434 research outputs found

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    Liderazgo para sostener procesos de innovación en la escuela

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    En este artículo examinamos los hallazgos de una investigación sobre las bases institucionales que permitieron desarrollar procesos sostenidos de cambio en centros escolares desde la perspectiva del liderazgo. En concreto observamos que algunos centros que habían configurado una dinámica sostenida de cambios desplegaban también patrones de liderazgo ampliamente distribuido. En este artículo se analizan dos casos en los que identificamos dichas dinámicas institucionales, al tiempo que se confrontan con un tercer caso que fracasó en su intento de llevar adelante un proyecto de cambio de gran envergadura y en donde el liderazgo adoptaba un patrón claramente focalizado. Los detalles de dichos procesos se analizan y se discuten a la luz de la literatura sobre liderazgo .We exam in this paper the findings of an inquiry on the institutional basis that let to develop sustainable change processes in schools from the perspective of leadership. In particular, we observed that some schools that presented a sustained dynamics of changes, deployed patterns of widely distributed leadership as well. In the paper, two cases in which such institutional dynamics were identified will be analyzed and confronted with a third case that failed in the attempt to carry out an important change project. In this case leadership adopted a clearly focalized pattern. The details of such processes are analyzed and discussed taking into account the literature about distributed leadership

    Genetics and genomics of disease resistance in salmonid species

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    Infectious and parasitic diseases generate large economic losses in salmon farming. A feasible and sustainable alternative to prevent disease outbreaks may be represented by genetic improvement for disease resistance. To include disease resistance into the breeding goal, prior knowledge of the levels of genetic variation for these traits is required. Furthermore, the information from the genetic architecture and molecular factors involved in resistance against diseases may be used to accelerate the genetic progress for these traits. In this regard, marker assisted selection and genomic selection are approaches which incorporate molecular information to increase the accuracy when predicting the genetic merit of selection candidates. In this article we review and discuss key aspects related to disease resistance in salmonid species, from both a genetic and genomic perspective, with emphasis in the applicability of disease resistance traits into breeding programs in salmonids

    Unstable manifold, Conley index and fixed points of flows

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    We study dynamical and topological properties of the unstable manifold of isolated invariant compacta of flows. We show that some parts of the unstable manifold admit sections carrying a considerable amount of information. These sections enable the construction of parallelizable structures which facilitate the study of the flow. From this fact, many nice consequences are derived, specially in the case of plane continua. For instance, we give an easy method of calculation of the Conley index provided we have some knowledge of the unstable manifold and, as a consequence, a relation between the Brouwer degree and the unstable manifold is established for smooth vector fields. We study the dynamics of non-saddle sets, properties of existence or non-existence of fixed points of flows and conditions under which attractors are fixed points, Morse decompositions, preservation of topological properties by continuation and classify the bifurcations taking place at a critical point

    Study and comparison of different Machine Learning-based approaches to solve the inverse problem in Electrical Impedance Tomographies

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive technique used to obtain the electrical internal conductivity distribution from the interior of bodies. This is a promising method from the manufacturing viewpoint, since it could be used to estimate different physical inner body properties during the production of goods. Nevertheless, this technique requires dealing with an inverse problem that makes its usage in real-time processes challenging. Recently, Machine Learning techniques have been proposed to solve the inverse problem accurately. However, the majority of prior research is focused on qualitative results, and they typically lack a systematic methodology to determine the optimal hyperparameters appropriately. This work presents a systematic comparison of six popular Machine Learning algorithms: Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors, Elastic Net, Ada Boost, and Gradient Boosting. Particularly, the last two algorithms were based on decision tree learners. Furthermore, we studied the relationship between model performance and different EIT configurations. Specifically, we analyzed whether the measurement pattern and the number of used electrodes could increase the model performance. Experiments revealed that tree-based models present high performance, even better than Neural Networks, the most widely-used Machine Learning model to deal with EIT. Experiments also showed a model performance improvement when the EIT configuration was optimized. Most favorable metrics were attained using the tree-based Gradient Boosting model with a combination of both adjacent and mono measurement patterns as well as with 32 electrodes deployed during the tomographic process. With this particular setting, we achieved an accuracy of 99.14% detecting internal artifacts and a Root Mean Square Error of 4.75 predicting internal conductivity distributionsThis work has received financial support from the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (accreditation 2019–2022 ED431G-2019/04) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which acknowledges the CiTIUS - Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela as a Research Center of the Galician University System. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS

    Efficient access methods for very large distributed graph databases

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    Subgraph searching is an essential problem in graph databases, but it is also challenging due to the involved subgraph isomorphism NP-Complete sub-problem. Filter-Then-Verify (FTV) methods mitigate performance overheads by using an index to prune out graphs that do not fit the query in a filtering stage, reducing the number of subgraph isomorphism evaluations in a subsequent verification stage. Subgraph searching has to be applied to very large databases (tens of millions of graphs) in real applications such as molecular substructure searching. Previous surveys have identified the FTV solutions GraphGrepSX (GGSX) and CT-Index as the best ones for large databases (thousands of graphs), however they cannot reach reasonable performance on very large ones (tens of millions graphs). This paper proposes a generic approach for the distributed implementation of FTV solutions. Besides, three previous methods that improve the performance of GGSX and CT-Index are adapted to be executed in clusters. The evaluation shows how the achieved solutions provide a great performance improvement (between 70% and 90% of filtering time reduction) in a centralized configuration and how they may be used to achieve efficient subgraph searching over very large databases in cluster configurationsThis work has been co-funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of the Spanish government, and by Mestrelab Research S.L. through the project NEXTCHROM (RTC-2015-3812-2) of the call Retos-Colaboración of the program Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad. The authors wish to thank the financial support provided by Xunta de Galicia under the Project ED431B 2018/28S

    Leadership to sustain innovation processes in school

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    En este artículo examinamos los hallazgos de una investigación sobre las bases institucionales que permitieron desarrollar procesos sostenidos de cambio en centros escolares desde la perspectiva del liderazgo. En concreto observamos que algunos centros que habían configurado una dinámica sostenida de cambios desplegaban también patrones de liderazgo ampliamente distribuido. En este artículo se analizan dos casos en los que identificamos dichas dinámicas institucionales, al tiempo que se confrontan con un tercer caso que fracasó en su intento de llevar adelante un proyecto de cambio de gran envergadura y en donde el liderazgo adoptaba un patrón claramente focalizado. Los detalles de dichos procesos se analizan y se discuten a la luz de la literatura sobre liderazgo.We exam in this paper the findings of an inquiry on the institutional basis that let to develop sustainable change processes in schools from the perspective of leadership. In particular, we observed that some schools that presented a sustained dynamics of changes, deployed patterns of widely distributed leadership as well. In the paper, two cases in which such institutional dynamics were identified will be analyzed and confronted with a third case that failed in the attempt to carry out an important change project. In this case leadership adopted a clearly focalized pattern. The details of such processes are analyzed and discussed taking into account the literature about distributed leadership.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Magnetic multiwalled carbon nanotubes as nanocarrier tags for sensitive determination of fetuin in saliva

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    This paper reports the development and performance of an electrochemical immunosensor using magnetic multiwalled carbon nanotubes (m-MWCNTs) as nanocarrier tags for the determination of human fetuin A (HFA), a relevant biomarker of obesity, insulin resistance, and type-2 diabetes as well as for pancreatic and liver cancers and inflammatory processes. Screen-printed carbon electrodes were grafted with p-aminobezoic acid and streptavidin was covalently immobilized on the electrode surface. A biotinylated capture antibody was immobilized through streptavidin-biotin interaction and a sandwich assay configuration was implemented using m-MWCNTs conjugated with HRP and anti-HFA antibodies as the detection label. The determination of HFA was accomplished by measuring the current produced by the electrochemical reduction of benzoquinone at -200 mV upon addition of H2O2 as HRP substrate. The prepared m-MWCNTs were characterized by SEM, TEM, XRD and EDS. All the steps involved in the immunosensor preparation were monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. A linear calibration plot for HFA was found between 20 and 2000 pg/mL with a LOD value of 16 pg/mL. This performance is notably better than that reported for an ELISA kit and a chronoimpedimetric immunosensor. The favorable contribution of m-MWCNTs in comparison with MWCNTs without incorporated magnetic particles to this excellent analytical performance is also highlighted. The immunosensor selectivity against other proteins and potentially interfering compounds was excellent. In addition, the usefulness of the immunosensor was demonstrated by the analysis of HFA in saliva with minimal sample treatment

    Evaluating Urban Regeneration Policies. Methodological Proposal to Delimitate Experimental and Equivalent Urban Areas

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    El presente artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la delimitación de áreas territoriales aplicando una estrategia de corte cuasi-experimental, comparando las áreas en las que se ha desarrollado algún proyecto de regeneración urbana llamadas “áreas experimentales” con otras similares en las que no se ha desarrollado ningún proyecto, denominadas “áreas equivalentes”. Esta metodología es el paso previo necesario para el análisis de los efectos de los programas de regeneración urbana, que permitirá posteriormente comparar la evolución en el tiempo de pares semejantes entre sí (área experimental y área equivalente). En primer lugar, se explica el objetivo que subyace a la delimitación de estas áreas territoriales. En segundo lugar, se describe la metodología utilizada para seleccionar las áreas equivalentes. En tercer lugar, se presentan los resultados, esto es, la delimitación de áreas experimentales y equivalentes. . Por último, mediante procedimientos estadísticos concretos, análisis de varianza o ANOVA de un factor, se validan los resultados obtenidos. El trabajo se centra en las ciudades andaluzas de más de 100 mil habitantes en las que se han ejecutado proyectos de regeneración urbana.This article analyses a methodological proposal for the delimitation of territorial areas applying a quasi-experimental strategy, comparing areas where projects have been developed based in urban regeneration called “experimental areas” with similar ones without any project, called “equivalent areas”. This methodology is a necessary previous step to analyze the effect of programs about urban regeneration, which will allow subsequently to compare the evolution of similar pairs among themselves (experimental and equivalent areas). Firstly, we explain the underlying objective of delimitation in these territorial areas. Secondly, the methodology used to select the equivalent areas is described. Thirdly, the results are presented, it means, the delimitation of experimental and equivalent areas. Finally, through means of specific statistical procedures, analysis of variance or ANOVA of a factor, the obtained results are validated. The work is focused on Andalusian cities with a population over 100.000 inhabitants in which urban regeneration projects have been implemented.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía GGI30011/DIYFEDER GGI30011/DI

    Alkaline-earth (Be, Mg and Ca) bonds at the origin of huge acidity enhancements

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    The interaction between alkaline-earth derivatives with the general formula X2M (X = H, F and Cl; M = Be, Mg and Ca) and a set of Lewis bases, including first and second-row hydrides, namely YHn(Y = O, N, F, S, P and Cl) hydrides, as well as other typical cyclic organic bases, such as aniline, 1H-1,2,3-triazole, 1H-tetrazole and phenylphosphine, was investigated using the G4 ab initio composite method. Contrary to what was expected, it was found that the interactions involving Mg and Ca derivatives were not necessarily weaker than those between beryllium bonds. The origin is two-fold: larger deformation of the interacting systems when Be-derivatives are involved and appearance of secondary non-covalent interactions in the formation of some of the Mg- and Ca-containing complexes. Hence, the dissociation of the latter complexes may require higher enthalpies than that of the Be complexes. These deformations are triggered by a significant redistribution of electron density of the two interacting moieties, which also result in dramatic changes in the reactivity of the interacting compounds and in particular in the intrinsic basicity of the Lewis bases investigated, to the point that conventional bases, such as ammonia or aniline, upon complexation with MCl2(M = Be, Mg and Ca), become stronger Brønsted acids than phosphoric acid, whereas other bases, such as 1H-tetrazole, become stronger acids than perchloric acid.This work was carried out with financial support from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (projects CTQ2015-63997-C2 and CTQ2013-43698-P), by the COST Action CM1204 and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (S2013/MIT2841, Fotocarbon