340 research outputs found

    The assesment of energy and environmental problems from the perspective of behavioural economics

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    İktisadın temel sorunu olan karar verme sürecinin açıklanması için çeşitli teoriler geliştirilir. Teorilere konu olan rasyonel insanın davranışlarının katı varsayımlarla sınırlanması temel sorun olan karar verme sürecinin gerçekçi olarak ortaya konulamaması anlamına gelmektedir. Neoklasik iktisadın varsayımlarının insani yapının bilişsel ve algısal bileşenleri dikkate alınarak rahatlatılması bu sürecin gerçekçiliğini artırarak açıklama gücünü yükseltecektir. Enerji ve çevre açısından asimetrik bilgi ve çevresel problemler standart iktisadi analizde piyasa başarısızlığı olarak ele alınmaktadır. Ancak bu analizlerde çözüme yönelik önerilen parasal faktörler yanında insani davranışlara yön veren, parasal olmayan faktörlerin de dikkate alınması enerji tasarrufu ve enerji verimliliği sağlanması ve politik çıkarımların etkin ve etkili olması açısından önemlidir. Enerji ve çevre sorunları konusunda etkin ve etkili politika önerilerinde bulunulması hanehalklarının bilişsel eğilimleri ve algılarının dikkate alınması ile mümkündür. Bu çalışmada enerji ve çevre sorunları ortaya konulup yenilenebilir enerjiye geçişin önemi vurgulanarak bu sorunların çözümü için davranışsal iktisat literatüründe yer alan politik çıkarımlar araştırılacaktır.Various theories are developed to explain the decision-making process which is the main problem of economics. Limiting the behaviours of rational man subject to theories, with strict assumptions means that the decision-making process which is the main problem could not be presented realistically. Relieving of the assumptions in Neoclassical economics through considering the cognitive and perceptive components of the human psych, will increase the explanatory power of this process, by enhancing its realism. Assymetrical information in the sense of energy and environment, and environmental problems are dealt as market failure in the standart economical analysis. However, in these analyses, beside the suggested monetary factors which are solution-oriented, also considering the non-monetary factors directing the human behaviours are vital in terms of energy conservation and energy efficiency, and efficiency and effectiveness of policy outcomes. Advising efficient and effective policy implications on energy and environmental problems it is possible by considering the cognitive bias and perceptions. In this study, while emphasizing the importance of transition to renewable energy, energy and environmental problems will be presented and the policy implications in the behavioural economics' literature will be explored to find solutions for these problems

    Understanding Determinants of Organic Food Consumption: Turkey Example

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    ABSTRACTObjective: The demand for organic products is growing, however in Turkey although the interest to organic products have grown; the growth of demand is relatively low. So it is important for producers of organic products to understand who the organic customers are, and what are their attitudes and behaviors regarding organic food products as well as why people do not prefer them. This is the main of this articleApproach: The study presents the results of a survey regarding consumer perceptions of organic foods in Turkey. The survey was conducted to determine the consumer attitudes toward organic foods and the erasons for consumption and non-consumption of organic foods. A total of 882 consumers that makes the food shopping for their families, living in İzmir participated the survey.Results: The results of the survey revealed that health issue is an important consideration in the consumption of organic products, however respondents stated that they find organic products expensive and hard to find everywhere, and they have some doupts about the reliability of the organic foods. Also five different clusters regarding organic food consumption behavior have been identified.Implications: The findings have practical implications especially for governments. More support and education should be given to the organic producers so that supply of organic food products would increase, and there should be strict control on those products as to reduce consumers' negative attitudes

    The adjacency matrix of one type of graph and the Fibonacci numbers

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    Recently there is huge interest in graph theory and intensive study on computing integer powers of matrices. In this paper, we investigate relationships between one type of graph and well-known Fibonacci sequence. In this content, we consider the adjacency matrix of one type of graph with 2k (k=1,2,...) vertices. It is also known that for any positive integer r, the (i,j)th entry of A^{r} (A is the adjacency matrix of the graph) is just the number of walks from vertex i to vertex j, that use exactly k edges

    An Investigation into English Language Instructors\u27 and Students’ Intercultural Awareness

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    The role of English as a global language has been increasing greatly in importance for the past few decades, giving rise to different varieties of English spoken by native and non-native English speakers all around the world. It has pointed to the need to raise intercultural awareness in English language classes. This study aims to reveal teacher and student perspectives of intercultural awareness regarding ownership of English and cultural integration in English language classes in Turkey. A mixed method research investigation was used in this descriptive case study. Questionnaires were employed to collect data from 45 English language instructors and 92 English language students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight English language instructors, and focus group interviews were conducted with 24 English language students. The quantitative data was analyzed via SPSS 20 and the qualitative data was analyzed via NVivo 10.0 qualitative data software. The findings revealed that while both instructors and students seemed to be aware of the importance of intercultural awareness in English language teaching, their perspectives didn’t indicate a thorough intercultural point of view. The findings yielded several significant implications including the need to develop an intercultural curriculum, textbook, and teacher training programs to enhance intercultural awareness in English language teaching and learning process

    Seer: a lightweight online failure prediction approach

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    Online failure prediction aims to predict the manifestation of failures at runtime before the failures actually occur. Existing online failure prediction approaches typically operate on data which is either directly reported by the system under test or directly observable from outside system executions. These approaches generally refrain themselves from collecting internal execution data that can further improve the prediction quality. One reason behind this general trend is due to the runtime overhead cost incurred by the measurement instruments that are required to collect the data. In this work we conjecture that large cost reductions in collecting internal execution data for online failure prediction can derive from reducing the cost of the measurement instruments, while still supporting acceptable levels of prediction quality. To evaluate this conjecture, we present a lightweight online failure prediction approach, called Seer. Seer uses fast hardware performance counters to perform most of the data collection work. The data is augmented with further data collected by a minimal amount of software instrumentation that is added to the systems software. We refer to the data collected in this manner as hybrid spectra. We applied the proposed approach to three widely used open source subject applications and evaluated it by comparing and contrasting three types of hybrid spectra and two types of traditional software spectra. At the lowest level of runtime overheads attained in the experiments, the hybrid spectra predicted the failures about half way through the executions with an F-measure of 0.77 and a runtime overhead of 1.98%, on average. Comparing hybrid spectra to software spectra, we observed that, for comparable runtime overhead levels, the hybrid spectra provided significantly better prediction accuracies and earlier warnings for failures than the software spectra. Alternatively, for comparable accuracy levels, the hybrid spectra incurred significantly less runtime overheads and provided earlier warnings

    Travel agents as market mavens: An empirical study on travel agencies in Izmir

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    Despite the developments in computer-mediated communication after the advent of the Internet, traditional word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing is still influential on consumers’ buying decision processes. As one of the WOM influencer groups, market mavens are information providers who affect buying decision of other consumers with their product knowledge and marketplace expertise. The purpose of the study is to examine whether front-line employees working at travel agencies are market mavens or not. A survey of 120 travel agency employees was conducted using a structured questionnaire including open-ended questions as well. Descriptive statistics, parallel test, minimum average partial test, exploratory factor analysis, independent samples t-test, and correlation analysis were performed using SPSS 24.0 software. The conclusion of the study revealed that the front line employees in travel agencies had a tendency to give recommendations and share information as market mavens

    Seer: a lightweight online failure prediction approach

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    Tubal splenosis: unusual location of the spleen

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    İntroduction: Splenosis is defined as the autotransplantation of splenic tissue to abnormal locations after splenic injury. Heterotopic spleen can be found within the abdominal and pelvic cavities. We report a tubal splenosis case in a 48 year old woman who underwent splenectomy following a blunt trauma 41 years prior to presentation. Case report: A 48 years old gravida 3, para 3, was admitted to our gynecology clinic for pelvic pain, menstrual irregularities and abnormal bleeding. The patient had a six months history of sonographically detected 40 x 20 mm pelvic mass. She also had a blunt trauma and splenectomy history from 41 years ago. Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was performed. Intraoperative exploration revealed a 40 mm sized suspicious mass immediately adjacent to the right fallopian tube. The histopathologic examination of the specimen reported normal splenic tissue with polymorphous small lymphocytes, granulocytes, and frequent hemosiderin laden macrophages. Discussion: Posttraumatic pelvic splenosis is a rare condition. Splenosis should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis especially for patients with a history of posttraumatic splenectomy who are scheduled for pelvic mass surgery. Although most of the patients are diagnosed postoperatively, if preoperative diagnosis could be made, there is no medical indication for this normally functioning tissue to be resected