1,135 research outputs found

    Fenomenologiczne ciało liberatury

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    The paper poses the question about the corporeality of a liberary work. In the first part, the discussion is focused on the issue of a body, based on the phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The second part presents the concept of liberature or, as it is often called, total literature. The last two sections are centred on the problem of the two types of a liberary “body,” as well as on the similarities between the phenomenological idea of the body and the corporeality of a liberary text

    Mathematics and Liberature: Fajfer's "Ten Letters"

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    The article discusses liberature in the context of its mathematical qualities. In this trend which inextricably connects the textual and physical layer of the work, each element in the book is expected to be created according to a certain formula which should bring a holistic piece of literature. After 1999, a great number of mathematically-oriented works have appeared which are strictly liberary. In the presentation, I base on the theoretical idea behind liberature when discussing Zenon Fajfer's liberary work Ten Letters (Pol. Dwadziescia jeden liter). This innovative piece is analysed mainly from the point of view of geometry and play with numbers, which is visible already in the title: the ten-letter phrase "ten letters." Mathematical qualities are indicated on various layers of the piece: the physical, the textual, and the visual, but especially in its form. The game of numbers is found not only where it is obviously visible and essential to understand the message, but also in places which might not have been intended. Liberature is analysed as literature but at the same time, it is shown not to be literature, and in this respect, to be mathematical at the core

    The adaptation of an English spellchecker for Japanese writers

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    It has been pointed out that the spelling errors made by second-language writers writing in English have features that are to some extent characteristic of their first language, and the suggestion has been made that a spellchecker could be adapted to take account of these features. In the work reported here, a corpus of spelling errors made by Japanese writers writing in English was compared with a corpus of errors made by native speakers. While the great majority of errors were common to the two corpora, some distinctively Japanese error patterns were evident against this common background, notably a difficulty in deciding between the letters b and v, and the letters l and r, and a tendency to add syllables. A spellchecker that had been developed for native speakers of English was adapted to cope with these errors. A brief account is given of the spellchecker’s mode of operation to indicate how it lent itself to modifications of this kind. The native-speaker spellchecker and the Japanese-adapted version were run over the error corpora and the results show that these adaptations produced a modest but worthwhile improvement to the spellchecker’s performance in correcting Japanese-made errors


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan tinjauan historis terhadap Keppres No. 24 Tahun 2016 Tentang Hari Lahir Pancasila. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepustakaan atau liberary research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, bahwa penetapan 1 Juni sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila diperjuangkan oleh Megawati Soekarno Putri, PDI-P, dan Taufiq Kiemas sejak Pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Peirngatan 1 Juni sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila akhirnya berhasil diperjuangkan pada masa Pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi. Keppres No. 24 Tahun 2016 didasarkan pada pertimbangan, bahwa Ir. Soekarno lah yang pertama kali berpidato mengusulkan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara dalam Sidang BPUPKI. Sedangkan alasan dan motivasi Presiden Jokowi untuk menetapkan 1 Juni sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila agar masyarakat mengetahui asal-usul Pancasila, menghargai perjuangan pendiri bangsa dalam menggali, merumuskan, dan menetapkan Pancasila, menghentikan polemik siapa penggali dan penemu Pancasila, serta melestarikan dan melanggengkan Pancasila melalui pengamalan.  Kata kunci: Tinjauan Kritis, Hari Lahir Pancasil


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    This study aims to describe the interpersonal communication skills of librarians in building good relationships with users. The type of research used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The method used is a methodological and scientific approach. The data is obtained using interview, observation and documentation guidelines. The data analysis is using data reduction, data display, and verification. The results showed that basically, the interpersonal communication of librarians in serving the users was quite good. However, the attitude of respect, empathy, audible, celebratory and humble shown by the Librarian towards the users is still less prominent and does not have clear standards. Thus librarians become less proactive in serving users

    The role of media in attracting audiances for public library:A case study on public libraries of Tehran (I.R.Iran)

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the role of advertising in attracting audience for libraries affiliated to Iranian public libray institute based on the AIDA model in Tehran. This study was applied in terms of purpose and was analytical-survey research from the field studies branch in terms of the method. This study was conducted based on the AIDA model and the population consisted of members of public libraries affiliated to Tehran public library institute during the period from October 2015 to October 2016. The total number of public libraries\u27 members in Tehran was 39085 people. 379 people were selected as the sample based on the Cochran formula. The sampling method was stratified random based on the education component. The data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire by modeling Jamili brothers, Rabiee and Mohammadian questionnaire (2011). The data were analyzed by SPSS Softwwere in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. 338 questionnaires were returned from 379 studied samples. The results showed that advertising of Iranian public libraries was fauiled to pass the levels of AIDA model in Tehran. But it had the effectiveness lower than average. The results show that unawwereness of community about the libraries with diverse services and easy use has led to a gap between libraries and community in general and potential users in particular. One of the essential causes of the advertising inefficiency was excessive concentration of advertising on the library itself (location). The opinions of the public libraries\u27 members in Tehran city show that unawwereness about the existence of the library and the various services that can be provided even has led to a gap among members. Therefore, Iranian public library institute in general, provincial general offices and cities secondarily, and in particular libraries themselves should use all their facilities to remove the barriers of the distance between the referees and the libraries. This problem can be solved to a large extent by extensive advertising

    The role of media in attracting audiances for public library:A case study on public libraries of Tehran (I.R.Iran)

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the role of advertising in attracting audience for libraries affiliated to Iranian public libray institute based on the AIDA model in Tehran. This study was applied in terms of purpose and was analytical-survey research from the field studies branch in terms of the method. This study was conducted based on the AIDA model and the population consisted of members of public libraries affiliated to Tehran public library institute during the period from October 2015 to October 2016. The total number of public libraries\u27 members in Tehran was 39085 people. 379 people were selected as the sample based on the Cochran formula. The sampling method was stratified random based on the education component. The data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire by modeling Jamili brothers, Rabiee and Mohammadian questionnaire (2011). The data were analyzed by SPSS Softwwere in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. 338 questionnaires were returned from 379 studied samples. The results showed that advertising of Iranian public libraries was fauiled to pass the levels of AIDA model in Tehran. But it had the effectiveness lower than average. The results show that unawwereness of community about the libraries with diverse services and easy use has led to a gap between libraries and community in general and potential users in particular. One of the essential causes of the advertising inefficiency was excessive concentration of advertising on the library itself (location). The opinions of the public libraries\u27 members in Tehran city show that unawwereness about the existence of the library and the various services that can be provided even has led to a gap among members. Therefore, Iranian public library institute in general, provincial general offices and cities secondarily, and in particular libraries themselves should use all their facilities to remove the barriers of the distance between the referees and the libraries. This problem can be solved to a large extent by extensive advertising

    Peradaban Islam: Masa Kemandekan (Abad 7/13-14/20)

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai peradaban islam: masa kemandekan (Abad 7/13-14/20) yang dimana abad 7/13 yang dianggap sebagai aliran yang patuh dicontoh untuk dapat dilakukan oleh umat Islam. Pada abad 3/9 merupakan pewarisan ilmiah kepada Yunani maupun Persia. Kontribusi penelitian terletak dalam suatu sejarah-sejarah peradaban islam dari zaman dahulu kala yang dimana dengan mempelajari suatu masa kemandekan pada abad 7/13-14/20 supaya dapat menambahkan wawasan audien terkait materi yang dijelaskan. Berdasarkan atas analisis yang telah dilakukan oleh penulis maka metode yang dipakai ialah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan suatu penelitian yang bersifat kerpustakaan (liberary research) dengan menggunakan sumber data primer yang berasal dari kaijan-kajian yang menjelaskan seperti dari para ahli yang mengetahui tentang sejarah-sejarah peradaban islam: masa kemandekan (abad 7/13-14/20). Selain itu juga menggunakan data sekunder seperti buku-buku maupun artikel ilmiah. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan meliputi dokumentasi dengan mengumpulkan data-data seperti data data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengolahan data yang dilakukan didalam jurnal ini ialah teknik analisis deskriptif yaitu mendeksripsikan, mengkaji dan menganalisis tentang suatu peradaban islam: masa kemandekan (abad 7/13-14/10) melalaui sumber-sumber yang telah didapatkan dan menjelaskan terkait pada abad 11/17 sampai pertengahan abad 14/20 dan mendeksripsikan terkait tentang apa yang masih tersisa tentang suatu kejayaan politik Islam yang diakibatkan terjadi pemecahan satu persatu dan akan mengakibatkan jatuhnya ditangan kejayaan Eropa

    Pemanfaatan Smartphone Android Oleh Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Dalam Mengakses Informasi Edukatif

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    The development of Technologi Information and communication media in now,to be present is very quikly of communication media on turning in people. It's Because the biggest innovation and metamorphosis in communication in this era. For example we can see that it's very much people used handphone for media of communication's from someone to other ‘s in another place.An Smartphone Android it is a new techonologi in communication media in people now. The Used of media smartphone android we can saw in Student's circle. The use a smart phone to be our knowlage is using on access education information. The Study to be present about Uses of the Smartphone Android by Communication Student's to be acces the education information. It's because the communication student's as spesially lerned about various information media in teory and applicatied and communication student also lerned the communication aspect in reciving information of media. The study stay in communication studen's in Faculty Social and Political Sciance of Sam Ratulangi University

    Strategi Implementasi Perizinan dan Sanksi Administratif sebagai Pembatasan terhadap Kebebasan Bertindak

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    Asas legalitas merupakan asas yang membatasi kekuasaan pemerintahan, dan pembatasan pemerintahan ini bukan berarti mematikan kekuasaan pemerintahan yang pada dasarnya berisi wewenang untuk mengendalikan (sturing) kehidupan masyarakat. Adapun izin diartikan sebagai pengecualian terhadap segala sesuatu hal yang pada prinsipnya dilarang atau tidak boleh dilakukan, jadi pemberian izin adalah pengualian terhadap larangan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan Yuridis Empiris. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum dan data yang terdiri dari Studi Kepustakaan (Liberary Research), Analisa bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Penerapan sanksi administratif dalam suatu izin merupakan pembatasan terhadap kebebasan untuk bertindak. Izin sebagai instrumen hukum dalam membatasi kebebasan bertindak bagi seseorang harus bertumpu pada aturan Perundang-undangan dan asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik. Penerapan sanksi administratif dalam suatu perizinan berfungsi untuk mengatur, mengendalikan dan atau mengarahkan kebebasan bertindak seseorang untuk berbuat sesuai dengan aturan hukum