337 research outputs found

    Concept of optimisation of sports preparation in a karate hatha-yoga means

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    Оптимизация спортивной подготовки в каратэ - это процесс реализации совокупности наиболее благоприятных условий решения задач спортивной подготовки и путей достижения наилучшего состояния всех структурных компонентов спортивной подготовленности каратэков: физической, функциональной, технико-тактической и психологической.Optimization of sports preparation in a karate is a process of realization set optimum conditions the decision problems of sports preparation and ways of achievement the best condition all structural components of sports readiness karatemen: physical, functional, tehniko-tactical and psychological readiness

    Nonlinear structures of strongly coupled complex plasmas in the proximity of a presheath/sheath edge

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    The formation of a steady-state nonlinear potential structure of a double-layer type near the presheath/sheath edge of a plasma discharge is theoretically investigated in complex plasmas containing Boltzmann electrons, cold fluid ions and strongly coupled microparticles. Equilibrium of the particles is provided by the electrostatic force and an effective 'dust pressure' associated with electrostatic interactions between the highly charged grains. The results are of importance for complex plasma experiments in microgravity conditions, for thermophoretically levitated configurations and for processing plasmas loaded by nanometer-sized microparticles

    Business in Wartime: The Peculiarities of Taxation

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    The article examines the peculiarities of tax support for business development during the war period. The measures of the State support and stimulation of development of small and medium-sized businesses during the period of hostilities are substantiated. The article identifies the peculiarities of taxation of types of economic activity, which are subject to tax benefits during the period of martial law. It is determined that for this period the government has suspended the State supervision (control) and the State market surveillance, but in order to prevent an uncontrolled increase in prices for products and goods of social importance, such inspections can be carried out. The peculiarities of taxation of enterprises in different sectors of economy are analyzed. The sources of formation of the State Budget of Ukraine in the post-war period are examined, allowing to determine that today most of the budget is formed at the expense of taxes and funds from foreign countries and international organizations. Measures to support industry and business in the post-war are allocated. The importance of promoting the development of the social component of the affected regions by creating the necessary conditions for the return of citizens to such regions is substantiated. The necessity of developing and implementing measures for the post-war recovery of the country’s economy is proved, taking into account the rationality and existing socioeconomic potential of the territories. The regional peculiarities of relocation of small and medium-sized businesses during the period of hostilities are examined. Based on this, the regions in which the largest number of relocated enterprises were situated and the regions from which most enterprises were forced to leave are determined

    Budget potential of the region : attributive features and methods of assessment

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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to clarify the attributive features of budget potential of the region and to develop a method for its assessment, which allows to reflect conditions and prospects of development of regional economics and can provide practical support to financial authorities of state bodies. Design/Methodology/Approach: In conditions of systemic transformation of the public sector, the problem of efficient diagnostics of budgetary capacity becomes one of the keys in financial science and practice that determines the significance of development of scientific approaches. Findings: In connection with the urgency of the problem of development of budget potential of the regions, determining prospects of growth of regional budget profit and improvement of financial independence of regions, the article on the basis of determining qualitative and quantitative characteristics of budget potential of the region offers the authors'method of its assessment, which can be used to substantiate real income opportunities of the subject. Practical implications: The proposed methods, which take into account structuring budget potential of the region, is based on the use of the main financial indicators that reflect general trends and prospects of the regional economics, and provide more accurate determination of income opportunities of the subject of the Russian Federation Originality / Value. Assessment of projected budget potential will determine income potential of regions in the process of budget planning. This indicator is an information basis for preparation of budget forecasts and an indicator of effectiveness of budget policy of the region.peer-reviewe

    The use of combined-blast is the main way to improve the energy efficiency of blast furnaces

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    The world production of hot metal and pig iron in 2012 reached 1.3 billion tons. More than 500 million tons of metallurgical coke produced from 650 million tons of expensive coking coals was consumed in blast furnaces to achieve this production goal. Metallurgical coke is a major contributor to the production costs of hot metal and pig iron, typically making up to 48-52% of the hot metal operating cost. Because of this, the reduction in metallurgical coke consumption was always a major goal for blast furnace operators. Supplemental fuels, especially in the form of a combined blast, are typically used to reduce coke consumption in a blast furnace. The major types of combined blast and supplemental fuels are as follows: oxygen enrichment, natural gas, oil and pulverized coal injection. The replacement coefficients of coke by these supplement fuels depend on the fuel quality, the arrangement of the injection process and adjustments in the blast furnace operating practice to optimize heat and mass transfer processes, metallic yield, gas dynamics and material movement. The fundamentals of the blast furnace process to achieve a highly efficient operation of the blast furnace with combined blast are discussed in this paper. The methodology of this research and development work is based on the theory of heat transfer in a blast furnace combined with local and overall heat and mass balances, the analysis of temperature distribution and material and gas movement. As a result, the maximum achievable replacement coefficients and reduction in the operating cost of hot metal were estimated alongside the required adjustments in blast furnace operation. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Adaptation of Radiative Properties of the End Products of Fuels Combustion within the Temperature Range of 1,000…2,000 K

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    The accuracy of calculating heat exchange by radiation from high-temperature gas flow produced during natural fuels combustion to a large extent depends on the accuracy and status of data on thermophysical properties of gases and the value of the radiative heat flux. The main physical load is carried by the density of the intrinsic heat flux, but all the experimental data on gas mixtures radiation are given as a total emissivity of the components and the mixture in general. That is why this study determines the emissivity factor of carbon dioxide and water vapour as the main constituents of the products of industrial fuel combustion. Dependencies are developed based on reliable experimental data and allowed to perform emissivity factor calculations for the products of combustion. The accuracy of calculated approximation is determined for experimental data in the field of two factors: optical density of gas, and its temperature. The study results are recommended to be usedfor developing heat exchange calculation programs. Keywords: emissivity factor, radiation flux, temperature, carbon dioxide, water vapou


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    Increasing the power of computer technology, combined with the rapid spread of the Internet, large databases, etc., significantly changes the nature of work. Innovation in the labor process boosts productiveness and decreases costs. By increasing overall productivity, innovations in ICT allow enterprises, institutions, and organizations to produce a certain number of goods and services resorting to fewer employees, which leads to the technological lack of jobs. To carry out a rigorous analysis of this issue, obtain trustworthy results, and draw relevant conclusions, the authors applied general and special research methods. It has been found that the processes of digitalization affect the labor market, in particular, the emergence of new and the disappearance of «old» professions. In Ukraine, digitalization processes significantly affect the course of labor relations and the organization of labor at enterprises, institutions, and organizations. The authors note that it is still a matter of concern to ensure the security of such information and to determine the range of persons who will have access to such information, such as who will be the owners and managers of such information. The authors of this article argue that innovations in labor legislation make sense in today’s information society

    Monitoring the Content of Nitrates in Vegetables and the Influence of the Pickling Technology on the Denitrification Process

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    The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, table beet, carrot, potatoes, onion and green onion, lettuce, spinach and parsley), realized at markets of the cities Ternopil, Kamianets-Podilskyi and Chernivtsi (Ukraine), to separate the distribution of nitrates in vegetables and also to study the influence of lactic microflora on the nitrate content at pickling tomatoes. It was established, that vegetables with the maximum exceed of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) by the nitrate content up to 1,6 times for products of closed soil are realized at markets. For open soil MPC exceed was in average 2,1 times. It was revealed, that most realized samples of tomatoes and leaf salad vegetables have the over-normative exceed of nitrates up to 35 %, and onion – the least one – 20 %. It was established, that nitrates accumulate in different parts of a fruit. In cucumbers, carrot, potato and table beet, the least quantity of nitrates accumulate in the external part of vegetables (near the surface), and the most one – in the central part. At the same time in cabbage and tomatoes, on the contrary, the least quantity – in the central part, the most one – in the area near the base of vegetables (stump). It was established, that at pickling tomatoes with the nitrate content within MPC lactic fermentation takes place with the intensive growth of titrated acidity, the decrease of the nitrate content takes place at this process. Under conditions of pickling tomatoes with the nitrate content two times more than MPC, the pickling process is a bit decelerated, but the nitrate content decreases to the safe level in a finished product. It was established, that vegetables with the nitrates quantity within 1500 mg/kg and more cannot be used in the pickling technology because of the bacteriological influence of nitrates on lactic microflora. Vegetables with such nitrate content must be obligatory condemned