adventurous international travelers

    Household Transmission of Rotavirus in a Community with Rotavirus Vaccination in Quininde, Ecuador

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    Background: We studied the transmission of rotavirus infection in households in peri-urban Ecuador in the vaccination era. Methods: Stool samples were collected from household contacts of child rotavirus cases, diarrhea controls and healthy controls following presentation of the index child to health facilities. Rotavirus infection status of contacts was determined by RT-qPCR. We examined factors associated with transmissibility (index-case characteristics) and susceptibility (householdcontact characteristics). Results: Amongst cases, diarrhea controls and healthy control household contacts, infection attack rates (iAR) were 55%, 8% and 2%, (n = 137, 130, 137) respectively. iARs were higher from index cases with vomiting, and amongst siblings. Disease ARs were higher when the index child was ,18 months and had vomiting, with household contact ,10 years and those sharing a room with the index case being more susceptible. We found no evidence of asymptomatic infections leading to disease transmission. Conclusion: Transmission rates of rotavirus are high in households with an infected child, while background infections are rare. We have identified factors associated with transmission (vomiting/young age of index case) and susceptibility (young age/sharing a room/being a sibling of the index case). Vaccination may lead to indirect benefits by averting episodes or reducing symptoms in vaccinees

    Linking individual phenotype to density-dependent population growth: the influence of body size on the population dynamics of malaria vectors

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    Understanding the endogenous factors that drive the population dynamics of malaria mosquitoes will facilitate more accurate predictions about vector control effectiveness and our ability to destabilize the growth of either low- or high-density insect populations. We assessed whether variation in phenotypic traits predict the dynamics of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato mosquitoes, the most important vectors of human malaria. Anopheles gambiae dynamics were monitored over a six-month period of seasonal growth and decline. The population exhibited density-dependent feedback, with the carrying capacity being modified by rainfall (97% wAICc support). The individual phenotypic expression of the maternal (p = 0.0001) and current (p = 0.040) body size positively influenced population growth. Our field-based evidence uniquely demonstrates that individual fitness can have population-level impacts and, furthermore, can mitigate the impact of exogenous drivers (e.g. rainfall) in species whose reproduction depends upon it. Once frontline interventions have suppressed mosquito densities, attempts to eliminate malaria with supplementary vector control tools may be attenuated by increased population growth and individual fitness

    Stage-specific proteomes from onchocerca ochengi, sister species of the human river blindness parasite, uncover adaptations to a nodular lifestyle

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    Despite 40 years of control efforts, onchocerciasis (river blindness) remains one of the most important neglected tropical diseases, with 17 million people affected. The etiological agent, Onchocerca volvulus, is a filarial nematode with a complex lifecycle involving several distinct stages in the definitive host and blackfly vector. The challenges of obtaining sufficient material have prevented high-throughput studies and the development of novel strategies for disease control and diagnosis. Here, we utilize the closest relative of O. volvulus, the bovine parasite Onchocerca ochengi, to compare stage-specific proteomes and host-parasite interactions within the secretome. We identified a total of 4260 unique O. ochengi proteins from adult males and females, infective larvae, intrauterine microfilariae, and fluid from intradermal nodules. In addition, 135 proteins were detected from the obligate Wolbachia symbiont. Observed protein families that were enriched in all whole body extracts relative to the complete search database included immunoglobulin-domain proteins, whereas redox and detoxification enzymes and proteins involved in intracellular transport displayed stage-specific overrepresentation. Unexpectedly, the larval stages exhibited enrichment for several mitochondrial-related protein families, including members of peptidase family M16 and proteins which mediate mitochondrial fission and fusion. Quantification of proteins across the lifecycle using the Hi-3 approach supported these qualitative analyses. In nodule fluid, we identified 94 O. ochengi secreted proteins, including homologs of transforming growth factor-β and a second member of a novel 6-ShK toxin domain family, which was originally described from a model filarial nematode (Litomosoides sigmodontis). Strikingly, the 498 bovine proteins identified in nodule fluid were strongly dominated by antimicrobial proteins, especially cathelicidins. This first high-throughput analysis of an Onchocerca spp. proteome across the lifecycle highlights its profound complexity and emphasizes the extremely close relationship between O. ochengi and O. volvulus The insights presented here provide new candidates for vaccine development, drug targeting and diagnostic biomarkers

    Economic evaluation of short treatment for multidrugresistant tuberculosis, Ethiopia and South Africa : the STREAM trial

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    OBJECTIVE STREAM was a phase-III non-inferiority randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate a shortened regimen for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), and included the first-ever within-trial economic evaluation of such regimens, reported here. METHODS We compared the costs of ‘Long’ (20-22 months) and ‘Short’ (9-11 months) regimens in Ethiopia and South Africa. Cost data were collected from trial participants, and health system costs estimated using ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ costing approaches. A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted with the trial primary outcome as the measure of effectiveness, including a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) to illustrate decision uncertainty. FINDINGS The Short-regimen reduced healthcare costs per case by 21% in South Africa (US8,341LongvsUS8,341 Long vs US6,619 Short) and 25% in Ethiopia (US6,097LongvsUS6,097 Long vs US4,552 Short). The largest component of this saving was medication in South Africa (67%) and social support in Ethiopia (35%). In Ethiopia, participants on the Short-regimen reported reductions in dietary supplementation expenditure (US225percase(95225 per case (95%CI 133-297)), and greater productivity (667 additional hours worked, 95%CI 193– 1127). Patient cost savings also arose from fewer visits to health facilities (Ethiopia US13 (95%CI 11-14), South Africa US64(9564 (95%CI 50-77) per case). The probability of cost-effectiveness was >95% when favourable outcomes were valued at <US19,000 (Ethiopia) or <US$14,500 (South Africa). CONCLUSION The Short-regimen provided substantial health system cost savings and reduced financial burden on participants. Shorter regimens are likely to be cost-effective in most settings, and an effective strategy to support the WHO goal of eliminating catastrophic costs in T