228,306 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara persepsi siswa terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Expost Facto, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proportional random sampling dengan populasi berjumlah 161 dan sampel berjumlah 114 siswa dari seluruh siswa kelas XI pada mata pelajaran TIK SMA N 1 Semin Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Data diambil untuk masing-masing variabel dengan menggunakan angket. Validitas isi diperoleh melalui judgment ahli dan analisis butir dihitung dengan korelasi Product Moment untuk seluruh variabel. Reliabilitas instrumen persepsi siswa dengan koefisien Alpha Cronbach sebesar 0,942. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya pengaruh antara persepsi siswa (X) dengan persepsi siswa (Y) memiliki koefisien rhitung = 0,228 dan thitung 2,478 > ttabel 1,981. Karena harga thitung > ttabel, hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh antara prediktor X dengan kriterium Y dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,052. Kata Kunci : Persepsi siswa dan prestasi belaja

    Kinship Past, Kinship Present: Bio-Essentialism in the Study of Kinship

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    In this article, I reconsider bio-essentialism in the study of kinship, centering on David Schneider’s influential critique that concluded that kinship was “a non-subject” (1972:51). Schneider’s critique is often taken to have shown the limitations of and problems with past views of kinship based on biology, genealogy, and reproduction, a critique that subsequently led those reworking kinship as relatedness in the new kinship studies to view their enterprise as divorced from such bio-essentialist studies. Beginning with an alternative narrative connecting kinship past and present and concluding by introducing a novel way of thinking about kinship, I have three constituent aims in this research article: (1) to reconceptualize the relationship between kinship past and kinship present; (2) to reevaluate Schneider’s critique of bio-essentialism and what this implies for the contemporary study of kinship; and (3) subsequently to redirect theoretical discussion of what kinship is. This concluding discussion introduces a general view, the homeostatic property cluster (HPC) view of kinds, into anthropology, providing a theoretical framework that facilitates realization of the often-touted desideratum of the integration of biological and social features of kinship. [bio-essentialism, kinship studies, homeostatic property cluster kinds, Schneider, genealogy

    What Are Kinship Terminologies, and Why Do We Care? A Computational Approach to Analyzing Symbolic Domains

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    Kinship is a fundamental feature and basis of human societies. We describe a set of computational tools and services, the Kinship Algebra Modeler, and the logic that underlies these. These were developed to improve how we understand both the fundamental facts of kinship, and how people use kinship as a resource in their lives. Mathematical formalism applied to cultural concepts is more than an exercise in model building, as it provides a way to represent and explore logical consistency and implications. The logic underlying kinship is explored here through the kin term computations made by users of a terminology when computing the kinship relation one person has to another by referring to a third person for whom each has a kin term relationship. Kinship Algebra Modeler provides a set of tools, services and an architecture to explore kinship terminologies and their properties in an accessible manner

    Milk kinship and the maternal body in Shi’a Islam

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    In Islamic law, kinship is defined by consanguineal and affinal relationships. Birth and Islamic marriage are important events that define religious responsibilities of family members towards each other. Some responsibilities are connected to Mahramiyat, a framework of interpersonal relations that regulates marriages and interactions with the opposite sex. Besides consanguineal and affinal bonds, mahramiyat and kinship can also be established through breastfeeding. The relationship formed through breastfeeding is called milk mahramiyat/kinship. It is spoken of in the Quran and hadith and has been extensively discussed in Islamic Feqh. This study investigates Shi'i guidelines on milk kinship. My interest is in the exploration of existing gendered rulings on the conditions of milk mahramiyat/kinship in Shi'i jurisprudence. The analysis aims to bring forth discussions on the significance of breast milk and the maternal body, and to investigate how milk kinship is framed within the patrilineal system of kinship in Shi'a Islam. The findings discuss rulings on the role of milk-mother and -father in the way kinship takes effect. While patrilineal kinship is often defined based on a paternal 'milk line', the study suggests that alternative readings and interpretations of the Quran and hadith are available that centralize the mother and the maternal body

    Help One Another, Use One Another: Toward An Anthropology of Family Business

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    Anthropological kinship theory is explored for potential contributions to a theory of family business. This paper considers the costs and benefits of a role for kinship in business. Both derive from the discrepancy between the normative orders of kinship and markets; respectively, long-term generalized reciprocity and short-term balanced reciprocity. Because the former reflects the morality of society as a whole, kinship integrates social fields more readily than more specialized orders like markets

    Civil society in the South Caucasus: kinship networks as obstacles to civil participation

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    The research to date on informal networks of the post-communist South Caucasus has tended to focus either on the informal institutions’ role in providing social safety nets for the population or on the networks’ economic functions. This article examines the impact of informal kinship networks on participation in organized civil society in the present-day Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. In order to explore how kinship institutions affect membership in civil society organizations across the South Caucasus, this research builds on a variety of primary and secondary sources. The findings of this study reveal that kinship-based networks serve as a significant source of social capital in the South Caucasus: they offer social support to their members and encourage intra-network bonding, making participation in civil society unattractive. However, the prevalence of kinship networks does not significantly affect popular attitudes towards organized civil society and the reliance on kinship structures is not seen as substitute for membership in formal civil society
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