28 research outputs found

    Construction and Validation of Newly Developed Triangle Test of Reactive Agility in School Children

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    PURPOSE: Agility is described as a rapid whole-body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to the different stimuli. Scientific research identified two independent types of agility performances: pre-planned agility (CODS) and non-planned agility (RAG). CODS represent generic movement patterns. They can mimic the demands of a sport but all of the movements are pre-planned. In CODS there is no response to a stimulus like in RAG where movements are in response to cues such as the movements of the ball or actions of the opposition players. Literature review show lack of studies that assessed CODS and RAG in children, most probably due insufficiency in quality testing protocols. Hence, the purpose of this study was construction and validation of newly developed agility test that measures RAG performances in children. METHODS: For this purpose, the Blaze Pod system (BP) was used. Three lighting pods were mounted on three 50 cm cones in triangle formation with 4,5 meters distance between cones (TRGA). Results were collected via BP app. Four movement patterns were used to test RAG. Start and finish of the tests were conducted with the tap on BP pods. The sample comprised of 80 elementary school children (boys; n=39, age=14.88±0.36 yrs, height=174,3±7,46 cm, mass 67,86±16,78 kg, and girls; n=41, age=14.85±0.31 yrs, height=167.49±5.72 cm, mass=59.34±10.54 kg). Statistical analysis included calculation of normality of distribution, reliability coefficients, correlations and analysis of variance. RESULTS: Tests showed acceptable reliability with CA=0.58, ICC=0.32 for boys and CA=0.78, ICC=0.55 for girls. Inter-item correlations were higher in girls’ sample (r=0.49-0.64) than in boys (r=0.27-0.41). Also, test showed good sensitivity, normal data distribution and good homogeneity with no differences between items (boys; F=0.07, p=0.93; girls; F=0.13, p=0.88). Better reliability of TRAG test for girls is most probably caused by gender morphological differences. Namely, we observed greater standard deviations (SD) of height (BH) and mass (BM) in boys (boys; BH=7.37, BM=16.97; girls; BH=5.68, BM=9.7) and scientific research confirmed negative influence of BM and BH on reactive agility performance. CONCLUSION: Altogether, newly constructed TRGA test seems to be reliable instrument for measuring reactive agility in pubescent boys and girls.    Keywords: non-planned agility, metric characteristics, pubescents, gende

    Assessing the reliability and validity of agility testing in team sports: a systematic review

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    The aims of this systematic review were to: 1) examine the reliability of the reactive agility tests and, 2) analyse the discriminatory validity of the agility tests. A literature search was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). We explored PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Cochrane Plus databases looking for articles about agility in team sports. After filtering for article relevance, only 42 studies met the inclusion criteria; 37 of which assessed the reliability of agility tests and 22 assessing their validity. Reliability showed a high ICC in almost all studies (range 0.79-0.99) with the exception of two studies. In addition, other studies also assessed the reliability of decision time (ICC=0.95), movement time (ICC=0.92) and decision accuracy (ICC=0.74-0.93), all of which exhibited acceptable reliability. Furthermore, these data show high discriminatory validity, with higher performance players being faster than lower performance level players (mean = 6.4%, range = 2.1-25.3%), with a faster decision time (mean = 23.2%, range = 10.2-48.0%) with the exception of one study, and better decision accuracy (mean = 9.3%, range = 2.5-21.0%). Thus, it can be concluded that reactive agility tests show good reliability and discriminatory validity. However, most agility tests occur in simple contexts whereby only two possible responses are possible. Therefore, future research should consider creating more specific and complex environments which challenge the cognitive process of high-level athletes

    The Association Between Morphology, Speed, Power and Agility in Young Tennis Players

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of anthropometric variables and motor abilities in change of direction speed and reactive agility performance in young tennis players. 50 tennis players (age 12.3 ± 1.2 years, height 156.7 ± 12.8 cm, body mass 45.9 ± 8.9 kg), who were ranked within the top 50 ranking places of the National Tennis Association, as well as within the top 300 on the international "Tennis Europe" rankings, participated in the study. The sample of anthropometric variables in this study comprised the measurement of participant height, body mass, body mass index and percentage of body fat. Also, participants performed tests assessing speed (5, 10, and 20 m sprints), agility (20 yards, 4x10 yards, T–test, TENCODS, and TENRAG), and explosive power (countermovement jump, single-leg countermovement jump, squat jump, standing long jump and single-leg triple jump). The results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation of agility with anthropometric characteristics, running speed tests and horizontal explosive power variables, whereas there was no significant correlation with vertical explosive power variables. In conclusion, the results of this research confirmed the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation in almost all anthropometric variables and motor abilities in change of direction speed and reactive agility performance in young tennis players. Thus, our findings provide useful information for coaches to create a wide range of tennis-specific exercises to develop performance, especially in a players neuromuscular fitness

    Soccer players' agility: Complex laboratory testing for differential training

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    The aim of the proposed study was to evaluate parameters of quickness, coordination and speed that influence the specific agility in soccer. Twenty-four young healthy male soccer players born in 2004 (mean age 14.7 ± 0.7 years) underwent complex laboratory testing including anthropometric measurements, simple and complex visual-motor reaction (VMR), Tapping test, cycling Wingate test and FitLight-trainer tests. Obtained data allowed to estimate speed and power abilities of soccer players, as well as establish interrelations between the measured parameters throughout the tests. Six soccer players demonstrated excellent ability to work in conditions that require high concentration and speed of switching attention (complex VMR 320 ms) - poor level. Results of Wingate test showed, that studied athletes had sufficient power abilities of lower extremities for soccer players in respect to their age (PP/kg - 12.56 ± 3.38 W/kg). 16.7 % (n=4) of athletes showed high results in all FitLight tests. The suggested system of laboratory tests for evaluation of agility structural components so important in soccer, allowed to emphasize athlete's weaknesses in order to improve it. Thus, testing of non-planned agility should include at least simple and complex reaction rate, coordination tests and speed-and-strength abilities evaluation. Copyright © 2019 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved.The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract # 02.A03.21.0006

    Longitudinal Changes in Fat and Lean Mass: Comparisons between 3D-Infrared and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Scans in Athletes

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(4): 1587-1599, 2022. The low cost and portability of three-dimensional (3D) infrared body scanners make them an attractive tool for body composition measurement in athletes. The main purpose of this study was to compare total body fat percentage (BF%) and total lean mass (LM in kg), in a cohort of collegiate athletes, using a 3D infrared body scanner versus a dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scanner. Phase I was a pre-season cross-sectional analysis of 61 (39 male) athletes while Phase II was a longitudinal subset analysis of 38 (27 male) student-athletes who returned to the laboratory for post-season scans (Post minus pre-season change). Both the 3D and DXA scans were performed within 20-minutes of one another in the same room, wearing the same clothing. Paired t-tests were used to compare the mean values (BF% and LM) between measurement devices with estimated effects size calculated using Cohen’s d. Data reported as mean±SD. Mean difference (DXA minus 3D) in LM were significantly higher using the 3D scan (5.84 ± 3.55kg; p \u3c 0.001; d = 0.90) compared to the DXA scan, while significantly underestimating BF% (-4.57 ± 4.67%; p \u3c 0.001; d = 1.6) in Phase I analyses. In Phase II analyses, significant differences in the change (post-season minus pre-season change) values were found between methods for LM (4.45 ± 5.04; p \u3c 0.001; d = 0.90), while BF% (-0.41 ± 2.06; p= 0.223; d = 0.2) showed no significant differences. In summary, the 3D and DXA scan values for LM and BF% were not interchangeable in cross-sectional nor longitudinal body composition analyses in collegiate athletes. Close agreement was only observed in longitudinal analyses of BF% and requires further validation with larger cohorts

    Sport specifični testovi agilnosti i eksplozivne snage u košarci : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je konstruirati i utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata za procjenu agilnosti i eksplozivne kod košarkaša na temelju igračkih pozicija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku vrhunskih košarkaša (n=110) iz Bosne i Hercegovine tijekom sezone 2013-2014. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavaju košarkaši koji nastupaju u prvoj ligi BiH (n=58) i ligi nize kvalitete (druga liga) (n=52) Svi ispitanici su na osnovu temeljnih igračkih pozicija svrstani u tri podskupine (bekovi, krila i centri). Istraživanjem su analizirane varijable za procjenu antropometrijskih obilježja i motoričkih sposobnosti. Uzorak antropometrijskih varijabli se sastoji od 6 varijabli: Tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa, dohvatna visina, dužina ruke, dužina noge, postotka potkožnog masnog tkiva. Testovi motoričkih sposobnosti uključuju testove eksplozivne snage (4 novokonstruirana i 2 standardna), reaktivne snage, brzine reakcije, agilnosti i reaktivne agilnosti. Metode obrade rezultata uključivale su: analizu pouzdanosti i valjanosti; analizu deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja; analizu latentne strukture primijenjenih sustava varijabli; analizu univarijatnih i multivarijatnih povezanosti. Rezultati ukazuju na dobre metrijske karakteristike primijenjenih testova što je posebno važno kada se zna da su testovi specifične agilnosti i skoka iz zaleta praktički novokonstruirani. Utvrđene su i karakteristične razlike među igračkim pozicijama koje su objašnjene temeljem specifičnih uloga i zadata u igri. Tako primjerice rezultati u TTEST-u ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između krila i centara, dok se razlike između krila i bekova te bekova i centara nisu pokazale statistički značajnim. Bekovi I centri se značajno razlikuju u reaktivnoj verziji specifičnog testa agilnosti što ukazuje na činjenici kako se radi o sport specifičnom testu koji svoju primjenu može naći i u diferencijaciji igrača u odnosu na igračku poziciju. U testovima skok u dalj iz mjesta i skok u vis iz mjesta nema značajnih razlika među pozicijama. U svim ostalim testovima značajno se razlikuju bekovi od centara, izuzev testa ponovljene reaktivne snage koji se izdvojio kao jedini koji razlikuje krila od centara. Može se zaključiti kako su dobivene očekivane razlike između dvije kvalitativne skupine igrača (1. i 2. liga) u novokonstruiranom testu agilnosti, kao i testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa horizontalne skočnosti (SDM) i vizualne reakcije (VISR). U ostalim primijenjeni testovima dobivene razlike nisu bile značajne što u konačnici nema veliki utjecaj na situacijsku učinkovitost igrača jer ona osim od analiziranog motoričkog prostora ovisi i od brojnih drugih parametara poput igračkog iskustva, longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti, tjelesne mase i dr. Specifične skakačke performanse (u odnosu na igračku poziciju) treba procjenjivati vertikalnim skokovima iz zaleta, indeksom reaktivne snage, i testovima uzastopnih skokova. Pri čemu su vertikalni skokovi iz zaleta i indeks reaktivne snage (odnos između visine skoka i vremena kontakta sa podlogom) validni za diferencijaciju igrača koji igraju na vanjskim pozicijama (npr. bekovi) u odnosu na one koji primarno igraju na unutarnjim pozicijama (centri). Reaktivna i nereaktivna agilnost moraju biti promatrane kao različite kvalitete. U skladu sa time potrebno je zasebno provoditi i dijagnostički postupak u procjenjivanju istih. Bekovi su u odnosu na centre postizali bolje rezultate u obje komponente (reaktivnoj i nereaktivnoj) novokonstruiranog testa agilnosti pa se obje navedene mjere mogu koristiti za diferencijaciju igrača na ovim pozicijama. Također, standardni TTEST se potvrdio kao dobar pokazatelj razlika između krila i igrača koji igraju na druge dvije pozicije. Obe vrste agilnosti (reaktivna i nereaktivna) su se pokazale kao važan faktor u diferencijaciji bekova koji igraju na različitom nivou natjecanja.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the newly developed tests of basketball specific explosive strength (jumping capacities) and reactive/nonreactive agility. We tested 110 high-level male basketball athletes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (height: 194.92±8.09 cm; body mass: 89.33±10.91 kg; age: 21.58±3.92 years). All athletes were performing at the highest national (professional/semi-professional) rank at the moment of testing (beginning of the 2014-15 competitive season). Among the total sample, 58 participants were competing in the first division and 52 in the second division. Testing was performed at the beginning of the season, and all participants had completed a pre-season preparation period of at least one month before the testing was conducted. The players were categorized as Guards (n = 49), Forwards (n=22) or Centers (n = 39). Variables included anthropometrics (body height, and mass, reach height, arm and leg length, and body fat percentage) and conditioning capacities (agility performances and jumping capacities). The agility performances observed in this study were a TTEST, a basketball-specific non-planned agility test performed on the dominant and non-dominant side and a pre-planned (i.e., changeof-direction speed) basketball-specific agility test performed on the dominant and nondominant side. Jumping capacities were evaluated by the broad-jump, countermovement jump, four types of running vertical jumps, reactive-strength index, and repeated reactive strength ability. Statistical analyses included reliability and validity analyses as well as analyses of the position-specific differences and performance-level differences. Tests showed appropriate reliability which is particularly important for newly developed tests of specific jumping capacities and agility. Pre-planned and non-planned agility should not be observed as a unique quality. Therefore, separate testing of these capacities is required to objectively determine the conditioning level for each of these abilities. However, attention is needed when each of these protocols is used to define position-specific and competition-level-specific agility performances. Guards achieved better results than Centers in both the pre-planned and non-planned basketball-specific agility tests. Therefore, both measurement procedures are applicable for defining position-specific differences in agility performance between players involved in these two positions in basketball. At the same time, a standard TTEST is found applicable for distinguishing Forwards from the other two playing positions. Both pre-planned and non-planned agility are important for differentiating between Guards who perform at two competitive levels (performance levels). Results confirm the importance of testing nonplanned agility when evaluating the true game agility of Centers. Position-specific basketball jumping performance should be evaluated by running vertical jumps, reactive strength index, and tests consisting of repeated jumping performance. Running vertical jumps and reactive strength index (i.e., the ratio between drop jump height and contact time) were valid in discriminating between backcourt players (i.e., Guards) and Centers. Meanwhile, tests of repeated jumping ability were found to be a valid measure to distinguish between Forwards and Centers

    Sport specifični testovi agilnosti i eksplozivne snage u košarci : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je konstruirati i utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata za procjenu agilnosti i eksplozivne kod košarkaša na temelju igračkih pozicija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku vrhunskih košarkaša (n=110) iz Bosne i Hercegovine tijekom sezone 2013-2014. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavaju košarkaši koji nastupaju u prvoj ligi BiH (n=58) i ligi nize kvalitete (druga liga) (n=52) Svi ispitanici su na osnovu temeljnih igračkih pozicija svrstani u tri podskupine (bekovi, krila i centri). Istraživanjem su analizirane varijable za procjenu antropometrijskih obilježja i motoričkih sposobnosti. Uzorak antropometrijskih varijabli se sastoji od 6 varijabli: Tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa, dohvatna visina, dužina ruke, dužina noge, postotka potkožnog masnog tkiva. Testovi motoričkih sposobnosti uključuju testove eksplozivne snage (4 novokonstruirana i 2 standardna), reaktivne snage, brzine reakcije, agilnosti i reaktivne agilnosti. Metode obrade rezultata uključivale su: analizu pouzdanosti i valjanosti; analizu deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja; analizu latentne strukture primijenjenih sustava varijabli; analizu univarijatnih i multivarijatnih povezanosti. Rezultati ukazuju na dobre metrijske karakteristike primijenjenih testova što je posebno važno kada se zna da su testovi specifične agilnosti i skoka iz zaleta praktički novokonstruirani. Utvrđene su i karakteristične razlike među igračkim pozicijama koje su objašnjene temeljem specifičnih uloga i zadata u igri. Tako primjerice rezultati u TTEST-u ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između krila i centara, dok se razlike između krila i bekova te bekova i centara nisu pokazale statistički značajnim. Bekovi I centri se značajno razlikuju u reaktivnoj verziji specifičnog testa agilnosti što ukazuje na činjenici kako se radi o sport specifičnom testu koji svoju primjenu može naći i u diferencijaciji igrača u odnosu na igračku poziciju. U testovima skok u dalj iz mjesta i skok u vis iz mjesta nema značajnih razlika među pozicijama. U svim ostalim testovima značajno se razlikuju bekovi od centara, izuzev testa ponovljene reaktivne snage koji se izdvojio kao jedini koji razlikuje krila od centara. Može se zaključiti kako su dobivene očekivane razlike između dvije kvalitativne skupine igrača (1. i 2. liga) u novokonstruiranom testu agilnosti, kao i testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa horizontalne skočnosti (SDM) i vizualne reakcije (VISR). U ostalim primijenjeni testovima dobivene razlike nisu bile značajne što u konačnici nema veliki utjecaj na situacijsku učinkovitost igrača jer ona osim od analiziranog motoričkog prostora ovisi i od brojnih drugih parametara poput igračkog iskustva, longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti, tjelesne mase i dr. Specifične skakačke performanse (u odnosu na igračku poziciju) treba procjenjivati vertikalnim skokovima iz zaleta, indeksom reaktivne snage, i testovima uzastopnih skokova. Pri čemu su vertikalni skokovi iz zaleta i indeks reaktivne snage (odnos između visine skoka i vremena kontakta sa podlogom) validni za diferencijaciju igrača koji igraju na vanjskim pozicijama (npr. bekovi) u odnosu na one koji primarno igraju na unutarnjim pozicijama (centri). Reaktivna i nereaktivna agilnost moraju biti promatrane kao različite kvalitete. U skladu sa time potrebno je zasebno provoditi i dijagnostički postupak u procjenjivanju istih. Bekovi su u odnosu na centre postizali bolje rezultate u obje komponente (reaktivnoj i nereaktivnoj) novokonstruiranog testa agilnosti pa se obje navedene mjere mogu koristiti za diferencijaciju igrača na ovim pozicijama. Također, standardni TTEST se potvrdio kao dobar pokazatelj razlika između krila i igrača koji igraju na druge dvije pozicije. Obe vrste agilnosti (reaktivna i nereaktivna) su se pokazale kao važan faktor u diferencijaciji bekova koji igraju na različitom nivou natjecanja.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the newly developed tests of basketball specific explosive strength (jumping capacities) and reactive/nonreactive agility. We tested 110 high-level male basketball athletes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (height: 194.92±8.09 cm; body mass: 89.33±10.91 kg; age: 21.58±3.92 years). All athletes were performing at the highest national (professional/semi-professional) rank at the moment of testing (beginning of the 2014-15 competitive season). Among the total sample, 58 participants were competing in the first division and 52 in the second division. Testing was performed at the beginning of the season, and all participants had completed a pre-season preparation period of at least one month before the testing was conducted. The players were categorized as Guards (n = 49), Forwards (n=22) or Centers (n = 39). Variables included anthropometrics (body height, and mass, reach height, arm and leg length, and body fat percentage) and conditioning capacities (agility performances and jumping capacities). The agility performances observed in this study were a TTEST, a basketball-specific non-planned agility test performed on the dominant and non-dominant side and a pre-planned (i.e., changeof-direction speed) basketball-specific agility test performed on the dominant and nondominant side. Jumping capacities were evaluated by the broad-jump, countermovement jump, four types of running vertical jumps, reactive-strength index, and repeated reactive strength ability. Statistical analyses included reliability and validity analyses as well as analyses of the position-specific differences and performance-level differences. Tests showed appropriate reliability which is particularly important for newly developed tests of specific jumping capacities and agility. Pre-planned and non-planned agility should not be observed as a unique quality. Therefore, separate testing of these capacities is required to objectively determine the conditioning level for each of these abilities. However, attention is needed when each of these protocols is used to define position-specific and competition-level-specific agility performances. Guards achieved better results than Centers in both the pre-planned and non-planned basketball-specific agility tests. Therefore, both measurement procedures are applicable for defining position-specific differences in agility performance between players involved in these two positions in basketball. At the same time, a standard TTEST is found applicable for distinguishing Forwards from the other two playing positions. Both pre-planned and non-planned agility are important for differentiating between Guards who perform at two competitive levels (performance levels). Results confirm the importance of testing nonplanned agility when evaluating the true game agility of Centers. Position-specific basketball jumping performance should be evaluated by running vertical jumps, reactive strength index, and tests consisting of repeated jumping performance. Running vertical jumps and reactive strength index (i.e., the ratio between drop jump height and contact time) were valid in discriminating between backcourt players (i.e., Guards) and Centers. Meanwhile, tests of repeated jumping ability were found to be a valid measure to distinguish between Forwards and Centers

    Ejercicios para la enseñanza de los fundamentos técnicos del baloncesto en practicantes de 8vo Año de Básica

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    pdfLos fundamentos técnicos del baloncesto son los movimientos de un jugador de baloncesto que se aprenden durante los entrenamientos, los cuales se denominan como básicos, puesto que son sobre los que se basa todo el juego. Según un concepto estricto, los fundamentos son solamente cuatro: el bote, el pase, el tiro y los movimientos defensivos. Se propone como objetivo determinar el conjunto de ejercicios para la enseñanza de los fundamentos técnicos del baloncesto en practicantes de 8vo año de Básica. La investigación es de tipo experimental en su modalidad de pre-experimento, con un estudio de pre-prueba y pos-prueba. Los métodos empíricos fundamentales fueron la encuesta y la medición con la aplicación de los test de habilidades motrices específicas, la eficacia de los ejercicios que se proponen se pudieron corroborar con la aplicación de la prueba de normalidad Shapiro Wild y la prueba de los signos con rangos de Wilcoxon, la que arrojó como resultados de la comparación de las tres pruebas durante el pre-test con el pos-test que P- valor < α=0.05 (Sig. asintótica 0.01,0.02 y 0.02) por lo que existen diferencias significativas entre la cantidad de errores cometidos en los baloncestistas después de aplicado el sistema de ejercicios propuestos

    The development of agility in Primary School Education

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    La adquisición de las capacidades físicas básicas es esencial en edad escolar y contribuye al desarrollo de la aptitud física, un marcador clave de salud en niños y adolescentes. La agilidad es una capacidad física básica que se asocia principalmente en un contexto deportivo. Sin embargo, es fundamental desarrollarse en la escuela primaria puesto que se asocia con estilos de vida activos y saludables. Existen diversas pruebas para evaluar la agilidad, el maestro de Educación Física debe conocer para guiar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de las capacidades físicas en el marco escolar.The acquisition of basic physical abilities is essential during childhood and contributes to the development of physical fitness, a key marker of health in children and adolescents at school age. Agility is a basic physical ability that is mainly associated to a competitive context. However, it is essential to develop in primary school since it is associated with active and healthy lifestyles. There are several tests to assess agility that the Physical Education teacher should know in order to guide the teaching learning process of physical abilities in the school context