84 research outputs found

    Comparative Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength of Three Different Luting Cements toward Ceramic and Dentin for All Ceramic Restorations: An in vitro Study

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    All ceramic restorations benefit from resin cement bonding to the tooth. No currently available luting agent is ideal for all situations. The comparison of the bonding ability of differentluting cements to ceramic and dentin is thus deemed necessary. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of different luting cements to both ceramic and dentinand then to evaluate the mode of bond failure by scanning electron microscopy

    The roles and values of wild foods in agricultural systems

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    Almost every ecosystem has been amended so that plants and animals can be used as food, fibre, fodder, medicines, traps and weapons. Historically, wild plants and animals were sole dietary components for hunter–gatherer and forager cultures. Today, they remain key to many agricultural communities. The mean use of wild foods by agricultural and forager communities in 22 countries of Asia and Africa (36 studies) is 90–100 species per location. Aggregate country estimates can reach 300–800 species (e.g. India, Ethiopia, Kenya). The mean use of wild species is 120 per community for indigenous communities in both industrialized and developing countries. Many of these wild foods are actively managed, suggesting there is a false dichotomy around ideas of the agricultural and the wild: hunter–gatherers and foragers farm and manage their environments, and cultivators use many wild plants and animals. Yet, provision of and access to these sources of food may be declining as natural habitats come under increasing pressure from development, conservation-exclusions and agricultural expansion. Despite their value, wild foods are excluded from official statistics on economic values of natural resources. It is clear that wild plants and animals continue to form a significant proportion of the global food basket, and while a variety of social and ecological drivers are acting to reduce wild food use, their importance may be set to grow as pressures on agricultural productivity increase.</jats:p

    Not Managing Expectations: A Grounded Theory of Intimate Partner Violence From the Perspective of Pakistani People

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major social and public health problem affecting people from different cultures and societies. Much research has been undertaken to understand the phenomenon, its determinants, and its consequences in numerous countries. However, there is a paucity of research on IPV in many areas of the world including Pakistan. The present study aimed to develop a theory of the meaning and process of IPV from the perspective of Pakistani men and women living in and outside Pakistan

    A survey of green plant tRNA 3'-end processing enzyme tRNase Zs, homologs of the candidate prostate cancer susceptibility protein ELAC2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>tRNase Z removes the 3'-trailer sequences from precursor tRNAs, which is an essential step preceding the addition of the CCA sequence. tRNase Z exists in the short (tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>) and long (tRNase Z<sup>L</sup>) forms. Based on the sequence characteristics, they can be divided into two major types: bacterial-type tRNase Z<sup>S </sup>and eukaryotic-type tRNase Z<sup>L</sup>, and one minor type, <it>Thermotoga maritima </it>(TM)-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>. The number of tRNase Zs is highly variable, with the largest number being identified experimentally in the flowering plant <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>. It is unknown whether multiple tRNase Zs found in <it>A. thaliana </it>is common to the plant kingdom. Also unknown is the extent of sequence and structural conservation among tRNase Zs from the plant kingdom.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report the identification and analysis of candidate tRNase Zs in 27 fully sequenced genomes of green plants, the great majority of which are flowering plants. It appears that green plants contain multiple distinct tRNase Zs predicted to reside in different subcellular compartments. Furthermore, while the bacterial-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s are present only in basal land plants and green algae, the TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s are widespread in green plants. The protein sequences of the TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s identified in green plants are similar to those of the bacterial-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s but have distinct features, including the TM-type flexible arm, the variant catalytic HEAT and HST motifs, and a lack of the PxKxRN motif involved in CCA anti-determination (inhibition of tRNase Z activity by CCA), which prevents tRNase Z cleavage of mature tRNAs. Examination of flowering plant chloroplast tRNA genes reveals that many of these genes encode partial CCA sequences. Based on our results and previous studies, we predict that the plant TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s may not recognize the CCA sequence as an anti-determinant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings substantially expand the current repertoire of the TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s and hint at the possibility that these proteins may have been selected for their ability to process chloroplast pre-tRNAs with whole or partial CCA sequences. Our results also support the coevolution of tRNase Zs and tRNA 3'-trailer sequences in plants.</p

    Effects of Payena dasyphylla (Miq.) on hyaluronidase enzyme activity and metalloproteinases protein expressions in interleukin-1beta stimulated human chondrocytes cells

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    Background: Hyaluronidases have been found as the target enzymes in the development of osteoarthritis (OA) disease. While there is still no curative treatment for this disease, recent studies on the treatment of OA were focused on the effectiveness of natural products which are expected to improve the symptoms with minimal side effects. The aim of this study was to screen selected Malaysian plants on their anti-hyaluronidase activity as well as to evaluate the active plant and its derived fractions on its potential anti-arthritic and antioxidant activities.Methods: A total of 20 methanolic crude extracts (bark and leaf) from ten different plants were screened using a colorimetric hyaluronidase enzymatic assay. The active plant extract (Payena dasyphylla) was then studied for its hyaluronidase inhibitory activity in the interleukin-1β (IL-1β) stimulated human chondrocytes cell line (NHAC-kn) using zymography method. The Payena dasyphylla methanolic bark extract was then fractionated into several fractions in where the ethyl acetate (EA) fraction was evaluated for its inhibitory effects on the HYAL1 and HYAL2 gene expressions using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique. While the MMP-3 and MMP-13 protein expressions were evaluated using western blot method. The phenolic and flavonoid contents of the three fractions as well as the antioxidant property of the EA fraction were also evaluated.Results: Bark extract of Payena dasyphylla (100 μg/ml) showed the highest inhibitory activity against bovine testicular hyaluronidase with 91.63%. The plant extract also inhibited hyaluronidase expression in the cultured human chondrocyte cells in response to IL-1β (100 ng/ml). Similarly, treatment with Payena dasyphylla ethyl acetate (EA) fraction (100 μg/ml) inhibited the HYAL1 and HYAL2 mRNA gene expressions as well as MMP-3 and MMP-13 protein expression in a dose dependent manner. Payena dasyphylla EA fraction has demonstrated the highest amount of phenolic and flavonoid content with 168.62 ± 10.93 mg GAE/g and 95.96 ± 2.96 mg RE/g respectively as compared to water and hexane fractions. In addition, the Payena dasyphylla EA fraction showed strong antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 11.64 ± 1.69 μg/mL.Conclusion: These findings have shown that Payena dasyphylla might contained potential phenolic compounds that inhibiting the key enzyme in osteoarthritis development, which is the hyaluronidase enzyme through interruption of HYAL1 and HYAL1 gene expressions. The degradation of cartilage could also be inhibited by the plant through suppression of MMP-3 and MMP-13 protein expressions. We also reported that the inhibitory effect of Payena dasyphylla on hyaluronidase activity and expression might be due to its anti-oxidant property

    Continental Scale Aerosol Optical Properties Over East Asia as Measured by Aeronet and Comparison to Satellite and Modeled Results

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    The AERONET program has operated in E. Asia since 1995 providing time continuous and time averaged ground-based column-integrated aerosol optical properties in a variety of aerosol regimes In the last four years the distribution has greatly increased in Siberia, China, SE Asia and India in particular. Commensurate with that, significant improvement in data processing algorithms (Version 2.0) and access to ancillary data products through the WWW have become available to the scientific community. At this writing the following distribution represents E and S. Asia: 5 sites operate in Siberia (2 years), 1 in Mongolia (9 years), 3 in Korea (3 to 6 years), 3 in Japan (2 to 7 years), China 11 (6 to 0 years), Taiwan 4 (7 to 2 yrs), Viet Nam 2 (4 years), Thailand 2 to 5 (4 years), and Singapore 1 (4 months), India 1 to 3 (7 to 1 years), Pakistan 2 (1 year), and UAE 3 (3 years). An analysis of the aerosol optical depth at 500 nm using annual average quality assured AERONET data (pre 2006) was used to estimate the mean annual aerosol loading by continent, sub continent and ocean. The individual site data were assumed representative of regional aerosol loading and aggregated to the sub-continental, continental and oceanic areas and presented. This analysis will be updated with more recent data with particular emphasis on seasonal results for Asia and the addition of single scattering albedo retrievals. The ground based results will be compared to MODIS collection 5 results and model estimates for E. Asia using the AERONET Synergy Tool

    Knowledge Priorities on Climate Change and Water in the Upper Indus Basin: A Horizon Scanning Exercise to Identify the Top 100 Research Questions in Social and Natural Sciences

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    River systems originating from the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) are dominated by runoff from snow and glacier melt and summer monsoonal rainfall. These water resources are highly stressed as huge populations of people living in this region depend on them, including for agriculture, domestic use, and energy production. Projections suggest that the UIB region will be affected by considerable (yet poorly quantified) changes to the seasonality and composition of runoff in the future, which are likely to have considerable impacts on these supplies. Given how directly and indirectly communities and ecosystems are dependent on these resources and the growing pressure on them due to ever-increasing demands, the impacts of climate change pose considerable adaptation challenges. The strong linkages between hydroclimate, cryosphere, water resources, and human activities within the UIB suggest that a multi- and inter-disciplinary research approach integrating the social and natural/environmental sciences is critical for successful adaptation to ongoing and future hydrological and climate change. Here we use a horizon scanning technique to identify the Top 100 questions related to the most pressing knowledge gaps and research priorities in social and natural sciences on climate change and water in the UIB. These questions are on the margins of current thinking and investigation and are clustered into 14 themes, covering three overarching topics of ‘governance, policy, and sustainable solutions’, ‘socioeconomic processes and livelihoods’, and ‘integrated Earth System processes’. Raising awareness of these cutting-edge knowledge gaps and opportunities will hopefully encourage researchers, funding bodies, practitioners, and policy makers to address them