6,216 research outputs found

    A palaeoecological approach to neotectonics : the geomorphic evolution of the Ntem River in and below its interior delta, SW Cameroon

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    The Late Tertiary to Quaternary evolution of the Ntem interior delta in SW Cameroon shall be modelled. A step fault was formed along neotectonically remobilized Precambrian structures. Uncalibrated 14C-datations in this ‘sediment trap’ show Pleistocene to Holocene ages. Both within and below the interior delta pebbles and clasts which are cemented in an iron and manganese matrix were found. These ‘fanglomerates’ are used to discuss different processes of the younger evolution also concerning climatic fluctuations in the study area

    Neotectonics of the Sumatran fault, Indonesia

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    The 1900-km-long, trench-parallel Sumatran fault accommodates a significant amount of the right-lateral component of oblique convergence between the Eurasian and Indian/Australian plates from 10°N to 7°S. Our detailed map of the fault, compiled from topographic maps and stereographic aerial photographs, shows that unlike many other great strike-slip faults, the Sumatran fault is highly segmented. Cross-strike width of step overs between the 19 major subaerial segments is commonly many kilometers. The influence of these step overs on historical seismic source dimensions suggests that the dimensions of future events will also be influenced by fault geometry. Geomorphic offsets along the fault range as high as ~20 km and may represent the total offset across the fault. If this is so, other structures must have accommodated much of the dextral component of oblique convergence during the past few million years. Our analysis of stretching of the forearc region, near the southern tip of Sumatra, constrains the combined dextral slip on the Sumatran and Mentawai faults to be no more than 100 km in the past few million years. The shape and location of the Sumatran fault and the active volcanic arc are highly correlated with the shape and character of the underlying subducting oceanic lithosphere. Nonetheless, active volcanic centers of the Sumatran volcanic arc have not influenced noticeably the geometry of the active Sumatran fault. On the basis of its geologic history and pattern of deformation, we divide the Sumatran plate margin into northern, central and southern domains. We support previous proposals that the geometry and character of the subducting Investigator fracture zone are affecting the shape and evolution of the Sumatran fault system within the central domain. The southern domain is the most regular. The Sumatran fault there comprises six right-stepping segments. This pattern indicates that the overall trend of the fault deviates 4° clockwise from the slip vector between the two blocks it separates. The regularity of this section and its association with the portion of the subduction zone that generated the giant (M_w 9) earthquake of 1833 suggest that a geometrically simple subducting slab results in both simple strike-slip faulting and unusually large subduction earthquakes

    Evaluation of Fractal Dimension and Topographic Surface Roughness (Vertical Dissection) in Astore-Deosai-Skardu Region in GIS Environment Using ASTER GDEM

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    Fractal investigation is a valuable technique to model and quantify the composite patterns of natural similarobjects. This study investigates Neotectonics using ASTER-GDEM. Fractal technique for extraction of topographicfractal dimension (Dtopo) and vertical dissection (Rtopo-surf) were used to assess the Neotectonics deformation.Geomorphological regions can be demarcated by using above mentioned procedures as they reveal the topographicevolutionary stages as an evaluation of topographic textures. The idea is to recognize the zones that are stronglyinfluenced by Neotectonics. Astore-Deosai-Skardu (ADS) region in Gilgit-Baltistan was selected for this purpose as itlies between MKT and MMT which is experiencing surface topographic deformation (STD) caused by anti-clock-wiseprogression and subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasia. The results obtained illustrates that Dtopo and Rtopo-surf showanomalies in the ADS region that clearly represent a robust control of nearby MMT, MKT and KkF and highlights theirsignificance to describe regions vulnerable to Neotectonics and related deadly events threatening precious human livesand infrastructure damages

    Mega-geomorphology and neotectonics

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    For several decades, subtle neotectonic effects involving several square kilometers have been studied in detail using remote sensing, primarily various types of stereo-aerial photographs at scales of 1:10,000 to 1:80,000. These subtle effects, especially local uplifts associated with growing structures of differential compaction, have been detected by the effect on drainage patterns, changes in hydraulic geometry of individuals channels or groups of channels, tonal halos (soil) and fracture patterns. The studies were extended with the advent of thermal IR imagery particularly in tonal analysis, and SLAR primarily in fracture pattern studies. Lately, quantitative efforts have begun attempting to link measured uplift over known structures with measured changes in hydraulic geometry and alluvial deposition. Thus, efforts are now underway attempting to quantify the relationship between neo- (micro-) tectonic changes and geomorphic parameters of drainage systems

    Evidence of Quaternary tectonics along Río Grande valley, southern Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Mendoza, Argentina

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    The Malargüe fold and thrust belt is developed in the Argentinian Andes between 34° and 37° S, through the tectonic inversion of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic depocenters of the Neuquén Basin, with an uplift history since the Cretaceous. Evidence of Quaternary deformation has been described in the northern part of it (34–34.5°S), potentially coeval to neotectonic activity along the eastern edge of San Rafael block. To the south, compressional and extensional structures active during the Quaternary were found in the Dorso de los Chihuidos along the Agrio fold and thrust belt front (37.5–38°S). Contrastingly, the southern segment of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt between these two areas with described neotectonic activity is partially covered by Quaternary products of the Payún Matrú volcanic field, that may hide evidence of recent deformation. In this 300 km gap of neotectonic information, the landscape imprint of two individual structures aligned in the mountain front through the Río Grande valley was analyzed. New evidence of neotectonic deformation were recognized, in particular over the western slope of the Cara Cura range, expressed by faulting and folding of Quaternary deposits and lava flows. An 40Ar/39Ar age from a deformed lava flow at the flanks of an anticline in the foothills of the Cara Cura range may suggest at least an upper Pleistocene compressional tectonic activity. Longitudinal river profile analysis revealed anomalies that show some correlation with the neotectonic structures described, especially knickpoints and concavity index changes. Meanwhile normalized steepness index values showed a moderate response to recent deformation. A proposed schematic geomorphic evolution for this segment of Río Grande river is discussed to put the neotectonic activity into the context of landscape formation. All together this evidence supports the idea of an active front through the Río Grande valley during the Quaternary, coetaneous to an active broken foreland to the east in the southern Central Andes.Fil: Colavitto, Bruno. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Sagripanti, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Fennell, Lucas Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Folguera Telichevsky, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Costa, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; Argentin

    Neotectonics of the San Andreas fault system: Basin and range province juncture

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    Several new details regarding the surficial patterns of neotectonic activity of the Eastern Transverse Ranges and vicinity were discovered. Additionally a number of data display and analysis techniques were developed. These findings will be useful both in the continued development of neotectonic models for southern California and for the future application of remote sensing methodologies elsewhere

    Hugues Faure, 1928–2003: The unique adventure of his life

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    Hugues Faure was not only one of the greatest pioneers of the study of the Quaternary and a man of outstanding personality, with the highest integrity, an uncommon strength of character, with a lot of kindness and generosity, but also a man who made his dreams, conceived in the inhospitable solitudes of the Sahara, come true. He was very young when he chose his way: barely 10 years old and his passion for geology already filled his life. It was in Africa, a continent he discovered at his earliest years as a field-geologist, and deeply loved, that he nursed and matured many of his most stimulating ideas on Quaternary environmental change. It was in the desert that he built up his exceptional personality and found his truth, which finally allowed him to accomplish his destiny. Hugues Faure was born in Paris, on the 11th March 1928, the son of a jeweller. The comfortable circumstances of the family were darkened by his father's death when Hugues was only 3 years old. As a consequence of this sad event, Hugues used to spend in England most of his school holidays far from his family. Then during World War 2, he lived the exodus on the roads of France, cycling under the bombs, with his dog in his basket. He was 12 years old, and it was the end of his youth. His passion for earth sciences had began before the age of ten, when he started collecting flint and fossils from the chalk of the Paris Basin, and decided to stop playing piano, so as to devote himself to Geology. Hugues graduated in Mathematics from Lycée Jacques-Decour in 1948, and in Sciences from the Faculté des Sciences de Paris Sorbonne in 1949. On the same year he enrolled as a geologist of the “France of Overseas”, then as a hydrogeologist at the French Geological Survey (BRGM) (1949–1963), so as to work in Africa

    Neotectonics of the San Andreas Fault system, basin and range province juncture

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    The development, active processes, and tectonic interplay of the southern San Andreas fault system and the basin and range province were studied. The study consist of data acquisition and evaluation, technique development, and image interpretation and mapping. Potentially significant geologic findings are discussed

    Impactos ENSO en cuencas atlánticas de Sudamérica

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    Interannual changes in precipitation cause significant effects on the Pacific watersheds of South America. Large rivers flowing to the Atlantic Ocean as the Paraná and Uruguay are also influenced by ENSO-triggered floods causing significant impacts on the economies of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. At the same time, the floodplains of small rivers are also sensitive to strong ENSOs. Floods occur approximately simultaneously in subtropical watersheds of Brazil and high-latitude watersheds of North Patagonia. ENSO-triggered floods were recorded during the years 1941-42, 1982-83 and 1997- 98. Several floods impacted along the Itajaí River affecting the higher (Blumenau city) and lower estuary (Itajaí city). The Guaiba River, at the headlands of Lagoa dos Patos, has repeatedly flooded Porto Alegre. At the Río de la Plata basin, significant increases in the discharges were assigned to the Paraná and the Uruguay rivers. The small basin of the Quequén Grande River without extended floodplains is subject to periodic failure of its margins. The Colorado River, the northern limit of Patagonia, is allochthonous and its watershed was artificial and progressively modified; the ENSO event of 1983 caused an increase in its salinity due to the sudden reactivation of the DesaguaderoCuracó system.Los cambios interanuales en las precipitaciones causan significativos efectos en las cuencas pacíficas de Sudamérica. Los grandes ríos que fluyen hacia el Océano Atlántico como el Paraná y el Uruguay también son influenciados por estas inundaciones originadas por estos eventos ENSO causando significativos impactos en las economías de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay. Asimismo, las planicies aluviales de los pequeños ríos también son sensibles a los ENSOs fuertes. Las crecidas ocurren casi simultáneamente en las cuencas subtropicales de Brasil como en las cuencas de altas latitudes de Patagonia. Inundaciones gavilladas por eventos ENSO fueron registradas en los años 1941-42, 1982-83 y 1997-98. Varias inundaciones afectaron al río Itajaí afectando las porciones más altas (Blumenau) y bajas del estuario (Itajaí). El río Guaíba, en las cabeceras de la Lagoa dos Patos, ha repetidamente inundado Porto Alegre. En la cuenca del Río de la Plata, incrementos significativos de su descarga fueron originados por los ríos Paraná y Uruguay. La pequeña cuenca del río Quequén Grande sin grandes planicies aluviales está sujeta a periódicos derrumbes de sus albardones. El río Colorado, límite norte de la Patagonia, es alóctono y su cuenca fue progresiva y artificialmente modificada; el ENSO de 1983 causó un aumento de su salinidad debido a la súbita reactivación del sistema DesaguaderoCuracó.Fil: Isla, Federico Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Toldo Junior, Elirio Ernestino. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasi

    Exhumed fault scarps and drainage modification as proxies of neotectonics at the Abu Dabbab area, Eastern Desert, Egypt

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    Abstract The basement rocks, Neogene sediments and Quaternary alluvial deposits in the Abu Dabbab area, Eastern Desert of Egypt, are deformed by N-S, NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W trending faults. Complex cross-cutting relationships show a complicated history of initiation and reactivation of these faults. The recent fault scarps demonstrate different morphologies, modes of formation and relative ages. Recurrent, step and successively reactivated faulting was likely responsible for the exhumation and neo-formation of the fault scarps. Capture, deep incision, offset and reversal in flow direction of streams are the main drainage modifications induced by active faults. The concealed and active faults are associated with high drainage density anomalies. Segmentation phenomenon is common for all fault trends. Microearthquakes are concentrated at the intersection zones of faults and caused by upper crustal strike-slip, oblique-slip, reverse and normal faults. The paleostresses are not consistent with the present-day stress fields. The present-day NE-SW extension across the Red Sea combined with a local multidirectional tension led to reactivation of old faults and initiation of new fault trends