12,846 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku kewirausahaan dilihat dari aspek jenis kelamin, aspek usia, aspek latar belakang pendidikan formal, dan aspek pengalaman usaha. Perilaku kewirausahaan diukur dengan menggunakan 5 sub variabel yakni kepribadian pengusaha, hubungan pengusaha, pemasaran, keahlian dalam mengatur, dan keuangan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengolahan data menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku kewirausahaan dan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengusaha industri mochi di Kota Sukabumi. Populasi yang diteliti sebanyak 15 pengusaha. Sampel termasuk ke dalam jenis sampling jenuh. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa perilaku kewirausahaan pengusaha mochi di Kota Sukabumi menurut aspek jenis kelaminnya, laki-laki lebih dominan daripada wanita. Perilaku kewirausahaan pengusaha mochi di Kota Sukabumi menurut aspek usia didominasi oleh pengusaha dengan usia >30 tahun dibandingkan pengusaha dengan rentang usia 20-30 tahun. Perilaku kewirausahaan pengusaha mochi di Kota Sukabumi menurut aspek latar belakang pendidikan formal didominasi oleh pengusaha lulusan SMA. Dan perilaku kewirausahaan pengusaha mochi di Kota Sukabumi menurut aspek pengalaman usaha didominasi oleh pengusaha dengan pengalaman usaha >60 bulan. Perilaku kewirausahaan pengusaha mochi di Kota Sukabumi menurut sub variabel kepribadian pengusaha, hubungan pengusaha dan keuangan berada pada kategori sangat tinggi, lalu perilaku kewirausahaan menurut sub variabel keahlian dalam mengatur pada posisi tinggi, dan untuk pemasaran ada di posisi sedang. Kata Kunci : Perilaku, Kewirausahaan, Deskriptif, Pengusaha. The objective of this research are to know about description of entrepreneurship behavior of mochi industry from the aspect of gender, aspect of of age, aspect of formal education background and effort experience. The approach taken in this research is quantitative research. The method used in this study is study case descriptive. Processing data used descriptive statistics. The object is entrepreneurship behavior and the subject is industry mochi entrepreneurs in Sukabumi City. population is 15 respondent. Samples include to saturated sampling. The results of this research showed that the entrepreneurship behavior in sukabumi city from the aspect of gender, the mans is more dominated than woman. the entrepreneurship behavior in sukabumi city from the aspect of age is more dominated entrepreneur with >30 years old than entrepreneur with 20-30 years old. the entrepreneurship behavior in sukabumi city from the aspect of formal education background, are dominated high school graduate. and the entrepreneurship behavior in sukabumi city from the aspect of effort experience are dominated with effort experience >60 months. Entrepreneurship behavior in Sukabumi according personality of sub variables, relations between entrepreneur and financial are very high category, and entrepreneurship behavior according to the expertise of sub variable set in a high position, and position for marketing is medium. Keywords : Behaviour, Entrepreneurship, Descriptive, Entrepreneur

    Directions in research of the oldest Polish press (1501–1729)

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    This article contains a brief overview of the research on Polish press from the years 1501–1729, and discusses its directions and results conducted by historians and press experts after 1945. A citation analysis is widely used in the evaluation of the research output. The interest in the oldest Polish press is relatively high. A total of 55 scholars worked in the field, publishing 102 works (including 16 books), cited 524 times (including 267 times below the half-life period). Eight authors had the largest contribution: Konrad Zawadzki, Kazimierz Maliszewski, Jan Lankau, Władysław Myk, Adam Przyboś, Jan Pirożyński, Janusz A. Drob and Urszula Augustyniak. The most frequent subjects of research were ephemeral and serial newspapers, Merkuriusz Polski and handwritten newspapers, as well as other periodic newspapers and press from Gdańs

    Potential market overlap between the Gautrain and the PRASA modernisation program

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    The Gauteng Province is the only province in South Africa with two rail services, namely Metrorail, operated through the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), and Rapid Rail, known as the Gautrain, operated by the Gautrain Management Agency (GMA). It is widely known that these rail services do not compete for passengers as they currently serve different markets. Based on passenger survey data, PRASA currently serves the Low and Middle Income markets while the Rapid Rail serves the Upper Middle and High Income markets. PRASA has published their modernisation plans, with a focus on upgrading the Gauteng Metrorail network in the future. It is currently unclear whether these upgrades could result in a rail market overlap between Rapid Rail services and the PRASA Modernisation services. The rail market overlap holds two scenarios, a complimentary overlap and a competitive overlap. A complimentary overlap involves one rail service integrating with another, resulting in a potential increase in patronage for both services. Such an overlap is aligned with the Gauteng 25-Year Integrated Transport Master Plan (GITMP25) vision, whereby the Gauteng public transport system is integrated across multiple modes and services and would thus promote the use of the public transport system. For this overlap to take place, the rail services should serve similar markets, different geographical nodes and integrate at key transfer nodes while not competing for passengers along corridors. A competitive overlap is one where two rail services serve similar, if not the same, markets and nodes and compete for passengers along the transport corridors. Such an overlap does not support the vision of the GITMP25 as a competitive overlap requires fully operational infrastructure for both services, only to divide existing public transport users between the two services. This form of overlap is not sustainable and does not attract new public transport users to the services. In order to investigate whether the Rapid Rail and PRASA Modernisation services will have a competitive overlap, it is necessary to understand the existing and potential future rail operators’ markets, passengers’ travel behaviour and evaluate the services’ geographical overlap. Once the overlap is identified and quantified, the results will be able to guide future transport planning to minimise competitive overlap in rail services and focus on complimentary overlap to help build an integrated public transport system for the Gauteng Province. To demonstrate this, this study evaluated the existing rail services in the Gauteng Province and defined the respective sociodemographic market segmentation and mode choice drivers. A hypothetical rail market was developed for the proposed PRASA Modernisation service, aligning with the proposed service’s upgrade plans. A Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA) tool was developed to align the Rapid Rail, existing Metrorail and proposed PRASA Modernisation rail services with their respective markets in terms of income brackets. Thereafter, MCA was used to determine the overlap in markets between the three rail services. The MCA identified that the PRASA Modernisation service would expand the Metrorail market into the Upper Middle Income category as a result of the service’s expected improvements. The PRASA Modernisation Upper Middle Income market was therefore identified as the potential overlapping market with the current Rapid Rail service. The potential competitive market overlap between the Rapid Rail and PRASA Modernisation rail services were evaluated in terms of geographical market overlap, trip pattern overlap and trip making overlap. The ultimate overlap between the Rapid Rail and the PRASA Modernisation services resulted in 12% of the overall Rapid Rail patronage. Finally, an estimated uptake of the overlapping market was developed using the quantitative mode choice drivers, namely travel time and travel cost. The weightings of these mode choice drivers were aligned with that of the Rapid Rail market and the travel time and travel cost of each rail service was normalised over an average trip distance between Pretoria and Johannesburg CBDs. The estimated service uptake resulted in 58% of the overlapping market remaining to use the Rapid Rail service and 42% of the overlapping market shifting to use the PRASA Modernisation service. However, the Rapid Rail park-and-ride facilities are used by more than 40% of the Rapid Rail passengers. Without this infrastructure at the PRASA Modernisation stations, the potential uptake of the PRASA Modernisation service from existing Rapid Rail services could be diminished from 41% to 25% due to the lack of an integrated Metrorail system with private cars. The final competitive overlapping market between the Rapid Rail and PRASA Modernisation services resulted in 3 – 5% of the total Rapid Rail patronage. The research study concludes that the competitive overlap between the Rapid Rail and PRASA Modernisation services would be negligible as these services will continue to serve different markets. It is therefore recommended for the PRASA Modernisation program to be implemented to assist in the much needed rejuvenation of the Gauteng Metrorail service. It was further recommended that the PRASA Modernisation program incorporates integrated feeder and distributor services, strengthening the attractiveness of the PRASA Modernisation service and aiding in the GITMP25’s vision of developing an integrated and efficient transport system in Gauteng

    Analisis Yuridis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 65/puu-ix/2011 Mengenai Pengajuan Banding terhadap Putusan Praperadilan

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    Berlakunya Pasal 83 ayat (2) KUHAP telah menimbulkan pembedaan hak warga Negara. Alasan tersebut menyebabkan Tjetje Iskandar mengajukan permohonan uji materiil ke Mahkamah Konstitusi. Pengajuan judicial review tersebut, dikabulkan sebagian oleh Majelis Hakim Konstitusi dengan amar putusan bahwa Pasal 83 ayat (2) KUHAP tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, peneliti mengangkat rumusan masalah: (1) Apakah yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam membuat Putusan MK Nomor 65/PUU-IX/2011 Mengenai Pengajuan Banding Terhadap Putusan Praperadilan ?, (2) Bagaimana implikasi hukum setelah adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 65/PUU-IX/2011 Mengenai Pengajuan Banding Terhadap Putusan Praperadilan ?. Kemudian penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan metode pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang diperoleh penulis akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis yaitu interpretasi gramatikal dan sistematis. Dari hasil penelitian diatas, peneliti memperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam membuat Putusan MK Nomor 65/PUU-IX/2011, ada dua alternatif. Akan tetapi, Hakim Konstitusi memilih alternatif yang kedua yaitu menghapuskan upaya hukum banding bagi Penyidik dan Penuntut Umum. Adapun implikasi setelah adanya Putusan MK tersebut yaitu Pasal 83 ayat (2) KUHAP dinyatakan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat dan Penyidik KPK dan Penuntut Umum tidak dapat mengajukan upaya hukum banding atas dikabulkannya permohonan praperadilan yang diajukan oleh Budi Gunawan dan Muspani.Kata Kunci: praperadilan, banding, putusan mahkamah konstitus

    Institutional Censorship in Relation to Catholic Press during the Decline of People’s Republic of Poland (1989–1990)

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    The goal of the article is to present the scope of interventions by the Regional Offices for the Control of Publications and Performances in the Catholic press during the decline of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL) and the first months of the Republic of Poland, i.e. between January 1989 and April 1990. Initial censorship was a period which preceded the Round Table talks while final censorship ended with the abolition of censorship, i.e. the passing of the act (11 April 1990) on the liquidation of the institutions for the control of publications and performances. The source material for the article were the files of the Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows stored in the Archives of New Records

    Economic and Environmental Impacts from Industrial Symbiosis Exchanges: Guayama, Puerto Rico

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    Industrial symbiosis (IS) engages traditionally separate industries in a collective approach to competitive advantage involving the physical exchange of material, energy, water, and/or by-products. Although IS has been advocated as a business-friendly approach to environmental problems, there are few analyses of the financial and other business-related consequences for the individual participants in the exchanges. In this article, the nascent system of IS exchanges in Guayama, Puerto Rico, is explored from the environmental, business, and regulatory perspectives of the individual participants and the community. A coal-fired power plant built, owned, and operated by the AES Corporation is critical from the resource flow perspective with regard to uptake of water and sale of energy products. The article presents estimates of the economic and environmental costs and benefits for the symbiosis participants, concluding that there are substantial business reasons to engage in symbiosis, although the benefits fall unevenly on participating firms.

    Particle Conjugation and the 1/NC1/N_C Corrections to gAg_A

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    We impose the requirement that the isovector axial vector current for the soliton sector of the chiral quark model transforms correctly under particle conjugation. This forces us to choose an otherwise arbitrary ordering of collective space operators in such a way that the next--to--leading 1/NC1/N_C correction to gAg_A vanishes.Comment: 6 pages LaTeX, SU--4240--588, UNITU--THEP--23/199

    Censorship in the PSL Press within the Period of the 1946 Referendum and the Legislative Sejm Election

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    The main goal of the article is to analyse censorship interventions made in articles raising the topics of the referendum and the election to the Legislative Sejm which were prepared for print in the periodicals of the Polish People’s Party. The material developed by the Main Office of Control of Press, Publications and Shows in Warsaw and by its regional divisions constituted its basic source of information. I conducted a quantitative analysis of the interventions using a sample of the reports of the censorship institution regarding the “Polska Ludowa” periodical. I have also discussed the content removed from print. Within the studied area, censorship most often prevented the PSL periodicals from publishing information regarding the repressions of the PSL’s activists, informing about the organisation of both events and suggesting the fact of forging votes

    AN UPWARD JOURNEY TO LEADERSHIP POSITIONS: From the perspective of Malaysian Women

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    With increasing education, changing cultural and social taboos, and emerging diversification of workforce in the past decade has resulted in the surge of Malaysian women in organizations and in leadership roles. Despite the various limitation, the number of women entering labor market and pursuing their professional career in different sectors is remarkable. The purpose of this study is to understand the journey of women to reach and retain in the leadership roles in corporate Malaysia. Therefore, the study analyzed the various enabling supportive factors that made it feasible, the difficulties or challenges faced during their career and the strategies adopted to overcome to be in the leadership positions. Qualitative research method with case study approach was used for this study. The empirical data were collected from a semi-structured interview with middle and senior level Malaysian women from a different professional background. The empirical findings revealed updating oneself, attending training, job learning and support from family/spouse as facilitators at a personal level. Whereas, learning and development oriented company’s culture, training opportunity, flexible policies for working mothers, financial aid for job-related certifications and courses were identified as organizational level supportive factors. Additionally, negative attitude of male peers/ clients, time management, discriminative behaviours from top executives, nepotism during promotions and receiving failing projects were identified as the challenges and barriers that constrained women advancement. Moreover, the study discovered the strategies such as seeking help from colleague and mentors, sharing workload issues with the immediate boss, nurturing core competencies, building strong networking, pursuing higher education and decision to remain single as the measures taken to overcome the challenges to reach and retain in the leadership positions.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format