891 research outputs found

    Transgressive urbanism : borderlands and urban informality of american cities along the panamerican highway

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    This study explores the ways in which political boundaries can be trespassed in order to develop subaltern forms of urbanism and edge conditions, mainly to the comparative study of border cities in the Americas, predominantly ruled by informal economies, and which are situated alongside the largest land-transport infrastructure on Earth called ‘Pan-American Highway’. This land transport corridor operates as a grand linear urbanism and constitutes the economical catalyst of emerging urban economies in scenarios of political regional integration (‘soft boundaries’) or fortification (demarcations). As result of border pressure, the process of ‘instantness’ has upgraded various informal urban economies to adequate standards of production, consumption and exchange. In terms of regional development, one of the direct impacts of the Pan-American Highway – from Alaska to Patagonia – has been the expansion of formal and informal economic and trade corridors along this main infrastructure network, which is shaping the urban structure of border cities or towns. On one hand, this study reflects on the border conditions of American border cities ruled by formal and informal economies. On another hand, it compares and critically reflects on the socio-spatial principles of infrastructural urbanism and the phenomenon of metapolisation (Ascher, 2004) of urban economies in selected border cities. The novelty of this study lies in the observation and mapping of new spatial schemes in border landscapes alongside the largest infrastructure on Earth

    A Behavioral Characterization of Plausible Priors

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    One of the last great novels of José Saramago, Death with Interruptions, begins with an epigraph taken from Ludwig Wittgenstein: “If, for example, you were to think more deeply about death, then it would be truly strange if, in so doing, you did not encounter new images, new linguistic fields”. The aim of my paper is to ponder on what kind of a new language game the Portuguese writer is offering us in his book and how to interpret his investigations from the angle of another contemporary literary and philosophical thanatological discourses.One of the last great novels of José Saramago, Death with Interruptions, begins with an epigraph taken from Ludwig Wittgenstein: “If, for example, you were to think more deeply about death, then it would be truly strange if, in so doing, you did not encounter new images, new linguistic fields”. The aim of my paper is to ponder on what kind of a new language game the Portuguese writer is offering us in his book and how to interpret his investigations from the angle of another contemporary literary and philosophical thanatological discourses

    The construction of global management consulting - a study of consultancies’ web presentations

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    Management consulting increasingly appears as a global endeavour as reflected in the increasing dominance of a few large, global management-consulting firms. However, features of the consulting service (e.g. its immaterial and interactional character) as well as aspects of management (e.g. its cultural anchoredness) highlight the locality of management consulting. In this paper we approach this tension between the global and the local by seeing consulting as involving the creation of generalised myths. More specifically, we ask the question: How do global consulting companies construct the viability and desirability of their services? Based on a view of management consultants as mythmakers, we study the argumentation on corporate web sites of four leading global consultancies in five different countries. Applying a framework based on the sociology of translation, we analyze the translation strategies used in making the service of global consultancies both viable and indispensable. We find that the need for consultants is to a large extent constructed through defining management as an expert activity, thus creating a need for external advisors possessing globally applicable expert knowledge. In this effort, the consultants ally with three widely spread rationalized managerial myths – the rationality myth, the globalization myth and the universality myth. We conclude, that global consulting firms are actively involved in creating and reinforcing the very same institutions, which are the prerequisites for their future success.management consulting; globalization; myth making

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    Comunidades indígenas y apropiación de TICs : Un nuevo espacio en la producción de conocimiento conjunto

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    Fil: Maidana, Carolina Andrea. Laboratorio de Investigación en Antropología Social (LIAS). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ottenheimer, Ana Cristina. Laboratorio de Investigación en Antropología Social (LIAS). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Eufracia. Referente y líder indígena. Asociación Civil Toba Ntaunaq Nam Qom; La Plata; Argentin

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    Potencjał ewolucyjny metakrytyczności na przykładzie powieści graficznej Strażnicy Alana Moore’a i i Dave’a Gibbonsa

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    In this article, I discuss the impact of self-awareness and metacritical tendencies within the texts of popular culture on the development of genres in the politypical chain. Preliminary analysis proposed in the second part of this paper concerns the contemporary comics – which represent the blurring of boundaries between "high" and “low” culture. As the subject of research in this brief study I chose Moore‟s graphic novel Watchmen, which is an exemplification of the evolutionary changes associated with metacritical attitude introduced in a schematic area of American superhero graphic stories

    Memory of the Holocaust from the perspective of a theater historian

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    In his Polski teatr Zagłady [The Polish Theater of the Holocaust], Grzegorz Niziołek, who starts with theater and specific theatrical performances and who focuses on artistic phenomena, presents problems that go far beyond art. This is a book that should be read by historians, literary scholars, political scientists and cultural experts. Sociologists and psychologists who study social behavior will also find some of its sections interesting. This Cracow theatrologist presents the extermination of Jews during the occupation of Poland as well as Polish-Jewish relations, i.e. one of the most difficult Polish problems, permeated with silence and resentment, in the form of a monograph and in relation to the history of post-war theater, of which it is an important par

    Lista comentada de los peces continentales de la Argentina

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    Fil: López, Hugo Luis. División Zoología Vertebrados; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La PlataFil: Miquelarena, Amalia María. División Zoología Vertebrados; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La PlataFil: Menni, Roberto Carlos. División Zoología Vertebrados; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La Plat