18,252 research outputs found


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    The automatic and real-time license plate detection system can be used as an access control entry of vehicles into the parking area. The problem is how to recognize the vehicles that will go into the parking lot and how to recognize various types of license plates in various light conditions quickly and accurately. In this research, the prototype was developed with a detection system to recognize the vehicles that will enter the parking area, and a license plate recognition system. In the license plate recognition system, the Fourier transform and Hidden Markov model method have proposed to detect location of license plate and asĀ  characters segmentation to recognize Indonesia license plates. The research results have shown that the developed prototipe system has successfully recognized all Indonesia license plates in several of light condition and camera position. The percentage of plate recognition in the real-time experiment is 84.38%, and the average execution time for all recognition process is 5.834 second


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    License plate recognition or we can call LPR has been used since a long time ago and has many benefits. LPR systems typically use cameras to capture images of vehicle registration plates, and then the software is used to compare those images against a database of number plates. This technology can be used for a variety of purposes, including security, law enforcement, and traffic management. Licenses in every country have their design and some of them have unique features. Indonesian license plates have a unique number at the bottom of the license plate number that shows the validity period of a vehicle, Therefore, modification of the existing license plate recognition system like multi-line detection can be approached using pre-trained CNN. In this study, the author modified the existing license plate recognition system using pre-trained CNN. This study aims to detect the validity period of Indonesian vehicles and recognize Indonesian license plate numbers while speeding up and simplifying the training process of license plate recognition. This research aims to be used for law enforcement purposes in Indonesia


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    ABSTRAKSI: Setiap kendaraan telah memiliki identitas berupa plat kendaraan yang berisi nomor polisi. Identitas inilah yang membedakan antara kendaraan yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Pengenalan plat kendaraan dapat digunakan di berbagai sistem seperti sistem keamanan, sistem jalan tol dan sistem parkir tanpa harus membuat identitas baru sehingga topik ini menarik untuk diteliti. Setiap negara memiliki standar plat yang berbeda, tak terkecuali Indonesia. Beberapa penelitian dengan menggunakan system yang berbeda telah dilakukan, namun plat nomor yangdigunakan berbeda dengan karakteristik plat Indonesia. Oleh karena itu padaTesis ini diteliti system deteksi nomor plat yang sesuai dengan karakteristik plat Indonesia. Sistem deteksi plat yang dibuat menggunakan operasimorfologi dan karakteristik plat. Ekstraksi ciri menggunakan sistem pembagian grid, dan dilakukan pembandingan menggunakan algoritma klasifikasi KNN dan Jaringan SyarafTiruan. Optimasi dilakukanterhadap algoritma klasifikasi menggunakan algoritma genetika . Dari hasil pengujiandidapatkan akurasi sistem keseluruhan 92.31% untuk KNN dan88.46% untuk JST-BP dengan masukan berupavideo. Kata Kunci : plat, KNN, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Algoritma GenetikaABSTRACT: Each vehicle has a vehicle identification plate that contains a number i dentity which distinguishes between one vehicle to another. Vehicle license plate recognition c an be used in various systems such as security systems, highway systems and parking systems without having to create a new identity. Each state has different license plate standards, including Indonesia. Several studies using different systems have been ma de, but the number plate is used in contrast to the characteristics of Indonesian plate. Therefore be studied in this thesis number plate detection system in accordance with the characteristics of the Indonesian plate . Plate detection system made using morphological operations and the characteristics of the plate. Feature extraction using grid distribution system . C omparisons were made between KNN classification algorithm and Neural Networks . Optimization is done on the classification algorithms using genetic algorithms. From the test results obtained the overall system accuracy 92.31% for KNN and 88.46% for ANN - BP with a video input .Keyword: license plate, KNN, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithm

    Deteksi dan Identiļ¬kasi Nomor Registrasi Plat Kendaraan Indoneisa Berbasis Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

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    Salah satu penerapan pengolahan citra ialah pendeteksian dan identiļ¬kasi nomor registrasi plat kendaraan atau biasa dikenal License Plate Recognition (LPR). Diluar negeri, LPR telah diterapkan ke berbagai sistem. Di Indonesia LPR sudah dikembangkan, namun pengembangannya tidak dilakukan secara komperhensif sehingga belum diterapkan ke berbagai sistem. Oleh karena itu dengan memanfaatkan Convolutional Neural Network, dibuatlah sebuah sistem yang dapat mendeteksi dan mengidentiļ¬kasi nomor registrasi plat kendaraan Indonesia yang akan diterapkan di pintu gerbang kompleks perumahan. Proses training dilakukan menggunakan YOLOv3 dengan menggunakan 1200 dataset. Data tersebut dibagi menjadi 888 image train dan 312 image test. Hasil training tertinggi yang diperoleh sebesar 55.2% mAP. Kesalahan dalam deteksi dan identiļ¬kasi nomor registrasi plat kendaraan Indonesia yaitu paling rendah hanya 1,43%. Proses komputasi dalam deteksi dan identiļ¬kasi untuk memproses 3668 frame rata-rata membutuhkan 0,585145763 tiap frame serta membutuhkan waktu 464,177 detik. =============================================================================================================================== One application of image processing is the detection and identifica-tion of vehicle license plate numbers or commonly known as License Plate Recognition (LPR). Overseas, LPR has been applied to vari- ous systems. In Indonesia LPR has been developed, but its develo-pment is not carried out in a comprehensive manner so it has not been applied to various systems. Therefore by utilizing Convolutio-nal Neural Network , a system can be made to detect and identify Indonesian vehicle license plates number that will be implemented at the gate of the housing complex. The training process is done using YOLOv3 with 1200 datasets. The data is divided into 888 image train and 312 image test. The highest training results obtained we-re 55.2% mAP. The lowest Error in detection and identification of Indonesian vehicle plates number is only 1.43 %. The computation process in detection and identification to process 3668 frames requi-res an average of 0.585145763 per frame and takes 464,177 seconds

    Pengenalan Lokasi Plat Nomor Kendaraan Menggunakan Fourier Transform & Spectral Analysis

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    ABSTRAKSI: Jumlah kendaraan di Indonesia meningkat setiap waktu. Jumlah kendaraan yang besar akan meningkatkan kebutuhan lahan parkir. Hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya frekuensi keluar-masuk kendaraan di lahan parkir sehingga frekuensi pencatatan nomor kendaraan juga akan meningkat. Dengan jumlah kendaraan yang besar, pencatatan yang dilakukan manusia akan menyebabkan tingkat human error semakin besar. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu cara untuk menggantikan tugas manusia dalam pencatatan nomor kendaraan.Salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah Automatic Number Plate Recognition (APNR) yang merupakan sebuah sistem yang dapat mengenali nomor kendaraan secara otomatis dengan menggunakan alat optik tertentu (seperti kamera) untuk mendapatkan data input. Pada tugas akhir ini difokuskan pada proses License Plat Localization(LPL) yaitu pengenalan lokasi plat nomor pada kendaraan. Fourier Transform dan Spectral Analysis digunakan dalam mengimplementasikan sistem pengenalan lokasi plat nomor kendaraan. Fourier Transform akan menghasilkan power spectrum yang diproses oleh Spectral Analysis untuk mendapatkan lokasi plat nomor dari sebuah kendaraan. Data input yang digunakan berupa citra kendaraan dengan berbagai jenis dan kondisi. Dari percobaan yang telah dilakukan, tingkat akurasi sistem dalam mengenali lokasi plat nomor cukup baik. Akurasi terbaik dihasilkan pada kendaran berjenis SUV yaitu 100%, sedangkan akurasi yang kurang baik dihasilkan pada kendaraan berjenik truk dan kendaraan dengan pengambilan 45 derajat dari samping yaitu 52,5% dan 32,5%.Kata Kunci : APNR, kendaraan, plat nomor kendaraan, Fourier Tranform, Spectral AnalysisABSTRACT: The number of vehicles in Indonesia increased each time. Large number of vehicles will increase the need for parking space. This leads to increased frequency of exit-entry vehicle in the parking lot so that the frequency of vehicle registration numbers will also increase. With a large number of vehicles, recording by human will lead to greater levels of human error. Therefore we need a way to replace human tasks in the vehicle registration number. The Solution is to use the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (APNR) which is a system that can automatically identify the number of vehicles using certain optical instruments (such as a camera) to obtain the input data. This final project focused on the License Plate Localization (LPL) that recognize the location of license plate number on vehicle. Fourier Transform and Spectral Analysis were used in order implement this system. The power spectrum which produced by Fourier Transform will be processed by Spectral Analysis to get the location of a vehicle license plate number. The input data which was used in this research are images of vehicles with different types and conditions. Based on the experiments, the level of systemā€™s accuracy in recognizing the license plate location is quite good. Produced the best accuracy in SUV type vehicle that is 100%, while the accuracy is less good is produced on the vehicle type trucks and vehicles which is taken 45 degrees from the side that is 52,5% and 32,5%.Keyword: APNR, vehicle, license plate, Fourier Tranform, Spectral Analysi

    Penegakan Hukum Pidana terhadap Pemalsuan Plat Nomor Polisi pada Pemeriksaan Kendaraan Lalu Lintas di Jalan Raya oleh Satuan Lalu Lintas Polisi Resor Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan

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    Criminal law is present in the community as a means to eradicate crime in the comunity.associated with the authenticity of a plate operated motor vehicle on the road without the necessary license platenumber sign legitimate vehicle in accordance with a letter of explanation TNKB concered by articel 42 ayat 3 letter d of goverment Regulation Number 80 of 2012 on the inspection procedur motocycel vehicles on the road.eforcemen of traffic violations and road transport is a criminal offence, for biker both two wheels and four wheels that violatethe provisions of article 57 travif laws and road transport of vehicle accesories can be in prison terms or fines appropiate that has been set in article 280 of traffic laws and road transport set penalties for people who drive vehicles without fittedTNKB official in charge by the police.by law number 22 of 2009 on traffic and road transportthat the investigation and prosecution of traffic ofenses and road transport carried out by police investigators from the Republic of Indonesia and investigator of civil servants in the field of trafiic and road transport law eforcement againts violations of counterfeiting red plate set in the Regulation Number 3 of 2012 chapter 4 and 5 of the issuance of vehicle registration privileged and confidential for biker vehicle license issued by the IndonesiaPolice force is the vehicle registration priveleged and cofidental given to the offical vehicles, used by military police officers and govermentoficial vehicles which do not comply with the rules be penalized in accordance with article 280 jo 68 law number 22 of 2009 on trafic and road transport in the casse of forgery plate this new car that criminal provisions described in article 64 paragraph 2 of law number 22 year 2009 on trafic and road transport

    Microbial Isolation

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    The importance of isolating a microbe from the environment, such as food (solid substrate), drinks (liquid substrate), and yourself because of the many microbes that are difficult to observe or distinguish directly using the five senses. A sample can contain bacteria or fungi. By isolating, the shape of the colonies and the contents in a sample can be observed. Bacteria from the air and normal flora form colonies with lobate-shaped edges, whereas bacteria found in well water samples form colonies with irregular edges and there are also fungi found in the well water samples

    Perancangan Algoritma Optimasi Pada Pengenalan Karakter Plat Nomor Kendaraan Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra

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    The introduction of vehicle number plates especially Indonesian number plates using image processing has not been widely used. Only from the government that utilizes the introduction of vehicle license plates with image processing as an automated electronic ticketing device installed on traffic signs. Some number plate recognition research was conducted to produce the best introduction. In this research, a method is used to optimize character recognition in recognition using image processing. This method analyzes the shape of the character similarity to the main character of the vehicle license plate number and analyzes where the character's position is. This method is able to increase the recognition of vehicle license plate characters using image processing with a percentage increase in accuracy from 80% to 94%.Pengenalan plat nomor kendaraan khususnya plat nomor Indonesia menggunakan pengolahan citra belum banyak digunakan secara luas. Baru dari pemerintah yang memanfaatkan pengenalan plat nomor kendaraan dengan pengolahan citra sebagai alat otomatis tilang elektronik yang dipasang pada rambu lalu lintas. Beberapa penelitian pengenalan plat nomor dilakukan untuk menghasilakan pengenalan yang terbaik. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah metoda untuk melakukan optimasi pengenalan karakter menggunakan pengolahan citra. Metoda ini menganalisa bentuk kemiripan karakter terhadap karakter utama plat nomor kendaran serta menganalisa dimana posisi karakter tersebut berada. Metoda ini mampu meningkatkan pengenalan karakter plat nomor kendaraan menggunakan pengolahan citra dengan presentase peningkatan akurasi dari 80% menjadi 94%
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