288 research outputs found

    La politique extérieure canadienne vue de l'Europe. Fin de siècle pour les rapports canado-européens ?

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    Moving towards the end of the twentieth century, relations between Canada and Europe are not exempt of changes which concern practically all of the issues and contain a number of risks that can potentially provoke or aggravate conflicts between these two long-time partners. If relations between them can be seen on the one hand as "extraordinary" because of their sharing of common values and objectives, they can also be considered as "ordinary" inasmuch that both do not seem oblivious to resort to geo-economic violent measures. This paper will examine the nature of Euro-Canadian relations and their recent orientations and identify some of the factors underlying their evolution in order to assess whether these special relationships will be maintained as well as their capacity to influence world events

    Statische Auszugstragfähigkeit gewindeformender Schrauben in Metallkonstruktionen

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    Gender : Theoretische Paradigmen und queer-feministische Perspektiven

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    This paper examines the major theoretical paradigms and inherent challenges of gender terminologies on the horizon of Romance/Hispanic Literary and Cultural Studies. Reflecting on the emergence of gender theory in order to observe and question current developments in theoretical approaches, shifts and consequences, the paper provides queer-feminist perspectives from a materialist point of view. By reconsidering the role of existing power structures and the persistence of a fundamental androcentrism, the paper states the need to change analytic strategies and thought patterns regarding gender, and in particular masculinity. Moreover, it demands neither to deny the own embroilment in knowledge production nor to neglect gender relations within dominant culture

    Motivationale Aspekte mathematischer Lernprozesse

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    In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden professionelle Kompetenzen von angehenden Mathematiklehrkräften untersucht, die sie zur Förderung des Mathematiklernens und zur Motivationsförderung von Schüler*innen mit Lernschwierigkeiten benötigen. Dazu werden zunächst Grundsätze der Förderung dieser Schüler*innengruppe formuliert und, unter Berücksichtigung der Forschung zu professionellen Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften, ein Modell der professionellen Kompetenz, motiviertes Lernen zu fördern, entwickelt. In zwei Studien wird die Entwicklung der Kompetenzfacetten im Rahmen einer universitären Veranstaltung mit Praxisphase betrachtet und ein systematischer Einblick in die, in der Praxisphase gezeigte, Unterstützungspraxis der angehenden Lehrkräfte gegeben

    Halobacterium identification in saltworks of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    This work analyzes bacterial communities present in evaporation ponds of solar salterns of Gran Canaria and reveals specific organisms through molecular techniques. Solar salterns are protected areas in Canary Islands where salt is produced from sea water by solar and wind powered evaporation. Salt was an important product for ancient islanders who used it for a broad field of purposes, but also has a great importance in recent time for its implications in the island economy.Based on amplifications with specific primers for 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA) and subsequent nested-PCR approaches, different amplicons were obtained, and analyzed in silico. A taxonomic classification was carried out through phylogenetic trees.Results revealed different bacteria according to the evaporation grade of crystallizer ponds in saline works.  It is worthstanding the presence of the genus Halobacterium in all crystallizer ponds. This opens an interesting framework for further studies and continuative molecular characterization approaches of bacterial communities in solar salterns of Gran Canaria

    Gender : Theoretische Paradigmen und queer-feministische Perspektiven

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    This paper examines the major theoretical paradigms and inherent challenges of gender terminologies on the horizon of Romance/Hispanic Literary and Cultural Studies. Reflecting on the emergence of gender theory in order to observe and question current developments in theoretical approaches, shifts and consequences, the paper provides queer-feminist perspectives from a materialist point of view. By reconsidering the role of existing power structures and the persistence of a fundamental androcentrism, the paper states the need to change analytic strategies and thought patterns regarding gender, and in particular masculinity. Moreover, it demands neither to deny the own embroilment in knowledge production nor to neglect gender relations within dominant culture

    Tragverhalten von Verbindungen des Leichtbaus

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    Motivationale Aspekte mathematischer Lernprozesse

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    Multiperspektivität im Forschenden Lernen: Reflexion einer mathematikdidaktischen Handlungssituation mithilfe eines Gruppenpuzzles

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    Die Ausbildung angehender Sekundarstufen-Mathematiklehrkräfte im Praxissemester zielt im Kontext Forschenden Lernens u.a. auf den Aufbau von Fähigkeiten zur Reflexion von Unterrichtspraxis. Dieser Beitrag skizziert eine Seminareinheit mit diesem Ziel. Zur Vorbereitung auf die Sitzung bearbeiten die Studierenden jeweils einen von vier bis sechs verschiedenen mathematikdidaktischen Theorieansätzen. In der Seminarsitzung selbst analysieren und reflektieren sie dann vor dem Hintergrund ihrer vorbereiteten Theorieansätze eine bereitgestellte protokollierte Situation aus der Praxis des Mathematikunterrichts. Im Rahmen eines Gruppenpuzzles werden daraufhin Gruppen mit verschiedenen theoretischen Ansätzen zusammengestellt. Der Austausch über die verschiedenen theoretischen Perspektiven wird durch den Einsatz von Leitfragen unterstützt. Ziel der multiperspektivischen Betrachtung ist es, Konsequenzen für die Beobachtung und Analyse von Praxissituationen im Praxissemester und mit Ausblick auf die folgenden Studienprojekte im Kontext des Forschenden Lernens zu erarbeiten

    On the clustering of low-aspect-ratio oblate spheroids settling in ambient fluid

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    We have performed particle-resolved direct numerical simulations of many heavy non-spherical particles settling under gravity in the dilute regime. The particles are oblate spheroids of aspect ratio 1.5 and density ratio 1.5. Two Galileo numbers are considered, namely 111 and 152, for which a single oblate spheroid follows a steady vertical and a steady oblique path, respectively. In both cases, a strongly inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the disperse phase in the form of columnar clusters is observed, with a significantly enhanced average settling velocity as a consequence. Thus, in contrast to previous results for spheres, the qualitative difference in the single-particle regime does not result in a qualitatively different behaviour of the many-particle cases. In addition, we have carried out an analysis of pairwise interactions of particles in the well-known drafting–kissing–tumbling set-up, for oblate spheroids of aspect ratio 1.5 and for spheres. We have varied systematically the relative initial position between the particle pair and we have considered free-to-rotate particles and rotationally locked ones. We have found that the region of attraction for both particle shapes, with and without rotation, is very similar. However, significant differences occur during the drafting and tumbling phases. In particular, free-to-rotate spheres present longer drafting phases and separate quickly after the collision. Spheroids remain close to each other for longer times after the collision, and free-to-rotate ones experience two or more collision events. Therefore, we have observed a shape-induced increase in the interaction time which might explain the increased tendency to cluster of the many-particle cases
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