28,074 research outputs found

    Service oriented interactive media (SOIM) engines enabled by optimized resource sharing

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    In the same way as cloud computing, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Content Centric Networking (CCN) triggered a new class of software architectures fundamentally different from traditional desktop software, service oriented networking (SON) suggests a new class of media engine technologies, which we call Service Oriented Interactive Media (SOIM) engines. This includes a new approach for game engines and more generally interactive media engines for entertainment, training, educational and dashboard applications. Porting traditional game engines and interactive media engines to the cloud without fundamentally changing the architecture, as done frequently, can enable already various advantages of cloud computing for such kinds of applications, for example simple and transparent upgrading of content and unified user experience on all end-user devices. This paper discusses a new architecture for game engines and interactive media engines fundamentally designed for cloud and SON. Main advantages of SOIM engines are significantly higher resource efficiency, leading to a fraction of cloud hosting costs. SOIM engines achieve these benefits by multilayered data sharing, efficiently handling many input and output channels for video, audio, and 3D world synchronization, and smart user session and session slot management. Architecture and results of a prototype implementation of a SOIM engine are discussed

    Interactive Media

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    1. TEKNIK FRAME BY FRAME Interactive media frame by frame menggunakan hanya satu scene, dan dalam perancangannyapun sangat mudah. Berikut ini saya mencoba untuk mengajak anda mempraktekan langsung dan saya tuntun anda dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: * Langkah pertama buka tampilan adobe flash dan tentukan ukuran/size dari tampilan yang anda inginkan. * Tentukan jumlah halaman yang akan anda inginkan dan masukan keyframe pada frame 1,2,3 dan seterusnya sesuai dengan jumlah halaman(dengan menekan F6 anda telah menambahkan keyframe)spt gambar di bawah ini. * Disetiap frame berikan background warna yang berbeda dengan menggunakan Rectangle tool. * Buat layer baru beri nama action * Ikuti langkan ke 2 dengan menekan F6 disetiap frame dan berikan action ‘stop’(sorot action -> Global Function -> Timeline Control -> stop). Ulangi langkah tadi disetiap frame). * Buat layer baru dengan nama button next. Kemudian buat button sesuai dengan kreasi anda. * Berikan action pada button bukan pada frame dengan cara mengklik/mengaktifkan obyek button. (sorot action -> Global Function -> Timeline Control -> goto -> klik type pilih next frame). * Buat layer baru dengan nama button previous. Kemudian buat button sesuai dengan kreasi anda. * Berikan action pada button bukan pada frame dengan cara mengklik/mengaktifkan obyek button. (sorot action -> Global Function -> Timeline Control -> goto -> klik type pilih previous frame). * Buat layer baru dengan nama music. * Tampilan setiap page sudah anda buat, langkah selanjutnya adalah memasukan sound dengan cara sorot file -> import -> import to stage -> cari folder music anda, secara otomatis music akan berada pada layer music anda. * Klik frame pada layer music anda dan dibagian bawah akan muncul option music, lihat gambar dibawah ini dan ikuti penjelasan yang ada terutama di bagian Sync: select start dan loop * Anda telah memiliki basic dari ineteractive media dengan langkah frame by frame. * Lakukan test movie dengan cara menekan CTRL+Enter. * Untuk content anda tentukan sendiri mau dibuat seperti apa dan tentunya harus sesuai dengan konsep awal anda. Selamat mencoba

    Variations on the Theme of Life

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    Variations on the Theme of Life is an interactive media piece, an iOS application that generates a unique musical experience using the mathematics of cellular automata and Conway\u27s Game of Life

    Interacting with digital media at home via a second screen

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    In recent years Interactive Television (iTV) has become a household technology on a global scale. However, iTV is still a new technology in the early stages of its evolution. Our previous research looked at how everyday users of iTV feel about the interactive part of iTV. In a series of studies we investigated how people use iTV services; their likes, dislikes, preferences and opinions. We then developed a second screen-based prototype device in response to these findings and tested it with iTV users in their own homes. This is a work in progress paper that outlines the work carried previously in the area of controlling interactive Television via a second screen. The positive user responses led us to extend the scope of our previous research to look into other related areas such as barriers to digital interactive media and personalisation of digital interactive media at home

    Quality of experience driven control of interactive media stream parameters

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    In recent years, cloud computing has led to many new kinds of services. One of these popular services is cloud gaming, which provides the entire game experience to the users remotely from a server, but also other applications are provided in a similar manner. In this paper we focus on the option to render the application in the cloud, thereby delivering the graphical output of the application to the user as a video stream. In more general terms, an interactive media stream is set up over the network between the user's device and the cloud server. The main issue with this approach is situated at the network, that currently gives little guarantees on the quality of service in terms of parameters such as available bandwidth, latency or packet loss. However, for interactive media stream cases, the user is merely interested in the perceived quality, regardless of the underlaying network situation. In this paper, we present an adaptive control mechanism that optimizes the quality of experience for the use case of a race game, by trading off visual quality against frame rate in function of the available bandwidth. Practical experiments verify that QoE driven adaptation leads to improved user experience compared to systems solely taking network characteristics into account

    Harnessing the Power of Music & Sound Design in Interactive Media

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    The history of the development of sound on film offers us lessons for the development of sound and music for interactive artforms. Now that technological developments have enabled almost unrestricted importation of audio into interactive platforms, the time has come for us to ask: is the content of the audio good enough


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    This article discusses the use of interactive media in increasing student motivation. The article provides a brief overview of the benefits of using interactive media in education, such as increasing student engagement and adapting to individual learning styles. This article also highlights some of the disadvantages of using interactive media, such as the potential for distraction and the cost of developing interactive media. This article concludes that while interactive media can be an effective tool in increasing student motivation, it is important for educators to carefully consider their use and ensure that they are used in a way that maximizes their benefits while minimizing their drawbacks.Interactive Media, Learning Motivation, Students, Learning Experienc

    Pathways to the Future: Community Dialogues on Adaptive Environmental Management Through Scenario Projection in Google Maps

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    This paper presents research on the potential of interactive media for regional community dialogues on future uncertainties and complexities in coupled human and natural systems. More adaptive perspectives on natural resources management are needed to respond to rapid environmental and social change. Scenarios are a useful tool for participatory explorations of future issues that are high on uncertainties and complexities. We explore how scenarios can bank on the communicatory effectiveness of interactive media to increase their impact. We present a method, the Scenario Communities project, currently in testing phase, that combines strategies from serious gaming, landscape visualization and web 2.0 technology. We also present a number of visual tests that we use to analyse the effects of the scenario communication
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