688 research outputs found


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    Air limbah merupakan salah satu sumber pencemaran air yang memiliki satu atau lebih parameter bagi lingkungan yang dapat memberikan dampak negatif berupa gangguan terhadap kesehatan manusia, kehidupan biotik dan keindah. Air limbah memerlukan pengolahan sebelum dialirkan ke lingkungan. Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara memiliki satu unit pengolahan air limbah yang selam ini belum pernah dilakukan pemeriksaan efektifitas dari unit pengolahan limbah cair ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif yang mendiskripsikan parameter kualitas air limbah rumah sakit belum dan sesudah dilakukan pengolahan. Sampel diambil pada influent dan effluent selama tujuh hari sebanyak 42 kali masing-masing pada pukul 08.00, 12.00 dan 16.00 WIB Hasil pemeriksaan rata-rata kadar suhu influent 2,17 oC dan effluent 28,15 oC Rata-rata kadar TSS influent 42,14 mg/l dan effluent 2,76 mg/l. Efisiensi Pengolahan TSS 93,45%. Rata-rata kadar pH influent 7,85 dan effluent 7,35. Rata-rata kadar NH4+ influent 23,43 mg/l dan effluent 4,03 mg/l. Efisiensi pengolahan NH4+ 82,80%. Rata-rata kadar BOD5 influent 121,91 mg/l dan effluent 10,62 mg/l. Efisiensi pengolahan BOD5 91,29%. Rata-rata kadar COD effluent 263,78 mg/l dan effluent 24,49 mg/1. Efisiensi pengolahan COD 90,72%. Rata-rata kadar PO4= influent 7,67 mg/l dan effluent 2,32 mg/1. Efisiensi pengolahan PO4= 69,75%. Rata-rata kadar MPN Coliform ifluent 9.166,36 MPN. efisient pengolahan MPN Coliform 51,59%. Hasil pengolahan limbah Cair di Rumah Sakit Byarangkara yang memenuhi baku mutu menurut Peraturan Daerah Propinsi Jawa Tengah No. 10 Tahun 2004 tentang baku mutu limbah cair bagi kegiatan rumah sakit adalah suhu, TSS, pH, BOD5 dan COD kecuali NH4+ dan MPN Coliform. Efektifititas pengolahan limbah cair yang menunjukkan pengolahan efektif adalah TSS, BOD5 dan COD, sedangkan yang Disarankan agar limbah cair sebelum dibuang ke badan air dilakukan proses aerasi untuk menurunkan NH4+ penambahan Ca(OH)2 untuk menurunkan PO4= dan klorinasi dengan dosis yang tepat untuk menurunkan MPN Coliform. Kata Kunci: Efektifitas, Pengolahan Limbah Cair, Air Limbah, Rumah Sakit. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WASTE WATER TREATMRNT IN CENTRAL JAVA REGIONAL POLICE' BHAYANGKARA HOSPITAL, SEMARANG Waste water constitues one of many sources of pollutans possesing one environmenral qualitative parameter. Waste waster might impose some negative effects on the environment, human health, biotic life and aesthetics. Therefore, waste water should be treated before being channeled out to the surroundings. Bhayangkara hospital has one unit of waste water treatment, but so far there has not been any done study on the effectiveness of the plant. This study used descriptive method for describing the qualitative paramenters of the Iwaste water of hospital both before and after treatments. The samples taken 42 times, at 8 a.m., 12 a.m. and 4 p.m. everyday for 7 days. The analyses showed the following results. The average temperatures of the influents and the effluents were 28,7 and 28,15 oC. The average TSS contents of the influents and the effluents were 42, 14 and 2,76 mg/1, efficiency value of 93,45 %. The average pH contents of the influents and the effluents were 7,85 and 7,35 The average NH4+ contents of the influents and the effluents were 23,43 and 4,03 mg/1, efficiency value of 82,80 %. The average BOD5 contents of the influents and the effluents were 121,91 and 10,62 mg/1, efficiency value of 91,92 %. The average COD contents of the influents and the effluents were 263,78 and 24,94 mg/1, efficiency value of 90,72 %. The averge PO4= contents of the influents and the effluents were 7,67 and2,32 mg/l, efficiency value of 69,75 %. The average coliforms contents of the influents and the effluents were 18.935,24 and 9.166,36 MPN, efficincy value of 51,59 %. The effluent of the waste water treatments, in Bhayangkara Hospital, that meet the quality standards established by the Regulation Number 10, 2004 of the Cental Java Province were temperatures, TSS, pH, BOD5 and COD, whereas NH4+ and coliforms The waste water treatment showed effectiveness in processing TSS, BOD5 and COD parameters, shereas it processed NH4+ and coliform in lt is recommended that before being disposed to environments, the waste water should be aerated in order to reduce NH4+ Ca(OH)2 should be added to the waste in order to reduce PO4= contens and chlorinization in appropriate dosage should also be conducted in order to reduce the coliforms contents. Keyword : Effectiveness, Waste Treatmente, Waste water, Hospita

    Estimation of Health Impacts and Externality Costs with the Robust Uniform World Model in the Muara Karang Generation Units

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    To encourage national economic growth, efforts are made to maintain electricity availability in Indonesia. Until now, the need for electrical energy in Indonesia is still supplied by fossil fuel power plants, especially Steam Power Plants and Gas Steam Power Plants. One of the negative impacts arising from electricity generation activities is air pollution. Air pollution is produced in the form of waste gases such as PM10, SO2, NO2, and these gases causes global warming and impact of human health. In this study, the magnitude of the negative impact calculated based on the impact on public health, which will then be limited to economic value (cost of externalities). Cost of externalities are conditions when the effect of the production of goods or services imposes costs or benefits on other parties, and these costs are not reflected in the price charged for the goods or services produced. The estimation of public health impacts and externality costs calculated in this study comes from power plants operating at the Muara Karang Generation Unit using Robust Uniform World Model (RUWM). The research results show that the amount of health and externality costs obtained for each power plant are different because each power plant has different operating conditions. In PLTGU Block 1, the resulting externality cost was 18,51 cents USD/kWh, PLTGU Block 2 was 3,05 cents USD/kWh, and PLTGU Block 3 was 1,75 cents USD/kWh. The two Unit of PLTU Muara Karang generate different externality costs, namely 1,52 cents USD/kWh for PLTU Unit 4 and PLTU Unit 5 of 1,10 cents USD/kWh

    Persistent Organik Pollutants (Pops) di Beberapa Lokasi Pertanian di Indonesia (2010)

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    Senyawa Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs ) adalah senyawa organik yang mempunyai sifat toksik bagi mahluk hidup dan dapat bertahan lama di lingkungan (persistent). Senyawa POPs juga memiliki sifat bioakumulasi dan biokonsentrasi melalui rantai makanan, dimana semakin tinggi tingkat kedudukan dalam rantai makanan maka akan menjadi tempat akumulasi yang paling tinggi konsentrasinya, yang kemudian akan memberikan dampak negatif yang serius terhadap kesehatan manusia. Pemantauan kualitas lingkungan akibat pencemaran kelompok senyawa Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) dan pestisida organoklorin (OCs) telah dilakukan di bulan Maret - Agustus 2010. Pengambilan contoh uji dilakukan di sekitar area pertanian atau perkebunan di Medan dan Karo (Sumatera Utara), Cianjur dan Karawang (Jawa Barat), Dieng (Jawa Tengah) dan Batu (Jawa Timur). Jenis contoh uji yang diambil adalah air, tanah dan sedimen. Senyawa POPs yang dipantau adalah Aldrin, Heptaklor, Heptaklor epoksid, trans-Klordan, p,p\u27-DDE, Dieldrin, Endrin, p,p\u27-DDD, o,p\u27-DDT, dan p,p\u27-DDT. Senyawaan pestisida jenis organoklorin yang dianalisisis :α-HCH, β-HCH, BHC, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, Metoksiklor dan mirex. Tujuan dari pemantauan ini adalah untuk inventarisasi POPs dan OCs di Indonesia, mengetahui jenis dan konsentrasi residu senyawa POPs dan OCs yang terdapat di lingkungan. Senyawa target pada contoh uji air, tanah dan sedimen diekstrak dengan menggunakan pelarut organik, kemudian di clean-up dan dianalisis dengan GCMS QP 2010 menggunakan kolom kapiler non polar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa senyawa POPs yang terdeteksi adalah DDT dan turunannya seperti p,p\u27-DDT, o,p-DDT ,DDD dan DDE. Konsentrasi senyawa DDT dan turunannya yang terdeteksi di air berada pada kisaran 0,011 – 0.564 ppb, di sedimen terdeteksi dengan konsentrasi 0,50 ppb- 18,7 ppb dan tanah terdeteksi dengan konsentrasi 0,23 ppb- 54,9 ppb. Sedangkang konsentrasi senyawa target lainnya seperti mirex, endrin dan metoksiklor berada pada konsentrasi < 10 ppb

    Air pollutants and outlays vs quality of life in Poland and the welfare economics

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    Motivation: The paradigms of the welfare economics are considered to be the basis of modern considerations on the measurement of quality of life. Today, there is no doubt that the quality of the environment, and especially the air quality that man breathes, is an essential element of the quality of life. Environmental problems, including air quality, often contribute to the failure of economic policies aimed at maximizing people’s well-being. Therefore, the state of all elements of the environment is important for the effectiveness of the implementation of the welfare economics and ensuring a satisfactory standard of living of the society. The last 20 years in Poland have been a time of catching up with many years of neglect in the area of the natural environment. It is a process that takes time and there is no possibility to achieve a high environmental quality of life in the short term. There is no disputing that measures were taken during this period to improve the environmental quality of life. Aim: The study focused on air quality, as it is an element of the environment that cannot be cleaned before use. The aim of the study is to check whether the measures taken to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air have been effective and to what extent it was possible to improve its condition and to improve the environmental quality of life of the Polish society in terms air the air we breathe. Results: The results of the analysis in dynamic terms indicate that the quality of life in Poland during the transition, taking into account the emission of the main air pollutants, has improved

    Coinfection by Ureaplasma spp., Photobacterium damselae and an Actinomyces-like microorganism in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with pleuropneumonia stranded along the Adriatic coast of Italy

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    A case of pleuropneumonia is reported in an adult male bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) found stranded in 2014 along the Central Adriatic coast of Italy. A severe pyogranulomatous pneumonia and thoracic lymphadenopathy were present at necropsy. Numerous Splendore-Hoeppli bodies were found microscopically scattered throughout the lung. Histochemical evidence of Actinomyces-like organisms was obtained from the pulmonary parenchyma, with a strain of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida and Ureaplasma spp. being also isolated from the same tissue. For the latter, a genome fragment of approximately 1400 bp from the 16s rDNA was amplified and sequenced. BLAST analysis revealed 100% identity with an uncultured Ureaplasma spp. (JQ193826.1)

    Daya Tahan Beberapa Organisme Air Pada Pencemar Limbah Deterjen

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    Saat ini deterjen telah digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat, sehingga limbahnyapun tersebar di setiap badan air. Limbah yang kadangkala nampak sebagai buih-buih putih tersebut dipastikan mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap organisme air. Untuk mengetahui daya tahan organisme air terhadap limbah deterjen tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa setiap organisme air mempunyai daya tahan yang berbeda terhadap limbah deterjen “rinso”. Pada penelitian ini terungkap bahwa terhadap limbah deterjen rinso larva Culex sp memiliki daya tahan yang lebih baik daripada Daphnia carinata dan Chironomus sp. Hal ini tercermin dari Kenyataan bahwa dalam waktu 38 jam; 50% larva Culex sp masih bertahan dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 4 x 102 ppm; Daphnia carinata dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 102 ppm dan Chironomus sp hanya dalam media dengan rinso terlarut 10-1 ppm

    The Impact Of Oil Spill To The Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (Tph) Concentration In Fishes At North Coastal Of Karawang Regency, West Java Province

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    The coastal area is one of the areas that is quite vulnerable to the threat of pollution caused by human activities, including pollution caused by oil spills (hydrocarbons) in the sea. The incident can be caused by several factors including the explosion, leakage of petroleum pipelines on the seabed, leakage of tanks or petroleum tankers at sea and disposal of waste petroleum products into the environment. Oil spills continuously can cause environmental contamination and pollution both aquatic and terrestrial. If the petroleum hydrocarbons enter sea waters, some of them will be absorbed by aquatic organisms because the nature of the petroleum hydrocarbons is difficult to decompose in waters. The intentional and unintentional entry of hazardous and toxic substances into marine ecosystems such as petroleum hydrocarbons and chemical solvents resulting from industrial wastes has become a serious problem for human health and the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) contained in fish in coastal waters of Karawang Regency, West Java Province. This research was conducted in September-November 2019 by taking several fish samples at Ciparage Jaya Fish Auction Place, Betok Mati and Sungai Buntu Rive with a total sample of 24 fish, and taking seawater samples in the three study sites. TPH analysis was carried out at the Integrated Chemistry Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. TPH values in fish at Ciparage-1, Ciparage-2, Betok Mati and Sungai Buntu stations, in general, have different mean values but are almost uniform, each at 6.82; 6.82; 7.45 and 5.12 mg/kg. Based on the average TPH concentration in fish, it can be said that the average TPH in fish at Betok Mati station is relatively higher compared to other stations. TPH values in all fish samples exceed the safe threshold, which is a maximum of 0.002 mg/kg. Based on the results of the Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) analysis showed that the average TPH in fish was 6.55 mg/kg and the average TPH in the waters was 11.23 mg/l, so the BAF value was 58.35 which means that the absorption rate of TPH by fish organisms against the concentration of TPH in the waters of 58.35%. The analysis shows that the value of Ecological Hazard Assessment (EHA) is 3743.33 which means that the level of influence of the hazard on ecosystems and organisms is 3743.33. This value exceeds the recommended threshold according to the European Union, which is a maximum of 0.002 mg/l

    A multi-mesh adaptive scheme for air quality modeling with the finite element method

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    A multi-mesh adaptive scheme for convection-diffusion-reaction problems is presented. The proposal is applied to air quality modeling, especifically to the simulation of a pollutant punctual emissions. The performance of the proposal is analyzed with different nonlinear reaction models, including the photochemical model CB05 implmented within the Comunity Multiscale Air Quality model, which involves sixty-two species and very different characteristic reaction times. The problem is solved with splitting of transport and reaction processes. This allows to discretize the species in distinct computational meshes, adapted to the distribution of the error indicator of each case. A common reference mesh is used for all species and during all problem evolution. A remeshing technique based on imposing the volume of new elements is used to define and update the computational meshes. An error indicator well suited for problems involving large variation of the unknowns is used. A single-mesh strategy, with remeshing adapted to the most demanding specie in each part of the domain, is used for comparison. The results of the examples presented show that the accuracy of single and multi-mesh strategies are similar. Instead, computational cost of multi-mesh is lower than single-mesh in most cases. Reduction increases with the number of species and the number of plumes. An example of a punctual emissor in a three-dimensional domain, with realistic values of CB05 components, is presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    RSUD Dr. M. Soewandhie merupakan salah satu rumah sakit milik Pemerintah Surabaya dengan tipe B. Dalam pelaksanaannya menghasilkan limbah yang salah satunya adalah limbah cair yang berasal dari kegiatan klinis dan domestik. Debit air limbah yang masuk ke dalam IPAL dari kegiatan pelayanan RSUD Dr. M. Soewandhie sebesar 131,06 m3/hari. Hasil uji kualitas efluen air limbah pada bulan februari 2014 belum memenuhi baku mutu berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Jatim No. 72 Tahun 2013. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja dan mengevaluasi instalasi pengolahan air limbah guna mengetahui seberapa besar efektifitas kinerja unit IPAL dalam mengolah limbah cair. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengambilan sampel limbah cair setiap pagi dan sore dengan uji parameter yaitu TSS, BOD, COD, DO dan pH. Titik sampling terletak pada influen dan efluen setiap bangunan pengolahan air limbah meliputi sumur pengumpul, bak ekualisasi dan biofilter aerobik. Selanjutnya sampel air limbah dianalisis di Laboratorium Pemulihan Air Teknik Lingkungan ITS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan limbah cair rumah sakit menggunakan biofilter aerobik mempunyai efisiensi menurunkan COD, BOD, dan TSS sebesar 33%, 47% serta 31 %. Efisiensi pada biofilter aerobik ini masih rendah sehingga efluen air limbah masih belum memenuhi baku mutu. Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu terganggunya metabolisme mikroorganisme (biofilm) dalam menyisihkan polutan organik. Hal ini disebabkan adanya penambahan alum pada operasional IPAL. Alum mempunyai sifat toksik terhadap metobolisme mikroorganisme bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Selain itu kurangnya oksigen terlarut membuat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme menjadi terhambat. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kinerja IPAL maka diperlukan penggantian blower sesuai dengan oksigen yang diperlukan serta tidak dilakukan penambahan alum pada proses operasional
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