337 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Metode-metode Edge Detection Untuk Proses Segmentasi Citra Digital

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    Edge detection (Edge detection) is executed to detect the operating margins (edges) that restricts two homogeneous image regions with different brightness levels (Pitas, 1993). A digital image edge detection is the process of looking for differences in the intensity of the states boundaries of an object (sub-images) in the entire digital image in question. Purpose of edge detection is to improve the appearance of the boundary line of an area or object in the image. The process of image edge detection is done by looking for the locations of the intensity of the pixels that discontinue with the intensity of the pixels adjacent (neighboring / neighborhood).There are several methods such as object edge detection operators are known, such as (1) Sobel, (2) Prewitt, (3) Robert, (4) Laplacian of Gaussian, (5) and Canny (6) Kiresh. Each operator has its own advantages and disadvantages in performing edge detection. By doing a combination or in the development of these operators allow to gain a better edge detection (obviously).One of the contributions of this study for science and technology is the creation of a software application that can be used as a simulation tool using edge detection operators in digital image and its various combinations in order to gain a better edge detection (obviously)


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    Pada tulisan ini, dirumuskan suatu metode perkalian bilangan bulat disertai dengan pengkajian proses pembuktian secara aksiomatik bahwa metode tersebut dapat diterapkan untuk sebarang bilangan bulat berhingga. Digit-digit dari bilangan-bilangan bulat yang akan dikalikan dipandang sebagai matriks kolom untuk bilangan bulat pertama dan matriks baris untuk bilangan bulat yang lain. Selanjutnya, pendekatan matriks juga digunakan untuk mengenalkan istilah “lintasan matriks”, yaitu suatu matriks kolom sedemikian sehingga entri-entrinya merupakan jumlahan dari entri-entri yang jumlah indeknya sama. Untuk membawa kembali lintasan matriks tersebut ke dalam bentuk bulat positif, maka akan digunakan representasi basis yang dikenalkan sebagai “fungsi hitung”. Hasil akhir penelitian ini memberikan suatu metode alternatif untuk perkalian bilangan bulat sangat besar disertai dengan pengkajian proses pembuktiannya. Kata kunci: bilangan bulat besar, lintasan matriks, matriks perkalian, operasi biner, representasi basis

    ORIENTASI BUDAYA POLITIK PEREMPUAN (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNG Pada Pemilihan Umum 2019)

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    ABSTRAKData Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Provinsi Gorontalo tahun 2017 menunjukan bahwa Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) perempuan pada  pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur berjumlah 397.019 orang dari total pemilih 791.129. Hal ini menandakan bahwa jumlah pemilih perempuan mendominasi pemilih laki-laki, walaupun pada segi sex rasio hanya berkisar 0,99% tingkat perbedaannya. Dengan demikian maka partisipasi politik perempuan pada pelaksanaan pemilihan umum sangat mendukung agenda demokrasi lokal. Tinggi atau rendahnya angka partisipasi politik sangat ditentukan oleh budaya politik warga negara, oleh sebab itu perlu dilihat bagiman orientasi budaya politik pemilih dalam berpartisipasi pada setiap pemilu, termasuk pemilih perempuan dalam menggunakan hak pilihnya.  Oleh sebab itu, Penelitian ini ingin menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan orioentasi budaya politik perempuan pada Pemilihan Umum 2019. Dengan demikian maka, penelitian diharapakan dapat menjawab pertanyaan ; 1) Apa orientasi budaya Politik Perempaun dalam menggunakan hak pilihnya pada pemilihan umum, 2) Bagaimana peran keluarga sebagai agen orientasi politik pemilih perempuan.  Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi solusi dan jawaban terkait permasalahan orientasi budaya politik dan bagaimana meningkatkan partisipasi politik partisipan bagi pemilih perempuan menjelang Pemilu 2019.  Kata kunci: Orientasi Budaya Politik , Perempuan, Pemilihan Umum ABSTRACTData of the Gorontalo Province General Election Commission (KPU) in 2017 shows that the female Permanent Voter List (DPT) in the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor numbered 397,019 people out of a total of 791,129 voters. This indicates that the number of female voters dominates male voters, even though in terms of sex the ratio is only around 0.99%. Thus, women's political participation in the holding of general elections strongly supports the local democratic agenda. High or low numbers of political participation is largely determined by the political culture of citizens, therefore it is necessary to see how the orientation of the political culture of voters in participating in each election, including women voters in exercising their voting rights. Therefore, this research wants to analyze and interpret the orientation of women's political culture in the 2019 General Elections. Thus, research is expected to answer questions; 1) What is the cultural orientation of the Politics of Women in exercising their right to vote in general elections, 2) What is the role of the family as an agent of political orientation of women voters. The results of this study are expected to provide solutions and answers related to the problems of political culture orientation and how to increase political participation of participants for women voters ahead of the 2019 elections. Keywords: Political Cultural Orientation, Women, General Election

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget, Kedisiplinan, dan Efikasi Diri Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Keuangan Pada Kelas XI AKL SMK Islam Bojong Kabupaten Pekalongan Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari prestasi belajar terdapat siswa yang belum maksimal, ketika kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung terdapat siswa yang tidak memperhatikan guru, siswa belum yakin terhadap kemampuan yang dimiliki, serta penggunaan gadget ketika jam pelajaran sedang berlangsung. Tujuan dari penelitian: 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan gadget terhadap prestasi belajar, 2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedisiplinan terhadap prestasi belajar, 3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh efikasi diri terhadap prestasi belajar, 4) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan gadget, kedisiplinan, dan efikasi diri terhadap prestasi belajar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Penggunaan gadget berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar di kelas XI AKL SMK Islam Bojong, 2) Kedisiplinan berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar di kelas XI AKL SMK Islam Bojong, 3) Efikasi diri berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar di kelas XI AKL SMK Islam Bojong. Uji Simultan (Uji F) pada pengaruh penggunaan gadget (X₁), kedisiplinan (X₂), dan efikasi diri (X₃) berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar (Y)

    Syarat Perlu atau Cukup F-bounded di dalam Ruang Metrik-α Fuzzy

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    Metrics have an important role in mathematics, both in analysis as well as applications. One of the new concepts of metric space is fuzzy -metric space. This metric space is an expansion of the fuzzy metric space by adding  generator. In this paper, we discuss characterization of F-bounded in the fuzzy -metric space. The property of F-bounded is obtained from the compact subset of a given universe set. This characteristic has been discussed by Changqing and Kedian in Hausdorff fuzzy metric spaces. In this paper, the necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained so that the fuzzy  -metric space satisfies the properties of F-bounded

    The Effect of Circuit and Interval Training on Maximum Oxygen Volume (VO2max) in Professional Futsal Athletes

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     Futsal is one of the most popular sports in society and has attracted more and more fans all over the world. There are more than 12 million people spread over 100 countries who have played futsal. Futsal is played by one goalkeeper and four field players with a duration of two rounds of 2 × 20 minutes. Therefore, every player must have a good physical condition to play optimally. Maximum oxygen volume (VO2max) is an indicator that can be used to determine the status of a person's physical condition. This study aims to compare the effect of circuit and interval training on VO2max in professional futsal athletes. The method used in this research is quantitative with a two-group pretest-posttest design. A total of 24 teenage boys, aged 16-21 years with a body mass index (BMI) of 19 kg/m2 – 23 kg/m2 participated in this study. Interval training and circuit training are carried out with an intensity of 80% – 90% HRmax, a frequency of 3 times/week for 8 weeks. VO2max was measured using the 20-M Shuttle Run Test with two measurements, namely pre-training and post-training. The results showed the average pre-training VO2max between interval training group (ITG) vs. circuit training group (CTG) (37.82±2.39 vs. 38.56±2.79 mL/kg/min (p ? 0.05)), post-training ITG vs. CTG (39.69±2.51 vs. 42.88±2.71 mL/kg/min (p ? 0.001)), delta ITG vs. CTG (1.88±0.99 vs. 4.32±1.09 mL/kg/min (p ? 0.001)). Based on our results, we show that interval training and circuit training increase VO2max. However, circuit training is more effective in increasing VO2max compared to interval training on professional futsal athletes


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    This paper discusses cone polygonal metric spaces. We analyze some characteristics derived from convergence and Cauchyness of sequences. Our result consists of some conditions on uniqueness of limit point and completeness in cone polygonal metric spaces

    Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Diagnosa Penyakit Paru-paru Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    In Indonesian lung disease have a high death. Tubercolosis (TB) world report (2006) by World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia still the third biggest after India and China with around 539.000 cases and around 101.000 peoples die for a year. Derived from those fact it need more attention from mass society. My research can be used to decision support system which used to lung disease diagnosed, and know what kind of disease from their symptom. Decision support system use production rule method for representating knowledge about the kind of lung disease and their symptom. This inference engine use tree method and forward chaining. Result derived from this research shown that tree method and forward chaining can be used in finding lung disease from their symptom

    Protokol Tcp/ip Sebagai Sarana Dalam Proses Transfer Data

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    The study entitled Protocol TCP / IP as a means to transfer this data, carried out in laboratory STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang in order to find out how the working process of the protocol TCP / IP and obtain a clear picture of how the protocol TCP / IP plays a role in communication within the user\u27s computer internet. This research is the development presented in descriptive form, which is analyzing the data transfer process is one of them by using the protocol TCP / IP. The results could determine the level of error that occurred while sending and receiving data, and can be used as a reference untu networking development
