1,289 research outputs found

    Writing, writings, notaries and scribes between Spain and Spanish-America

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    El presente trabajo pretende ser una aproximación a la problemática y a las posibilidades de estudio que presentan las fuentes hispanoamericanas desde el punto de vista de disciplinas como las tradicionales Paleografía y Diplomática y la más reciente Codicología, que constituyen en esencia el área de conocimiento de las Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y cuyo principal objetivo es reconstruir la historia de la escritura, del documento y del libro. Para ello nos introduciremos en aquellas líneas de investigación que, impulsadas desde estas disciplinas, y desde otras áreas afines, de las que son difíciles de separar, y, por tanto, desde la interdisciplinariedad, han puesto el foco de atención en todo lo relativo a la escritura y los escritos, los escribanos y los escribientes entre España e Hispanoamérica.This paper intends to be an approach to the problems and study possibilities of SpanishAmerican sources, from the point of view of disciplines like Palaeography, Diplomatics and Codicology, that essentially constitute the field of knowledge of Historiographic Sciences and Techniques, and whose main objective is to reconstruct the history of writing, documents and books. In order to attain our objective, we will work interdisciplinarily, following research lines pertaining to these disciplines, and to other compatible fields of study, all of which are difficult to separate. We will focus on those research lines that have focussed their attention on everything related to writing and the texts, notaries, and scribes between Spain and Spanish-America

    Imágenes, palabras y formas de pensar

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    Retranslation and Counterculture in Post-Francoist and Modern- day Spain : Woody Guthrie?s Bound for Glory in Star Books (1977) and Global Rhythm Press (2009)

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    El activista político y prolífico artista Woody Guthrie (1912-1967) es conocido a nivel internacional como una de las figuras más representativas de la música folk norteamericana. Su autobiografía Bound for Glory , publicada por primera vez por E.P. Dutton en 1943, es un perspicaz relato de los años de la Gran Depresión y de los viajes subsiguientes. Star Books la publicó por primera vez en España en 1977 y en 2009 lo hizo Global Rhythm Press. Este artículo estudia el relevante papel sociocultural que ambas editoriales han desempeñado en la España posfranquista y en la época actual, cómo el texto ha sido (re)traducido y si la segunda traducción ha modernizado a la primera para colmar las expectativas de los lectores contemporáneo

    Module IV.2.1. Early Development Inventory. New Portage Guide

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    La Nueva Guía Portage (NPG) es un instrumento de evaluación del desarrollo. Contiene objetivos que se basan en patrones de crecimiento y desarrollo normal. Permite llevar a cabo un proceso de evaluación a través de la observación desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años. Los rangos de edad que abarca la NPG, incluyen: INFANCIA (INFANTE/NIÑO): Infancia Temprana, desde el Nacimiento a los 9 Meses; Infancia Móvil, 9 a 18 Meses; Niño, 18 a 36 Meses; y PREECOLAR: Tres a Cuatro Años; Cuatro a Cinco Años; Cinco a Seis Años“Specialized and updated training on supporting advance technologies for early childhood education and care professionals and graduates”, eEarlyCare-T, reference 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032661, is co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme, line KA220 Strategic Partnerships Scholar associations

    Financial Mathematics: Fundamental Concepts

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    This manual, which is the fruit of our teaching experience, is a tool designed to serve as an aid and supplement for our students to facilitate understanding and development of the Mathematics of Financial Transactions. This work includes the basic subject matter required to successfully study Financial Mathematics. All chapters are accompanied by a sufficient number of solved exercises to enable students to get to grips with the subject matter. A total of 151. The subject matter is divided into three parts: Part one covers topics 1 to 5 and develops the main laws governing finance and their interrelationship: capitalisations, discounts, financial equivalence, etc., with 75 solved exercises. The second part covers topics 6 to 8 and deals with financial income in detail and great depth. Emphasis is placed on the study of variable income, focusing on "income by annual blocks". This calculation technique enables the student to perform any income analysis. This part contains 58 solved exercises. The third part is devoted to loans (topics 9 and 10), mainly analysing steady income loans, as well as the constitution transaction associated with the American amortization method. Regarding steady income loans, this part deals mainly with the French or progressive amortization method and the German or prepaid interest method. Part three also covers leasing transactions as an extension of the French method. This part contains 18 solved exercises. We are aware that the content of this book is basic and that there are a lot of topics from the subject that it does not cover. However, we have written it for the purpose of providing support for our bilingual students in the subject of Financial Mathematics. At the end of the manual there is an appendix which deals with the mathematical developments of the subject

    Effects of the intense summer desiccation and the autumn filling on the water chemistry in some Mediterranean ponds

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    The objective of this research was to compare the effects of evaporation and total desiccation, as well as the infiuence of the rate of refilling, on the concentrations of major ions and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in Mediterranean ponds. Water level fiuctuations in these ecosystems can have a decisive role in community structuring and functioning and may affect their conservation values. The results obtained enable an assessment of the consequences of water quality changes resulting from the increased evaporation, drastic fiuctuations in water levels and higher incidence of droughts in summer. Desiccation was observed to cause an increase in the bicarbonate and chloride concentrations, whilst sulphate content was frequently found to have decreased. With respect to nutrients, a drastic reduction in water volume increased orthophosphate levels, with a consequent drop in the N-nitrate: SRP ratio. Pond refilling following total desiccation resulted in higher total anion content, especially among the waters with higher mineral content, the extent of which was related to the rate of refilling. When refill followed desiccation, sulphate concentrations increased the most, whilst alkalinity decreased in most ponds. An increase in chloride concentration was only observed when refilling occurred slowly. Orthophosphate and nitrate concentrations increased at the start of the refilling period, although the most pronounced increase was in nitrate which, together with potassium, was probably washed into the ponds through soilleaching following autumn rainfall.El objetivo de este estudio ha sido comparar los efectos de la evaporación y la desecación completa, así como de la tasa de llenado sobre las concentraciones de los principales iones y nutrientes (nitrógeno y fósforo) en un conjunto de lagunas mediterráneas. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del agua en estos ecosistemas pueden ser determinantes de la estructura y funcio­namiento de las comunidades y afectar a su conservación. Los resultados obtenidos permiten hacer una valoración de las consecuencias de los cambios en la calidad del agua derivados del aumento de la evaporación, las drásticas fluctuaciones del nivel del agua y la incidencia de las sequías estivales. En las lagunas estudiadas la desecación causó un aumento de las concentraciones de bicarbonato y cloruro, mientras que fue habitual una disminución del contenido de sulfato. Por lo que se refiere a los nutrientes, la drástica disminución del volumen de agua provocó un aumento de los niveles de ortofosfato, con la consiguiente disminución de la relación N-nitrato:P-ortofosfato. El llenado de las lagunas que siguió a la sequía total condujo a un aumento del contenido total de aniones, especialmente en las lagunas más mineralizadas, que estuvo afectado además por el ritmo de llenado. Cuando la laguna se llenó rápidamente los mayores incrementos se produjeron en la con­centración de sulfato, mientras que en la mayoría de las lagunas disminuyó la alcalinidad. Cuando el llenado se produjo lentamente se observó un aumento de cloruro. Las concentraciones de ortofosfato y nitrato aumentaron al inicio del periodo de llenado, aunque el aumento más destacado se registró en el contenido de nitrato, que junto con el potasio se incorporaron probablemente a las lagunas a través del lavado del suelo, que siguió a las precipitaciones de otoño

    Classification and Analysis of Criteria Used in the Due Diligence Process

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    This paper uses a survey dataset of 51 Venture Capital Companies to address a segmentation of the venture capital industry. Our paper yields two specific contributions. First, we analyze in a Continental European bank-based system the most important investment criteria identified by previous empirical literature. Second, we show that existing differences in the use of the investment criteria depend on the existence of asymmetric information problems associated to specific characteristics of the venture capital companies. Knowing what investment criteria are the most important for venture capitalists might help both entrepreneurs to elaborate better proposals, and venture capitalists to improve their decision process and achieve better survival rates.Fundación Séneca (Project 15403/PHCS/10) and by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project ECO2011-29080

    The venture capital contract and the Institutional Theory in a Spanish setting

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    Purpose: This paper examines the principles of the Institutional Theory in order to increase the understanding of the contractual covenants that Spanish venture capital firms use in their relationship with the portfolio companies. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the data obtained by means of a postal survey addressed to the 70 Spanish venture capital firms registered in the ASCRI (Asociación Española de Entidades de Capital Riesgo) in June, 2002, with a response rate of 68.33%. As a theoretical framework we base on the Institutional Theory as a mechanism to understand the venture capital contractual process. Findings: The results show that a large part of the Spanish venture capital contracts are homogeneous. However, between public and private venture capital firms there is some heterogeneity not only in relation to the industry but also within the field in the design of contracts. It might be due to the coercive pressures exerted by the government on public entities. Research Limitations: Although survey data might create potential biases and possible measurement problems, we consider that our sample has large enough coverage of the venture capital industry (68.33%) that, although cautiously, valid conclusions can be drawn. Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, this study is one of the first empirical contributions analyzing financial contracts of venture capital firms in Spain. A better understanding of covenants included in venture capital contracts can help Spanish firms to understand the particular terms and restraints of venture capitalists before providing capital. Moreover, this paper also has clear benefits for policy makers and venture capitalists.Fundación Séneca (Project 15403/PHCS/10), and by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project ECO2011-29080

    A Pan-European Delimitation of Coastal Waters: Compliance with EU Environmental Legislation

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    The definition of coastal waters in relation to EU environmental legislation was clearly stated in the Water Framework Directive. In compliance with this Directive, most of the EU Member States delineated their coastal waters¿ boundaries. However, these delineations are not as complete and homogeneous as could be expected. A clear identification of European coastal waters boundaries is crucial for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, which depend on an accurate ecological/environmental assessment of those waters. Hence, there is a need for a comprehensive and unambiguous delimitation of European coastal waters. This report aims at bridging this gap providing a pan-European mapping of coastal waters, which cover 553,817 km2 in 30 seaside countries, 340,524 km2 of which pertain to the 22 EU Member States connected to the sea. For this purpose, a comprehensive geographical analysis of the national baselines and transitional waters distribution was performed. A pan-European baseline of 63,340 km was delineated as a basis for the European coastal waters delimitation. The European coastal waters identified in this work show significant differences with the available national declarations (almost 12% of the compared area), the latter defining an additional area of 29,337 km2 with respect to the former. The largest deviations seem to be due to misinterpretations of the definition of coastal waters in the Water Framework Directive, although a number of one-sided national modifications to that definition are also observed. This work provides the geographical basis for a full consultation process and discussion about this subject. Our recommendations include setting a clear geographical limit between the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive jurisdiction, revise the possible exemptions in the definition of coastal waters, and discuss their consequences in the assessment of ecological/environmental status.JRC.DDG.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource