11,717 research outputs found

    Functional and structural properties of dentate granule cells with hilar basal dendrites in mouse entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures

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    During postnatal development hippocampal dentate granule cells (GCs) often extend dendrites from the basal pole of their cell bodies into the hilar region. These so-called hilar basal dendrites (hBD) usually regress with maturation. However, hBDs may persist in a subset of mature GCs under certain conditions (both physiological and pathological). The functional role of these hBD-GCs remains not well understood. Here, we have studied hBD-GCs in mature (≥18 days in vitro) mouse entorhino-hippocampal slice cultures under control conditions and have compared their basic functional properties (basic intrinsic and synaptic properties) and structural properties (dendritic arborisation and spine densities) to those of neighboring GCs without hBDs in the same set of cultures. Except for the presence of hBDs, we did not detect major differences between the two GC populations. Furthermore, paired recordings of neighboring GCs with and without hBDs did not reveal evidence for a heavy aberrant GC-to-GC connectivity. Taken together, our data suggest that in control cultures the presence of hBDs on GCs is neither sufficient to predict alterations in the basic functional and structural properties of these GCs nor indicative of a heavy GC-to-GC connectivity between neighboring GCs

    The dendritic density field of a cortical pyramidal cell

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    Much is known about the computation in individual neurons in the cortical column. Also, the selective connectivity between many cortical neuron types has been studied in great detail. However, due to the complexity of this microcircuitry its functional role within the cortical column remains a mystery. Some of the wiring behavior between neurons can be interpreted directly from their particular dendritic and axonal shapes. Here, I describe the dendritic density field (DDF) as one key element that remains to be better understood. I sketch an approach to relate DDFs in general to their underlying potential connectivity schemes. As an example, I show how the characteristic shape of a cortical pyramidal cell appears as a direct consequence of connecting inputs arranged in two separate parallel layers

    Prenatal inhibition of the kynurenine pathway leads to structural changes in the hippocampus of adult rat offspring

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    Glutamate receptors for N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) are involved in early brain development. The kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism includes the NMDA receptor agonist quinolinic acid and the antagonist kynurenic acid. We now report that prenatal inhibition of the pathway in rats with 3,4-dimethoxy-N-[4-(3-nitrophenyl)thiazol-2-yl]benzenesulphonamide (Ro61-8048) produces marked changes in hippocampal neuron morphology, spine density and the immunocytochemical localisation of developmental proteins in the offspring at postnatal day 60. Golgi–Cox silver staining revealed decreased overall numbers and lengths of CA1 basal dendrites and secondary basal dendrites, together with fewer basal dendritic spines and less overall dendritic complexity in the basal arbour. Fewer dendrites and less complexity were also noted in the dentate gyrus granule cells. More neurons containing the nuclear marker NeuN and the developmental protein sonic hedgehog were detected in the CA1 region and dentate gyrus. Staining for doublecortin revealed fewer newly generated granule cells bearing extended dendritic processes. The number of neuron terminals staining for vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT)-1 and VGLUT-2 was increased by Ro61-8048, with no change in expression of vesicular GABA transporter or its co-localisation with vesicle-associated membrane protein-1. These data support the view that constitutive kynurenine metabolism normally plays a role in early embryonic brain development, and that interfering with it has profound consequences for neuronal structure and morphology, lasting into adulthood

    Synaptophysin and synaptoporin expression in the developing rat olfactory system

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    The expressions of two closely related synaptic vesicle antigens synaptophysin and synaptoporin were examined in the olfactory system of the adult rat and during pre- and postnatal development. In the adult, immunocytochemistry showed that the continuously regenerating olfactory receptor neurons (primary neurons) produce both synaptophysin and synaptoporin which were localized in the cell bodies of the receptor neurons in the olfactory epithelium, their dendrites, axonal processes in the olfactory nerve and their terminals in the olfactory bulb glomeruli. Furthermore, ultrastructural analysis revealed synaptophysin- and synaptoporin-immunore activities associated with synaptic vesicles in most olfactory receptor axonal terminals impinging on dendrites of the mitral and tufted neurons (secondary neurons in the olfactory bulb circuitry) in the olfactory glomeruli. In like manner, tufted neurons, granule and periglomerular neurons (interneurons in the olfactory bulb circuitry) express both synaptophysin and synaptoporin. In contrast, mitral neurons expressed only the synaptophysin antigen which was likewise associated with mitral axonal terminals in their target the olfactory cortex. The patterns of synaptophysin and synaptoporin expressions in mitral neurons (synaptophysin only) and tufted neurons (synaptophysin and synaptoporin) were similar in prenatal, postnatal and adult rats as revealed by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. However, the biosynthesis of synaptophysin and synaptoporin by granule and periglomerular neurons, olfactory bulb interneurons, occurred mainly postnatally

    Differential expression of synaptophysin and synaptoporin during pre- and postnatal development of the hippocampal network

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    The closely related synaptic vesicle membrane proteins synaptophysin and synaptoporin are abundant in the hippocampal formation of the adult rat. But the prenatal hippocampal formation contains only synaptophysin, which is first detected at embryonic day 17 (E17) in perikarya and axons of the pyramidal neurons. At E21 synaptophysin immunoreactivity extends into the apical dendrites of these cells and in newly formed terminals contacting these dendrites. The transient presence of synaptophysin in axons and dendrites suggests a functional involvement of synaptophysin in fibre outgrowth of developing pyramidal neurons. Synaptoporin expression parallels the formation of dentate granule cell synaptic contacts with pyramidal neurons: the amount of hippocampal synaptoporin, determined in immunoblots and by synaptoporin immunostaining of developing mossy fibre terminals, increases during the first postnatal week. Moreover, in the adult, synaptoporin is found exclusively in the mossy fibre terminals present in the hilar region of the dentate gyrus and the regio inferior of the cornu ammonis. In contrast, synaptophysin is present in all synaptic fields of the hippocampal formation, including the mossy fibre terminals, where it colocalizes with synaptoporin in the same boutons. Our data indicate that granule neuron terminals differ from all other terminals of the hippocampal formation by the presence of both synaptoporin and synaptophysin. This difference, observed in the earliest synaptic contacts in the postnatal hippocampus and persisting into adult life, suggests distinct functions of synaptoporin in these nerve terminals

    Electrical Compartmentalization in Neurons

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    The dendritic tree of neurons plays an important role in information processing in the brain. While it is thought that dendrites require independent subunits to perform most of their computations, it is still not understood how they compartmentalize into functional subunits. Here, we show how these subunits can be deduced from the properties of dendrites. We devised a formalism that links the dendritic arborization to an impedance-based tree graph and show how the topology of this graph reveals independent subunits. This analysis reveals that cooperativity between synapses decreases slowly with increasing electrical separation and thus that few independent subunits coexist. We nevertheless find that balanced inputs or shunting inhibition can modify this topology and increase the number and size of the subunits in a context-dependent manner. We also find that this dynamic recompartmentalization can enable branch-specific learning of stimulus features. Analysis of dendritic patch-clamp recording experiments confirmed our theoretical predictions.Peer reviewe

    Reading out a spatiotemporal population code by imaging neighbouring parallel fibre axons in vivo.

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    The spatiotemporal pattern of synaptic inputs to the dendritic tree is crucial for synaptic integration and plasticity. However, it is not known if input patterns driven by sensory stimuli are structured or random. Here we investigate the spatial patterning of synaptic inputs by directly monitoring presynaptic activity in the intact mouse brain on the micron scale. Using in vivo calcium imaging of multiple neighbouring cerebellar parallel fibre axons, we find evidence for clustered patterns of axonal activity during sensory processing. The clustered parallel fibre input we observe is ideally suited for driving dendritic spikes, postsynaptic calcium signalling, and synaptic plasticity in downstream Purkinje cells, and is thus likely to be a major feature of cerebellar function during sensory processing

    Pharmacological rescue of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in a mouse model of X-linked intellectual disability

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    Oligophrenin-1 (OPHN1) is a Rho GTPase activating protein whose mutations cause X-linked intellectual disability (XLID). How loss of function of Ophnl affects neuronal development is only partly understood. Here we have exploited adult hippocampal neurogenesis to dissect the steps of neuronal differentiation that are affected by Ophn1 deletion. We found that mice lacking Ophnl display a reduction in the number of newborn neurons in the dentate gyrus. A significant fraction of the Ophn1-deficient newly generated neurons failed to extend an axon towards CM, and showed an altered density of dendritic protrusions. Since Ophnl-deficient mice display overactivation of Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) and protein kinase A (PICA) signaling, we administered a clinically approved ROCK/PICA inhibitor (fasudil) to correct the neurogenesis defects. While administration of fasudil was not effective in rescuing axon formation, the same treatment completely restored spine density to control levels, and enhanced the long-term survival of adult-born neurons in mice lacking Ophn1. These results identify specific neurodevelopmental steps that are impacted by Ophn1 deletion, and indicate that they may be at least partially corrected by pharmacological treatment. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Dendritic spike induction of postsynaptic cerebellar LTP

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    The architecture of parallel fiber (PF) axons contacting cerebellar Purkinje neurons (PNs) retains spatial information over long distances. PF synapses can trigger local dendritic calcium spikes, but whether and how this calcium signal leads to plastic changes that decode the PF input organization is unknown. By combining voltage and calcium imaging, we show that PF-elicited calcium signals, mediated by voltage-gated calcium channels, increase non-linearly during high-frequency bursts of electrically constant calcium spikes because they locally and transiently saturate the endogenous buffer. We demonstrate that these non-linear calcium signals, independently of NMDA or metabotropic glutamate receptor activation, can induce PF long-term potentiation (LTP). Two-photon imaging in coronal slices revealed that calcium signals inducing LTP can be observed by stimulating either the PF or the ascending fiber pathway. We propose that local dendritic calcium spikes, evoked by synaptic potentials, provide a unique mechanism to spatially decode PF signals into cerebellar circuitry changes

    Role of hilar mossy cells in the CA3-dentate gyrus network during sharp wave-ripple activity in vitro

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    Der Gyrus dentatus (DG) des Hippokampus wird als Eingangsstation für Informationen aus dem entorhinalen Kortex betrachtet. In das DG-Netzwerk sind zwei exzitatorische Zelltypen eingebettet: Körnerzellen, die Signale von dem entorhinalen Kortex empfangen, und Hilus-Mooszellen (MCs), die Signale von Körnerzellen als auch von feedback-Projektionen von CA3-Pyramidenzellen (PCs) empfangen. Postsynaptische Ziele von MC-Projektionen umfassen DG Körnerzellen und verschiedene Interneurone in der selben und in der kontralateralen Hemisphäre des Gehirns. Die Rolle von MCs während rhythmischer Populationsaktivität, und insbesondere während Sharp-Wave / Ripple-Komplexen (SWRs), ist bisher weitgehend unerforscht. SWRs sind prominente Ereignisse im Hippocampus während des Tiefschlafs (Slow wave sleep) und des ruhigen Wachzustandes, und sie sind an der Gedächtniskonsolidierung beteiligt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit, untersuchen wir mithilfe eines in-vitro-Modells von SWRs, inwieweit Mooszellen an SWRs in CA3 beteiligt sind. Mit CA3-Feldpotential-Ableitungen und gleichzeitigen ‚cell-attached‘ Messungen von einzelnen MCs konnten wir beobachten, dass ein wesentlicher Anteil von MCs (47%) während der SWRs in das aktive neuronale Netzwerk rekrutiert werden. Darüber hinaus fanden wir in MCs SWR-assoziierte synaptische Aktivität, bei denen sowohl die exzitatorischen als auch die inhibitorischen Komponenten phasenkohärent und verzögert zur Ripple Oszillation in CA3 auftreten. Simultane Patch-clamp Messungen von CA3-Pyramidenzellen und MCs zeigten längere exzitatorische und inhibitorische Latenzzeiten bei MCs, was die Hypothese einer von CA3 ausgehenden Feedback-Rekrutierung unterstützt. Unsere Daten zeigen zusätzlich, dass das Verhältnis exzitatorischer zu inhibitorischer Aktivität in MCs höher ist als in CA3-Pyramidenzellen, wodurch die MCs mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit während SWRs überschwellig aktiviert werden. Schließlich zeigen wir, dass ein signifikanter Anteil (66%) der getesteten Körnerzellen SWR-assoziierte exzitatorische Signale erhalten, im Vergleich zu MCs zeitlich verzögert, was auf eine indirekte Aktivierung von Körnerzellen durch CA3 PCs über MCs hinweist. Zusammengefasst zeigen unsere Daten die aktive Beteiligung von Mooszellen an SWRs und deuten auf eine funktionelle Bedeutung als Schaltstelle für das CA3- Gyrus dentatus Netzwerk in diesem wichtigen physiologischen Netzwerkzustand hin.The dentate gyrus (DG) is considered as the hippocampal input gate for the information arriving from the entorhinal cortex. Embedded into the DG network are two excitatory cell types –granule cells (GCs), which receive inputs from the entorhinal cortex, and hilar mossy cells (MCs), which receive input from GCs and feedback projections from CA3 pyramidal cells (PCs). The postsynaptic targets of MC projections are the GCs and hilar interneurons in both ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres of the brain. The role of MCs during rhythmic population activity, and in particular during sharp-wave/ripple complexes (SWRs), has remained largely unexplored. SWRs are prominent field events in the hippocampus during slow wave sleep and quiet wakefulness, and are involved in memory consolidation and future planning. In this study, we sought to understand whether MCs participate during CA3 SWRs using an in vitro model of SWRs. With simultaneous CA3 field potential– and cell-attached recordings from MCs, we observed that a significant fraction of MCs (47%) are recruited into the active neuronal network during SWRs. Moreover, MCs receive pronounced, compound, ripple-associated synaptic input where both excitatory and inhibitory components are phase-coherent with and delayed to the CA3 ripple. Simultaneous patch recordings from CA3 pyramidal neurons and MCs revealed longer excitatory and inhibitory latencies in MCs, supporting a feedback recruitment from CA3. Our data also show that the excitatory to inhibitory charge transfer (E/I) ratio in MCs is higher than in the CA3 PCs, making the MCs more likely to spike during SWRs. Finally, we demonstrate that a significant fraction (66%) of tested GCs receive SWR-associated excitatory inputs that are delayed compared to MCs, indicating an indirect activation of GCs by CA3 PCs via MCs. Together, our data suggest the involvement of mossy cells during SWRs and their importance as a relay for CA3-dentate gyrus networks in this important physiological network state