399 research outputs found

    Implementing Phenomenon Based Learning Into English Language Development Curriculum

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    Finland has one of the most successful education systems in the world, and a significant reason behind that is their utilization of Phenomenon-Based Learning. Students work together to solve real-world problems in project-based learning units, while using language to problem solve alongside their peers. This capstone answers the question, How can a professional development workshop be created that teaches educators in the United States how to build an English Language Development curriculum that is centered around PhenoBL and language domain incorporation while being as culturally inclusive and responsive as possible? Collectively, these pillars of instruction promote a learning environment that fosters daily academic and social language acquisition practice for emerging bilingual students

    Phenomenon Based Learning in Physical

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    En este artículo se introducen las características más relevantes del aprendizaje basado en fenómenos. Se enumeran aquellos aspectos que hacen que este tipo de aprendizaje sea indicado para asignaturas de ciencias y en particular en la Física. La idea principal de este modo de aprender es despertar la curiosidad en los alumnos mediante la simple observación de fenómenos. Una vez despertada la curiosidad de los alumnos, ellos se encargaran de analizar, estudiar, colaborar, pensar y proponer diferentes soluciones que den explicación al fenómeno observado. Como ejemplo se proponen experiencias para exponer fenómenos relacionados con la cinemática, termodinámica o electromagnetismo.In this article we introduce the most relevant characteristics of phenomena-based learning. The aspects that make this type of learning are indicated for science subjects and in particular in Physics are listed. The main idea of this way of learning is to awaken curiosity in students through the simple observation of phenomena. Once the curiosity of the students has been awakened, they will be in charge of analyzing, studying, collaborating, thinking and proposing different solutions that explain the observed phenomenon. As an example, experiences are proposed to expose phenomena related to kinematics, thermodynamics or electromagnetism

    Three-Dimensional Learning and the Phenomena Based Learning Approach with a STEM Curriculum

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    The research question addressed in this capstone project is: How do three-dimensional learning and phenomenon-based learning approaches increase the authentic learning experience for students in elementary STEM classes? The focus of this project was to research the new learning approaches being proposed by the Next Generation Science Standards. Three-dimensional and phenomenon-based learning are utilized in the goal to better understand how these new approaches will be best used in an elementary STEM classroom. The research focuses on the importance and need of STEM education in an elementary setting. The project is a nine-lesson STEM unit on energy conservation for first grade, based on the upcoming Next Generation Science Standards and incorporates the three-dimensional learning and phenomenon-based learning approaches. The lessons were created using the Understanding by Design model. This curriculum was created to aid educators in better understanding of the new Next Generation Science Standards and how to implement them in a classroom. The result of this research supports the idea that three-dimensional learning and phenomenon-based learning approaches allow for a more authentic learning experience for students and stronger connections to science material

    Implementation of Phenomenon-based Learning E-Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Thermochemistry Material

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    The covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has affected various sectors, one of them is in the education sector. Thus, it interferes with the learning processes conventionally. A solution is needed to respond to the problem in the 21st century. Online learning is one of the alternative ways in utilizing the use of IT-based teaching materials. This study aims to improve the students’ critical thinking skills by using an e-module. The research was the quantitative descriptive method. This study was a quasi-experimental by using a nonequivalent control group design. The samples of the study consisted of 2 classes, namely XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2. The analysis results using independent sample t-test showed a significance value of 0,000 0,05. The data analysis results of critical thinking skills used N-gain score test; the experimental class obtained a score of 0,72, in which it belonged to the high category. Meanwhile, the average N-gain score for the control class was 0,34, in which it belonged to the medium category. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the students’ critical thinking skills between the experimental class and the control class. Therefore, the implementation of a phenomenon-based learning e-module can be an alternative to improve the students’ critical thinking skills

    Transcending traditional paradigms: the multifaceted realm of phenomenon-based learning

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    Phenomenon-based learning emphasizes direct engagement with everyday phenomena, highlighting how personal experiences influence our understanding of reality. This pedagogical approach promotes an educational model centered on students’ real-life experiences. Renowned for its educational standards, Finland has embraced this methodology. Through significant shifts, the nation has pursued an interdisciplinary education that values diverse perspectives. Despite challenges, notably resistance from educators, Finland’s innovative strategies and commitment to high-quality education have been pivotal to its success. This transformation in teaching methodology diverges from traditional methods, endorsing a comprehensive skillset, innovation, and practical problem-solving. The adoption of this approach by various countries attests to its efficacy in fostering essential academic competencies. This article seeks to elucidate the fundamental concepts of phenomenon-based learning, dissect its five stages and their impact on competency development, examine its theoretical grounding and relationship to the approach, highlight the target competencies, and discuss the method’s implementation in education


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    Abstract: Implementation of Phenomenon-Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Outcomes of Students Class X SMA Negeri 2 Rantepao North Toraja Regency. This research was a real experiment (true experimental design), with design  posstest only control group design that aims to determine the level of critical thinking skills and physics learning outcomes of students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Rantepao who were taught by using a model-based learning phenomenon that taught using conventional learning models, as well as to determine whether there were significant differences in critical thinking skills and physics learning outcomes of students who were taught by using phenomenon-based learning model and conventional learning models. The samples in this study were two classes, Xc as an experimental class and Xd as control class. Collected data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, it was showed that scores of critical thinking skills and learning outcomes of students who were taught the phenomenon-based learning model were at the high category. While the students were taught by using conventional learning models were at a low category. Inferential analysis showed that the scores of critical thinking skills and learning outcomes of students come from populations which were normally distributed, homogeneous. According to t-test analyses, it was obtained that the H0 hypothesis was rejected and H1 hypothesis was accepted so it could be concluded that there were significant differences on critical thinking skills and learning outcomes between the students who were taught physics by using model-based phenomenon and the students who were taught by using conventional learning models.Keywords: phenomenon-based learning model, conventional learning model, critical thinking skill, learning outcome.Abstrak: Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Fenomena terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Rantepao Kabupaten Toraja Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian  sesungguhnya (True Experimental Design), dengan  desain Posstest Only Control Group Design yang  bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar fisika  peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Rantepao yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis fenomena dan yang diajar menggunakan  model  pembelajaran  konvensional, serta untuk  mengetahui apakah  terdapat  perbedaan yang signifikan keterampilan  berpikir  kritis dan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis fenomena dan model pembelajaran  konvensional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dua kelas Xc sebagai kelas eksperimen dan Xd sebagai kelas kontrol. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Berdasarkan  hasil analisis deskriptif diperoleh bahwa skor keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar peserta didik yang  diajar  model pembelajaran berbasis fenomena berada pada kategori tinggi sedangkan yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran  konvensional berada pada kategori sedang. Analisis inferensial menunjukkan bahwa skor keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar peserta didik berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal, bersifat homogen dan hasil perhitungan uji-t hipotesis H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan  yang  signifikan antara keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar  fisika peserta didik yang diajar dengan menggunakan  model pembelajaran  berbasis  fenomena  dengan  peserta didik yang  diajar dengan  menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional.Kata Kunci:  model pembelajaran berbasis fenomena, model pembelajaran konvensional, keterampilan berpikir kritis, hasil belaja

    Innostutaan ilmiöistä! : ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Tämän portfolio-muotoisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa lisää tietoa ja materiaalia varhaiskasvatuksen käytäntöön ilmiöpohjaisen oppimisen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen tueksi. Opinnäytetyö koottiin sähköisesti Wordpress-alustalle. Opinnäytetyö on toteutettu yhteistyössä Helsingin kaupungin päiväkodin kanssa. Portfoliossa on teoriaosuus, jossa tarkastellaan ilmiöpohjaista oppimista varhaiskasvatuksessa suhteessa valtakunnallisiin varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteisiin, sosiokonstruktivistiseen oppimisnäkemykseen ja lasten osallisuuteen. Lisäksi portfoliossa on kolmen varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan teemahaastattelu ilmiöpohjaisen oppimisen toteuttamisen valmiuksiin ja näkemyksiin liittyen. Portfolioon kuuluu kehittämistehtävänä työpajatyöskentely ilmiöpohjaisesta oppimisesta ja lomake lasten itsearvioinnin tueksi. Ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen varhaiskasvatuksessa on melko uusi teema, joka nousee vuoden 2018 valtakunnallisista varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteista, joissa korostetaan lapsen osallisuutta ja toimijuutta. Tutkimusta nimenomaan varhaiskasvatuksen näkökulmasta on tehty vasta vähän. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien teemahaastatteluissa tuli ilmi, että ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen on opettajillekin uusi asia ja näkemykset siitä, mitä ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen käytännössä on, vaihtelivat. Teemahaastatteluissa tuli esiin tarve lisäkoulutukselle ja materiaaleille. Tämän pohjalta järjestettiin työpaja ilmiöpohjaisesta oppimisesta kyseisessä päiväkodissa sekä kehitettiin lasten itsearvioinnin tueksi verkkolomake, jota voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi tabletilla. Osallistujat kokivat työpajatyöskentelyn ajatuksia herättävänä. Lisäksi lasten itsearviointia tukeva verkkolomake koettiin kiinnostavana uutena työvälineenä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen varhaiskasvatuksessa on kiinnostava teema, josta kuitenkin tarvitaan vielä niin lisätutkimusta kuin laajempaa koulutusta alan ammattilaisille.Let’s Get Fascinated about Phenomena! : Phenomenon-based Learning in Early Childhood Education and Care The goal for this portfolio -styled Bachelor’s thesis was to provide more information and material about phenomenon-based learning in early childhood education and care. The portfolio was compiled on Wordpress. The thesis was conducted in cooperation with the City of Helsinki’s daycare center. The portfolio consists of the theoretical basis of National Core Curriculum for ECEC, social constructivism and participation of the children, an interview with three ECEC teachers which was conducted with the general interview guide approach, and two research projects: a workshop about phenomenon-based learning tools and an online form for children’s self-assessment. Phenomenon-based learning in early childhood education and care is a relatively new idea in Finland. It comes from the 2018 National Core Curriculum for EHEC which emphasizes the participation and agency of the children. Yet there has been relatively little research on phenomenon-based learning from the early childhood education and care point of view. The interview with EHEC teachers revealed that there are different views on what phenomenon-based learning is in practice and that more tools for implementing the method are needed. Because of this, a workshop on phenomenon-based learning was held in the daycare center and an e-form for children’s self assessment was made to support the participation of the children. The participants of the workshops received the workshops very well and the online form was thought to be an interesting new tool. The main conclusion is that phenomenon-based learning in early childhood education and care is an interesting topic but more research and more education for professionals is needed

    Perspectives on the Finnish Early Years STEAM Education : Reflecting on the Avant-Garde

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    Skills needed to live in our current societies are rapidly changing. How will we provide children with the skills they will need in the future? While early years education has been traditionally strong in supporting 21st century skills like creativity, collaboration and problem-solving within play, new demands such as fostering digital skills and computational thinking challenge current practices and methods and call us as researchers and educators to urgently rethink and re-design how such skills could be advanced in early childhood education. Over the recent years, the Finnish educational system has enjoyed intense national and international attention, and the Early Childhood Education and Care sector along with it. This has resulted in multiple descriptions and attempts to characterize its main differences from other national systems. The Finnish early years education has been heralded, for example, for its holistic orientation to children’s care, and education as well as its focus on playful learning approaches and participatory culture. However, despite these positive characterizations and the arguably great potential of the Finnish pre-primary education for offering children with rich opportunities to engage in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning, early childhood educators are still cautious to implement STEAM and phenomenon-based learning. In this chapter, we will present three distinctive approaches to early STEAM education developed in Finland, namely 1) phenomenon-based learning, 2) children’s maker-spaces and 3) children’s projects. In addition, we will also discuss and draw out suggestions on how these approaches could potentially address the above concerns regarding Finnish early years STEAM education.The skills needed to live in our current societies are rapidly changing. How will we provide children with the skills they will need in the future? While early years education has been traditionally strong in supporting 21st century skills like creativity, collaboration and problem-solving within play, global crises around the ecological, social and economic sustainability of our societies challenge current practices and call on us as researchers and educators to rethink how these and other skills, like computational thinking, could be advanced in early childhood education via science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) education. Over recent years, the Finnish educational system has enjoyed intense national and international attention, the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector along with it. This has resulted in multiple descriptions and attempts to characterize Finnish education’s main differences from other national systems. Finnish early years education has been heralded for its holistic orientation to children’s care and education, as well as its focus on playful learning approaches and participatory culture. However, despite these positive characterizations and the arguably great potential of the Finnish pre-primary education for offering children with rich opportunities to engage in STEAM learning, early childhood educators are still cautious in implementing STEAM and phenomenon-based learning. In this chapter, we will present three distinctive approaches to early STEAM education developed in Finland, namely 1) phenomenon-based learning, 2) children’s maker-spaces and 3) children’s projects. In addition, we will also discuss how these approaches build on the current form of Finnish ECEC and draw out suggestions on how these approaches could potentially address the above concerns regarding Finnish early years STEAM education.Peer reviewe

    The agency of pupils’ in primary school during phenomenon-based learning process

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    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tämän artikkelikäsikirjoituksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella peruskoulun oppilaiden toimijuutta ilmiölähtöisen oppimisprosessin aikana. Tämä tutkimus perustuu lapsinäkökulmai-sen orientaatioon, joka keskittyy lapsen näkökulmaan ja yhteisölliseen osallistumiseen kult-tuurisena ilmiönä (Karlsson 2020). Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia toimijuuden muotoja ala-koulun oppilailla tuotetaan ilmiölähtöisen oppimisprosessin aikana. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tar-kasteltiin, millaisia ajatuksia, käsityksiä ja kokemuksia oppilailla on ilmiölähtöisestä oppimis-prosessista. Tutkimusta oppilaan toimijuudesta ilmiölähtöisessä oppimisprosessissa löytyy vähän. Aiemmat tutkimukset viittaavat kuitenkin siihen, että kouluissa vallitsee edelleen ilma-piiri, joka rajoittaa oppilaiden mahdollisuutta olla aktiivisia toimijoita opetus- ja oppimisympä-ristössään (Mamelin ym. 2020). Menetelmät. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla ja havainnoimalla Etelä-Suomessa sijaitsevan alakoulun oppilaita (n=24) ja apulaisrehtoria. Teemahaastattelussa oppilaita pyydettiin kuvaamaan kokemuksiaan ja ajatuksiaan ilmiölähtöisestä oppimisesta sekä toimijuuden toteutumisesta ilmiöprojektin aikana. Aineisto analysoitiin teorialähtöistä si-sällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tulokset osoittivat, että oppilaiden toimijuus ilmeni yksilöllisenä, pienryhmän kollektiivisena, luokan yhteisenä sekä opettajan ohjaamana toimijuutena. Päätu-lokset osoittavat, että ilmiöoppimisessa oppilaan tulee ottaa enemmän vastuuta kuin opettaja-johtoisessa oppimisessa. Ilmiöoppimisessa oppilas oppii vertaisoppimisen avulla ja itsenäistä työskentelyä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että tutkimuskoulussa opettajat tarjosivat op-pilaille toimijuuden mahdollisuuksia niin ilmiölähtöisen kuin opettajajohtoisenkin oppimisen aikana. Artikkelikäsikirjoitus ”Peruskoulun oppilaiden toimijuus ilmiölähtöisessä oppimispro-sessissa” on tarkoitus julkaista Journal of Educational Change -julkaisussa (Jufo 1).Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Objective: The aim of this article-type master's thesis was to examine agency of pupils in primary school during phenomenal learning. this is article-type master’s thesis is a study of child perspectives. The aim of the study was to study what kind of agency occurs during a phenomenal learning process. Students’ views and experiences of phenomenal learning were studied as well. Research concerning student’s agency during phenomenal learning process is limited. Previous research refers that there is still a resistance in school that limits the possibility for students to act as active agents of their teaching and learning environment (Mameli ym. 2020). Methods: The data of the study were collected by observation and thematic interviews with students (n=24) and a teacher at a school in Southern Finland. The students were asked to describe their experiences and views of phenomenal learning and how their agency occurs during this learning process. The data were analyzed using theoretical content analysis. Results and conclusions: The results showed that pupils’ agency occurred individually and collectively within a group or within the whole class and instructed by the class teacher as well. During phenomenal learning process pupils have to take more responsibility than in teacher-centered environment. Learning during the phenomenal process occurs by peer learning. Teachers at the school were providing pupils opportunities to agency during phe-nomenal learning and also during teacher centered learning process. The article “The agency of pupils’ in primary school during phenomenon-based learning process” is to be published in Journal of Educational Change
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