123 research outputs found

    Effect of membrane character and solution chemistry on microfiltration performance

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    To help understand and predict the role of natural organic matter (NOM) in the fouling of low-pressure membranes, experiments were carried out with an apparatus that incorporates automatic backwashing and long filtration runs. Three hollow fibre membranes of varying character were included in the study, and the filtration of two different surface waters was compared. The hydrophilic membrane had greater flux recovery after backwashing than the hydrophobic membranes, but the efficiency of backwashing decreased at extended filtration times. NOM concentration of these waters (7.9 and 9.1 mg/L) had little effect on the flux of the membranes at extended filtration times, as backwashing of the membrane restored the flux to similar values regardless of the NOM concentration. The solution pH also had little effect at extended filtration times. The backwashing efficiency of the hydrophilic membrane was dramatically different for the two waters, and the presence of colloid NOM alone could not explain these differences. It is proposed that colloidal NOM forms a filter cake on the surface of the membranes and that small molecular weight organics that have an adsorption peak at 220 nm but not 254 nm were responsible for “gluing” the colloids to the membrane surface. Alum coagulation improved membrane performance in all instances, and this was suggested to be because coagulation reduced the concentration of “glue” that holds the organic colloids to the membrane surface

    Syrie, 2011 : vidéos amateurs et politiques du remix

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    Cet article propose une réflexion sur les enjeux de l’intégration de vidéos amateurs filmées pendant le soulèvement syrien de 2011 au sein de productions artistiques. En analysant quatre œuvres (deux vidéos musicales diffusées sur Internet et deux long-métrages de cinéma) qui empruntent pour partie les mêmes extraits vidéo, nous discutons des différentes trajectoires de vie qui s’offrent à ces contenus amateurs, une fois rendus disponibles sur Internet.This topic of this article is the incorporation of amateur videos shot in Syria in 2011 in artistic productions. Four works are specifically analyzed: two musical videos broadcasted on YouTube, and two feature films, that appropriate in part the same original clips but repurpose them very differently. With regard to these four examples, I discuss the different life paths that are offered to amateur contents once they are made available online

    Marie-Odile Laîné, Rien de ce qui est humain ne m’est étranger

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    Ayant exercé en tant que professeur de lettres pendant 12 ans au Maroc, puis au Togo, j’ai, à partir de 2015, été immédiatement sensibilisée par le sujet des migrations qui envahissait l’espace français à coups de médiatisation sauvage, plus que d’information.Devenue bénévole à l’Association de Solidarité avec tous les immigrés (Asti) de Caen, j’ai dispensé des cours de français aux migrants. J’avais, par ailleurs, écrit divers ouvrages littéraires et publié en 2018, aux éditions L’Harmattan..

    Une exploration vidéographique d’un récit de spectateur : L’Œil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney

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    Cet article fait retour sur la réalisation d’un essai audiovisuel inspiré d’un texte de Serge Daney, dans lequel le critique raconte le souvenir qu’il garde des Yeux sans visage (Georges Franju, 1960). J’y défends qu’adopter une approche vidéographique pour étudier un récit de spectateur – c’est-à-dire l’étudier avec les moyens du cinéma – permet d’en explorer les mécanismes mémoriels sous-jacents de manière originale et sensible, tout en invitant les spectateurs et spectatrices contemporains à prendre conscience, de manière performative, de la manière dont ces mêmes mécanismes ont pu être en jeu dans la constitution de leurs propres souvenirs de cinéma.This article reflects on the making of an audiovisual essay inspired by a text in which French critic Serge Daney recalls the film Eyes without a Face (Georges Franju, 1960). I argue that adopting a videographic approach to the study of spectatorial recollections allows for a productive exploration of the workings of spectatorial memory, and invites the spectators of the videographic essay to realize, performatively, how the same mechanisms might have informed their own spectatorial memories

    A New Role for SAG12 Cysteine Protease in Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Senescence associated gene (SAG) 12, which encodes a cysteine protease is considered to be important in nitrogen (N) allocation to Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. A decrease in the yield and N content of the seeds was observed in the Arabidopsis SAG12 knockout mutants (sag12) relative to the wild type (Col0) under limited nitrogen nutrition. However, leaf senescence was similar in both lines. To test whether SAG12 is involved in N remobilization from organs other than the leaves, we tested whether root N could be used in N mobilization to the seeds. Root architecture, N uptake capacity and 15N partitioning were compared in the wild type and sag12 under either high nitrogen (HN) or low nitrogen (LN) conditions. No differences in root architecture or root N uptake capacity were observed between the lines under HN or LN. However, under LN conditions, there was an accumulation of 15N in the sag12 roots compared to the wild type with lower allocation of 15N to the seeds. This was accompanied by an increase in root N protein contents and a significant decrease in root cysteine protease activity. SAG12 is expressed in the root stele of the plants at the reproductive stage, particularly under conditions of LN nutrition. Taken together, these results suggest a new role for SAG12. This cysteine protease plays a crucial role in root N remobilization that ensures seed filling and sustains yields when nitrogen availability is low
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