112,539 research outputs found

    A Passion for Saving Lives: The Motivation of Surgically Trained Healthcare Professionals in Mozambique

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    Perfil dos pacientes submetidos à angioplastia trasluminal coronariana com stents farmacológicos no Instituto de Cardiologia de Santa Catarina.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Clínica Médica

    Cirurgia robòtica de l'obesitat

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    Cirurgia robòtica; Obesitat; Cirurgia bariàtrica, LaparoscòpiaRobotic surgery; Obesity; Bariatric surgery, LaparoscopyCirugía robótica; Obesidad; Cirugía bariátrica, LaparoscopiaComunicació sobre l'evolució de la cirurgia bariàtrica, des de la laparoscòpia a la cirurgia robòtica, i beneficis de l'ús de la tecnologia robotitzada en les cirurgies per tractar l'obesitat

    A comparison of two conjunctival rotation autograft techniques in primary pterygium surgery.

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    PURPOSE: To compare the effects of 90° and 180° conjunctival rotational autograft (CRA) techniques used in primary pterygium surgery. METHODS: Forty-five patients were included in this retrospective study. Visual acuity (VA), corneal topography, and auto-refractometer measurements, as well as detailed biomicroscopic examinations, were performed preoperatively and postoperatively. During surgery, the pterygium tissue was excised then rotated 90° in Group 1 and180° in Group 2, after which it was sutured to the bare sclera. Pterygium recurrence was defined as corneal invasion ≥1 mm. RESULTS: Group 1 consisted of 21 patients with a mean age of 45.1 ± 11.8 years, while Group 2 comprised 24 patients with a mean age of 47.9 ± 13.8 years. The pterygia in Group 1 were graded as more advanced than those in Group 2. A similar number of recurrences were observed in Group 1 (14.3%) and in Group 2 (16.7%). There was no statistically significant difference in terms of the preoperative and postoperative VA and astigmatism values between the two groups. There was a statistically significant improvement in the postoperative VA and astigmatism values in Group 1 and in the postoperative astigmatism values in Group 2. Although postoperative redness was more common in Group 1, no statistically significant difference was found between the groups. CONCLUSION: BothCRA techniques can be successful in patients for whom it is desirable to avoid a conjunctival autograft and for patients without high cosmetic expectations

    Influência dos cancros ginecológicos e de mama no ajustamento conjugal

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Saúde e Doença), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008Nesta investigação pretende-se avaliar a influência dos cancros ginecológicos ou de mama no nível de ajustamento conjugal, através da percepção retrospectiva da mulher. A visão prospectiva da mulher acerca do ajustamento marital também é objectivo deste estudo. Desta amostra fizeram parte 17 mulheres com cancro ginecológico ou de mama. Estas encontravam-se em período de internamento depois da cirurgia. Foi aplicada às participantes uma tradução da Revisão da Escala de Ajustamento Diádico (Busby, Christensen, Crane & Larson, 1995) duas vezes, a primeira baseada na fase até o conhecimento do diagnóstico, e a segunda referente ao período desde o conhecimento do diagnóstico até ao pós-cirurgico. Por último, realizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, que visava explorar as diferenças nas respostas da Escala nos dois momentos, o apoio do companheiro na doença e a percepção futura do nível de ajustamento conjugal. Os resultados mostraram que existe um aumento no nível de ajustamento marital na fase posterior ao diagnóstico. Ainda que algumas participantes tenham afirmado a inexistência de alterações na vida conjugal depois do diagnóstico, outras manifestaram a implementação de mudanças positivas, como a aproximação do casal. Estas percepções levam a que o futuro do casal não seja uma preocupação para estas mulheres, que reconhecem a importância do apoio do marido neste processo. Apesar das dificuldades com que estes casais se deparam ao longo desta vivência, estas mulheres reconhecem a existência de aspectos positivos que decorrem da mesma.The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of gynaecologic and breast cancer on the marital adjustment level, through a woman’s retrospective perception. The woman’s prospective perception is an additional aim of this study. Data was collected on 17 women with gynaecologic and breast cancer. These women were hospitalised, after the surgery. The participants answered a Portuguese translation of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS; Busby, Christensen, Crane, & Larson, 1995). This scale was applied twice, the first application was carried out in the period before diagnosis, and the second application took place during the phase since diagnosis knowledge up to the moment after surgery. Finally, a semi-structured interview was conducted to explore the different responses of these two moments assessed by the scale, as well as the husband’s support through the illness and the woman’s future perception of the adjustment marital level. The results indicate that there is an increase in the marital adjustment level in the post-diagnosis phase. Although some participants affirmed that there were no changes in conjugal life after diagnosis, others revealed positive changes like an increase in the couple’s closeness. These perceptions imply that these women are not concerned with the future status of their relationship and that they recognise their husband’s support through this process. In spite of the difficulties encountered by these couples living through the process of this disease, these women are able to recognise the positive outcomes that are derived from it

    Cirurgia do Timo num Serviço de Cirurgia Geral

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    AIMS: Evaluation of thymectomy cases between 1990-2003, in a General Surgery Department. Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy in Miastenia Gravis patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study based on evaluation of data from Serviço de Cirurgia, Neurologia and Consult de Neurology processes, between 1990-2003, of 15 patients submitted to total thymectomy. RESULTS: 15 patients, aged 17 to 72, 11 female and 4 male. Miastenia Gravis was the main indication for surgery, for uncontrollable symptoms or suspicion of thymoma. In patients with myasthenia, surgery was accomplish after compensation of symptoms. There weren't post-surgery complications. Pathology were divided in thymic hyperplasia and thymoma. Miastenia patients have there symptoms diminished or stable with reduction or cessation of medical therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Miastenia was the most frequent indication for thymectomy. Surgery was good results, with low morbimortality, as long as the protocols are respected

    Guidelines for surgery of aortic diseases from Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

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    Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia CardiovascularUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulPUCRS Hospital São LucasFamerp Pós-GraduaçãoUnicampUNIFESPSBCCVUFRGS Faculdade de Medicina-Cirurgia CardiovascularEPM, UNIFESPUNIFESPEPMSciEL

    Flutamide: dermatology and respect to evidence and safety

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Dermatologia Unidade de Cosmiatria, Cirurgia e OncologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Dermatologia Unidade de Cosmiatria, Cirurgia e OncologiaSciEL

    Dolor postoperatori : cap a la teràpia gènica?

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    La disminució del dolor postoperatori i dels efectes secundaris d'alguns analgèsics és l'objectiu d'aquest article. I per aconseguir-ho, a l'IMIM-Hospital del Mar de Barcelona s'ha apostat per potenciar l'alliberació dels opiacis del nostre cos. Aquests analgèsics naturals reben el nom d'encefalines, i sembla ser que en cas d'una administració excessiva de medicaments analgèsics, com el remifentanil, l'expressió dels receptors de les encefalines es veu afectada. Per contrarestar-ho, la via terapèutica que es proposa consisteix en la inoculació subcutània d'un vector -el virus causant de l'herpes labial desactivat- que transporta el gen de les encefalines al seu lloc de síntesi i incrementa així llur producció. D'aquesta manera, la capacitat analgèsica del nostre cos augmenta, actuant específicament allà on és necessari. Una nova i interessant via terapèutica que podria obrir nous camins en el tractament del dolor postoperatori i que està oferint resultats interessants en pacients amb dolor oncològic.La disminución del dolor post-operatorio y de los efectos secundarios de algunos analgésicos es el objetivo de este artículo. Y para conseguirlo, en el IMIM-Hospital del Mar de Barcelona ha apostado por potenciar la liberación de los opioides de nuestro cuerpo. Estos analgésicos naturales reciben el nombre de encefalinas, y parece ser que en caso de una administración excesiva de algunos medicamentos analgésicos, como el remifentanil, la expresión de los receptores de las encefalinas se ve afectada. Para contrarrestarlo, se propone como vía terapéutica la inoculación subcutánea de un vector-el virus causante del herpes labial desactivado- que transporta el gen de las encefalinas a su lugar de síntesis e incrementa así su producción. De este modo, la capacidad analgésica de nuestro cuerpo aumenta, actuando específicamente donde es necesario. Una nueva e interesante vía terapéutica que podría abrir nuevos caminos en el tratamiento del dolor post-operatorio y que está ofreciendo resultados interesantes en pacientes con dolor oncológico