136,343 research outputs found

    Radiative transfer models

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    The purpose of this work was to assist with the development of analytical techniques for the interpretation of infrared observations. We have done the following: (1) helped to develop models for continuum absorption calculations for water vapor in the far infrared spectral region; (2) worked on models for pressure-induced absorption for O2 and N2 and their comparison with available observations; and (3) developed preliminary studies of non-local thermal equilibrium effects in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere for infrared gases. These new techniques were employed for analysis of balloon-borne far infrared data by a group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The empirical continuum absorption model for water vapor in the far infrared spectral region and the pressure-induced N2 absorption model were found to give satisfactory results in the retrieval of the mixing ratios of a number of stratospheric trace constituents from balloon-borne far infrared observations

    Ultraviolet Dust Grain Properties in Starburst Galaxies: Evidence from Radiative Transfer Modeling and Local Group Extinction Curves

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    This paper summarizes the evidence of the ultraviolet properties of dust grains found in starburst galaxies. Observations of starburst galaxies clearly show that the 2175 A feature is weak or absent. This can be the result of radiative transfer effects (mixing the dust and stars) or due to dust grains which do not have this feature. Spherical DIRTY radiative transfer models imply that it is not radiative transfer effects, but other radiative transfer models with disk/bulge geometries have found cases where it could be radiative transfer effects. Recent work on the extinction curves in the Magellanic Clouds and Milky Way has revealed that the traditional explanation of low metallicity for the absence of the 2175 A feature in the Small Magellanic Cloud is likely incorrect. The SMC has one sightline with a 2175 A feature and the Milky Way has sightlines without this feature. In addition, where the 2175 A feature is found to be weak or absent in both Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way, there is evidence for recent star formation. Taking the sum of the radiative transfer modeling of starburst galaxies and the behavior of Local Group extinction curves, it is likely that the dust grains in starburst galaxies intrinsically lack the 2175 A feature.Comment: 7 pages, To appear in the proceedings of: "The Spectral Energy Distribution of Gas-Rich Galaxies: Confronting Models with Data", Heidelberg, 4-8 Oct. 2004, eds. C.C. Popescu and R.J. Tuffs, AIP Conf. Ser., in press [fixed typo in title

    Time Dependent Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Calculations For 3-Dimensional Supernova Spectra, Lightcurves, and Polarization

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    We discuss Monte-Carlo techniques for addressing the 3-dimensional time-dependent radiative transfer problem in rapidly expanding supernova atmospheres. The transfer code SEDONA has been developed to calculate the lightcurves, spectra, and polarization of aspherical supernova models. From the onset of free-expansion in the supernova ejecta, SEDONA solves the radiative transfer problem self-consistently, including a detailed treatment of gamma-ray transfer from radioactive decay and with a radiative equilibrium solution of the temperature structure. Line fluorescence processes can also be treated directly. No free parameters need be adjusted in the radiative transfer calculation, providing a direct link between multi-dimensional hydrodynamical explosion models and observations. We describe the computational techniques applied in SEDONA, and verify the code by comparison to existing calculations. We find that convergence of the Monte Carlo method is rapid and stable even for complicated multi-dimensional configurations. We also investigate the accuracy of a few commonly applied approximations in supernova transfer, namely the stationarity approximation and the two-level atom expansion opacity formalism.Comment: 16 pages, ApJ accepte

    SKIRT: the design of a suite of input models for Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations

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    The Monte Carlo method is the most popular technique to perform radiative transfer simulations in a general 3D geometry. The algorithms behind and acceleration techniques for Monte Carlo radiative transfer are discussed extensively in the literature, and many different Monte Carlo codes are publicly available. On the contrary, the design of a suite of components that can be used for the distribution of sources and sinks in radiative transfer codes has received very little attention. The availability of such models, with different degrees of complexity, has many benefits. For example, they can serve as toy models to test new physical ingredients, or as parameterised models for inverse radiative transfer fitting. For 3D Monte Carlo codes, this requires algorithms to efficiently generate random positions from 3D density distributions. We describe the design of a flexible suite of components for the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code SKIRT. The design is based on a combination of basic building blocks (which can be either analytical toy models or numerical models defined on grids or a set of particles) and the extensive use of decorators that combine and alter these building blocks to more complex structures. For a number of decorators, e.g. those that add spiral structure or clumpiness, we provide a detailed description of the algorithms that can be used to generate random positions. Advantages of this decorator-based design include code transparency, the avoidance of code duplication, and an increase in code maintainability. Moreover, since decorators can be chained without problems, very complex models can easily be constructed out of simple building blocks. Finally, based on a number of test simulations, we demonstrate that our design using customised random position generators is superior to a simpler design based on a generic black-box random position generator.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Computin

    Maximal near-field radiative heat transfer between two plates

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    A parametric study of Drude and Lorentz models performances in maximizing near-field radiative heat transfer between two semi-infinite planes separated by nanometric distances at room temperature is presented in this paper. Optimal parameters of these models that provide optical properties maximizing the radiative heat flux are reported and compared to real materials usually considered in similar studies, silicon carbide and heavily doped silicon in this case. Results are obtained by exact and approximate (in the extreme near-field regime and the electrostatic limit hypothesis) calculations. The two methods are compared in terms of accuracy and CPU resources consumption. Their differences are explained according to a mesoscopic description of near-field radiative heat transfer. Finally, the frequently assumed hypothesis which states a maximal radiative heat transfer when the two semi-infinite planes are of identical materials is numerically confirmed. Its subsequent practical constraints are then discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics D : Applied Physic

    Atmospheric dynamics of red supergiant stars and Interferometry

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    We developed a 3D pure LTE radiative transfer code to derive observables expected for RSGs, with emphasis on small scale structures, from radiative-hydrodynamic (RHD) simulations of red supergiant stars (RSGs) carried out with CO5BOLD (Freytag et al. 2002). We show that the convection-related surface structures are observable with today's interferometers. Moreover, the RHD simulations are a great improvement over parametric models for the interpretation of interferometric observations.Comment: 6 pages, Perspectives in Radiative Transfer and Interferometry, EAS publication serie

    X ray opacity in cluster cooling flows

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    We have calculated the emergent x-ray properties for a set of spherically symmetric, steady-state cluster cooling flow models including the effects of radiative transfer. Opacity due to resonant x-ray lines, photoelectric absorption, and electron scattering have been included in these calculations, and homogeneous and inhomogeneous gas distributions were considered. The effects of photoionization opacity are small for both types of models. In contrast, resonant line optical depths can be quite high in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous models. The presence of turbulence in the gas can significantly lower the line opacity. We find that integrated x-ray spectra for the flow cooling now are only slightly affected by radiative transfer effects. However x-ray line surface brightness profiles can be dramatically affected by radiative transfer. Line profiles are also strongly affected by transfer effects. The combined effects of opacity and inflow cause many of the lines in optically thick models to be asymmetrical

    Radiation Effects on Flow Characteristics in Combustion Chambers

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    A JANNAF sponsored workshop was held to discuss the importance and role of radiative heat transfer in rocket combustion chambers. The potential impact of radiative transfer on hardware design, reliability, and performance was discussed. The current state of radiative transfer prediction capability in CFD modeling was reviewed and concluded to be substantially lacking in both the physical models used and the radiative property data available. There is a clear need to begin to establish a data base for making radiation calculations in rocket combustion chambers. A natural starting point for this effort would be the NASA thermochemical equilibrium code (CEC)

    FitSKIRT: genetic algorithms to automatically fit dusty galaxies with a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code

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    We present FitSKIRT, a method to efficiently fit radiative transfer models to UV/optical images of dusty galaxies. These images have the advantage that they have better spatial resolution compared to FIR/submm data. FitSKIRT uses the GAlib genetic algorithm library to optimize the output of the SKIRT Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. Genetic algorithms prove to be a valuable tool in handling the multi- dimensional search space as well as the noise induced by the random nature of the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. FitSKIRT is tested on artificial images of a simulated edge-on spiral galaxy, where we gradually increase the number of fitted parameters. We find that we can recover all model parameters, even if all 11 model parameters are left unconstrained. Finally, we apply the FitSKIRT code to a V-band image of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC4013. This galaxy has been modeled previously by other authors using different combinations of radiative transfer codes and optimization methods. Given the different models and techniques and the complexity and degeneracies in the parameter space, we find reasonable agreement between the different models. We conclude that the FitSKIRT method allows comparison between different models and geometries in a quantitative manner and minimizes the need of human intervention and biasing. The high level of automation makes it an ideal tool to use on larger sets of observed data.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Radiative transfer models of non-spherical prestellar cores

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    We present 2D Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations of prestellar cores. We consider two types of asymmetry: disk-like asymmetry, in which the core is denser towards the equatorial plane than towards the poles; and axial asymmetry, in which the core is denser towards the south pole than the north pole. We limit our treatment to cores with mild asymmetries, which are exposed directly to the interstellar radiation field or are embedded inside molecular clouds. The isophotal maps of a core depend strongly on the viewing angle. Maps at wavelengths longer than the peak of the SED (e.g. 850 micron) essentially trace the column-density. Thus, for instance, cores with disk-like asymmetry appear elongated when mapped at 850 micron from close to the equatorial plane. However, at wavelengths near the peak of the SED (e.g. 200 micron), the emissivity is more strongly dependent on the temperature, and therefore, at particular viewing angles, there are characteristic features which reflect a more complicated convolution of the density and temperature fields within the core. These characteristic features are on scales 1/5 to 1/3 of the overall core size, and so high resolution observations are needed to observe them. They are also weaker if the core is embedded in a molecular cloud (because the range of temperature within the core is then smaller), and so high sensitivity is needed to detect them. Herschel, to be launched in 2007, will in principle provide the necessary resolution and sensitivity at 170 to 250 micron.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, accepted by A&A, also available (with high resolution figures) at http://www.astro.cf.ac.uk/pub/Dimitrios.Stamatellos/publications