18 research outputs found

    Coello's Spanish "Hamlet" (1872)

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    El príncipe Hamlet, by the Spanish playwright Carlos Coello (1850-1888), premiered in Madrid on November 22, 1872 and, described by the author as a “trágico-fantástico” drama, is unique in the history of Spanish translations and adaptations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The play reflects Spain’s late introduction to Shakespeare’s work, in comparison to other European countries. In the Prologue, Coello, who calls Shakespeare “the English Calderón,” insists that his play is a completely new play, “subject to the needs of the Spanish scene and the special conditions of our audience.” Built from the original text, the play includes dialogues and soliloquies of the original and much of its plot. One of the play’s most interesting features is that of the development of the characters and of the subtexts—including such topics as lost honor and the unequal relationship between men and women. In this way, El príncipe Hamlet becomes a rewrite of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, emblematic of the Spanish theatrical tradition of the Golden Age, which was revitalized in the first half of the 19th century in Spain. The Spanish theatre of the 19th century, with its romantic and nationalistic bent, looked to its own 16th and 17th century plays as models, rather than importing foreign works. Nevertheless, Coello’s El príncipe Hamlet exposed the Spanish public to Shakespeare’s work at a time when performances of his plays in Spain were scarce and translations of his works were still based on previous versions done by the French.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Spanish as the language of translation in Spain and Latin America: Shakespeare’s retranslations as a case in point.

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    A short description of the linguistic decisions taken by three Argentinian translators of Shakespeare (Rafael Squirru, Miguel Ángel Montezanti and Carlos Gamerro) with respect to the language of translation (Spanish). In the three cases, they try to reflect the regional variety known as "ríoplatense", although in different degrees and for different reasons.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Un Cervantista shakesperiano: las traducciones de Shakespeare de Luis Astrana Marín

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    La traducción de las Obras Completas de Shakespeare de Luis Astrana Marín (Madrid: 1930) es uno de los hitos en la historia de la traducción del autor inglés al castellano, tanto por la grandeza de la empresa como por su repercusión posterior. La lectura y traducción de Shakespeare hecha por Astrana Marín determinó la visión del autor inglés de varias generaciones de lectores de su obra en castellano, tanto en España como en América. Su influencia en traductores y versiones posteriores a ambos lados del Atlántico es, por tanto, innegable. Astrana Marín logró perfilar un personal estilo de traducción, explicable a partir de su propio habitus de traductor, configurado a su vez por su posición como intelectual en el campo literario español de la época, su extraordinario amor a Shakespeare y su profundo conocimiento del castellano literario. Personaje polémico y audaz, concibió soluciones tan insólitas como la traducción de las obras líricas de Shakespeare, incluidos los Sonetos, en prosa, con objeto de alcanzar la mayor literalidad posible. Elogiado y criticado a la vez, la recepción de su obra, en España y América, debe matizarse desde una perspectiva histórica. Su difícil relación con los escritores de la generación de 1927 demuestra cómo las ideas sobre literatura y traducción de Astrana Marín se relacionan mucho más con movimientos artísticos anteriores que con las de sus contemporáneos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Literature as study and resource: the purposes of English literature teaching at university level

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    This paper attempts to examine the two main purposes of the teaching of English literature at university level in an EFL situation. The first, literature as study, is divided into two options. One is the type of teaching that considers literature as a cultural product for whose interpretation aspects outside the literary work (historical, social, critical, biographical data) must be accounted for. The other is the stylistics option, dealing with the analysis of literary texts by examining their language. The second general purpose is the recent widespread use of literature as a resource for the teaching of the English language. In our opinion, it is the EFL environment which allows the implementation of the two aims, whose goals and methods are closely interlinked, providing as well a connection between the teaching of language and literature. Some suggestions for this implementation are offered in the specific case of Spanish universities

    La traducción literaria como asignatura

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    Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Departamento de Cultura de la Diputación Foral de Álava. Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco. Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana y Traducción e Interpretación