46 research outputs found

    Carga de trabajo del cuidador según el nivel de funcionalidad de la persona con discapacidad en un distrito de Lima

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    Introduction. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), in 2017 there were three million people with disabilities in our country. Of these, 5% have a significant functional limitation, so they have to require a caregiver; who can see affected his physical and emotional activity, and eventually, they get sick. Objective. To establish the relationship between the burden of the caregiver and level of functionality of the person with disabilities. Methods. 50 caregivers and 50 people with disabilities were included. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) is an accepted instrument for measuring disability, in three categories: complete dependence, relative dependence and independence. The Zarit and Zarit Test measures the burden of caregiver; classifying it into three categories: absence of burden, light burden and intense burden. Results. The majority of caregivers of people with disabilities reported having an intense burden, this being greater when caring for a person with complete dependence and lower when caring for a person with functional independence. However, no statistically significant association was found. Conclusion. It is common for caregivers with intense burden to be in charge of patients with complete or relative dependence, in people registered in the Comprehensive Care Service for People with Disabilities (SAIPD) of the Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Familiar (INABIF), during the year 2018. Future studies, with a better methodology, could corroborate a possible relationship between these variables.Introducción. Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI), en el año 2017 existían en nuestro país tres millones de personas con discapacidad. De ellos, el 5% posee una importante limitación funcional, por lo que requieren de un cuidador; quien puede ver afectada su actividad física y emocional, e incluso enfermar. Objetivo. Establecer la relación entre el nivel de funcionalidad de la persona con discapacidad y la carga de trabajo del cuidador. Métodos. Se incluyeron a 50 cuidadores y 50 personas con discapacidad, en quienes se aplicó el Test de Zarit y Zarit, para medir y clasificar la sobrecarga de trabajo del cuidador en tres categorías: ausencia de sobrecarga, sobrecarga ligera y sobrecarga intensa; y la Escala Functional Independence Measure (FIM), para evaluar el nivel de funcionalidad en la persona con discapacidad, en tres categorías: dependencia completa, dependencia relativa e independencia funcional. Resultados. La mayoría de cuidadores de las personas con discapacidad refirieron tener intensa carga de trabajo, que es mayor al cuidar a personas con dependencia completa y menor al atender a personas con independencia funcional. Sin embargo, no se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa. Conclusión. Es frecuente que los cuidadores con sobrecarga intensa estén a cargo de pacientes con dependencia completa o relativa, en personas registradas en el Servicio de Atención Integral para Personas con Discapacidad (SAIPD) del Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Familiar (INABIF), durante el año 2018. Futuros estudios con metodologías cuantitativa y cualitativa podrían corroborar una posible relación entre estas variables

    Effect of the forest-mine boundary form on woody colonization and forest expansion in degraded ecosystems

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    [ENG]We evaluated the ecological significance of the boundary form between two patches with contrasting vegetation (mine grassland and adjacent forest) on woody colonization and forest expansion in open-cast coal mines in Northern Spain. Woody colonization and browsing traces were measured on three mine sites, along 24 transects that were laid out perpendicular to the forest-mine boundary and classified according to their shape (concave, convex, straight). Mine sites were colonized from the close forest by woody species, whose colonization intensity depends on the boundary form. The overall colonization intensity decreased with increasing distance to the forest and differed depending on the boundary form. The more intense colonization was found in concave boundaries and the strongest decrease in convex boundaries close to the forest, whereas straight boundaries showed an intermediate colonization pattern. Concave boundaries reached higher woody cover in the basal strata of the mines than convex (up to 2 m) or straight boundaries (up to 1 m) from 11 m to the forest edge, mainly by the presence of dense patches of Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link, with a scattered overstory of Genista florida L. These shrubs might reduce the browsing intensity and act as nurse plants facilitating the establishment of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. in mine areas at greater distances from the forest edge. The forest-mine boundary form does not affect the forest vertical structure that is homogenous and does not help explain the woody colonization pattern in the mines. We conclude that edge characteristics have a strong potential to be used in the restoration of native forests based on natural processes. The implications of our results for sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) forest expansion along edges in fragmented Mediterranean forest landscapes were discussed

    Redescubrimiento de Lytta corallifera (Coleoptera: Meloidae) en el centro de México

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    [EN] A population of Lytta corallifera Haag-Rutenberg, 1880 (Coleoptera: Meloidae), one of the less-studied and rarest species of its genus, was discovered near Charco Blanco, in the Guadalcázar Biological Preservation Area in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The rarity of L. corallifera and its apparent sensitivity to changes in its habitat make the above region an important location for the survival of the species.[ES] Se descubrió una población de Lytta corallifera Haag-Rutenberg, 1880 (Coleoptera: Meloidae), una de las especies menos estudiadas y más raras de su género, cerca de Charco Blanco, en el área natural protegida de Guadalcázar, en el estado de San Luis Potosí, México. La rareza de L. corallifera y su aparente vulnerabilidad a cambios en su hábitat hace de la región antes mencionada un punto de suma importancia para la supervivencia de esta especie.Peer reviewe

    Geodynamic implications for the formation of the Betic-Rif orogen from magnetotelluric studies

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    Magnetotelluric data from the central Betics mountains (Spain) have been used to determine the electrical resistivity of the crust after a three‐dimensional (3D) interpretive approach. At shallow levels (3 km), the most striking and well‐resolved feature of the model is an upper‐middle crust conductive body, located at the core of the Internal Betics antiform. This approximately 14‐km‐thick body is interpreted as basic or ultrabasic rocks containing a conducting mineral phase. Its structural location above the sole thrust of the Betic orogen and beneath the Nevado‐Filábride complex confirms the presence of a major suture zone between this complex and the autochthonous Iberian plate. This suture may correspond to an ancient oceanic or transitional domain developed between Iberia and the Alboran Domain during the opening of the Tethys Ocean, partially subducted and closed during the development of the Betic orogen. The possible geodynamic scenarios for the Betics have been reconsidered, taking into account this new constraint

    A new species of Bracon (Braconidae: Braconinae) from central Mexico, probable parasitoid of a weevil that feeds on roots of Argemone ochroleuca Sweet (Papaveraceae)

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    A new species of the braconine genus Bracon (subgenus Bracon), B. hidalguensis sp. nov., is described from the locality of Tasquillo in the state of Hidalgo, central Mexico. The new species was reared from roots of Argemone ochroleuca Sweet (Papaveraceae), where specimens of the weevil species Conotrachelus leucophaeus (Champion) (Curculionidae) were also obtained and thus probably it represents its host. The new Bracon species was characterised molecularly with DNA barcoding (COI) and a fragment of the variable D2–3 region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S gene.Fil: Rosa, Jaime Solis de la. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Ciencias; MéxicoFil: Martinez, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Benites, Pilar. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Ciencias; MéxicoFil: Hernández Cumplido, Johnattan. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Ciencias; MéxicoFil: Zaldívar Riverón, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Ciencias; Méxic

    Dexamethasone in outpatients with SARS-COV-2 infection

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la evolución clínica de los pacientes ambulatorios con infección por SARS Cov-2, que recibieron dexametasona en nuestro Centro de Salud. Métodos: Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes a los que se les prescribió tratamiento con dexametasona desde Atención Primaria, en la fase aguda de la infección por SARS-CoV-2, sin criterios iniciales de gravedad. Describimos las características clínico-demográficas y los datos radiológicos y analíticos de tormenta de citoquinas, así como su evolución final. Resultados: se incluyeron un total de 9 pacientes, 6 mujeres y 3 hombres con una edad media de 56,6 (3474) años. El motivo de consulta fue en todos los casos fiebre, con un tiempo medio desde inicio de los síntomas hasta su consulta de 4 (2-7) días. Todos los pacientes presentaron una relación entre saturación de oxígeno y fracción inspirada de oxígeno mayor de 450. De ellos, 5 pacientes presentaron hallazgos radiológicos compatibles con COVID y en 4 no se observaron infiltrados. Ningún paciente presentaba datos analíticos de síndrome de tormenta de citoquinas. La dosis de dexametasona recomendad fue de 6mg/d durante 7 días. En tres casos se requirió ingreso hospitalario, dos al tercer día y uno al cuarto del inicio de la dexametasona, resolviéndose el proceso intrahospitalario con pulsos de corticoides y antibióticos, sin necesidad de oxigenoterapia de alto flujo, ni de ventilación mecánica. Conclusiones: el uso de dexametasona en pacientes con infección SARS-CoV-2 sin criterios de ingreso hospitalario no parece prevenir el riesgo de evolución a formas más graves. En ausencia de más datos, no parece recomendable el uso de dexametasona en esos casos, salvo que se requiera por otros motivos.Objective: To evaluate the clinical evolution of outpatients with SARS Cov-2 infection, who received dexamethasone in our Health Center. Methods: The medical records of the patients who were prescribed dexamethasone treatment from Primary Care, in the acute phase of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, were reviewed, without initial criteria of severity. We describe the clinical-demographic characteristics and the radiological and analytical data of the cytokine storm, as well as its final evolution. Results: a total of 9 patients were included, 6 women and 3 men with a mean age of 56.6 (34-74) years. The reason for consultation was fever in all cases, with a mean time of 4 (2-7) days from onset of symptoms to consultation. All patients presented a relationship between oxygen saturation and inspired oxygen fraction greater than 450. Out of these, 5 patients presented radiological findings compatible with COVID and no infiltrates were observed in 4. No patient had laboratory data for cytokine storm syndrome. The recommended dexamethasone dose was 6 mg/d for 7 days. In 3 cases, hospital admission was required, 2 on the third day and one on the fourth day after the start of dexamethasone. These patients resolved the in-hospital process with pulses of corticosteroids and antibiotics, without the need for high-flow oxygen therapy or mechanical ventilation. Conclusions: the use of dexamethasone in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection without hospital admission criteria does not seem to prevent the risk of progression to more serious forms. In the absence of more data, the use of dexamethasone in these cases does not seem advisable, unless it is required for other reasons