6 research outputs found

    Social implications arise in embodied music cognition research which can counter musicological “individualism”

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    The agenda in music research that is broadly recognized as embodied music cognition has arrived hand-in-hand with a social interpretation of music, focusing on the real-world basis of its performance, and fostering an empirical approach to musician movement regarding the communicative function and potential of those movements. However, embodied cognition emerged from traditional cognitivism, which produced a body of scientific explanation of music-theoretic concepts. The analytical object of this corpus is based on the particular imagined encounter of a listener responding to an idealised ‘work’. Although this problem of essentialism has been identified within mainstream musicology, the lingering effects may spill over into interdisciplinary, empirical research. This paper defines the situation according to its legacy of individualism, and offers an alternative sketch of musical activity as performance event, a model that highlights the social interaction processes at the heart of musical behaviour. I describe some recent empirical work based on interaction-oriented approaches, arguing that this particular focus – on the social interaction process itself – creates a distinctive and promising agenda for further research into embodied music cognition


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    “İdarenin kanuniliği”, idareye ve faaliyetlerine kanunun hakim olması1, yönetilenlerin, idarenin keyfi eylem ve işlemlerinden korunması2 anlamına gelir. Pozitif Anayasa hukukumuza göre, kanunkoyucunun hukuken düzen-leyemeyeceği hiçbir alan yoktur. Yani, Anayasaya aykırı olmamak şartıyla her konu, kanunla düzenlenebilir. Buna, "yasama yetkisinin genelliği ilkesi" adı verilir3. Kanunkoyucu, her alanda olduğu gibi idari faaliyetler alanında da düzenlemeler yapabilir. Bu açıdan yasama yetkisinin genelliği ilkesi aynı zamanda, kanunkoyucunun, dilediği takdirde, idarenin faaliyetlerini en ince ayrıntılarına kadar düzenleyip idareyi bağlı yetki ile sınırlayabileceği anlamına da gelir4. Ancak kanunkoyucu, idarenin faaliyetlerini bütün ayrıntılarıyla önceden kesin bir şekilde düzenleyemez5. Zira buna ne çalışma Süresi, ne teknik uzmanlığı ne de ağır işleyen çalışma usûlleri el verir6.0 halde, idarenin bütün yetkilerinin bağlı yetkiler şeklinde olamayacağı açıktır


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    “Belediyeler, yerel nitelikli kamu hizmetlerinin yerine getirilmesi ile yükümlü olan kuruluşlardır. Yönetim organları halk tarafından seçilen bu kuruluşların, yerel gereksinimleri gereği gibi karşılayabilmeleri için gerekli olan koşullardan birisi de, organlarının birbirleriyle*uyum içinde çalışmalarıdır”1.Belediyenin genel karar organı olan belediye meclisi, belde halkı tarafından seçilen üyelerden oluşur.Belediye meclisi, üye tam sayısının çoğunluğu ile toplanır ve toplantıya katılanların salt çoğunluğu ile karar alır.Belediye meclisinin görevleri arasında, bütçenin kabulü, çalışma programlarının hazırlanması, yönetmeliklerin yapılması gibi görevler yer alır. Belediye meclisinin kararlarının çoğu hiçbir merciin onayına gerek kalmadan doğrudan doğruya uygulanabilir. Buna karşılık bazı kararları, kanunun öngördüğü yerin onayından sonra geçerlik kazanır2


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    ABSTRACT Objective: Arterial hypertension is often associated with pathologies related with oxidative stress. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been used as a safe and effective treatment of hypertension and coronary heart disease. However, the significance of ACE inhibitor usage in hypertension-induced cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases is still unknown. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor, on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities in brain tissues of rats with L-NAME (N ω -Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester hydrochloride) induced hypertension. Methods: Thirty-two Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: Control, L-NAME, L-NAME plus lisinopril, and only lisinopril. Hypertension was induced by oral administration of the L-NAME (75 mg/kg/day) in drinking water for 6 weeks. Rats were treated with Lisinopril (10 mg/kg/day) for six weeks. Systolic blood pressures were measured at the first, third and sixth weeks by using tail cuff method. Malondialdehyde (MDA), Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT) and Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity were measured from the brain tissue. Nitric oxide (NO) levels were measured from plasma. Results: Our results showed that L-NAME leads to an increase in systolic blood pressure of animals. The antihypertensive effect of lisinopril was observed. MDA level was significantly increased, and antioxidant enzymes activities were decreased in L-NAME given group (p<0.05). However, there was no statistically significant differences between the lisinopril given and other groups according to antioxidant enzymes activities (p>0.05). Conclusion: In our study, hypertension led to oxidative damage in brain tissues. Although lisinopril prevents the hypertension induced oxidative damage, direct antioxidant effect was not observed. Further studies are needed in order to gain certainty effect of lisinopril in brain tissue