430 research outputs found

    Bibliografia przekładów literatury słowackiej w Polsce w 2016 roku

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    Bibliografia przekładów literatury słowackiej w Polsce w 2016 roku

    Chłopcy malowani (piórem Andrzeja Struga i Miroslava Krležy). Etiuda komparatystyczna

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    The main subject of the article is a diverse image of the generation of World War I in Polish and Balkan literature. The two works which have been a subject of the comparative study are Badge of Loyal Service by Andrzej Strug and the novel Domobran Jambrek by Miroslaw Krleža (a part of Croatian God Mars). The author explains the principles and functions of pompous poetics of the description of war in the prose by Strug and in a completely different, ironic poetics of the stories by Krleža. Despite many similarities, the two works transmit different artistic and political ideologies. In the last part of the article, another point of reference to the subject of war is a novel by Serbian writer Miloš Crnjanski: Records of Czarnojevic. In the conclusion of her considerations, the author points to the diversity of contexts of tradition and draws attention to the importance of formative function of Polish Romanticism.Głównym tematem artykułu jest zróżnicowanie obrazu pokolenia I wojny światowej w literaturze polskiej i bałkańskiej. Przedmiotem przeprowadzonej analizy porównawczej stały się dwa utwory: Odznaka za wierną służbę Andrzeja Struga oraz opowiadanie Ambrożek domobrońca (Domobran Jambrek) Miroslava Krležy z tomu Chorwacki bóg Mars. Autorka objaśnia zasady i funkcję patetycznej poetyki opisu wojny w prozie Struga oraz zupełnie odmiennej, ironicznej poetyki opowiadania Krležy. Mimo wielu podobieństw, oba utwory emitują odmienne ideologie artystyczne i polityczne. W zakończeniu artykułu kolejnym odniesieniem dla tematu wojennego jest powieść serbskiego pisarza, Miloša Crnjanskiego pt. Zapiski o Czarnojeviciu. W konkluzji rozważań autorka wskazuje na odmienność kontekstów tradycji i zwraca uwagę na formacyjne znaczenie polskiego romantyzmu.

    Polacy i Żydzi, dzieci i dorośli. Kto jest kim w Kotce Brygidy Joanny Rudniańskiej i Bezsenności Jutki Doroty Combrzyńskiej-Nogali

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    Poles and Jews, children and adults. Who is who in Kotka Brygidy by Joanna Rudniańska and Bezsenność Jutki by Dorota Combrzyńska-NogalaThe article is an analysis of the novel Kotka Brygidy [Brygida’s Cat] byJoanna Rudniańska and Bezsenność Jutki [Jutka’s Sleeplessness] by Dorota Combrzyńska-Nogala with regard to the way both texts present the relations between Poles and Jews as well as between children and adults during World War II. The author examines these works, among others, in the context of problems connected with historical prose for non-adultreaders and the Holocaust topics. He shows the overlapping Pole-Jew and child-adult relations in both texts, paying attention to the use of a child’s perspective helping to denounce the absurd of the Nazi practice of classification of people as Jewish and non-Jewish. The works under discussion are considered to be mental documents which are not historically faithful accountsof the time of the Shoahbut are intended to raisesensitivity and empathy in readers

    Materiały do recepcji Josepha Rotha w Polsce (1919-1999)

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    In the Wake of Jedwabne. The Start of a Popular Guilt Narrative

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    The aim of the sketch Po Jedwabnem. Narodziny popularnej opowieści rozliczeniowej (“In the Wake of Jedwabne. The Start of a Popular Guilt Narrative”) is to discuss some literary phenomenon which was revealed several years after the publication of the book Neighbors (“Sąsiedzi”) by Jan Tomasz Gross, and may be treated as a reaction of literature (or more broadly: art) to the debate of historians, politicians, publicists and all other participants of the Polish social discourse, evoked by the mentioned book. The author terms this phenomenon post-Jedwabne narrations, including among them an extensive collection of almost twenty literary, theatrical and film productions, of which the article deals with Nasza klasa (“Our Class”) by Tadeusz Słobodzianek, Pingpongista (“Ping-Pong Player”) by Józef Hen and Łąkę umarłych (“Meadow of the Dead”) by Marcin Pilis. The social influence of these books and specific poetics based on modification of a narrative pattern adopted from Neigbors, is studied in the context of pop culture (as a discourse which is increasingly present in shaping the representation of the Holocaust), narratology (rhetorical models proposed by Hayden White) and comparative studies, referring it to the achievements of German-language guilt narrations, among others Der Vorleser (“The Reader”) by Bernhard Schlink and Nahe Jedenew (“Close to Jedenew”) by Kevin Vennemann. The author in her sketch is in the search for the sources of a new literary phenomenon which would testify to the involvement of art in negotiating the contemporary shape of history and at the same time, she asks to what extent this phenomenon absorbed the popular patterns of discussing history, including the ones which have been created by the West European Holocaust discourse

    Elfriede Jelinek’s Die Kinder der Toten (The Children of the Dead) entrapped by book marketing Cognitive and pragmatic facets of translation

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    This article attempts to answer the question: why the Polish translation of a novel by Elfriede Jelinek The Children of the Dead (Die Kinder der Toten) did not stir any debate in the circles of literary criticism in Poland. While analysing the actions carried out as a part of the W.A.B.’s (a Warsaw-based publishing house) strategy to advance the publication process and to popularize Jelinek’s oeuvre, we may notice that they actually confirm the publisher’s endeavour to balance economic and symbolic capital (Bourdieu). It allows us to reconstruct the “marketing” aims of the translation in question. Yet both the cognitive and pragmatic facet of the Austrian Nobel Laureate’s Polish translation remain to be reconstructed by the readers

    „Kronika wypadków miłosnych” wcale się nie zestarzała

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    The author of this article analyzes The Chronicle of Love Affairs by Tadeusz Konwicki (1974) and shows that it can be still used at school. The main problems of this novel (youthful love, suicide, the identity of the protagonists) provide an oppor­tunity to discuss current topics. The novel allows to expand the historical and literary knowledge of infor­mation in the field of Konwicki’s creativity, romantic tradition, literature of private homelands, as well as assim­ilate theoretical concepts, such as oniric poetics and film adaptation.The author of this article analyzes The Chronicle of Love Affairs by Tadeusz Konwicki (1974) and shows that it can be still used at school. The main problems of this novel (youthful love, suicide, the identity of the protagonists) provide an oppor­tunity to discuss current topics. The novel allows to expand the historical and literary knowledge of infor­mation in the field of Konwicki’s creativity, romantic tradition, literature of private homelands, as well as assim­ilate theoretical concepts, such as oniric poetics and film adaptation

    Inne życie wiersza – twórczość Darka Foksa

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    In the article “Inne życie wiersza – Darek Foks” focuses on the description of a postmodern poem as an object saturated with life, reified and anthropomorphized. The phenomenon of the recurrent reification, the inclusion in the context of cultural processes aimed at dematerialization of medium is shown on the example of the poetry by Darek Foks. What must be emphasised is the principle of a totemic thinking determining the process of reification in the poetry of this author

    Książka zakazana i niepożądana w niemieckich bibliotekach szkolnych i oświatowych w II Rzeczypospolitej

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    The German minority in Poland in the Second Republic of Poland constituted about 740 thousand people, which gave it the fifth place after the Ukrainians, Jews, Russians and Belarusians. Real power and role of Germans in Poland were far beyond a demographic factor. Germans inhabited mainly western and northern voivodeships in Poland, and had a pretty big economic potential at their disposal. They were also a political power in their attempts to a parliament and local self‑governments. German minority was well‑organised, acted in numerous associations and societies of professional and cultural profiles. Except for Germans living in eastern voivodeships of the Second Republic of Poland, Germans, literate in majority, were active participants in a cultural life. Four factors played an indirect role in maintaining and reinforcing national identity, namely family, school, church and media. The aim of the text is to present the role of book in the very process. Deliberations will cover these German books which from the point of view of Polish authorities spread revisionist and Pole‑destructive opinions among Germans and were eliminated by them. The subject of analysis constitutes the literature gathered in German school and public libraries, educational and academic ones. A special emphasis was put on spreading books propagating the Nazist ideology in German libraries. Zdzisław Gębołyś Verbotenes un

    Tadeusz Różewicz w Sudetach

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    The article presents the literary texts of the author of Szklarka Waterfall and the main themes of his work and biography related to these mountains. The author of the article discusses the post-war experiences and poems of Różewicz, as well as his late works devoted to the Karkonosze Mountains, written at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The purpose of this analysis is a historical and regional reconstruction of the poetics of his works, which are a dialogue with the topography, the past, and the material and symbolic heritage of the Sudeten and their Foothills. The analysis in the article is accompanied by the following questions: What relations connected Różewicz’s literary work on the Sudeten and his biography with the process of their Polonization? Which of the crucial elements of the history, tradition and cultural heritage of these mountains did the writer include in his works? The author of the article primarily uses geocriticism, combining it with the history and so-called new regionalism. The main conclusion of the analysis is that the integral creative presence of Różewicz in the Sudeten consisted in a conscious, created by the poet, connection of his writing and biography with the environment, culture and social life of the region.Artykuł przedstawia teksty literackie autora Wodospadu Szklarki oraz główne wątki jego twórczości i biografii związane z tymi górami. Autor artykułu omawia powojenne doświadczenia i wiersze Różewicza, ale również jego późne utwory o tematyce karkonoskiej powstające na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Celem tej analizy jest historyczna i regionalistyczna rekonstrukcja poetyki jego dzieł, które są dialogiem z topografią, przeszłością oraz materialnym i symbolicznym dziedzictwem Sudetów i Przedgórza Sudeckiego. Analizie prowadzonej w artykule towarzyszą pytania badawcze. Jakie relacje łączyły twórczość literacką Różewicza o tematyce sudeckiej oraz jego biografię z procesem polonizowania Sudetów? Które z istotnych składników historii, tradycji i dziedzictwa kulturowego tych gór pisarz włączył do swoich utworów? Autor artykułu w swoim opisie sięga po geokrytykę, łącząc ją z perspektywą historyczną i tzw. nowym regionalizmem. Głównym wnioskiem wynikającym z przeprowadzonej analizy jest stwierdzenie, że integralna twórcza obecność Różewicza w Sudetach polegała na świadomym, kreowanym przez poetę, powiązaniu jego pisarstwa i biografii z przyrodą, kulturą i społecznym życiem regionu