17 research outputs found

    Software analytics tools: an intentional view

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    Software analytic tools consume big amounts of data coming from either (or both) the software development process or the system usage and aggregate them into indicators which are rendered to different types of stakeholders, also offering them a portfolio of techniques and capabilities such as what-if analysis, prediction and alerts. Precisely, the variety of stakeholders and the different goals they pursue justifies the convenience of performing an intentional analysis of the use of software analytics tools. With this aim, we first enumerate the different stakeholders and identify their intentional relationships with software analytics tools in the form of dependencies. Then, we focus on one particular stakeholder, namely the requirements engineer, and identify further intentional elements represented in a strategic rationale model. The resulting model provides an abstract view of the domain which may help stakeholders when deciding on the adoption of software analytic tools in their particular context.This paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under project / funding scheme PID2020-117191RB-I00 / AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Single object detection to support requirements modeling using faster R-CNN

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    Requirements engineering (RE) is one of the most important phases of a software engineering project in which the foundation of a software product is laid, objectives and assumptions, functional and non-functional needs are analyzed and consolidated. Many modeling notations and tools are developed to model the information gathered in the RE process, one popular framework is the iStar 2.0. Despite the frameworks and notations that are introduced, many engineers still find that drawing the diagrams is easier done manually by hand. Problem arises when the corresponding diagram needs to be updated as requirements evolve. This research aims to kickstart the development of a modeling tool using Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network for single object detection and recognition of hand-drawn iStar 2.0 objects, Gleam grayscale, and Salt and Pepper noise to digitalize hand-drawn diagrams. The single object detection and recognition tool is evaluated and displays promising results of an overall accuracy and precision of 95%, 100% for recall, and 97.2% for the F-1 score

    Towards the Evaluation of Software Products from an Environmental Sustainability Perspective

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    Sustainable development implies resource management that simultaneously guarantees the satisfaction of the present and future generations, considering the social, economic, and environmental dimensions. This paper proposes an approach to quantitatively assess software products\u27 sustainability quality based on a library of requirements (i.e., general goals) considered as criteria in a multicriteria evaluation and analysis. To increase the environmental sustainability of software products, we argue that it is fundamental to comparatively evaluate them, identify the ones most in need of change, and quickly adapt existing products effectively and efficiently

    Extending iStar2.0 metamodel to define data structures

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    iStar2.0 provides a recommendation for the core constructs defined in the i* language, which are articulated around a metamodel. When applying iStar2.0 to a particular domain, it can be necessary to extend this metamodel in order to represent more specialized concepts. One of these domains is that of data structures, as implementation of abstract data types. In this paper, we build upon previous work on using i* to describe data structures from an intentional point of view, by introducing new constructs in iStar2.0 and adding them to the iStar2.0 metamodel. We illustrate the approach using some well-known abstract data types (sequences, functions, …) and the data structures implementing them (linked lists, heaps, hash tables, …).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    GM2MS4 : a transformation tool from goal-oriented models to system-of-systems mission simulation

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2021.System-of-Systems (SoS, ou em português: Sistema-de-Sistemas) são aqueles sistemas resultantes da integração de outros sistemas independentes (sistemas constituintes). A modelagem desses sistemas através de técnicas tradicionais de design de sistemas é uma tarefa árdua, levando em consideração as diversas for mas que estes sistemas contituintes podem participar em processos de SoS. Há algumas propostas de modelo na literatura, como o projeto mKaos[14], mas esses modelos não podem ser simulados ou conectados a aplicações externas à simula ção para que seja validado. A partir desse ponto, o presente trabalho propõe um modelo orientado a objetivos para SoS que: (i) foque nas missões que um SoS deve cumprir ao invés da visão arquitetural do sistema e (ii) possa ser convertido em um projeto MS4 capaz de simular os comportamentos extraídos do modelo de objetivos. Adicionalmente o designer poderá conectar o modelo MS4 a aplicações existentes para a execução da missão possa ser verificada. Uma ferramenta para essa con versão de modelos (GM2MS4) é provida juntamente a este manuscrito e é capaz de transformar o modelo de missões proposto em uma simulação MS4 que verifique o cumprimento da missão.System-of-Systems (SoS) are those systems resulted by the integration of other independent systems (constituent systems). Its modeling through traditional sys tem design approaches is a challenging tasks, considering the multiple ways that these constituent systems may participate on the SoS processes. There are some SoS model proposals on the literature, such as the mKaos[14] project, but these models cannot be simulated neither can be connected to external applications in order to validate it. Starting from this point, this work proposes a goal-oriented model for SoS that: (i) focuses on the missions that an SoS may accomplish, rather than its architectural view and (ii) can be converted into an MS4 project capable of simulating the behaviors extracted from the goal-model. Additionally, the designer may connect the MS4 model to existing applications in order to verify the mission execution. A tool for this model conversion (GM2MS4) is provided along with this manuscript and is capable of transforming the mission model proposed into an MS4 simulation that verifies the mission accomplishment

    Towards a Modelling Framework for Self-Sovereign Identity Systems

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    Self-sovereign Identity promises to give users control of their own data, and has the potential to foster advancements in terms of personal data privacy. Self-sovereign concepts can also be applied to other entities, such as datasets and devices. Systems adopting this paradigm will be decentralised, with messages passing between multiple actors, both human and representing other entities, in order to issue and request credentials necessary to meet individual and collective goals. Such systems are complex, and build upon social and technical interactions and behaviours. Modelling self-sovereign identity systems seeks to provide stakeholders and software architects with tools to enable them to communicate effectively, and lead to effective and well-regarded system designs and implementations. This paper draws upon research from Actor-based Modelling to guide a way forward in modelling self-sovereign systems, and reports early success in utilising the iStar 2.0 framework to provide a representation of a birth registration case study

    Algebraic definition of iStar2.0 models

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    iStar2.0 was delivered in 2016 with the intention of becoming a standard de facto for the i* community. It includes a lightweight definition of the language adorned with a metamodel (in the form of a UML class diagram) that is useful for most purposes. However, in some contexts, a more precise algebraic definition including a notion of satisfaction is needed. This paper presents such elements. First, an algebraic definition of iStar2.0. Then, some auxiliary operations. Last, the notion of satisfaction over i* models using first order logic. Satisfaction is still defined mainly in a syntactic form, relying upon the satisfaction of the individual intentional elements comprising the model.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A social and technical sustainability requirements catalogue

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    Isabel Sofia Brito is a Coordinator Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal, and a member of the Centre of Technology and Systems (CTS-UNINOVA). Her main research interests are Requirements Engineering and Sustainability Requirements, Model and Data-Driven Development, Multi-Criteria Decision Making and, Big Data. She has published several papers on these topics. She has been involved in several national and international research projects (e.g., COMPETISOF, Petri-Rig, U-Bike Project). Currently, she is involved in the international applied research project HIBA—Hub Iberia Agrotech, an initiative funded by Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) and “Portugal INCoDe.2030”. She is or was involved as organiser, conference chair and program committee member in several international conferences (e.g., IEEE RE, ACM SAC, CISTI, QUATIC, CIbSE, ICT4S) and in several smaller and regional ones. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Climate change calls for action from all sectors of our global economy, including ICT. Therefore, it is important to change the way we develop software to address the challenges posed by sustainability. Our goal is to contribute with a reusable sustainability requirements catalogue that helps developers be aware of sustainability-related properties worth considering during software development. The information for this catalogue was gathered via a systematic mapping study, whose results were synthesised in feature models and then modelled using iStar for a more expressive and configurable representation. A qualitative evaluation of the catalogue's readability, interest, utility, and usefulness by 50 participants from the domain, showed that around 79% of the respondents found the catalogue “Good” or “Very Good”. However, more than 5% of the expert participants found weaknesses regarding most of the evaluated questions and around 25% are neutral in their overall evaluation. This led us to evolve the initial version of the catalogue for the social and technical dimensions of sustainability to improve its completeness and usefulness. This is achieved by aligning the information gathered in the systematic mapping study with the well-established quality model of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011, as we expect most of the experts are familiar with those qualities and respective hierarchies. During this process, we found information that led us to propose two additional qualities that were not covered by the ISO standard: fairness and legislation. We applied this evolved version of the catalogue to the U-Bike project comparing the requirements elicited without the catalogue with those identified using the catalogue. The result suggests that new sustainability requirements were worth considering from a sustainability point of view, supporting the usefulness of the catalogue.publishersversionpublishe

    A Sustainability Catalogue for Software Modelling

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    Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of our future generations. It covers five different dimensions: environmental, economic, social, technical, and individual. Such dimensions are also of interest for software. For example, memory and power efficiency have an impact on the environmental dimension, the reduction of costs in software development and evolution relates to the economic dimension, the use of software for general improvement of people’s lives affects the social dimension, the software’s ability to cooperate with other systems impacts the technical dimension, and the improvement of well-being of individuals relates to the individual dimension. These various dimensions and their properties impact on each other and on the base requirements of a system. Therefore, well-informed design decisions require improved support to reason on such intra- and inter-relationships and impacts, early in development. The objective of this dissertation is to propose a catalog of sustainability requirements for later reuse during the software development process. The envisioned solution involves using requirement engineering activities to address sustainability in the early stages of the software development. The first step towards a solution was to perform a (agile) systematic mapping study in order to gain a complete and profound knowledge about the existing sustainability and requirement engineering techniques. This study was the base of our work. Our final artifact is a sustainability catalogue. This catalogue addresses four out of the five dimensions of sustainability, as well as their qualities and relationships. We did not treat the individual dimension, for sake of simplicity and time constraints, although we consider that some of its properties are included in the social dimension. The catalogue was developed using the iStar framework, and it was implemented in the piStar Tool. Such catalogue offers a generic approach that can be instantiated for particular application domains, and for any combination of dimensions. Hence, this work will contribute to the field of sustainable software development

    A Specification of Layer-Based Information Security Management System for the Issue Tracking System

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    Organisatsioonidele on oluline usalduse loomine, seda nii uute turgude ja klientide hõivamiseks kui ka regulatsioonide nõuete täitmiseks. ISO27001 standard on tuntuim ja kasutatuim infoturbe raamistik, mida sertifitseerimiseks ehk vastavuse kinnitamiseks kasutatakse. Standard pakub hea tava juhiseid organisatsiooni infoturbe halduse määratlemise, juurutamise, säilitamise ja parendamise läbiviimiseks. Siinse töö autor on loonud infoturbe halduse kihtsüsteemi protsessi ja teeb ettepaneku kasutada seda ISO27001 nõuete täitmiseks töövoohaldussüsteemi integreeritult. Töös analüüsitakse ISO27001 standardi protsesse ning eesmärke, et tuvastada infoturbe halduse kihtsüsteemi nõuded. Loodud spetsifikatsiooni abil on võimalik saavutada ISO27001 vastavus töövoohaldussüsteemi Jira abil. Töö tulemit saab kasutada eraldiseisva toote arendamiseks.Organizations need to provide trust when entering into the new market, applying for new clients or partners or fulfill regulative requirements. ISO27001 standard and certification is the best known and the most adopted information security framework for verifying information security process compliance. Standard gives best practice guidelines to establish, implement, maintain and continuously improve the information security in the organization. Author has created the layer-based information security management system process, and proposes it to be integrated into issue tracking system. Thesis uses ISO27001 processes and goals analysis to derive layer-based ISMS tool specification for issue tracking platform. The specification is detailed on the level that is needed to validate the Jiras' ability to fulfill the specified requirements to get the organization in compliance with ISO27001 standard requirements. The results of this thesis may be used to develop an independent product for information security management on Jira platform