564 research outputs found

    Supporting development and management of smart office applications: a DYAMAND case study

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    To realize the Internet of Things (IoT) vision, tools are needed to ease the development and deployment of practical applications. Several standard bodies, companies, and ad-hoc consortia are proposing their own solution for inter-device communication. In this context, DYnamic, Adaptive MAnagement of Networks and Devices (DYAMAND) was presented in a previous publication to solve the interoperability issues introduced by the multitude of available technologies. In this paper a DYAMAND case study is presented: in cooperation with a large company, a monitoring application was developed for flexible office spaces in order to reliably reorganize an office environment and give real-time feedback on the usage of meeting rooms. Three wireless sensor technologies were investigated to be used in the pilot. The solution was deployed in a "friendly user" setting at a research institute (iMinds) prior to deployment at the large company's premises. Based on the findings of both installations, requirements for an application platform supporting development and management of smart (office) applications were listed. DYAMAND was used as the basis of the implementation. Although the local management of networked devices as provided by DYAMAND enables easier development of intelligent applications, a number of remote services discussed in this paper are needed to enable reliable and up-to-date support (of new technologies)

    Platforms and Protocols for the Internet of Things

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    Building a general architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT) is a very complex task, exacerbated by the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. In this paper, we identify the main blocks of a generic IoT architecture, describing their features and requirements, and analyze the most common approaches proposed in the literature for each block. In particular, we compare three of the most important communication technologies for IoT purposes, i.e., REST, MQTT, and AMQP, and we also analyze three IoT platforms: openHAB, Sentilo, and Parse. The analysis will prove the importance of adopting an integrated approach that jointly addresses several issues and is able to flexibly accommodate the requirements of the various elements of the system. We also discuss a use case which illustrates the design challenges and the choices to make when selecting which protocols and technologies to use

    Enhancing smart environments with mobile robots

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    Sensor networks are becoming popular nowadays in the development of smart environments. Heavily relying on static sensor and actuators, though, such environments usually lacks of versatility regarding the provided services and interaction capabilities. Here we present a framework for smart environments where a service robot is included within the sensor network acting as a mobile sensor and/or actuator. Our framework integrates on-the-shelf technologies to ensure its adaptability to a variety of sensor technologies and robotic software. Two pilot cases are presented as evaluation of our proposal.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    Tindakan Hemat energi pada umumnya baik gedung perkantoran, akademis, dan kelaskelas disekolahan merupakan hal yang sangat jarang ditemukan atau digunakan, tentunya permasalahan ini bisa mengakibatkan timbulnya biaya berlebihan pada sumber daya yang dipakai. Khusus nya pemakaian pada lampu dan AC (Air Conditioning) yang dipakai tidak terjadwal dengan baik dan dipakai secara berlebihan, maka dengan permasalahan ini diperlukan smart home system. Smart home system adalah sistem rumah pintar yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi yang memungkinkan bagi setiap penggunanya memiliki pengontrolan atau cara yang berbeda terhadap rumahnya dengan tujuan untuk memantau dan memudahkan segala sesuatu atau kondisi dari isi rumah agar tetap aman dan nyaman. Implementasi Kendali Otomatis Lampu dan AC (Air Conditioning) ini menggunakan konsep Internet of Things sebagai arsitektur, karena dengan konsep inilah penjadwalan pada ruangan atau kelas-kelas bisa digunakan dengan kebutuhan yang semestinya. Konsep ini juga memungkinkan pembuat smart home system untuk mengembangkan sistem yang telah dibuat dengan menambah node yaitu relay dan sensor yang terkoneksi ke microcontroller, dengan satu server terpusat yaitu Raspberry PI. OpenHAB adalah framework smart home system yang sesuai dengan konsep Internet of Things, dengan menggunakan framework OpenHAB maka pengguna smart home system menjadi lebih mudah karena tidak perlu lagi membuat aplikasi server dan aplikasi pengontrol. Hasil dari penelitian implementasi kendali otomatis lampu dan AC (Air Conditioning) yaitu pengguna didalam gedung atau ruang dapat mengontrol sistem kendali lampu dan AC dengan mengakses smartphone melalui jaringan lokal ataupun internet. Framework OpenHAB dapat berjalan dengan baik pada server smart home system. Kata Kunci: Smart Home System, Internte Of Things, OpenHAB, Raspberry PI, Wemos D1 R2, Sensor DHT11, Sensor PIR, Sensor IR TSOP 1738, LED Strip, Rela

    Forensic State Acquisition from Internet of Things (FSAIoT): A General Framework and Practical Approach for IoT Forensics through IoT Device State Acquisition

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    IoT device forensics is a difficult problem given that manufactured IoT devices are not standardized, many store little to no historical data, and are always connected; making them extremely volatile. The goal of this paper was to address these challenges by presenting a primary account for a general framework and practical approach we term Forensic State Acquisition from Internet of Things (FSAIoT). We argue that by leveraging the acquisition of the state of IoT devices (e.g. if an IoT lock is open or locked), it becomes possible to paint a clear picture of events that have occurred. To this end, FSAIoT consists of a centralized Forensic State Acquisition Controller (FSAC) employed in three state collection modes: controller to IoT device, controller to cloud, and controller to controller. We present a proof of concept implementation using openHAB -- a device agnostic open source IoT device controller -- and self-created scripts, to resemble a FSAC implementation. Our proof of concept employed an Insteon IP Camera as a controller to device test, an Insteon Hub as a controller to controller test, and a nest thermostat for a a controller to cloud test. Our findings show that it is possible to practically pull forensically relevant state data from IoT devices. Future work and open research problems are shared

    Securing openHAB Smart Home Through User Authentication and Authorization

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    Asjade Internet ehk värkvõrk on dünaamiline ja heterogeenne keskkond, kus asjad koguvad erinevate ülesannete täitmiseks keskkonnast andmeid. Värkvõrgu rakendusvaldkondades nagu näiteks tark kodu kasutatakse harilikult operatsioonide täitmisel kasutaja privaatandmeid. Kui sellised rakendused on turvamata võrkudele avatud, muutub turvalisus oluliseks probleemiks. OpenHAB on OSGi-põhine automatiseerimistarkvara, mis koondab kodukeskkonna seadmete andmeid. OpenHAB ei tee kasutajatele ligipääsu reguleerimismehhanismide kasutamist kohustuslikuks ning sõltub seega täielikult juhtmevaba võrgu turvalisusest. Käesolevas lõputöös uurisime ning arendasime JSON Web Token’i-põhist tõendi autenturit Eclipse SmartHome platvormile, millel põhineb ka openHAB. Tõendi autentur on baasiks ligipääsu reguleerimismehhanismile. Lisaks esitleme kasutatavat volitusmudelit, mis võimaldab hallata kasutajate ligipääsuõigusi asjadele. Saavutatud tulemused osutavad, et ligipääsu reguleerimismehhanismide rakendamine servlet-ide ja REST ressursside jaoks openHABi arhitektuuris on teostatav.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic and heterogenous environment where Things gather data from the real world to perform various tasks. Applications in IoT, such as the smart home, typically use private data derived from its users for its operations. Security becomes a concern when these applications are exposed to insecure networks. OpenHAB is an OSGi-based automation software that integrates the data from devices at home. OpenHAB does not enforce any access control mechanism for its users, and depends solely on the security of the wireless network. In this work, we studied and implemented a JSON Web Token-based authenticator for Eclipse SmartHome, the core of openHAB, as a base for access control mechanisms. Furthermore, we propose a fine-grained, yet usable authorization model to manage access permissions to things among legitimate users. The results obtained show that it is feasible to enforce access control mechanisms for servlet and REST resources in the architecture of openHAB

    Alternative architecture approaches for distributed control of smart buildings

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    With the increasing distribution and density of devices in smart communities or buildings, factors like reliability and integrity are put to the test in the resource and management processes of automation platforms, when delegation of device control is intended. For this reason, there is a need for an architecture that can address such challenges. This work aims to study different approaches for distributed control in IoT (Internet of Things) environments and their architectures, and it also intends to analyze how these approaches can be installed and performed in the context of distributed control in smart building management platforms. The main goal of this dissertation is to design and compare alternative architectures for the integration of building automation platforms envisaging the distributed management of resources. To achieve the aim of this dissertation, four integration alternatives have been proposed combining two approaches for communication, MQTT and Rest API, with two placements of communications services, in edge and cloud servers. According to tests, all alternatives achieve the desired integration, and the best response time result was 33.49ms when communicating via Rest API edge services. However, the integration via Rest API left exposed items that could be undesirably controlled and, as such, it is less secure. However, this is not the case when communication via MQTT, which presents an acceptable response time of slightly over 100ms, whether using edge or cloud servers.Com a crescente distribuição e densidade de dispositivos em comunidade ou edifício inteligente, fatores como fiabilidade e a integridade são postos à prova nos processos de gestão de recursos e de plataformas de automação, quando se pretende delegar o controlo de dispositivos. Por esta razão, existe a necessidade de uma arquitetura que possa responder a tais desafios. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar diferentes abordagens para controlo distribuído em ambientes IoT (internet das coisas) e as respetivas arquiteturas, e pretende ainda analisar como estas abordagens podem ser instaladas e executadas no contexto do controlo distribuído em plataformas de gestão de edifícios inteligentes. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é conceber e comparar arquiteturas alternativas para integração de plataformas de automação de edifícios que prevejam a gestão distribuída de recursos. Para atingir o objetivo desta dissertação, foram propostas quatro alternativas de integração que combinam duas abordagens de comunicação, MQTT e Rest API, com duas colocações de serviços de comunicação, em servidores de borda e nuvem. De acordo com os testes, todas as alternativas alcançam a integração desejada, sendo que o melhor resultado de tempo de resposta foi de 33,49ms na comunicação via Rest API dos serviços de borda. No entanto, a integração via Rest API deixa expostos itens que poderiam ser controlados de forma indesejada e, como tal, é menos segura. Este não é o caso quando a comunicação via MQTT apresenta um tempo de resposta aceitável de pouco mais de 100ms, quer utilizando servidores de borda ou de nuvem