213 research outputs found

    Développement d'une méthode de reconstruction d'image basée sur la détection de la fluorescence X pour l'analyse d'échantillon

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    A new technique that localizes and identifies fluorescing elements in a sample wasdeveloped. This practical imaging modality employs a polychromatic X-ray source toirradiate the sample and prompts the fluorescence emission. Many factors affecting thewhole system like attenuation, sample self-absorption, probability of fluorescence andCompton scattering were taken into account. Then, an effective detection system wasestablished to acquire the optimum fluorescence data and discriminate betweenelements depending on their characteristic fluorescence. This set-up, coupled with anappropriate image reconstruction technique leads to a detailed two-dimensional image.Compared to the conventional image reconstruction techniques, the developedreconstruction method is a statistical technique and has an appropriate convergencetoward an image with acceptable resolution. Moreover, it is a simplified technique thatallows the imaging of many different applications.Une nouvelle technique qui localise et identifie les éléments fluorescents dans un échantillon a été développé. Cette modalité d'imagerie pratique utilise une source de rayons X poly-chromatique pour irradier l'échantillon et favoriser l'émission de fluorescence. De nombreux facteurs qui affectent l'ensemble du systÚme comme l'atténuation, l'auto-absorption de l'échantillon, la probabilité de fluorescence et la diffusion Compton ont été pris en compte. Ensuite, un systÚme de détection efficace a été établi pour acquérir les données de fluorescence optimales et discriminer entre les éléments en fonction de leur fluorescence caractéristiques. Ce dispositif, couplé avec une technique de reconstruction d'image approprié conduit à une image détaillée à deux dimensions. Par rapport aux techniques classiques de reconstruction d'image, la méthode de reconstruction développée est une technique statistique qui a une convergence appropriée vers une image avec une résolution acceptable. En outre, c'est une technique simplifiée qui permet l'imagerie de nombreuses applications différentes

    Superficialization of arteriovenous fistulae employing minimally invasive liposuction

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    Superficialization of arteriovenous fistulae allows for improved dialysis access allowing for prolonged utilization and more efficient dialysis treatment. Multiple methods are described for superficializing arteriovenous fistulae, and minimizing the surgical intervention is advantageous for patient recovery and potentially improved outcomes. We describe a novel technique of superficialization of an upper extremity arteriovenous fistula employing ultrasound-guided liposuction. This article describes the suction lipectomy technique and the tools necessary for superficialization of an upper extremity arteriovenous fistula

    Negative Regulation of FcΔRI-mediated Degranulation by CD81

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    Signaling through the high affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E (FcΔRI) results in the coordinate activation of tyrosine kinases before calcium mobilization. Receptors capable of interfering with the signaling of antigen receptors, such as FcΔRI, recruit tyrosine and inositol phosphatases that results in diminished calcium mobilization. Here, we show that antibodies recognizing CD81 inhibit FcΔRI-mediated mast cell degranulation but, surprisingly, without affecting aggregation-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation, calcium mobilization, or leukotriene synthesis. Furthermore, CD81 antibodies also inhibit mast cell degranulation in vivo as measured by reduced passive cutaneous anaphylaxis responses. These results reveal an unsuspected calcium-independent pathway of antigen receptor regulation, which is accessible to engagement by membrane proteins and on which novel therapeutic approaches to allergic diseases could be based

    RBL cells as models for in vitro studies of mast cells and basophils

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    Since their establishment in 1981, RBL-2H3 cells have been widely used as a mast cell (MC) model. Their ability to be easily grown in culture in large amounts, their responsiveness to FcΔRI-mediated triggers and the fact that they can be genetically manipulated,have provided advantages over primary MCs, in particular for molecular studies relying on genetic screening. Furthermore, the ability to generate clones that stably express proteins of interest, for example, a human receptor, have marked the RBL cells as an attractive MC model for drug screening. Indeed, 3 RBL reporter cell lines (RS-ATL8, NFAT-DsRed,and NPY-mRFP) have been generated providing useful models for drug and allergen screening. Similarly, RBL cells stably expressing the human MrgprX2 receptor provide a unique paradigm for analyzing ligand interactions and signaling pathways of the unique human receptor. Finally, transient co-transfections of RBL cells allow functional genomic analyses of MC secretion by combining library screening with simultaneous expression of a reporter for exocytosis. RBL cells thus comprise powerful tools for the study of intracellular membrane trafficking and exocytosis and the detection of allergens, vaccine safety studies and diagnosis of allergic sensitization. Their recent uses as an investigative tool are reviewed here

    Development of an image reconstruction method based on the detected X-ray fluorescence for sample analysis

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    Une nouvelle technique qui localise et identifie les éléments fluorescents dans un échantillon a été développé. Cette modalité d'imagerie pratique utilise une source de rayons X poly-chromatique pour irradier l'échantillon et favoriser l'émission de fluorescence. De nombreux facteurs qui affectent l'ensemble du systÚme comme l'atténuation, l'auto-absorption de l'échantillon, la probabilité de fluorescence et la diffusion Compton ont été pris en compte. Ensuite, un systÚme de détection efficace a été établi pour acquérir les données de fluorescence optimales et discriminer entre les éléments en fonction de leur fluorescence caractéristiques. Ce dispositif, couplé avec une technique de reconstruction d'image approprié conduit à une image détaillée à deux dimensions. Par rapport aux techniques classiques de reconstruction d'image, la méthode de reconstruction développée est une technique statistique qui a une convergence appropriée vers une image avec une résolution acceptable. En outre, c'est une technique simplifiée qui permet l'imagerie de nombreuses applications différentes.A new technique that localizes and identifies fluorescing elements in a sample wasdeveloped. This practical imaging modality employs a polychromatic X-ray source toirradiate the sample and prompts the fluorescence emission. Many factors affecting thewhole system like attenuation, sample self-absorption, probability of fluorescence andCompton scattering were taken into account. Then, an effective detection system wasestablished to acquire the optimum fluorescence data and discriminate betweenelements depending on their characteristic fluorescence. This set-up, coupled with anappropriate image reconstruction technique leads to a detailed two-dimensional image.Compared to the conventional image reconstruction techniques, the developedreconstruction method is a statistical technique and has an appropriate convergencetoward an image with acceptable resolution. Moreover, it is a simplified technique thatallows the imaging of many different applications

    Die Bewertung und Verwaltung von Auslandsinvestitionen in Entwicklungslaendern: unter bes. Beruecks. d. Beispiels Aegypten

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel A 168038 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
