453 research outputs found

    Effect of Activated Charcoal and Composition Activator Acid Sulphate on Palm Oil Waste Water Treatment

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    Purpose of this research is to exploit the shell and palm fiber become the active charcoal, by looking at the influence of the ratio mixture composition and effect of activator. this Active charcoal application as adsorbent to the liquid waste of crude palm oil. Initial treatment, shells and palm fiber dried first at a temperature of 1200C and carbonized. charcoal mix shell and palm fiber activation chemically with a solution of H2SO4 by way of immersed in the solution for 24 hours. The best quality activated charcoal obtained from the comparison of the 75% shell, 25% palm fiber with activator H2SO4 that has a yield of 95.94%, 4.9% moisture content, ash content 6.13%, iodine number 916.594 mg / g. Activated charcoal mixture palm shell and palm fiber can be used as adsorbent liquid waste CPO, which is indicated by a decline in these parameters in the waste water contaminants in CPO, which is a 7.49 pH of 9, TSS of 660 ppm to 325 ppm,COD becomes 237,12 mg/L from1577.60 mg/L


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    ABSTRAKAlpukat (Persea americana Mill) merupakan buah yang kaya akan vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E serta minyak alami sehingga menjadikan buah alpukat salah satu buah dengan kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi. Masker peel-off adalah salah satu bentuk kosmetik topikal yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan minyak daging buah alpukat dan memformulasikan minyak daging buah alpukat dalam sediaan gel masker peel-off. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan minyak daging buah alpukat dilakukan dengan metode DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) dan diperoleh nilai IC50 sebesar 116,4 ppm. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dilakukan formulasi gel peel-off dengan menggunakan polivinil alkohol (PVA) sebagai basis. Gel yang dihasilkan bening dan berbentuk kental. Hasil evaluasi terhadap sediaan menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi perubahan warna, bentuk dan bau selama penyimpanan pada suhu 4?C dan 40?C. pH sediaan dan waktu kering sediaan gel memenuhi kriteria sediaan topikal. Nilai viskositas dan daya sebar sediaan tidak memenuhi kriteria sediaan gel yang baik. Hasil uji sifat mekanik sediaan menunjukkan bahwa formula P2 memiliki nilai paling baik pada kekuatan tarik dan elongasi sehingga diperoleh film gel yang tidak mudah putus.Kata kunci: minyak daging alpukat, antioksidan, gel masker peel-off ABSTRACTAvocado (Persea Americana Mill) is one of strong antioxidant fruits which contains high vitamins A, C, E, and avocado oil. Peel-off mask is one of cosmetic products that gives benefit to the skin. This study aimed to investigate the activity of avocado flesh oil antioxidant and formulate the flesh oil of avocado in a peel-off mask product. The experiment of avocado flesh oil antioxidant activity used DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method and found the value of IC50 is 116,4 ppm. Based on the previous result, the researcher formulated peel-off gel by using polivinil alcohol (PVA) as a basis. The gel poduced was transparently and thick. The result of the product evaluation showed that there was no colour, form, and smell transformation during the temperature of 4?C and 40?C storage. The circulated pH and dry gel complied with the circulated topical criterion. Furthermore, the value of viscosity and disseminating were not comply with a good circulated gel criterion. The result of the mechanism characteristics product showed that the formula of P2 had the most potential value at the appealing and elongating efficacy, then found a strength film gel.Keywords: avocado flesh oil, antioxidant, peel-off mask


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    The purpose of the study was 1) Determine the formula, technique, presentation and acceptance of the product fruit cup pumpkin cake with pumpkin puree, 2) Knowing the formula, technique, presentation and acceptance of tiramisu pumpkin with pumpkin puree subtitution, 3) Knowing the formula, though the technique, presentation and acceptance of sweety pumpkin pudding cake with pumpkin puree substitution, The study was conducted at the Production Laboratory of PTBB Yogyakarta State University in March to April 2012. The research method is a Research and Development using the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Production, Implementation or Delivery, and Evaluation). The stage is used, is 1) to analyze the reference recipe, 2) designing products that are modified with the pumpkin puree fruit cup pumpkin cake, pumpkin tiramisu, and a sweety pumpkin pudding cake, 3) create and test the product, 4) the exhibition products. The data analysis used descriptive data analysis. Based on observations during the making of the cake produced several conclusions that: 1) the right formula recipes on making pumpkin Fruit cup cake flour are 80% and 20% pumpkin puree. Though the technique used creaming. Garnish use the butter cream and strawberries, oranges, and grapes with standard 100-120 gram portion, presentation using dessert plate of glass, acceptance of the product by 90% is acceptable in the community, 2) pumpkin tiramisu’s formula are 90% flour 10% flour and pumpkin puree. Though the technique used sponge method. Garnish using a sprinkling of cocoa powder and chocolate block with a standard 100-120 gram portion, presentation using dessert plate of glass. Acceptance of the product by 96.66% is acceptable in the community, 3) sweety pumpkin pudding cake’s formulas are 80% white flour and 20% pumpkin puree. Though the technique used au bain marie. Garnish using vanilla sauce and strawberries with a standard portion of 100-120 grams, the presentation using a dessert plate of glass. Acceptance of the product by 96.66% is acceptable in the community

    Gagak Lumayung : Penyebar Islam di Jawa

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    ABSTRACT SITI ZAHRA MAULIDA. 8105133115. Correlation Between Learning Motivation And Learning Readiness On Students of Class X SMK Negeri 16 Jakarta. Thesis. Jakarta: Study Program Office Administration, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University. 2017. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between learning motivation andlearning readiness on students of class X SMK Negeri 16 Jakarta. This research was conducted for 4 months starting from February to May 2017. The research method used is survey method with correlational approach. The population in this study is all students in SMK Negeri 16 Jakarta, amounting to 214 students. The researcher took the sample of 131 students of class X by using proportional random sampling technique. Instruments used to obtain X variable data (learning motivation), and variable Y (learning readiness) were measured using questionnaires with Likert scale. Data analysis technique begins by finding the obtained regression equation that is Y = 34,58 + 0,528X. Result of Liliefors normality test yield highest Lhitung = 0,032 while L = 0,077. Because Lhitung F (3.92) which means a significant regression equation. The linear regression test yielded Ftabel 1.14 while Ftabel is 1.63. Fhitung (1.14) t (1.66). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between learning motivation andlearning readiness on the students of class X SMK Negeri 16 Jakarta. With determination coefficient test obtained results 21.40% which means learning motivation gives an effect of 21.40% of learning readiness. So it can be concluded there is a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation and learning readiness. Keywords: Learning Motivation, Learning Readines


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    Personality counselor competence in the implementation of guidance and counseling, one of them in group guidance services are needed to be a competent counselor. It will continue to increase, in line with the development of counseling, especially to foster enthusiasm and be one of the reasons that students have an interest in participating in group counseling services. Attention plays a significant role in the lives of students and has a tremendous impact on attitudes and behavior. Through the provision of group guidance services, students are directed to participate in group discussion activities and function to prioritize the development of communication and socialization skills


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    ABSTRACT SITI ZAHRA PERMATASARI. Correlation Between Procrastination With Test Anxiety Of College Student STMT Trisakti Jakarta. Thesis, Jakarta: Concentration of Office Administration Education, Study of Economic Education, Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, 2012. This purpose of this research is to know more about The Correlation Between Procrastination With Test Anxiety Of College Student STMT Trisakti Jakarta. This research was conducted for two months starting from June until July 2012. This research method is using survey method with correlation approach. The populations of this research are all of college students at STMT Trisakti Jakarta in total 2800 college students, the reach populations are college students majoring in air transport management in total 95 college students, and 75 college students for sampling. The X variable data (Procrastination) and Y variable data (Test Anxiety), using Likert Scale. Then, it has Construct Validity Test using Validation Process, that is Correlation Coefficient valuing score with the total score reliability test using Alpha Cronbach Formula. Reliability X variable (Procrastination) is 0,880 and Y variable data (Test Anxiety) is 93. The analyses test by finding regression equation, that is 37,41 + 0,762 X. The normal data test using Lilliefors formula and the result is L = 0,078 in significant level 0,05 and L table = 0,102, so L count F (3,98), shows that the regression is significance. Regression linearity test, F count table (1,29) t tabel (1,67). It means that the research is significance and positive relation between procrastination and test anxiety.The result of determination coefficient test is 21,56%, it means that test anxiety variable determined by 21,56% procrastination variable. The conclusion, there is a positive Correlation Between Procrastination with Test Anxiety Of College Student STMT Trisakti Jakarta


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan gambaran pembelajaran menulis narasi di SMK serta mendeskripsikan penilaian siswa dan guru terhadap materi narasi pada buku teks pelajaran bahasa Indonesia, (2) mengembangkan modul pembelajaran menulis narasi berbasis kearifan lokal untuk siswa SMA/SMK, (3) mendeskripskan kelayakan modul pembelajaran menulis narasi berbasis kearifan lokal untuk siswa kelas X SMA/SMK. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini mengacu pada 10 tahap dari Borg and Gall yang disederhanakan menjadi 3 tahapan, yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi. Perencanaan pembuatan produk, dan pengembangan produk. Data diperoleh melalui penyebaran angket, wawancara, telaah buku teks pelajaran, validasi produk, dan uji coba terhadap siswa langkah-langkahnya meliputi :mengubah data kualitatif menjadi kuantitatif, tabulasi semua data yang diperoleh pada tiap aspek, menghitungskor rata-rata, danmengubahskor rata-rata menjadi ketagori. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) siswa masih kesulitan dalam menulis narasi, khususnya dalam mencari ide. Buku teks yang digunakan masih terlalu monoton baik dari penyajian maupun penugasan. Perlu adanya pengembangan materi pembelajaran, (2) modul yang dikembangkan berjudul “Menulis Teks Narasi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal”. Modul ini terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu pengenalan awal narasi, motivasi menulis, dan pengembangan bahan ajar menulis teks narasi berbasis kearifan lokal. Adapun hasil validasi modul pembelajaran dari ahli materi, guru bahasa Indonesia, dan uji coba terhadap siswa menunjukan bahwa aspek isi memperoleh rata-rata skor 4,49 berkategori “sangat baik”, aspek bahasa memperoleh rata-rata skor 4,66 berkategori “sangat baik”, aspek penyajian memperoleh rata-rata skor 4,68 berkategori “sangat baik”, dana spekkegrafikan memperoleh rata-rata skor 4,71 berkategori “sangat baik”, (3) modul pembelajaran memperoleh rata-rata skorakhir 4,63 berkategori “sangat baik” dengantingkat kelayakan 92,6% dan dinayatakan sangat layak digunakan


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    Purpose of this research is to exploit the shell and palm fiber become the active charcoal, by looking at the influence of the ratio mixture composition and effect of activator. this Active charcoal application as adsorbent to the liquid waste of crude palm oil. Initial treatment, shells and palm fiber dried first at a temperature of 1200C and carbonized. charcoal mix shell and palm fiber  activation chemically with a solution of  H2SO4  by way of immersed in the solution for 24 hours. The best quality activated charcoal obtained from the comparison of the 75% shell, 25% palm fiber with activator H2SO4 that has a yield of 95.94%,  4.9% moisture content, ash content 6.13%, iodine number 916.594 mg / g.  Activated charcoal mixture palm shell and palm fiber can be used as adsorbent liquid waste CPO, which is indicated by a decline in these parameters in the waste water contaminants in CPO, which is a 7.49 pH of  9, TSS of 660 ppm to 325 ppm,COD becomes 237,12 mg/L from1577.60 mg/L