827,729 research outputs found

    Mesenchymal stem cell-based therapy for ischemic stroke

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    Ischemic stroke represents a major, worldwide health burden with increasing incidence. Patients affected by ischemic strokes currently have few clinically approved treatment options available. Most currently approved treatments for ischemic stroke have narrow therapeutic windows, severely limiting the number of patients able to be treated. Mesenchymal stem cells represent a promising novel treatment for ischemic stroke. Numerous studies have demonstrated that mesenchymal stem cells functionally improve outcomes in rodent models of ischemic stroke. Recent studies have also shown that exosomes secreted by mesenchymal stem cells mediate much of this effect. In the present review, we summarize the current literature on the use of mesenchymal stem cells to treat ischemic stroke. Further studies investigating the mechanisms underlying mesenchymal stem cells tissue healing effects are warranted and would be of benefit to the field

    Cell-based gene therapy for mending infarcted hearts

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    The goal of this study was to analyse the efficiency of a combinatorial cell/growth factor therapy to improve function of infarcted murine hearts. The Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) isoform, IGF-1Ea, has been shown to reduce scar formation and decrease cell death after MI. The present study utilized P19Cl6-derived, IGF-1Ea over-expressing cardiomyocytes to achieve its goal. The P19Cl6 cells were stably transduced with IGF-1Ea using a lentiviral vector and investigated first in vitro for their feasibility for in vivo cell therapy. The engineered pluripotent cells over-expressing IGF-1Ea survived better to hypoxia-induced injury than the control cells. The cells maintained their pluripotency and efficient differentiation capacity towards ventricular cardiomyocyte lineage, generating large quantities of cardiomyocytes optimal for the transplantation study. The generated cardiomyocytes were functionally active and exhibited a mature phenotype. Transplantation of the cardiomyocytes into allogeneic wild type murine infarcted hearts conferred a tendency for maintenance of function at short-term time point. At long-term however, this effect was lost, returning to the level of the control infarcted hearts. Cell tracing assessment revealed engraftment of both IGF-1Ea- and empty-cells, although the cells failed to couple with the recipient tissue. Scar size and capillary density analyses revealed no significant difference between the cells transplanted compared to the saline treated hearts, corroborating with the long-term functional data. Interestingly, the IGF- 1Ea-cell transplanted hearts expressed significantly higher amount of VEGFa compared to the controls, albeit no change in capillary density. Further investigation revealed that the enhanced VEGFa expression in IGF-1Ea-cells transplanted hearts was associated with reduced hypertrophy, marked by reduced cell cross-sectional area at the border-zone, aSK and bMHC expression compared to the control hearts. Nonetheless, modulation of hypertrophic response and transplantation of IGF-1Ea-cells were not able to confer lasting functional preservation, possibly due to lack of sufficient engraftment and coupling of the transplanted cells

    Stem-cell-based gene therapy for HIV infection.

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    Despite the enormous success of combined anti-retroviral therapy, HIV infection is still a lifelong disease and continues to spread rapidly worldwide. There is a pressing need to develop a treatment that will cure HIV infection. Recent progress in stem cell manipulation and advancements in humanized mouse models have allowed rapid developments of gene therapy for HIV treatment. In this review, we will discuss two aspects of HIV gene therapy using human hematopoietic stem cells. The first is to generate immune systems resistant to HIV infection while the second strategy involves enhancing anti-HIV immunity to eliminate HIV infected cells

    Evolutionarily stable anti-cancer therapies by autologous cell defection

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    Game theory suggests an anti-cancer treatment based on the use of modified cancer cells that disrupt cooperation within the tumor. Cancer cells are harvested from the patient, the genes for the production of essential growth factors are knocked out in vitro and the cells are then reinserted in the tumor, where they lead to its collapse. Background and objectives: Current anti-cancer drugs and treatments based on gene therapy are prone to the evolution of resistance, because cancer is a process of clonal selection: resistant cell lines have a selective advantage and therefore increase in frequency, eventually conferring resistance to the whole tumor and leading to relapse. An effective treatment must be evolutionarily stable, that is, immune to the invasion of resistant mutant cells. This study shows how such a treatment can be achieved by autologous cell therapy using modified cancer cells, knocked out for genes coding for diffusible factors like growth factors. Methodology: The evolutionary dynamics of a population of cells producing diffusible factors are analyzed using a nonlinear public goods game in a structured population in which the interaction neighborhood and the update neighborhood are decoupled. The analysis of the dynamics of the system reveals what interventions can drive the population to a stable equilibrium in which no diffusible factors are produced. Results: A treatment based on autologous knockout cell therapy can be designed to lead to the spontaneous collapse of a tumor, without targeting directly the cancer cells, their growth factors or their receptors. Critical parameters that can make the therapy effective are identified. Concepts from evolutionary game theory and mechanism design, some of which are counterintuitive, can be adopted to optimize the treatment. Conclusions and implications: Although it shares similarities with other approaches based on gene therapy and RNA interference, the method suggested here is evolutionarily stable under certain conditions. This method, named autologous cell defection, can be carried out using existing molecular biology and cell therapy techniques

    Tumor-associated and immunochemotherapy-dependent long-term alterations of the peripheral blood NK cell compartment in DLBCL patients

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    Natural Killer (NK) cells are a key component of tumor immunosurveillance and thus play an important role in rituximab-dependent killing of lymphoma cells via an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanism. We evaluated the phenotypic and functional assets of peripheral blood NK cell subsets in 32 newly-diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients and in 27 healthy controls. We further monitored long-term modifications of patient NK cells for up to 12 months after rituximab-based immunochemotherapy. At diagnosis, patients showed a higher percentage of CD56dim and CD16C NK cells, and a higher frequency of GrzBC cells in CD56dim, CD56bright, and CD16C NK cell subsets than healthy controls. Conversely, DLBCL NK cell killing and interferon g (IFNg) production capability were comparable to those derived from healthy subjects. Notably, NK cells from refractory/relapsed patients exhibited a lower “natural” cytotoxicity. A marked and prolonged therapy-induced reduction of both “natural” and CD16- dependent NK cytotoxic activities was accompanied by the down-modulation of CD16 and NKG2D activating receptors, particularly in the CD56dim subset. However, reduced NK cell killing was not associated with defective lytic granule content or IFNg production capability. This study firstly describes tumor-associated and therapy-induced alterations of the systemic NK cell compartment in DLBCL patients. As these alterations may negatively impact rituximab-based therapy efficacy, our work may provide useful information for improving immunochemotherapeutic strategies

    Switching from a protease inhibitor-based regimen to a dolutegravir-based regimen : a randomized clinical trial to determine the effect on peripheral blood and ileum biopsies from antiretroviral therapy-suppressed human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals

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    Background: Optimization of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) can impact the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) reservoir. We evaluated the effect on the HIV reservoir in peripheral blood and ileum biopsies in patients switching from boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r)-based therapy to dolutegravir (DTG)-based therapy. Methods: Impact of Integrase-inhibitor DOlutegravir On the viral Reservoir (INDOOR) is a phase 4 open-label clinical trial that randomly included 42 HIV type 1-infected individuals on effective cART: 20 who switched from PI/r-based to DTG-based cART (switch group), and 22 who remained in PI/r-based regimens (control group). We analyzed blood and ileum biopsies to quantify episomal, total, and integrated HIV DNA, cell-associated HIV RNA, residual plasma viremia, T-cell subsets, cell activation, and inflammation markers. Results: There were no related adverse events or treatment discontinuations due to drug intolerance. The HIV reservoir was consistently larger in ileal than in peripheral CD4(+) T cells in both groups (P <.01). Residual viremia in plasma decreased in the switch group (P =.03). However, we did not observe significant longitudinal changes in low-level viral replication, total and integrated HIV reservoir, HIV transcription, T-cell maturation subsets, immunoactivation markers, inflammatory soluble proteins, or cellular markers of latently infected cells. Conclusions: The INDOOR study is the first evaluation of changes in HIV reservoir size in ileum biopsies and in peripheral blood in individuals switched from PI/r- to DTG-based cART. Although this switch was safe and well tolerated, it had no impact on a large array of immunological and inflammatory markers or on HIV reservoir markers in peripheral or in ileal CD4(+) T cells

    New perspectives to repair a broken heart

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    The aim of cardiac cell therapy is to restore at least in part the functionality of the diseased or injured myocardium by the use of stem/ progenitor cells. Recent clinical trials have shown the safety of cardiac cell therapy and encouraging efficacy results. A surprisingly wide range of non-myogenic cell types improves ventricular function, suggesting that benefits may result in part from mechanisms that are distinct from true myocardial regeneration. While clinical trials explore cells derived from skeletal muscle and bone marrow, basic researchers are investigating sources of new cardiomyogenic cells, such as resident myocardial progenitors and embryonic stem cells. In this commentary we briefly review the evolution of cell-based cardiac repair, some progress that has been made toward this goal, and future perspectives in the regeneration of cardiac tissue. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd

    Transcriptomic-metabolomic reprogramming in EGFR-mutant NSCLC early adaptive drug escape linking TGFβ2-bioenergetics-mitochondrial priming.

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    The impact of EGFR-mutant NSCLC precision therapy is limited by acquired resistance despite initial excellent response. Classic studies of EGFR-mutant clinical resistance to precision therapy were based on tumor rebiopsies late during clinical tumor progression on therapy. Here, we characterized a novel non-mutational early adaptive drug-escape in EGFR-mutant lung tumor cells only days after therapy initiation, that is MET-independent. The drug-escape cell states were analyzed by integrated transcriptomic and metabolomics profiling uncovering a central role for autocrine TGFβ2 in mediating cellular plasticity through profound cellular adaptive Omics reprogramming, with common mechanistic link to prosurvival mitochondrial priming. Cells undergoing early adaptive drug escape are in proliferative-metabolic quiescent, with enhanced EMT-ness and stem cell signaling, exhibiting global bioenergetics suppression including reverse Warburg, and are susceptible to glutamine deprivation and TGFβ2 inhibition. Our study further supports a preemptive therapeutic targeting of bioenergetics and mitochondrial priming to impact early drug-escape emergence using EGFR precision inhibitor combined with broad BH3-mimetic to interrupt BCL-2/BCL-xL together, but not BCL-2 alone

    Stochastic multi-scale models of competition within heterogeneous cellular populations: simulation methods and mean-field analysis

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    We propose a modelling framework to analyse the stochastic behaviour of heterogeneous, multi-scale cellular populations. We illustrate our methodology with a particular example in which we study a population with an oxygen-regulated proliferation rate. Our formulation is based on an age-dependent stochastic process. Cells within the population are characterised by their age. The age-dependent (oxygen-regulated) birth rate is given by a stochastic model of oxygen-dependent cell cycle progression. We then formulate an age-dependent birth-and-death process, which dictates the time evolution of the cell population. The population is under a feedback loop which controls its steady state size: cells consume oxygen which in turns fuels cell proliferation. We show that our stochastic model of cell cycle progression allows for heterogeneity within the cell population induced by stochastic effects. Such heterogeneous behaviour is reflected in variations in the proliferation rate. Within this set-up, we have established three main results. First, we have shown that the age to the G1/S transition, which essentially determines the birth rate, exhibits a remarkably simple scaling behaviour. This allows for a huge simplification of our numerical methodology. A further result is the observation that heterogeneous populations undergo an internal process of quasi-neutral competition. Finally, we investigated the effects of cell-cycle-phase dependent therapies (such as radiation therapy) on heterogeneous populations. In particular, we have studied the case in which the population contains a quiescent sub-population. Our mean-field analysis and numerical simulations confirm that, if the survival fraction of the therapy is too high, rescue of the quiescent population occurs. This gives rise to emergence of resistance to therapy since the rescued population is less sensitive to therapy

    Promises of stem cell therapy for retinal degenerative diseases

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    With the development of stem cell technology, stem cell-based therapy for retinal degeneration has been proposed to restore the visual function. Many animal studies and some clinical trials have shown encouraging results of stem cell-based therapy in retinal degenerative diseases. While stem cell-based therapy is a promising strategy to replace damaged retinal cells and ultimately cure retinal degeneration, there are several important challenges which need to be overcome before stem cell technology can be applied widely in clinical settings. In this review, different types of donor cell origins used in retinal treatments, potential target cell types for therapy, methods of stem cell delivery to the eye, assessments of potential risks in stem cell therapy, as well as future developments of retinal stem cells therapy, will be discussed