243 research outputs found

    Edible and ornamental gastropod resources

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    Out of 1900 species of gastropods catalogued from Indian waters, only 15 species are edible, while, a large numbers are commercially important ornamental /curios shells in handicraft trade. Sacred chank, top and turban shells are widely exploited from their distributional range. Their flesh and shell are in great demand. The paper reveals the commercial importance of gastropods in export and handicraft trade and gives the distribution details, abundance and habitat of ornamental gastropods along Indian coast. The paper reviews the status of molluscan shell handicraft trade in India and the potential for domestic and export trade

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    In this paper, a system of training of handicraft trade

    Analysis of business feasibility and trade system for rattan crafts in Rumbai district, Pekanbaru City

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    Rattan is one of the commodity timber forest products used as raw material for the rattan industry. One of the small businesses that is quite developed in Rumbai District, Pekanbaru City is the rattan handicraft business which is a traditional small industry and is a family business. This study aims to determine the business feasibility and trading system of the rattan handicraft trade. This research was conducted with a quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach. The method used for data collection is a field survey through observations, interviews, and questionnaires on rattan craftsmen and Trade Units (UD). UD Rattan Crafts in Rumbai can be said to be worthy of continuing. This is because the NPV value of the trading business in Rumbai is > 0, IRR > from interest rates, and BCR > 1. Analysis of the trading system shows that there are trading system functions that are used, namely the exchange function, physical function, and facility function


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    Maintaining language in particular mother tongue in a community is cumpulsory because it shows identity and attitude of appreciation toward the ancestors’ inheritance. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which aims at investigating the language maintenance of Balinese mother tongue. The research aims to find out whether the habit of telling story (mesatua)(mesatua)is still done in Batu Bulan Village of Gianyar Regency. This research applies Hoffman’s framework; interview and questionnaires were used as the technique in collecting the data. It can be found that the habit of storytelling (mesatua) is rarely done due to the development of modern world and technology. There is a tendency of language shift by parents in conducting storytelling to their children; shifting from mother tongue to national language. The activities were usually done orally by the parents or grandparents. There are many story told to the children and major stories told were I Lutung jak I Kakua, Siap Selem serta I Bawang jak I Kasun

    Woollen Sweaters as a Thread of Life? : A study on knitting as a hobby

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    The purpose of the present work was to study knitting as a hobby: to find connections with the traditions, to sort out the present situation and anticipate possible future developments. The study attempted to shed light on the factors related to the commencement of the hobby, on the different forms of the hobby and on the significance of knitting for those who go in for it. According to the theoretical framework, knitting was studied as a hobby, as a part of the handicraft trade and as a learned skill. In addition, the significance of knitting was approached on by analysing the related values and attitudes. The collection of the data was done with a questionnaire which means that the basic methodology was quantitative. This was supplemented by the use of a qualitative approach in the interpretation of the results. The questionnaire had, in addition to multiple choice questions and statements, an open question meant for a wider inquiry on the significance of the hobby. The objective was to get as wide a picture as possible on knitting as a hobby in Finland. Helsingin Villakehräämö (Helsinki Wool-Spinning Mill) and Novita Neuleet-magazine agreed to co-operate in the study. With their assistance it was possible to reach knitters all around Finland. The questionnaire was mailed to the subscribers of the Novita Neuleet-magazine and to an equal number of assumed knitters. The size of the sample was 603 persons of whom 325 returned the questionnaire by the deadline. The return percentage was thus 54%. The analysis of the data made use of the SPSS-statistics programme with which it was possible to present frequencies and percentages on the sample as well as the necessary parameters. The differences between the groups were tested with cross-tabulations and statistical tests. The statements related to the significance and appreciation of knitting were subjected to a factor analysis so as to facilitate a possible classification of knitters into different types. The significance of knitting was also studied with content analysis and by applying essence type analysis. On the basis of the results the commencement of knitting as a hobby seemed to be closely related to the significance of the family and traditions, to needs and school experiences. 99 per cent of the respondents reported making at least one piece of knitwear a year, which means that people do a lot of knitting. The most common piece of knitwear was a sweater (82%). Statistically the subscribers of the Novita Neuleet-magazine knitted more than the control group. Useful pastime, recreation, creativity and self-expression were emphasised as factors related to the significance of knitting. Finishing a piece of knitwear was reported to give pleasure which was manifested in the joy of giving, overcoming challenges and the experiences of success. To describe knitting two groups of knitter types were formed: those for whom knitting is a way of life and those who do knitting because of a need. The members of the ‘way of life’-group always had a work in progress whereas the ‘need’-group started working when they needed a piece of knitwear or something to do with their hands. Woolen sweaters can be a thread of life because knitting was felt to bring meaningful content into the lives of the knitters. Knitting was also seen as a useful handicraft skill which the knitters wanted to retain for future generations.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella neulonnan harrastamista: etsiä yhteyksiä perinteeseen, kartoittaa nykytilannetta ja hahmotella mahdollisia tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Tutkimuksen avulla haettiin vastausta neulontaharrastuksen viriämiseen liittyviin tekijöihin, harrastuksen ilmenemiseen ja neulonnan merkitykseen harrastajalle. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaan neulontaa tarkasteltiin harrastuksena, käsityön osa-alueena ja opittuna taitona. Lisäksi neulonnan merkitystä harrastajalle lähestyttiin kartoittamalla merkitystentaustalla olevia arvoja ja asenteita. Tutkimuksen suoritustavaksi valittiin kyselylomakkeen avulla toteutettava kvantitatiivinen menetelmä, jota täydennettiin tulosten tulkinnassa käytetyllä kvalitatiivisella tutkimusotteella. Kyselylomakkeeseen sijoitettiin monivalintakysymysten ja väittämien lisäksi laajempi neulonnan merkitystä kartoittava avoin kysymys. Tavoitteena oli saada mahdollisimman laaja kuva neulonnan harrastamisesta Suomessa. Tutkimuksen yhteistyökumppaneiksi lupautuivat Helsingin villakehräämö ja Novita Neuleet -lehti, joiden avulla pystyttiin tavoittamaan neulonnan harrastajia ympäri Suomea. Tutkimus suoritettiin postikyselynä, joka lähetettiin Novita Neuleet -lehden tilaajille ja samansuuruiselle ryhmälle oletettuja neulonnan harrastajia. Otoksen koko oli 603 henkilöä, joista 325 palauttitäytetyn lomakkeen määräaikaan mennessä. Vastausten palautumisprosentti oli 54%. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmaa, jonka avulla aineistosta laadittiin frekvenssi- ja prosenttijakaumat sekä tarvittavat tunnusluvut. Ryhmien välisiä eroja testattiin ristiintaulukoinneilla ja tilastollisilla testeillä. Neulonnan arvostusta ja merkitystä kuvaavista väittämistä laadittiin faktorianalyysi mahdollisten neulojatyyppien muodostamista varten. Neulonnan merkitystä harrastajalle tulkittiin sisällön erittelyllä sekä olemustyyppianalyysiä soveltamalla. Tulosten perusteella neulontaharrastuksen viriämiseen liittyivät keskeisesti suvun ja perinteen merkitys, tarpeet ja koulukokemukset. Neulontaa harrastettiin paljon, sillä vastaajista 99% neuloi käsin vähintään yhden työn vuodessa. Eniten neulottiin villapaitoja (82%). Tilastollisesti Novita Neuleet -lehden tilaajat neuloivat vertailuryhmää enemmän. Neulonnan merkityksissä harrastajalle korostettiin hyödyllistä ajankäyttöä, rentoutumista, luovuutta ja itsensä ilmaisua. Neuleen valmiiksi saaminen tuotti mielihyvää, joka ilmeni antamisen ilona, haasteiden voittamisena ja onnistumisen kokemuksina. Harrastajien toimintaa kuvaamaan muodostettiin kaksi neulojatyyppiä: elämäntapa- ja tarveneulojat. Elämäntapaneulojilla on aina jokin neuletyö meneillään, kun taas tarveneulojat ryhtyvät neulomaan tarvitessaan esimerkiksi neulevaatteen tai käsilleen tekemistä. Villapaidoista voi saada elämänlankaa, sillä neulonnan todettiin tuovan harrastajan elämään sisältöä. Neulontaa pidettiin tulevaisuudessakin tarvittavana käsityötaitona, jonka haluttiin säilyvän tuleville sukupolville


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    Event marketing strategy can be known as a form of marketing strategy that is realized through organizing an event. The event marketing strategy itself includes all things equipment, technical, and promotional channels. Promotional channels here are intended to promote the event so that it is known to the general public. The goal is for the audience to come to the event held either by buying tickets or not for events that are open to the public. In 2021, exports of Indonesian handicraft products will reach USD 743.50 million or grow 16.48 percent per year. Meanwhile, in 2020 the value will reach USD 638.33 million as this shows that Indonesian handicraft products are resilient and adaptive to the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper aims to describe the strategies used in this Handicraft product marketing event. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The results of the study explain that Mediatama Binakreasi in making the Inacraft event strategy uses an important part of the marketing communication strategy, electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM

    Morley College: report from the Inspectorate (FEFC inspection report; 104/97 and 104/00)

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    The Further Education Funding Council has a legal duty to make sure further education in England is properly assessed. The FEFC’s inspectorate inspects and reports on each college of further education according to a four-year cycle. This record comprises the reports for periods 1996-97 and 1999-2000.

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Kedisiplinan Pemakaian Sarung Tangan Vinyl Dengan Gejala Dermatitis Kontak Pada Pekerja Bagian Pewarnaan Cv. Batik Brotoseno Masaran Sragen

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    CV. Batik Brotoseno dalam melakukan pembuatan kain batik tidak terlepas dari penggunaan zat pewarna sintetis dan zat kimia, tetapi dalam penggunaan za-zat kimia belum diikuti dengan pemahaman-pemahaman prosedur kerja yang sesuai. Proses kerja pewarnaan kain batik masih dilakukan secara manual menggunakan tangan, kondisi ini memiliki risiko terkena penyakit kulit dermatitis kontak akibat kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan kedisiplinan penggunaan sarung tangan vinyl dengan gejala dermatitis kontak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik total sampling. Uji statistik menggunakan korelasi Spearman Rho dengan tingkat signifikan (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan alat pelindung diri tangan dengan gejala dermatitis kontak (p-value=0,352). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kedisiplinan pemakaian sarung tangan vinyl dengan gejala dermatitis kontak (p-value=0,004) (r=-0,619) dengan tingkat keeratan hubungan yang kuat dan menunjukkan arah korelasi negatif yang berarti semakin rendah tingkat kedisiplinan pekerja dalam penggunaan sarung tangan vinyl maka akan semakin tinggi tingkatan dermatitis kontak yang di alami pekaerja

    Protection and preservation of traditional cultural expressions & traditional knowledge in handicraft trade: advocating the need for a global cultural policy framework

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    To protect cultural heritage, advance sustainable lives and economic growth, and promote environmental sustainability, traditional knowledge and cultural expressions in the handicraft sector must be protected. Additionally, it encourages cross-cultural dialogue and mutual respect, highlighting the importance of each community's distinctive contributions to the world's cultural environment. The preservation of cultural legacy and sustainable lifestyles for indigenous populations become more important as the cross-border interchange of commodities and ideas grows. The study highlights the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' (UNDRIP) initiatives related to protecting traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions along with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) understanding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The study focuses on the limits of the present intellectual property systems in addressing the particular difficulties encountered by indigenous communities and craftspeople, especially due to exploitation done by commercial entities. It promotes the need for a thorough global framework for a cultural policy that acknowledges these groups' collective rights to their traditional cultural manifestations and knowledge. The paper also explores the function of domestic, regional, and global legal frameworks in safeguarding TCE and TK, highlighting instances of effective sui generis systems and their potential advantages. The article concludes by advocating for a comprehensive and inclusive global framework for cultural policy in order to successfully protect traditional cultural expressions and expertise in the handicraft industry