9,923 research outputs found

    Ekologija i mediji

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global goals targeting all levels: from a planetary biosphere to a local community. The aim is to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people can enjoy peace and prosperity, now and in the future. The beginning of the Twenty-first century and the last fifteen years of the twentieth century have been the awakening of human consciousness when it comes to ecology and environmental protection. The man of the digital age is slowly becoming aware that a new society is a life-organization characterized by the use of modern technologies and overuse of natural resources and, in some places, already devastated and degraded environments. The modern economy survives on the use of living and inanimate natural resources. Natural resources such as air, water, soil are polluted and some animal species are exterminated in this period. For this reason, it is of great importance to force producing and broadcasting numerous environmental shows on local, regional and global media. Going deeper into the issue, we have to see that the problem should be addressed more and more, reinforcing at the same time the ethics of all people on the planet, which would lead to the adoption of binding norms that would affect people’s behavior when it comes to ecology and environmental protection . The media is playing a key role in this issue. A part of the discussion on the concept of conservation, including the main scientific and ethical points of view, is presented in this paper, highlighting the environmental, socio-ecological and ethical aspects behind the comprehensive concept of industry and economy. This paper is about the idea of being the appeal on media regarding the urgent need for socio-environmental ethical personal engagement and collective actions.Početak novog tisućljeća i prethodnih petnaest godina karakterizira, svjedoci smo, buđenje ljudske svijesti kada je riječ o ekologiji i zaštiti okoliša. Čovjek koji preživi u doba digitalnih tehnologija polako razvija svijest da je potrebna nova organizacija društva i života u vremenu opterećenom modernim tehnologijama i pretjeranom upotrebom prirodnih resursa, a na nekim mjestima i već devastiranom i degradiranom okolišu. Suvremeno gospodarstvo preživljava od upotrebe živih i neživih prirodnih resursa. Došlo je do zagađenja zraka, vode, zemlje, izumiranja životinjskih vrsta. Iz tog su se razloga čisto ekološki problemi rješavali proizvodnjom i emitiranjem niza ekoloških programa na lokalnim, regionalnim i globalnim medijima. Ulazeći dublje u problem, moramo vidjeti da se problem mora riješiti prevladavanjem ekonomskih imperativa, istodobno, jačanjem etike svih ljudi na planetu, što bi dovelo do usvajanja obvezujućih normi koje bi utjecale na ljudsko ponašanje kada se radi o ekologiji i zaštiti okoliša. Mediji u tome moraju igrati ključnu ulogu


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    Medijų ekologija neatsiejama nuo visuomenės vystymosi ir asmens socializacijos procesų. Medijų ekologija iliustruoja infosferos srityje veikiančių medijų, visuomenės ir asmens sąveikos procesus, kurie gali būti „saugūs“ ir ekologiški techniniu, komunikaciniu bei psichofiziniu požiūriais. Medijų ekologija neatsiejama nuo komunikacijos procesų, kurie vyksta ir fizinėje, ir mentalinėje erdvėje. Jos sritys: ekogamtinė, ekofizinė ir ekoemocinė. Ekoemocinė sritis nukreipta į medijų ir asmens sąveiką, kur akcentuojamas medijų turinio / tekstų poveikis emocinei ir pažintinei (kognityvinei) patirčiai. Taigi ekoemocinės srities orientyras – pozityvi medijinė patirtis, neatsiejama nuo medijinės kompetencijos.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: medijų ekologija, infosfera, medijos, medijinė patirtis, komunikacija, ekoemocinė, ekofizinė, ekogamtinė.JEL klasifikacija: M00DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v21i1.141

    Avian Haemosporidian blood parasite infections at a migration hotspot in Eilat, Israel

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    Haemosporidian blood parasites are frequent amongst passerines. Though they often do not cause detectable  consequences to host health, however, their presence or absence and also their prevalence across host  populations may potentially carry meaningful information about the health, stress, body condition and viability of bird individuals or populations. The study of migratory birds captured in Eilat, Israel, allowed us to evaluate the prevalence of blood parasite infections in a wide range of both migrant and resident species in spring (N = 1,950) and autumn (N = 538) of 2004 and 2005. According to blood film microscopy, Haemoproteus spp. and Leucocytozoon spp. were more prevalent in the spring than in the autumn (0.289, 0.082 vs. 0.132, 0.033, respectively), whilst Plasmodium spp. exhibited a slight opposite trend (0.034, 0.056). All other parasites (such as trypanosomes, microfilaria and haemococcidians) were rare. During the spring seasons, prevalences were significantly higher in migrant than in resident species, whilst this difference was only marginally significant in the autumn. Given that Eilat is a migration hotspot for several Palearctic passerine species, the present descriptive study may hopefully serve to set the baseline values for future long-term epidemiological monitoring

    Is new spread of the European beaver in Pannonian basin an evidence of the species recovery?

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    Abstract: During fieldwork from 6 June to 20 July 2016, the first records of the European beaver (Castor fiber) in south-eastern Slovakia were made. Beavers are mainly nocturnal animals, and as such, they are rarely observed; therefore, our observations were based on searching for beaver presence signs: damaged trees, dams, signs of food consumption (chewed/felled trees) and footprints in the mud. The southern part of the Košická kotlina basin, from the city of Košice down to the state border and the surrounding villages in Hungary, was checked. We found two beaver locations via feeding signs in the vicinity of the Slovakia–Hungary state border, at the villages of Milhosť (Miglécnémeti) and Buzica (Buzita), in Slovakia. According to our calculations, the present total beaver population in Hungary is between 4,000 and 5,000 and 14,600–18,300 beavers with potential support. For Slovakia, we estimated the potential population size to be 7,700–9,600. Our findings in northern Pannonian lowland (Slovakia–Hungary border) are an important evidence of beaver expansion. Although we don’t know the exact origin of investigated population, these new records indicate the possibility of merging the populations of different origin, which could enable gene flow and increase the genetic diversity. This could lead to improved recovery of species and its stabilisation in nature. However, it is necessary to carry out a detailed investigation of the presence of beaver in these regions in future

    The Emergence and Development of Ecology

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    Rasprava prikazuje nastojanja za oblikovanje socijalne ekologije kao discipline koja prati dinamiku odnosa društva i okoline. Sociolozi danas opažaju očite preobrazbe osobito u podsistemima društvenog života. U daljnjoj raspravi autor upozorava na razlike između rasta i razvoja, pojmova koji se u ekologiji lako zamijene zbog nepažnje kako pri teorijskim raspravama, tako i pri praktičnom djelovanju. Autor obrazlaže zdravstvenu ili medicinsku ekologiju, koja spaja prirodoznanstvene i društvenoznanstvene spoznaje u ekološkom pristupu. Utvrđuje da je na nekim područjima medicine potrebno razlikovati učinke mentalnohigijenskih utjecaja na pojedince, na rizične skupine, kao i na čitavu populaciju. Konačno rasprava otvara problem utvrđivanja ishodišta socijalne ekologije što je najznačajnije za nastajanje svake znanstvene discipline, bilo za praćenje pojavnih oblika ponašanje spram okoline, bilo za pitanje mjerila u proučavanju i definiranju ekološkog minimuma.The paper presents the attempts to establish social ecology as a discipline following the dynamic relationship between society and environment. Today, sociologist perceive evident transformations, especially in the subsystems of social life. Further on the paper the author warns of the difference between the concepts of growth and development which are, due to inattentiveness, being used in ecology’ indiscriminately, in theoretical debates as well as in practical action. The author writes about the ecology of health or medicine, which combines the knowledge of natural and social sciences in an ecological approach. He establishes that in some fields of medicine it is necessary to differentiate among the impacts of mentally hygienic influences on individuals, on risk groups, and on the whole population as well. Finally, the debate opens up the issue of determining the origins of social ecology, which is the most important issue for the making of any scientific discipline, either for observing the phenomenal forms of behavior toward the environment, or for the matter of setting standards in studying and defining the ecological minimum

    Biology and ecology of crocodiles (order Crocodylia)

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    Krokodili su se pojavili prije oko 240 milijuna godina. U početku su bili male kopnene životinje. Poboljšanje klime omogućilo im je da se razviju u puno veće oblike poput Deinosuchusa koji je dosezao veličinu do 13m. Međutim, klima se mijenjala isto kao i položaj kontinenata što je navelo krokodile da se prilagode novonastalim uvjetima. Recentni krokodili su životinje veličine do 7m i najveći su živući gmazovi. Unutar razreda Reptilia odlikuju se nekim specifičnim anatomskim osobinama koje su se razvile kao prilagodbe predatorstvu i semiakvatičkom načinu života. Snažna čeljust, sekundarno nepce, četverodijelno srce, dijafragma, mehanizam zakiseljavanja probavnih sokova, neke su od njih. Važnu ulogu tu također imaju i specifični oblici ponašanja koji najviše do izražaja dolaze prilikom termoregulacije, razmnožavanja i vrebanja plijena. Od nekada puno brojnijeg reda, danas žive još samo 23 vrste koje su raspoređene u tri porodice: Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae i Gavialidae, čiji se areal rasprostranjenja proteže tropskim i suptropskim područjima. Djelovanje čovjeka sve više ugrožava ovu zanimljivu skupinu životinja koja čini posljednje ostatke mezozojske faune. Bilo bi šteta ne djelovati i tako dopustiti da nestanu jedini živući suvremenici dinosaura.Crocodiles had turned up on our planet 240 million years ago. At first they were small land animals, yet the enhancement of world climate enabled them to grow into much bigger forms like Deinosuchusa, whose lenght reached up to 13 meters. However, climate gradually changed and so did the position of continents, which made crocodiles adapt to new life conditions. Crocodiles today measure up to 7 meters and are the largest living reptiles on Earth. Within Reptilia class are a few specific anatomical characteristics that are adaptations to the predatorian and semi-acquatic way of life. A strong jaw, secondary palate, four – chambered heart, diaphragm and a gastric acid – making mechanism are just a few of them. Specific kinds of behaviours, that are best seen at the processes of thermoregulation, breeding and stalking of prey, also play a very important role. Formerly a more numerous order, today is counting only 23 species that are divided into three families: Alligatoridae, Crocodylidae and Gavialidae, which live in the tropical and subtropical lands. Man's actions more and more endanger this interesting specie that makes the last remains of the mezozoic fauna. It would be a shame not to act and let only remaining dinosaurs' contemporaries decay

    Ekološki odgoj i ekoslikovnice za djecu mlađe školske dobi

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    Termin ekologija je prvi puta upotrijebljen 1866. godine od strane njemačkog biologa Haeckela i ima korijen u grčkoj riječi „oikos“ što znači „kuća“. Hrvatski opći leksikon (1996) navodi: „Ekologija je znanost o mnogostrukim odnosima između živih organizama i okoline u kojoj one žive (bilja, životinja)“. Ekologijom se bave posebno obrazovani stručnjaci koji se nazivaju ekolozi. Koncept održivog razvoja jedan je od najneusuglašenijih pojmova današnjice. WCED (eng. World Commission on Environment and Development) nam nudi ovu definiciju: „Održivi razvoj jest razvoj koji izlazi u susret potrebama današnjih generacija pri čemu se vodi računa da zadovoljavanje potreba današnjih generacija ne dovede u pitanje mogućnost budućih potreba da zadovolje svoje potrebe“ (WCED, 1987:46). “ „Na Zemaljskom samitu u Rio de Jaineiru, u Brazilu, 1992. godine, svjetske su vlade potpisale deklaraciju kojom su se obavezale da će „postići održiv napredak i veću kvalitetu života za sve ljude“. Održiv napredak znači da mi, danas, moramo dobiti sve potrebno za život, a da pri tome ne uništimo izglede ljudi u budućnosti. “ (Scott, 2004:153) Lay (2005:357) održivost definira kao sposobnost nekoga živog entiteta (bilo biološkog (biosfera), bilo socijalnog (društvo)) ili procesa kojega ovi entiteti svojim postojanjem, djelovanjem suproizvode da se načinom življenja i djelovanja (samo)održavaju, (samo)reproduciraju i (samo)obnavljaju. Odgoj i obrazovanje za održivi razvoj pojavljuje se kao ujedinjavajuća tema za brojne odgojno-obrazovne aktivnosti usmjerene prema različitim aspektima održivosti. Cilj obrazovanja za održivi razvoj je osposobiti današnje učenike za vrijeme koje dolazi, vrijeme u kojem će oni biti dio radno aktivnog stanovništva i donositi odgovorne odluke. Iznimno je važno među djecom i učenicima od najranije dobi razvijati pozivitne vrijednosti prema očuvanju okoliša te im osvijestiti da je moguće ostvariti ekonomski rast i razvoj koji ne narušava prirodnu ravnotežu. Ekološke aktivnosti kojima to postižemo razvrstavaju se u sljedeće kategorije: ekološke igre, ekološke aktivnosti i ekološke priče. Zamisao za projekt Zelena knjižnica nastala je krajem 2010. godine. Knjižnica Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku uključila se u projekt Zelena knjižnica, s ciljem osmišljavanja i provođenja programa koji bi doprinosili razvoju društva koje vodi brigu o svojoj planeti i životu na njoj. Stoga je Knjižnica Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u suradnji sa Osnovnom školom „Vijenac“ u Osijeku, organizirala 5. lipnja 2017. godine eko-radionicu u trajanju od dva školska sata. Na njoj je glavna tema bila sve veća potreba za energijom, te o tome kako su prirodni resursi neobnovljivih energetskih izvora ograničeni, te se moramo okrenuti obnovljivim izvorima energije poput Sunca, vjetra, vode, biomase te plime i oseke. Uporaba obnovljivih izvora energije od iznimne je važnosti jer njihovom uporabom sprječavamo onečišćenje okoliša, osobito atmosfere, što se odražava na klimatske promjene, ali i na svakodnevni život.The term ecology was first used in 1866 by a German biologist Haeckel and has the root in the Greek word „oikos“ meaning „house“. Croatian general lexicon (1996): „Ecology is the science of multiple relationships between living organisms and the environment in which they live (plants, animals).“ Ecology is dealt with specially educated experts called ecologists. The concept of sustainable development is one of the most unconventional concepts of today. The WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development) provides us with this definition: „Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of today's generations, taking care that satisfying the needs of today's generations does not jeopardize the prospect of future needs to meet their needs“ (WCED, 1987: 46).“ „At the Earth Summit in Rio de Jaineiro, Brazil, in 1992, world governments signed a declaration that they „will achieve sustainable progress and higher quality of life for all people“. Sustainable progress means that today, we must get everything we need to live without destroying people's prospects in the future. “(Scott, 2004: 153) Lay (2005:357) defined sustainability as the capacity of a living entity (either a biological (biosphere) or social (or society)) or a process by which these entities maintain their action, by acting as a means of living and acting (alone), (only) reproducing and (only) updated. Education and training for sustainable development appears as a unifying theme for a number of educational activities geared towards different aspects of sustainability. The goal of education for sustainable development is to enable today's pupils for the times that are coming, the time they will be part of a working active population and make responsible decisions. It is extremely important for children and young people to develop invigorating values to preserve the environment from the earliest age and to realize that it is possible to achieve economic growth and development that does not disturb the natural balance. The ecological activities that we accomplish are classified into the following categories: ecological games, ecological activities, and ecological stories. The idea for the Green Library project was created by the end of 2010. The Library of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Osijek has been involved in the Green Library project, with the aim of designing and implementing programs that will contribute to the development of a society that takes care of their planet and life on it. Therefore, the Library of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in cooperation with the „Vijenac“ Primary School in Osijek organized an eco-workshop for two school hours on June 5, 2017. The main theme of the topic was the growing need for energy and how natural resources of non-renewable energy sources are limited, and we have to turn to renewable sources of energy such as the Sun, wind, water, biomass, and tide. The use of renewable energy sources is of utmost importance because by their use we prevent environmental pollution, especially in the Atmosphere, which is reflected in climate change but also in everyday life