84 research outputs found

    Effect of water on electrical properties of Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO) as electrical insulating material

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    This paper describes the properties of refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil (RBDPO) as having the potential to be used as insulating liquid. There are several important properties such as electrical breakdown, dielectric dissipation factor, specific gravity, flash point, viscosity and pour point of RBDPO that was measured and compared to commercial mineral oil which is largely in current use as insulating liquid in power transformers. Experimental results of the electrical properties revealed that the average breakdown voltage of the RBDPO sample, without the addition of water at room temperature, is 13.368 kV. The result also revealed that due to effect of water, the breakdown voltage is lower than that of commercial mineral oil (Hyrax). However, the flash point and the pour point of RBDPO is very high compared to mineral oil thus giving it advantageous possibility to be used safely as insulating liquid. The results showed that RBDPO is greatly influenced by water, causing the breakdown voltage to decrease and the dissipation factor to increase; this is attributable to the high amounts of dissolved water

    PLTN Bukan Solusi

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    Tulisan ini dibuat sebagai tanggapan atas artikel berjudul “PLTN, Solusi atau Bencana” yang telah diterbitkan di Pontianak Post pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2019. Penulis terpanggil membuat tanggapan ini disebabkan banyak didapati kekeliruan dan tidak tepatnya data-data yang dikemukakan sehingga dikhawatirkan akan memberikan persepsi yang salah kepada masyarakat luas. Secara umum artikel tersebut memaparkan mengenai Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) yang sedang gencargencarnya diberitakan akan dibangun di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar) tercinta, sebagai solusi mengatasi kebutuhan energi listrik bagi provinsi ini

    Testing of Palm Oil-Based Electric Power Transformer Insulation Oil as a Renewable Energy Source

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    Reducing petroleum resources and environmental problems, alternative insulating oils with biodegradable characteristics have become an alternative. Esterification of palm-based oil is expected to provide better and optimum electrical properties. The esterification of palm oil will be carried out as a test sample and observed for its electrical, physical and chemical properties such as PD characteristics, breakdown voltage, dissipation factor, viscosity, flash point, etc. The effect of thermal aging on oil samples will also be carried out to simulate real situations in power transformer applications. Then after obtaining the best formulation from the sample it will be used as insulating oil in electric power transformers (100kVA). The purpose of this research is to apply esterified palm oil as an electric power transformer oil. The method used in this research includes field research. Field research includes taking oil samples, measuring the breakdown voltage of transformer oil, and the color of transformer oil. The results obtained are insulating oil for electric power transformers based on palm oil. Palm oil has the advantage of being an environmentally friendly, biodegradable and renewable oil compared to the transformer oil used today which is based on petroleum. With the realization of transformer oil based on palm oil, it is hoped that it can provide great economic opportunities for Indonesia as one of the largest palm oil producers in the world and can also provide added value and increase the competitiveness of the palm oil industry in the future

    Modeling of partial discharge mechanisms in solid dielectric material

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    Partial discharge (PD) represents a physical phenomenon, in which discharges are involved in electrically weak regions of solid insulation materials (mostly within gaseous or liquid inclusions). They cause damage to the insulation and often start from the enclosed voids and/or at interface defects. The period in which the insulation is still in good operating condition is of great practical interest. The effect of PD also results in failure of the dielectric much before the expected life-time. This project was conducted by simulations based on an extended PD equivalent circuit in order to understand the characteristics of PD in solid dielectric materials. In this project, PD mechanism in solid dielectric material was modeled using Simulink in MATLAB®. This project focused on the results of the partial discharges in solid dielectric with a single cavity as defect. AC source with 50Hz frequency voltage was applied. It is observed that the discharge current is proportional with the input voltage. The discharge current amplitude for input 10 kV is half the input of 20 kV and a third of 30kV input. All discharge currents and discharge voltages occur in nano-seconds

    The Correlation of Statistical Image and Partial Discharge Pulse Count of LDPE-NR Composite

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    High voltage insulation must be designed in such a way that it is very resistant to ageing including that from partial discharge (PD). Many studies were previously carried out on composites based on low density polyethylene (LDPE). However, the use of natural rubber (NR) and nanosilica (SiO2) in the LDPE-NR based composites is relatively new. Furthermore, the PD resistant performance of the composites is yet to be extensively researched. This work aims to analyze the correlation between PD pulse count and its related image to interpreting the effect of PD signals. The results show there is a strong correlation between PD pulse count and the statistical image. The results indicate that the surface image statistical analysis can be used as a tool to justify the total of the PD pulse count on the surface for different samples of composite

    Techno-Economic Study of Substation Electric Power in Indonesia: A Mini-Review

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    Energy is something that people need every day. One of the energies that are glorified to meet people's energy needs is electrical energy. The need for electrical energy in Indonesia continues to increase in line with economic growth and the increasing population. One of the components of electric power that is useful for delivering electric current to transmission networks is a substation. With the feasibility of techno-economic, it is possible to know the feasibility of the quality of an electric power system based on financial analysis. This paper provides a mini-review of the techno-economy of substation electricity and its maintenance in several regions in Indonesia today. The research stages consist of literature study, identification of article titles, article abstract screening, complete article selection, and mini-review reviews. Several studies are still not widely applied to the calculation of the cost of energy consumption to customers. In addition, the basic cost of providing electricity, the profit from electricity sales, and the payback period method need to be improved in research related to the techno-economic analysis of electrical energy. It is important to do this to determine the potential feasibility and the estimated advantages and disadvantages of an electric power system

    Performance Analysis of Nyamplung Oil (Calophyllum Inophyl-lum) as an Alternative Liquid Electrical Insulation Material to Replace For Power Transformer Oil

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    In the operation of electric power distribution, the transformer can be said to be the heart of the transmission and distribution of electric power. In recent years the use of vegetable oil is increasing. The purpose of this study was to test and analyze a mix-ture of transformer oil and nyamplung oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum) as transformer insulation and also to obtain the best composition of nyamplung oil which can be used as an alternative to transformer oil. This research method tested the parameters of nyamplung oil and a mixture of nyamplung oil and mineral oil (Shell Diala S4), such as; viscosity, flash point, density, pour point, acidity, moisture content and breakdown voltage. The sample test results are then compared with standard mineral oil according to IEC 60296-2003. From the analysis conducted, it was found that TRNY10 oil mixture (10% transformer oil and 90% mineral oil) has the best potential as power transformer oil

    Preliminary Study of Juridical Aspects of Renewable Energy Draft Law In Indonesia: An Academic Perspectives

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    AbstractEnergy is an absolute necessity used in the survival of daily human life. The need for electrical energy in Indonesia continues to increase with economic growth and population increase. Indonesia's electricity demand is projected to increase more than seven times to 1,611 TWh in 2050. Through Commission VII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), the Indonesian government is drafting a Renewable Energy (RE) Bill. This rule provided a more detailed and in-depth explanation of the rules in terms of developing New and Renewable Energy (NRE) in Indonesia. This study critically reviews the formal juridical or regulatory aspects of Indonesia's Renewable Energy law (called RUU-EBT). This writing methodology is based on a literature review and data collected from relevant regulations and proposes the conclusion from relevant and expected regulations.AbstrakEnergi merupakan kebutuhan mutlak yang digunakan dalam kelangsungan hidup manusia sehari-hari. Kebutuhan energi listrik di Indonesia terus meningkat sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pertambahan jumlah penduduk. Kebutuhan listrik Indonesia diproyeksikan meningkat lebih dari 7 kali lipat menjadi 1.611 TWh pada tahun 2050. Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) saat ini sedang menyusun RUU Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (EBT). Aturan ini dibuat untuk memberikan penjelasan yang lebih detail dan mendalam tentang aturan dalam hal pengembangan EBT di Indonesia. Kajian ini memberikan tinjauan kritis terhadap aspek yuridis formal atau regulasi dari undang-undang Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (disebut RUU-EBT) di Indonesia. Metodologi penulisan ini didasarkan pada tinjauan pustaka (review paper) yang berkaitan dengan tujuan studi ini, serta data yang dikumpulkan dari peraturan hukum yang relevan dan mengusulkan kesimpulan dari peraturan hukum yang relevan dan diharapkan

    Dynamic voltage restorer quality improvement analysis using particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networks for voltage sag mitigation

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    Power quality is one of the problems in power systems, caused by increased nonlinear loads and short circuit faults. Short circuits often occur in power systems and generally cause voltage sags that can damage sensitive loads. Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is an efficient and flexible solution for overcoming voltage sag problems. The control system on the DVR plays an important role in improving the quality of voltage injection applied to the network. DVR control systems based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were proposed in this study to assess better controllers applied to DVRs. In this study, a simulation of voltage sag due to a 3-phase short-circuit fault was carried out based on a load of 70% of the total load and a fault location point of 75% of the feeder’s length. The simulation was carried out on the SB 02 Sibolga feeder. Modeling and simulation results are carried out with MATLAB-Simulink. The simulation results show that DVR-PSO and DVR-ANN successfully recover voltage sag by supplying voltage at each phase. Based on the results of the analysis shows that DVR-ANN outperforms DVR-PSO in quality and voltage injection into the network