136 research outputs found

    Safe Environments for Innovation: the development of a new multidisciplinary masters programme

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    In September 2007, three schools at Northumbria University came together in collaboration to create a Masters Programme in Multidisciplinary Design Innovation (MDI). The lead school was the School of Design working together with the School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences (CEIS) and the Newcastle Business School (NBS). This innovation was in response to an emerging understanding within the School of Design of the value of ‘Design-Thinking’ as a multi-disciplinary activity (developed and reinforced through a series of under-graduate pilot projects) and the Cox Review of Creativity in Business: building on the UK’s strengths, which was commissioned by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, at the time of the 2005 Budget (Cox, 2005). (Design-Thinking is an approach to viewing business and organisational situations from a more interpretative perspective than that of traditional business analysis (Lester et al,1998)) The programme was launched in September 2008

    Tradycja polskiego reportażu radiowego: W kręgu literatury audialnej

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    This article is an attempt to present the history of Polish radio reportage in a synthetic way, pointing out the most important features of the genre as well as the specificity of the Polish School of Reportage. The qualities developed there (including the “purity of form” and authenticity of sound) became dis­tinguishing elements of the Polish reportage in the international arena. The artistic value of the audio creations makes today’s radio art researchers situate both radio play and sound reportage in the category of audio literature. This paper presents the development of radio reportage, taking into account the his­torical context as well as the communication perspective. Pointing to the aes­thetic function of the message, the reportage is defined as a work of radio art, considered in terms of artistic impact.W artykule podjęto próbę syntetycznego ujęcia historii polskiego reportażu radiowego, wraz ze wskazaniem najistotniejszych cech gatunku, jak i specy­fiki Polskiej Szkoły Reportażu. Wypracowane przez nią wyznaczniki, m.in. „czystość formy” i autentyczność dźwięku, stały się elementami wyróżniają­cymi polski reportaż na arenie międzynarodowej. Wartość artystyczna dzieł radiowych sprawia, że obecnie badacze radia sytuują zarówno słuchowisko, jak i reportaż dźwiękowy w kategorii: literatura audialna. W artykule zapre­zentowano rozwój reportażu radiowego, uwzględniając kontekst historyczny oraz perspektywę komunikacyjną. Wskazując na estetyczną funkcję prze­kazu, reportaż został określony jako dzieło sztuki radiowej, rozpatrywane pod kątem oddziaływania artystycznego

    New communication practices on the radio and in the audiosphere

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    For the past decade or so, internet radio, podcasts, mobile sound apps, and digital libraries of audio content have enjoyed increasing popularity among researchers and receivers of culture. Radio, similarly to other traditional media, often experiments with the opportunities offered by the new media technologies enabling the emergence of new communicational practices. As a starting point, I consider the contemporary audiosphere, which constitutes the auditory part of the audio-visual culture, and the influence of technological changes on radio communications, artists, and receivers. I attempt to answer the question, what happens at genre fringes? What are the characteristic features of the emerging forms? How, when one is faced with new technology, the multimedia world, and virtual reality, can one reach a reflection on the fiction and non-fiction genres on the radio? The expansive character of new technologies is often the source of inspiration for that which is traditional, thus renewing the object of its study. The inclusion of new phenomena within the widely understood auditoriness has a rescuing nature for traditional forms, and, at the same time, offers new opportunities for creators, and thus an area of research for literary scientists, media scientists and literary critics

    Media policy for ethnic and national minorities in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia

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    This chapter describes legal, institutional and professional frameworks for media policy concerning national and ethnic minorities in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It considers four models of minority media policy – the autonomous; anti-discrimination; minority protection and assimilation models – in an attempt to examine how minority access to the media can be facilitated through regulation. In particular, the author argues for greater emphasis to be placed on minority protection and anti-discrimination measures

    The Technique Used by The Teacher in Developing Student's Listening Skill at The Second Grade of SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo

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    This study aims at describing the technique used by the teacher to develop student’s listening skill at the second grade of SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. The study focus on first, the technique used by the teacher in developing students listening skill at the second grade of SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo, second, how the teacher applied the technique, and third, the problem faced by the teacher when applying the technique for developing listening skill at the second grade of SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The methods for collecting data used were observation and interview with English teacher at SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. The result showed that the English teacher of SMA Negeri 2 developed students’ listening skills by listening to news and radio genres and listening to stories. In applying the technique the teacher used three stages in learning exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. Exploration is the teacher asked each students to look and text which give by the teacher. Elaboration is the student do the assignment from the teacher. And the last confirmation is check the answer with the way swap the answer sheet to another student. The problems faced by the teacher when applying those technique, were students’ listening skill, the difficulty in preparing materials, and choosing the right method so the students were able to understand what the teacher explaine

    Gawęda radiowa – dzieło mistrzów mikrofonu (na przykładzie wybranych audycji Rozgłośni Polskiej RWE)

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    Artykuł zawiera definicję i charakterystykę gawędy radiowej w porównaniu z gawędą literacką oraz omówienie różnych odmian gatunkowych gawędy radiowej na przykładach twórczości mikrofonowej Zygmunta Nowakowskiego, Alfreda Zbyszewskiego i Tadeusza Nowakowskiego, a także telewizyjnych programów Jerzego Waldorffa i Bogusława Kaczyńskiego.The article’s goal is to distinct and characterize both – “Radio Chat” and “Literary Chat”, as well as discuss various genres of “variety shows”, recalling examples of radio pieces created by Zygmunt Nowakowski, Alfred Zbyszewski, Tadeusz Nowakowski, as well as TV programs by Jerzy Waldorf and Bogusław Kaczynski

    Modern Models of Radio Broadcasting as an Example of the Formatting of Emission Panels

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    Nowdays, the impact of marketing solutions for media system is particularly noticeable in case of the so-called traditional media, ie newspapers, radio and television. With reference to the declining expenditures and audience, publishers of These forms of media, looking for niches allowing survival. In the radio broadcasting sector, the niche is well defined target audience mentally attached this the program or Radio. In the era of market consolidation is often and company has in its portfolio several radio stations with different target groups. This article describes the historical background input radio format and modern scientific definitions of the phenomenon

    La duración como dimensión temporal en los reportajes radiofónicos

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    Aunque por razones de tiempo y dinero, el reportaje en radio no es tan habitual como otros géneros, se trata de un tipo de texto muy necesario y útil en la actualidad. Gracias a él podemos conocer los hechos con mayor profundidad, interpretarlos, contextualizarlos, ofrecer un mayor relieve y situar la información en una perspectiva más amplia. En su elaboración, uno de los elementos clave es el estilo y dentro de éste el tratamiento del tiempo. Este último puede ser estudiado a través de tres dimensiones: el orden, la duración y la frecuencia. El propósito de este artículo es analizar la duración como una de las dimensiones temporales a la hora de elaborar reportajes en radio. Como veremos, llegado el caso, el reportero podrá hacer uso de elipsis, resúmenes, escenas, pausas o digresiones, con todas las variantes expresivas que ofrecen estas modalidades. En todos los casos, iremos ilustrando con ejemplos reales las diversas modalidades, a fin de que queden más claras.Although for time and economic reasons, the radio news feature is not as extended as other radio genres, it is a very necessary and useful text in the present time. Thanks to it we can know the facts with greater depth, offer a greater perspective and locate the information in an ampler context. In its elaboration, one of the main elements is the style and within this one the treatment of the time. This last aspect, can be studied through three dimensions: the order, the duration and the frequency. The aim of this article is to analyze the duration like one of the temporary dimensions when elaborating news features in radio. As we will see, when necessary, the reporter may use different sorts of resources, such as elipsis, summaries, scenes, pauses or digresions, with all the expressive variants that these modalities offer. In all the cases we will be illustrating with real examples the diverse modalities so that they can be better understood.Publicad

    The Role of the “VANG” Organization in Media Literacy of the Young Generation of Croatia

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    Due to the lack of formal media literacy during primary and secondary (and, to considerable extent, university) education in Croatia, there is a need for various forms of informal approaches to systematic media study. In these surroundings, the role of media experts, theoreticians and participants is of great importance, as they take part, as volunteers, in the process of creating and holding education programs for young media users in the form of seminars organized by non-profit organizations. The paper consists of a survey conducted among the participants of media literacy seminars organized by the non-profit organization “The wave of a new generation” (VANG) with the purpose to determine: the reasons for attending the seminars, the satisfaction with the seminars, as well as the opinion on the obligatory media literacy in formal education. Out of 150 seminar participants, 46 or 31% responded and filled in the questionnaires appropriately and, according to results, 67% are completely satisfied with the seminars frequented, 43% of respondents do not have experience with media literacy in formal education, while 74% of respondents confirmed that the possibility of free additional education had encouraged them to attend the seminars. As high as 89% of respondents believe that media literacy should be a part of formal education: in primary schools as part of extracurricular activities/projects/workshops (50%), in secondary schools as a distinct subject (50%), and within university education as an optional course (61%)