832 research outputs found

    Population of wild boars (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) in Croatia

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    Divlje svinja (Sus scrofa L.) je vrsta iz reda papkara, koja živi nomadskim životom. Ženke ove vrste žive u čoporu skupa sa mladima, na čelu kojeg se uvijek nalazi najstarija ženka, dok odrasli mužjaci žive usamljeničkim načinom života. Najsnažniji mužjak dolazi do krda isključivo u vrijeme parenja, a nakon kojeg ponovno odlazi živjeti samostalno. U jednom leglu se javlja najviše pet mladih. Ova vrsta je svežder, hrani se hranom biljnog i životinjskog porijekla, pa čak i strvinom. Divlja svinja je u Hrvatskoj autohtona vrsta, čija brojnost populacije varira tijekom godina. Na brojnost ove vrste utječe nekoliko čimbenika, ali najvažniji je čovjek. Ljudi love divlje svinje zbog mesa, trofeja, ali i zbog štete koju ova vrsta uzrokuje na poljoprivrednim površinama. Tijekom suše divlje svinje dolaze do održavanih površina u potrazi za hranom, te na taj način uzrokuju novčane gubitke poljoprivrednicima. U zadnjih dvadesetak godina u Hrvatskoj su se pojavili hibridi nastali križanjem divljih i domaćih svinja. Ovi hibridi su fenotipom sličniji divljim svinjama, ali imaju više mladih, daju potomstvo tokom cijele godine i slabije su otporni na virusne i parazitske bolesti.Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) is a species from the order of ungulates, which lives a nomadic life. Females of this species live in the pack along with the youth, led by the eldest female, while adult males live solitary way of life. The strongest male comes in a pack only during mating season, after whitch he goes back tu live independently. There is a maximum of five youth in one litter. This species is omnivorous, feeding on food of plant and animal origin, and even carrion. Wild boar is a native species in Croatia, whose population number variates over the years. There are several factors that influence on the abundance of this species, but the most important one is the man. People hunt wild boars fot meat and trophies, but also because of the damage caused by this species in agricultural areas. During the drought wild boars arrive in cultivable areas in search for food, thus causing financial losses to farmers. In the last twenty years hybrids created by pairing wild boars and domestic pigs appeared in Croatia. These hybrids have similar phenotype to wild boars, but they have more youth, give progeny throughout the year, and are less resistant to viral and parasitic diseases

    Parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar

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    Wild ruminants and wild boar belong to the order Artiodactyla, the suborders Ruminantia and Nonruminantia and are classified as wild animals for big game hunting, whose breeding presents a very important branch of the hunting economy. Diseases caused by protozoa are rarely found in wild ruminants in nature. Causes of coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystiosis, giardiasis, babesiosis, and theileriosis have been diagnosed in deer. The most significant helminthoses in wild ruminants are fasciosis, dicrocoeliasis, paramphistomosis, fascioloidosis, cysticercosis, anoplocephalidosis, coenurosis, echinococcosis, pulmonary strongyloidiasis, parasitic gastroenteritis, strongyloidiasis and trichuriasis, with certain differences in the extent of prevalence of infection with certain species. The most frequent ectoparasitoses in wild deer and doe are diseases caused by ticks, mites, scabies mites, and hypoderma. The most represented endoparasitoses in wild boar throughout the world are coccidiosis, balantidiasis, metastrongyloidiasis, verminous gastritis, ascariasis, macracanthorhynchosis, trichinelosis, trichuriasis, cystecercosis, echinococcosis, and less frequently, there are also fasciolosis and dicrocoeliasis. The predominant ectoparasitoses in wild boar are ticks and scabies mites. Knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar is of extreme importance for the process of promoting the health protection system for animals and humans, in particular when taking into account the biological and ecological hazard posed by zoonotic infections

    Hunting as a topic in work with children in kindergarten

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    U ovom završnom radu lovstvo je opisano kao djelatnost, navode se općenite činjenice, korisnosti lovstva te prigovori s kojima se susreće. Opisan je i razvoj lovstva, njegovi principi i načini lovljenja, te važnost istoga kroz vrijeme. Glavna svrha ovog završnog rada jest stjecanje znanja o lovstvu koja je potrebno razumjeti, naučiti i znati prilagoditi dječjem uzrastu prilikom provođenja teme lovstva u vrtiću. Prilikom toga, važno je na umu imati i podatke koji su prikupljeni provođenjem intervjua s djecom starijih i predškolskih skupina iz gradskog i seoskog vrtića, koji se odnose na njihovo znanje, mišljenje i vjerovanje o lovstvu i lovcima. Primjerice, samo četvero djece starije skupine DV ''Sjenčica'' je navelo točno svih pet životinja koje žive u šumi, dok je u istoj skupini u DV ''Grlica'' to učinilo troje djece.Na isto pitanje u DV ''Sjenčica'' točnih pet životinja nabrojalo je troje djece, a u DV ''Grlica'' samo dvoje.In this final paper hunting is described as an activity, general facts, the usefulness of hunting and complaints are listed. Development of hunting, principles and methods of hunting and the importance of the same through the time are also described. The main purpose of this final paper is to gain knowledge of hunting which is necessary to understand, learn and know how to adapt to children age in the pursuit of hunting topics in kindergarten. During that, it is important to keep in mind the data that was collected through interviews with children of older and preschool groups of urban and rural kindergartens, referring to their knowledge, opinion and belief on hunting and hunters.For example , only four children of older group of kindergarten ' ' Sjenčica ' ' stated all five forest animals correctly , while in the same group in kindergarten ' ' Dove ' ' only three children did the same. On the same question only three preschoolers in kindergarten ' ' Sjenčica ' ' accurate pet animals , while in the kindergarten ' 'Dove ' ' only two managed that

    Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) damage to lowland forest

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    U posljednjih dvadesetak godina prisutan je porast brojnosti divljih svinja u lovištima u Republici Hrvatskoj, pa samim time to predstavlja izazov i zahtijeva nove spoznaje kako gospodariti sa tom vrstom. Potrebno je održavati optimalan matični fond te spriječiti povećanje šteta. Divlja svinja pripada skupini krupne dlakave divljači, najčešće nastanjuje vlažne šume listača te je rasprostranjena gotovo po cijeloj Europi. Po načinu ishrane spada u svejede, a njezin trofej predstavljaju očnjaci odnosno kljove vepra. Svojim rovanjem prodire u tlo te radi štete na korijenu, sjemenu i mladim biljkama. U ovom radu će se istražiti njena biologija, etologija, način prehrane, štete koje čini u nizinskim šumama te mjere za suzbijanje istih

    Bee Community as a Source of Energy in the Production of Food, Honey-plants in the Ecosystem of Croatian Forests’ Hunting Grounds

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    In addition to the process of photosynthesis, the bee community is the main source of energy in food production, honey-plants used by game and people in the hunting grounds ecosystem. It is a well-known fact that thousands of plant species depend on the presence of bee communities (pollination, fertilization). In this paper we studied the presence of the bee community in the hunting grounds of Croatian Forests, and their influence on the number of game (wild pigs), as well as the quality of honey, honey plants in the hunting grounds used by people and game. We established the total number of game (wild boars). The honey quality parameters were determined using the Harmonised methods of the European Honey (Bogdanov et al., 1997) and the pollen analysis by were conducted according to Harmonised methods of melissopalynology (Von der Ohe et al., 2004). Research results indicate that the presence of the bee community influences the number of wild boars from 3–18%, and the quality of honey is in line with the European and world standards. The SAS/STAT package was used for the statistical analysis (SAS Institute Inc., 2000). The significance of the differences among the groups was determined by Duncan test


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    Na podruĉju Karlovaĉke županije ustanovljeno je 76 lovišta, od ĉega 22 vlastitih lovišta (državna – vlasništvo RH) i 54 zajedniĉkih lovišta (na zemljištima raznih vlasnika). Isto tako, županija broji 75 lovišta otvorenog tipa i 1 uzgajalište divljaĉi (uzgajalište divljaĉi IV/15 Draganići). Ima 12 nizinskih lovišta, 16 nizinsko - brdskih, 54 brdska, 3 brdsko - planinska i 1 planinsko lovište, dakle ima najviše brdskih lovišta iznad 200 m nadmorske visine. Ovdje postoje dobri prirodni uvjeti za obitavanje raznih životinja pa tako i lovne divljaĉi, prevladavaju šumska staništa sa 68% ukupne površine, brojni su pašnjaci, vodene površine, a klima ima obilježja umjerene kontinentalne i planinske klime. Postoji duga tradicija organiziranog lovstva, fond divljaĉi je vrlo stabilan. Matiĉni fond planirani/ostvareni za 2012/2013. godinu je bio za jelena obiĉnog 368/383 grla, njime se gospodari kao jednom od glavnih vrsta divljaĉi u nekoliko lovišta, srnu obiĉnu 4.657/4.612, a ima je gotovo u svim karlovaĉkim lovištima, svinju divlju 1.467/1.553. Iako je divlja svinja posljednjih godina u ekspanziji u 2013. godini je došlo do poplave, stoga su zabilježena velika stradavanja ove vrste naroĉito na pomlatku. Za smeđeg medvjeda procjenjeno brojno stanje iznosi 160 jedinki, a obitava u državnim brdskim i brdsko - planinskim lovištima. Od sitne divljaĉi gospodari se sa zecom obiĉnim, fazanom, trĉkom skvržuljom iako je brojno stanje trĉke u stalnom padu. Prepelica pućpura je prolaznica, kao i šljuka bena, dok se divlja patka gluhara i liska crna uzgaja u relativno visokom broju zbog obilja vodotokova, a posebice paĉarnika u Šumbaru. S obzirom na povoljne prirodne uvjete za obitavanje i gospodarenje divljaĉi u planu je izrada Strategije lovnog i ribolovnog turizma koja bi trebala biti okosonica za dalje smjernice razvoja ove dvije znanstvene, gospodarske i turistiĉke grane.There are 76 hunting grounds established in region of Karlovac county, of which 22 are own hunting grounds (state hunting grounds – owned by the Republic Croatia) and 54 common hunting grounds (established on property owned by different owners). There are 75 open hunting grounds in Karlovac county and 1 game breeding site (game breeding site IV/15 Draganići). There are 12 lowland hunting grounds, 16 lowland - highland, 54 highland, 3 highland - mountainous and 1 mountainous hunting ground, therefore there are mostly highland hunting grounds above 200m altitude. Here are good natural conditions for habitation of various animals including game, forest habitat prevails with 68% of total area, there are numerous grasslands, water surfaces, and the climate has features of moderate continental and mountain climate. There is a long tradition of organized hunting and the game number is very stable. The main game number planned/achieved for year 2012/2013. was 368/383 for reed deer. It is managed as one of the major game species in several hunting areas. For roe deer it was 4.657/4.612, which can be found in almost every hunting ground in county. For wild boars it was 1.467/1.553 units. Even though the wild boars is in an expansion in last few years, flood occurred in 2013., therefore big casualties of this species were registered, especially of the youth. There is estimated unit number of 160 units for brown bear, which habitats in highland and highland-mountainous hunting grounds. It is managed with small game: brown hare, pheasant and gray partridge, even though the unit number of partridge is in steady decline. Common quail is pipeline, eurasian woodcock also, while wild mallard and common coot are grown in relatively high numbers because of the abundance of waterways, especially duck ponds in Šumbar. Considering all this, the Strategies of hunting and fishing tourism

    Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) damage to lowland forest

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    U posljednjih dvadesetak godina prisutan je porast brojnosti divljih svinja u lovištima u Republici Hrvatskoj, pa samim time to predstavlja izazov i zahtijeva nove spoznaje kako gospodariti sa tom vrstom. Potrebno je održavati optimalan matični fond te spriječiti povećanje šteta. Divlja svinja pripada skupini krupne dlakave divljači, najčešće nastanjuje vlažne šume listača te je rasprostranjena gotovo po cijeloj Europi. Po načinu ishrane spada u svejede, a njezin trofej predstavljaju očnjaci odnosno kljove vepra. Svojim rovanjem prodire u tlo te radi štete na korijenu, sjemenu i mladim biljkama. U ovom radu će se istražiti njena biologija, etologija, način prehrane, štete koje čini u nizinskim šumama te mjere za suzbijanje istih


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    Divlja svinja u Republici Hrvatskoj autohtona je vrsta. Zakonski spada u krupnu, lovostajem zaštićenu vrstu divljači. Krajem prošlog stoljeća tjerana nagonom za širenjem svoje vrste plivanjem dolazi na otok. Krk je danas veoma kvalitetno stanište za život krupne divljači. Obilje hrane, vode, gusta vegetacija, raznolikost staništa, mir u lovištu, kvalitetno tlo, zapuštanje poljoprivrednih površina koje se pretvaraju u šikaru, rezultira stalnim prirastom postojeće divljači kao i zauzimanje prostora od nove pristigle divljači. Nekada je otok izgledao bitno drugačije nego kako izgleda danas. Obrađivao se svaki komadić zemlje, a danas se većina prepušta sukcesiji. Nova situacija u staništu uvjetuje i pojavu novih životinjskih vrsta. Upravo ovakva situacija pogoduje krupnoj, a ne odgovara sitnoj divljači. Divlje svinje nalaze se i u nelovnim površinama, gdje dolaze zbog hrane i mira, budući se tu zbog zakonskih propisa ne vrši lov. Nelovne površine služe kao rezervat iz kojeg nastanjuju najkvalitetnija staništa. «Crna divljač» na otoku Krku smatra se nepoželjnom vrstom divljači, te se sukladno naredbama ministarstva lovi cijele godine, bez obzira na spol i dob. Zbog odstrjela krmača vodilja, kvalitetnog staništa i velikog odstrjela bucanje i prašenje traje tijekom cijele lovne godine. Divljač pokušava opstati koristeći svoje prirodne mehanizme za očuvanje svoje vrste. U devet lovnih godina s otoka je izlučeno 3.602 grla divljih svinja. Kvalitetu staništa potvrđuje i snaga trofeja odstreljenih veprova, koja zbog nepravilnog odstrjela opada. Želja za potpunim izlučenjem divlje svinje s otoka Krka borba je sa prirodom, a za sada priroda uvijek pobjeđuje. Da li će tako biti i ovoga puta pokazati će budućnostThe wild boar is a native species in the Republic of Croatia. This large game animal is protected by law in closed season. At the end of the last century, driven by instinct to expand its species, it swam from the mainland to the island of Krk. Today Krk provides an excellent habitat for large game animals. Due to an abundance of food, water, dense vegetation, habitat diversity, peaceful hunting ground, fertile ground, abandoned farming areas which have been turning into thick underbrush, the existing game is on a constant increase while new arrivals crowd the existing habitat. The island has changed much and the landscape is not what it was once. Each parcel of land was once cultivated, while today it is left to succession. The new situation in the habitat has caused the emergence of new animal species. It is exactly this type of situation that suits the large and not the small game animals. Wild boars are found in areas not designated for hunting where they come to feed in a peaceful environment since by law hunting is prohibited there. Areas not designated for hunting serve as a game refuge and as such are considered to be habitats of the highest quality. The “black game” on the island of Krk is considered an undesirable type of game animal and pursuant to regulations may be hunted throughout the year, regardless of its sex or age. Due to the eradication of dominant female wild boars, excellent habitat and the large number of killings, mating lasts throughout the entire hunting season. The wild boar tries to survive using its natural mechanisms to preserve its species. In the nine years of hunting 3,602 head of wild boars were eradicated. The quality of the habitat is measured by the number of male boars that were killed as trophies, this being on the decline due to irregular killings. The desire to completely eradicate the wild boar from the island of Krk is a battle against nature and nature is winning, for now. Will this be the case now, only the future will tell

    The wild boar (Sus scrofa) – victim and ally of the most important viral infections in europe

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    Divlja je svinja jedna od najstarijih preživjelih vrsti životinja na euroazijskom području. Danas je proširena u Europi, Aziji, Africi, a uvedena je i na područje Sjeverne Amerike. Zbog svoje visoke prilagodljivosti, klimatskih promjena, načina gospodarenja lovištima i malog broja prirodnih neprijatelja, divlja je svinja najmanje ugrožena vrsta životinja i njezin broj sustavno raste. Danas ona predstavlja ugrozu poljoprivrednicima kojima nanosi štete, a zbog hrane ulazi i u prigradska te gradska okružja. Prepoznata je za jednog od najznačajnijih rezervoara virusnih infekcija životinja, ali i nekih zoonoza. Naime, divlja svinja može doći neposredno i posredno u dodir s domaćim životinjama te na taj način prenijeti uzročnike virusnih infekcija. Obzirom da je lov jedna od važnijih turističkih ponuda Hrvatske, a divlja svinja jedna od najtrofejnijih divljih životinja, dodir divlje svinje s ljudima može ugroziti i zdravlje ljudi. U ovom smo radu opisali ulogu divljih svinja pri prijenosu najznačajnijih virusnih infekcija u svinjogojskoj industriji Europe, poput šireće afričke svinjske kuge te nama poznate klasične svinjske kuge i za druge vrste životinja poput bolesti Aujeszkoga. Opisali smo i značenje divlje svinje kao rezervoara virusa hepatitisa E, danas sve značajnije zoonoze. Ujedno je dat osvrt na moguću pojavnost navedenih infekcija ili njihovu prisutnost u divljih svinja s područja Republike Hrvatske.The wild boar is one of the oldest animal species in Eurasia. Currently, it is spread throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and was introduced into North America in the 1920s. Due to its great adaptability, hunting ground management, its lack of natural enemies, and favorable climate changes, the wild boar is an animal species whose conservation status is of least concern and which is increasing in numbers. However, it presents a threat to farmers due to the losses caused by it eating and damaging crops. Furthermore, the wild boar is entering the suburbs or even centers of cities, and since it is known that wild boars may be sources of infectious diseases for different animal species, as well as numerous zoonoses, direct and indirect contact may cause interspecies transmission and the spread of viruses. Hunting may also be a risk factor in viral spread, since wild boar hunting is a significant tourist attraction in Europe, including Croatia, and wild boars are a prestigious trophy. Hunted wild boar carcasses and blood may be sources of infection not only for animals but for humans as well. This is a review regarding the role of wild boars as reservoirs of the most important viral infections in the swine industry in Europe, such as African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever (CSF) and Aujeszky’s disease (AD). Even though ASF has never been reported in Croatia, its continuous spread throughout Europe is cause for concern. Currently, the infection is 200 km from Croatia’s borders, and early preparedness measures have been taken. CSF has been one of the most devastating diseases in swine production in Croatia. The last outbreak was recorded in 2006-2008. However, surveillance programs are still being implemented to ensure the healthy status of swine and wild boars. AD has been diagnosed in wild boars, and sporadic cases of infection in hunting dogs have occurred in the last decade. Therefore, the infection is still a threat to the swine industry. We have also described the importance of wild boars as reservoirs of hepatitis E (HE), an emerging public health problem and zoonosis. The Croatian Veterinary Institute has been involved in epidemiological studies of HE since 2007. However, a thorough investigation involving the testing of domestic pigs, wild boars and other wild and domestic animal species started in 2009. Currently, the domestic pig and wild boar are the only animal reservoirs of HE in Croatia, but wild boar may be chronically infected and spread the virus for months

    Distribucija i tendencija kretanja trihineloze kod divljih svinja (Sus scrofa) na području R. Srbije

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    Trichinellosis (trichinellosis) is a disease common for both people and animals, which was mentioned in even some several centuries old notes. As well as domestic pigs, wild boars, being omnivores and the animals that broadly cover the territory of Serbia, could definitely be considered as one of possible trichinellosis indicators, and that is the main reason for starting this investigation with the objective to perceive the level of infection of wild boars in different hunting areas at the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In this work it is presented the distibution of T. spiralis in wild boars at the territory of Serbia in the period from 2006. to 2010. Besides the distribution of trichinellosis in wild boars, we have also calculated the tendency of changing in the number of infected wild boars at the territories of different hunting associations, in the period from 2006. to 2010. The distribution of T. spiralis in shot wild boars showed that trichinellosis appeared at the total of 24 hunting associations territories during the investigated period. Only at the territories of Pirot and Dimitrivgrad hunting associations, there was diagnosed at least one case of trichinellosis in shot wild boars in all five years. Out of the total of shot and inspected wild boars (20.250) in 123 of them, there was diagnosed the presence of T. spiralis infectious forms (0,61%). The greatest number (29) of the infected wild boars was shot in 2007. By analysing the change in number of positive wild boars in the interval from 2006. to 2010. it was found out that there is a constant tendency of growth, namely 1,1 head of boar per year. Change in number of trichinellosis wild boars by years of observation is a second degree polynomial (Y=-0,6+17,81xi-2,79xi2) with correlation coefficient of 0,69. On the basis of the obtained analysis, that were carried out, it can be concluded that the occurence of trichinellosis is most frequent in border areas towards Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina.Trihineloza (trichinellosis) je zajedničko oboljenje ljudi i životinja, koje se pominje u zapisima starim više vekova. Pored domaćih svinja, divlja svinja, kao svaštojed i životinja koja široko pokriva teritoriju Srbije, sigurno bi mogla biti jedna od mogućih indikatora za trihinelozu, stoga su i preduzeta ova istraživanja koja treba da sagledaju nivo zaraženosti divljih svinja u okviru različitih lovnih područja na teritoriji Republike Srbije. U radu je prikazana distribucija T. spiralis kod divljih svinja na teritoriji Srbije u periodu od 2006. godine do 2010. godine. Pored distribucije pojave trihineloze kod divljih svinja izračunali smo i tendenciju kretanja broja inficiranih divljih svinja po teritorijama lovačkih udruženja u periodu od 2006. do 2010. godine. Distribucija T. spiralis kod odstreljenih divljih svinja pokazuje da se u ispitivanom periodu trihineloza javila na teritoriji ukupno 24 lovačka udruženja. Jedino na teritoriji lovačkih udruženja Pirot i Dimitrovgrad u svih pet godina dijagnostikovan je bar jedan slučaj pojave trihineloze kod odstreljenih grla divljih svinja. Od ukupno odstreljenih i pregledanih grla (20.250) kod 123 grla divljih svinja dijagnostikovano je prisustvo infektivnih oblika T. spiralis (0,61%). Najveći broj (29) inficiranih divljih svinja odstreljen je 2007. godine. Analizirajući tendenciju kretanja broja pozitivnih grla divljih svinja u vremenskom intervalu od 2006. godine do 2010. godine ustanovljava se da postoji stalna tendencija porasta, i to 1,1 grlo godišnje. Linija kretanja broja trihineloznih divljih svinja po godinama posmatranja je polinom drugog stepena (Y=-0,6+17,81xi-2,79xi 2) sa koeficijentom korelacije 0,69. Na osnovu analiza koje smo izvršili, pored ostalog, može se zaključiti da se pojava trihineloze u najvećem broju slučajeva javlja u pograničnim opštinama prema Bugarskoj, Rumuniji, Mađarskoj, Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini