48,768 research outputs found

    The effect of insect herbivory on the growth and fitness of introduced Verbascum thapsus L.

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    A majority of the plant species that are introduced into new ranges either do not become established, or become naturalized yet do not attain high densities and are thus considered ecologically and economically unproblematic. The factors that limit these relatively “benign” species are not well studied. The biotic resistance hypothesis predicts that herbivores, pathogens and competition reduce growth and reproduction of individual plants and so suppress population growth of non-native species. We explored the effect of insect herbivory and surrounding vegetation on growth and fitness of the non-native biennial plant Verbascum thapsus (common mullein) in Colorado, USA. Mullein is widespread in its introduced North American range, yet is infrequently considered a management concern because populations are often ephemeral and restricted to disturbed sites. To evaluate the impact of insect herbivores on mullein performance, we reduced herbivory using an insecticide treatment and compared sprayed plants to those exposed to ambient levels of herbivory. Reducing herbivory increased survival from rosette to reproduction by 7%, from 70–77%. Of plants that survived, reducing herbivory increased plant area in the first year and plant height, the length of the reproductive spike, and seed set during the second year. Reducing herbivory also had a marked effect on plant fitness, increasing seed set by 50%, from about 48,000 seeds per plant under ambient herbivory to about 98,000 per plant under reduced herbivory. Our findings also highlight that the relationship between herbivory and performance is complex. Among plants exposed to ambient herbivory, we observed a positive relationship between damage and performance, suggesting that, as predicted by the plant vigor hypothesis, insect herbivores choose the largest plants for feeding when their choice is not restricted by insecticide treatment. In contrast to the strong effects of experimentally reduced herbivory, we found that cover of other plants surrounding our focal plants explained relatively little variation in performance outcomes. Overall, we found that herbivore-induced impacts on individual plant performance and seed set are substantial, and thus may help prevent this naturalized species from becoming dominant in undisturbed recipient communities

    Herbivory increases diversification across insect clades.

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    Insects contain more than half of all living species, but the causes of their remarkable diversity remain poorly understood. Many authors have suggested that herbivory has accelerated diversification in many insect clades. However, others have questioned the role of herbivory in insect diversification. Here, we test the relationships between herbivory and insect diversification across multiple scales. We find a strong, positive relationship between herbivory and diversification among insect orders. However, herbivory explains less variation in diversification within some orders (Diptera, Hemiptera) or shows no significant relationship with diversification in others (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera). Thus, we support the overall importance of herbivory for insect diversification, but also show that its impacts can vary across scales and clades. In summary, our results illuminate the causes of species richness patterns in a group containing most living species, and show the importance of ecological impacts on diversification in explaining the diversity of life

    Above- and belowground herbivory jointly impact defense and seed dispersal traits in Taraxacum officinale

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    Plants are able to cope with herbivores by inducing defensive traits or growth responses that allow them to reduce or avoid the impact of herbivores. Since above- and belowground herbivores differ substantially in life-history traits, for example feeding types, and their spatial distribution, it is likely that they induce different responses in plants. Moreover, strong interactive effects on defense and plant growth are expected when above- and belowground herbivores are jointly present. The strengths and directions of these responses have been scarcely addressed in the literature. Using Taraxacum officinale, the root-feeding nematode Meloidogyne hapla and the locust Schistocerca gregaria as a model species, we examined to what degree above- and belowground herbivory affect (1) plant growth responses, (2) the induction of plant defensive traits, that is, leaf trichomes, and (3) changes in dispersal-related seed traits and seed germination. We compared the performance of plants originating from different populations to address whether plant responses are conserved across putative different genotypes. Overall, aboveground herbivory resulted in increased plant biomass. Root herbivory had no effect on plant growth. Plants exposed to the two herbivores showed fewer leaf trichomes than plants challenged only by one herbivore and consequently experienced greater aboveground herbivory. In addition, herbivory had effects that reached beyond the individual plant by modifying seed morphology, producing seeds with longer pappus, and germination success

    Effects of landscape context on herbivory and parasitism at different spatial scales

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    Local community structure and interactions have been shown to depend partly on landscape context. In this paper we tested the hypothesis that the spatial scale experienced by an organism depends on its trophic level. We analyzed plant-herbivore and herbivore-parasitoid interactions in 15 agricultural landscapes differing in structural complexity using the rape pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus), an important pest on oilseed rape (Brassica napus), and its parasitoids. In the very center of each landscape a patch of potted rape plants was placed in a grassy field margin strip for standardized measurement. Percent non-crop area of landscapes was negatively related to plant damage caused by herbivory and positively to the herbivores’ larval mortality resulting from parasitism. In a geographic scale analysis, we quantified the structure of the 15 landscapes for eight circular sectors ranging from 0.5 to 6 km diameter. Correlations between parasitism and non-crop areas as well as between herbivory and non-crop area were strongest at a scale of 1.5 km, thereby not supporting the view that higher trophic levels experience the world at a larger spatial scale. However, the predictive power of non-crop area changed only slightly for herbivory, but greatly with respect to parasitism as scales from 0.5 to 1.5 km and from 1.5 to 6 km diameter increased. Furthermore, the effect of non-crop area tended to be stronger in parasitism than herbivory suggesting a greater effect of changes in landscape context on parasitoids. This is in support of the general idea that higher trophic levels should be more susceptible to disturbance. (Thies, C., Steffan-Dewenter, I. and Tscharntke, T. 2003. Effects of landscape context on herbivory and parasitism at different spatial scales. – Oikos 101: 18–25.

    Herbivore induction of the glucosinolate-myrosinase defense system: major trends, biochemical bases and ecological significance

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    Like many other plant defense compounds, glucosinolates are present constitutively in plant tissues, but are also induced to higher levels by herbivore attack. Of the major glucosinolate types, indolic glucosinolates are most frequently induced regardl

    Dynamical transitions in a pollination--herbivory interaction

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    Plant-pollinator associations are often seen as purely mutualistic, while in reality they can be more complex. Indeed they may also display a diverse array of antagonistic interactions, such as competition and victim--exploiter interactions. In some cases mutualistic and antagonistic interactions are carried-out by the same species but at different life-stages. As a consequence, population structure affects the balance of inter-specific associations, a topic that is receiving increased attention. In this paper, we developed a model that captures the basic features of the interaction between a flowering plant and an insect with a larval stage that feeds on the plant's vegetative tissues (e.g. leaves) and an adult pollinator stage. Our model is able to display a rich set of dynamics, the most remarkable of which involves victim--exploiter oscillations that allow plants to attain abundances above their carrying capacities, and the periodic alternation between states dominated by mutualism or antagonism. Our study indicates that changes in the insect's life cycle can modify the balance between mutualism and antagonism, causing important qualitative changes in the interaction dynamics. These changes in the life cycle could be caused by a variety of external drivers, such as temperature, plant nutrients, pesticides and changes in the diet of adult pollinators. Abstract Keywords: mutualism, pollination, herbivory, insects, stage-structure, oscillationsComment: 20 pages, 7 main figures, 2 appendix figure

    Modeling energy flow and nutrient cycling in natural semiarid grassland ecosystems with the aid of thematic mapper data

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    Energy flow and nutrient cycling were modeled as affected by herbivory on selected intensive sites along gradients of precipitation and soils, validating the model output by monitoring selected parameters with data derived from the Thematic Mapper (TM). Herbivore production was modeled along the gradient of soils and herbivory, and validated with data derived from TM in a spatial data base

    AM fungal colonization minimizes disease damage on tomato during later life stages while delaying fruit development

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    Beneficial soil microbes, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, can help prepare plants for defense through a mechanism known as priming. Two of the most important unresolved questions in the field of AM fungal-mediated plant defense are (1) whether the effectiveness of priming remains consistent throughout the plant life cycle, and (2) whether the benefit of priming is context dependent. To address these questions, we initially fed Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) larvae on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants that were treated with either live or sterile AM fungal inocula. We did this during the plants' first two stages: vegetative growth and flowering. We found no significant difference between the live and sterile AM fungal inocula treatments in terms of surface area eaten by the hornworms. This suggests that priming does not have any effect on herbivory defense in the early life stages of tomato. After flowering, an unexpected fungal pathogen arose among the plants that precluded the continued addition of hornworms. As a consequence, we carried out a second "experiment" during which disease progression, not herbivory, was monitored during the later life stages of tomato. For this second experiment, we found that plants given the live AM fungal inocula were significantly more resistant to the disease compared to plants given sterile inocula. This suggests that AM fungal colonization does provide tomato with a defensive benefit against disease during later life stages. However, fruit production was significantly delayed in plants given the live inocula, suggesting that the actual benefit of AM fungal colonization to plant fitness could depend on the timing and severity of the disease. Further research on AM fungal-mediated resistance to plant pathogens of varying severity and timing could help elucidate the context dependence of the benefits of AM fungi to plants.Center for Applied Plant Sciences OSU Undergraduate Research ScholarshipNo embargoAcademic Major: Evolution and Ecolog

    Effects of Light and Nutrients on Tomato Plant Compensation for Herbivory by \u3ci\u3eManduca Sexta\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)

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    This preliminary study examined how two resources (light and nutrients) influence the ability of tomato plants to show growth compensation for defoliation by the tobacco homworm (Manduca sexta). Growth rate and biomass of plants grown under high and low levels of light and nutrients, and exposed to 4 levels of defoliation by Manduca sexta were measured. Nutrients affected plant growth rate much more strongly than did light. Light and nutrients, however, each influenced how herbivory affected plant growth. Defoliation significantly decreased growth rate only under conditions of low light and high nutrients. Biomass, on the other hand. was low under all resource treatments except high levels of both light and nutrients, and defoliation significantly decreased biomass only under high levels of both resources. Thus, plants appeared to compensate for damage. in terms of biomass, only under conditions of either low light and/or low nutrients
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