38,046 research outputs found

    Abolition ou réformation du christianisme ? L'argument de Jonathan Swift contre les libres penseurs

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    L'article explique cette déclaration de Swift dans son Abolition du christianisme: "Mon seul propos est la défense du christianisme nominal ; l'autre christianisme a été abandonné depuis quelque temps d'un commun accord, comme entièrement incompatible avec tous nos plans actuels de richesse et de puissance.

    'From Each according to Ability; To Each according to Needs': Origin, Meaning, and Development of Socialist Slogans

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    There are three slogans in the history of Socialism that are very close in wording, viz. the famous Cabet-Blanc-Marx slogan: "From each according to his ability; To each according to his needs"; the earlier Saint-Simon-Pecqueur slogan: "To each according to his ability; To each according to his works"; and the later slogan in Stalin’s Soviet Constitution: "From each according to his ability; To each according to his work." We will consider the following questions regarding these slogans: a) What are the earliest occurrences of each of these slogans? b) Where does the inspiration for each half of each slogan come from? c) What do the Saint-Simonians mean by “To each according to his ability”? d) What do they mean by “To each according to his works”? e) What motivates the shift from “To each according to his ability” to “From each according to his ability”? f) How should we envisage the progression toward “To each according to his needs”? g) What is the distinction between from “To each according to his works” and “To each according to his work”

    From the Stereotypification of the Non-European Other to the Prototypification of the European Self: A Case Study of Turkey’s Membership to the European Union from the French Perspective

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    In an era of increased globalisation, the need for a sense of belonging and an identity is becoming more pressing. The way nations form images of others and, conversely, conscious or unconscious images of themselves is becoming increasingly important as these images impact on public opinion and on political and decision-making discourse. With the development of supranationalism in Europe, the age-old notion of European identity has come more and more to the fore. Conflicting interpretations and a general disinclination to consider the matter leave the notion of European identity as polysemic as ever. Furthermore, the expansion of the EU has contributed to blurring this notion, so much so that in the collective psyche, it has become closely linked to the membership of the European Union and it is proving sometimes difficult to dissociate one from the other. In this context, the debate surrounding Turkey’s membership of the EU gives an insight into prototypical and stereotypical representations of Europe. As the controversy has been particularly salient in France, the aim of this study is to explore the European self-conceptions and images of the other through the example of France’s opposition to Turkey’s membership of the EU. For this purpose, opinion polls and the Press will be used as forms of narrative in order to highlight these representations and how they have evolved in time. The first part of the study will concentrate on the arguments put forward to justify the opposition to Turkey joining the EU. The second part will then evaluate how the image of the other contributes to the prototypical representation French citizens have of Europe. Keywords European Union; Europeanness; Stereotypification; Prototypification; Turkey; Enlargemen

    The Muted Vibrancy of Roman Catholicism in Contemporary Portugal: Corporal Works of Mercy in a Time of Austerity. CES Open Forum Series #25 2018-2019

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    This paper concerns the role and function of religious-based organizations in strengthening associational life. Taking Portugal as a case study, it asks whether the concept of muted vibrancy provides theoretical understanding to the role of Catholicism in contemporary Portuguese society. That is, how might a church in a newly consolidated democratic regime, in a time of economic crisis, with a past relationship to a fascist regime, and with declining numbers of adherents, contribute to the deepening of democracy

    Augustus Polonus. The Image of the Emperor in Polish Historiography in Inter-War Period. Preliminary Remarks

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    The figure of the first Roman emperor in many ways had an impact on the Polish culture, especially in historiography and literature. In my paper I focus on some issues connected with the subject. I discuss the ideas presented by Tadeusz Zieliński, one of the most eminent researchers of the ancient world in Europe in the first part of 20th century. He devoted a significant part of his opus to present his own vision of Augustus seen as a reformer of the Roman state religion. Zieliński built the emperor’s image as the saviour of the Roman world in the face of „the end of times”. This term played significant role in Zieliński’s thinking about Roman history at the end of the Republic. For the Polish scholar celebration of the secular game in 17 BC was the final task done by Augustus. This task Zieliński defined as the sacred mission and connected with the figure of Sibyl and the impact of the Etruscan theory of saeculum. For Zieliński, Augustus belonged to the most important men of providence in Roman history. In the same way I discuss the ideas presented by Ludwik Piotrowicz and Mieczysław St. Popławski. Both scholars analised the question of imperial cult in depth. Popławski expressed original view on Augustus apotheosis seen as the development of imperial cult in transcendental perspective. Piotrowicz instead saw this problem as a purely political phenomenon. Last part of my paper is devoted to short resentation of the echos of Augustus’ bimillenium in Polish scholar activity

    Where are the vrais dévots and are they véritables gens de bien? Eloquent slippage in the Tartuffe controversy

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    The famous controversy provoked by Molière’s Tartuffe (1664–1669) is usually read in terms of vrais and faux dévots and thought to turn on the question of sincerity versus hypocrisy. Here the vrai-faux dichotomy is challenged and a third term introduced in the form of the véritable homme de bien of Molière’s Preface to the published edition of the play. In the slippage between a vrai dévot and a véritable homme de bien (considered by most critics to be synonymous), I argue, lies a value-judgment and the suggestion of an alternative, more secular worldview that persisted even in the 1669 version of the play. The scandal of Tartuffe thus lies less with the threat of religious hypocrisy and more with the possibility that true morality could be found outside the Church.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Lucifer and the Arabic palaeography. A contribution on the Oriental glosses of the bible of Cava de' Tirreni

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    This contribution is intended to fill a gap in the series of studies already devoted to the glosses of the famous codex Cava 1, a Biblical manuscript written in early 9th-century Spain, and to contribute to its better understanding from a cultural and historical point of view. Sixteen glosses in Arabic language and script and one gloss in Hebrew script and Arabic language will be examined from a paleographical point of view, trying to propose a date and a place for their execution. Moreover, the paper will discuss the con- tents of these glosses, until now discarded by scholars


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    In this article different ways of linking web pages are described using manual and automated content balancing procedures. SEO techniques are also used for better page interlinking with added value given by the new web standard 3.0 that stands on web semantics.web semantics, S.E.O., interlinking, Web3.0

    Science et christianisme

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    Quelles relations établir entre la science et religion ? On a proposé deux grandes réponses à cette question : la première cherche par des moyens divers à les unifier, la seconde veut, au contraire, les séparer radicalement. Le théologien luthérien français Gérard Siegwalt propose une troisième voie : les connecter, tout en maintenant leur différence et en écartant des interférences indues. Scientifiquement, les affirmations de la foi ne sont ni démontrées ni démontrables, mais sont crédibles.What relationships can be established between science and religion ? Two important answers to this question have been proposed : the first seeks, by various means, the unity of the two ; the second, on the contrary, radically separates them. The French Lutheran theologian Gérard Siegwalt proposes a third way : to connect them, while maintaining their differences and avoiding any undue interference. Scientifically speaking, the affirmations of faith are neither demonstrated nor demonstrable ; they are credible