1,660 research outputs found

    Protocol and Training of Educators for the Use of Technology to Enhance Learning in Tennessee Certified Schools

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    The purposes of this study were (a) to determine the Tennessee protocol and standards for the initial certification of teachers and re-certification of experienced teachers, (b) to determine the technology skills necessary and competency level of these skills needed to meet and/or exceed the levels that are mandated by the individual curriculum frameworks and standards of Tennessee, and (c) how this technology use is evaluated in the classroom. This was based on published information on the State of Tennessee Department of Education website. Additionally, information was secured from other reliable sources with pertinent data required to fully examine and answer the questions of this research regarding course and/or technology curriculum standards for all grade levels and the use of technology to enhance learning. Interviews with county school district personnel in a representative group of the twelve counties in an extended East Tennessee area were used in this study to establish the details of “what is really being done” in the local school districts. Analyzation of the personal interviews and a review of County Technology Plans and other significant information from the county websites provided interesting and pertinent information. This information could be considered a reliable representative sampling of what is being done across all of Tennessee since the counties selected for this study were chosen for their significance of the array of variables that might influence technology use and their demographic representation of all areas of the state. While findings of this study did indicate positive results in the use of technology to enhance instruction techniques or for the enhancement of student learning in the classroom, there is still one area that must receive considerable attention before meaningful results can ever become a reality. Infrastructure and the computer to student ratio (less than 5:1) in most school districts investigated in this study are in place, indicating, at the very least, the ability for significant inroads into the use of technology to enhance learning, but with one monumental holdup… the inability of a large percentage of teachers to use the available equipment

    Quantum Theory of Cavity-Assisted Sideband Cooling of Mechanical Motion

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    We present a fully quantum theory describing the cooling of a cantilever coupled via radiation pressure to an illuminated optical cavity. Applying the quantum noise approach to the fluctuations of the radiation pressure force, we derive the opto-mechanical cooling rate and the minimum achievable phonon number. We find that reaching the quantum limit of arbitrarily small phonon numbers requires going into the good cavity (resolved phonon sideband) regime where the cavity linewidth is much smaller than the mechanical frequency and the corresponding cavity detuning. This is in contrast to the common assumption that the mechanical frequency and the cavity detuning should be comparable to the cavity damping.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    An Azide-Functionalized Nitronyl Nitroxide Radical: Synthesis, Characterization and Staudinger-Bertozzi Ligation Reactivity

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    An azide-functionalized nitronyl nitroxide was successfully synthesized and its reactivity towards the Staudinger-Bertozzi ligation was explored. While a model reaction in solution showed the conversion of the nitronyl nitroxide to an imino nitroxide radical, the same reaction at the interface of gold nanoparticles allowed for successful covalent incorporation of the nitronyl nitroxide radical onto the nanoparticles

    Effects of sorghum particle size on milling characteristics, growth performance, and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs

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    A total of 200 finishing pigs (PIC TR4 × 1050; average initial BW of 103.2 lb) were used in a 69-d growth assay to determine the effects of sorghum particle size on growth performance. Pigs were sorted by sex and ancestry and balanced by BW, with 5 pigs per pen and 10 pens per treatment. Treatments were a corn-soybean meal-based control with the corn milled to a target mean particle size of 600 μm, and sorghum diets milled to a target mean particle size of 800, 600, or 400 μm. Actual mean particle sizes were 555 μm for corn, and 724, 573, and 319 μm for sorghum, respectively. Feed and water were offered on an ad libitum basis until the pigs were slaughtered (average final BW of 271 lb) at a commercial abattoir. Reducing sorghum particle size improved (linear, P \u3c 0.01) F/G, and we observed a tendency for decreased (P \u3c 0.06) ADFI. Reducing sorghum particle size from 724 to 319 μm had no effects on HCW, backfat thickness, loin depth, or percentage fat-free lean index (FFLI), but tended to increase (P \u3c 0.06) carcass yield. Pigs fed the sorghum-based diets had no difference in growth performance or carcass characteristics compared with those fed the control diet, except carcass yield, which was numerically greater (P \u3c 0.07) for pigs fed the sorghum-based diets. When using a regression equation, we determined that sorghum must be ground to 513 μm to achieve a F/G equal to that of a corn-based diet, with corn ground to 550 μm. In conclusion, linear improvements in F/G and carcass yield were demonstrated with the reduction of sorghum particle size to 319 μm. In this experiment, sorghum should be ground 42 μm finer than corn to achieve a similar feeding value.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 17, 201

    Applications and challenges of marker-assisted selection in the Western Australian Wheat Breeding Program

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    Interactions with the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrin adhesion receptors provide cancer cells with physical and chemical cues that act together with growth factors to support survival and proliferation. Antagonists that target integrins containing the beta1 subunit inhibit tumor growth and sensitize cells to irradiation or cytotoxic chemotherapy in preclinical breast cancer models and are under clinical investigation. We found that the loss of beta1 integrins attenuated breast tumor growth but markedly enhanced tumor cell dissemination to the lungs. When cultured in three-dimensional ECM scaffolds, antibodies that blocked beta1 integrin function or knockdown of beta1 switched the migratory behavior of human and mouse E-cadherin-positive triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells from collective to single cell movement. This switch involved activation of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) signaling network that led to a shift in the balance between miR-200 microRNAs and the transcription factor zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 2 (ZEB2), resulting in suppressed transcription of the gene encoding E-cadherin. Reducing the abundance of a TGFbeta receptor, restoring the ZEB/miR-200 balance, or increasing the abundance of E-cadherin reestablished cohesion in beta1 integrin-deficient cells and reduced dissemination to the lungs without affecting growth of the primary tumor. These findings reveal that beta1 integrins control a signaling network that promotes an epithelial phenotype and suppresses dissemination and indicate that targeting beta1 integrins may have undesirable effects in TNBC

    Report on the landing of the critically endangered Rhinobatid Acroteriobatus variegatus (Nair & Lal Mohan, 1973) with some insights into its reproductive biology

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    A single specimen of a gravid female of the stripenose guitarfish, Acroteriobatus variegatus was landed as by-catch by a tuna hook and line at Sakthikulangara, Kerala from a depth of 110-130 m. The species is categorized as ‘critically endangered’ by IUCN. The morphometric characteristics of A. variegatus are described for the first time since its original description by Nair and Lal Mohan (1973) from Gulf of Mannar. The present study provides preliminary insights into its reproductive biology. The mode of reproduction in A. variegatus is aplacental yolk sac viviparity with low uterine fecundit

    beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free acid reduces markers of exercise-induced muscle damage and improves recovery in resistance-trained men

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of short-term supplementation with the free acid form of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB-FA) on indices of muscle damage, protein breakdown, recovery and hormone status following a high-volume resistance training session in trained athletes. A total of twenty resistance-trained males were recruited to participate in a high-volume resistance training session centred on full squats, bench presses and dead lifts. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either 3 g/d of HMB-FA or a placebo. Immediately before the exercise session and 48 h post-exercise, serum creatine kinase (CK), urinary 3-methylhistadine (3-MH), testosterone, cortisol and perceived recovery status (PRS) scale measurements were taken. The results showed that CK increased to a greater extent in the placebo (329%) than in the HMB-FA group (104%) (P=0.004, d=1.6). There was also a significant change for PRS, which decreased to a greater extent in the placebo (9.1 (SEM 0.4) to 4.6 (SEM 0.5)) than in the HMB-FA group (9.1 (SEM 0.3) to 6.3 (SEM 0.3)) (P=0.005, d = -0.48). Muscle protein breakdown, measured by 3-MH analysis, numerically decreased with HMB-FA supplementation and approached significance (P=0.08, d = 0.12). There were no acute changes in plasma total or free testosterone, cortisol or C-reactive protein. In conclusion, these results suggest that an HMB-FA supplement given to trained athletes before exercise can blunt increases in muscle damage and prevent declines in perceived readiness to train following a high-volume, muscle-damaging resistance-training session

    Effects of adding cracked corn to a pelleted supplement for nursery and finishing pigs

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    Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of supplementing cracked corn into diets of nursery and finishing pigs. In Exp. 1, 144 pigs were used in a 28-d trial. Pigs (PIC TR4 × 1050; initially 16.5 lb) were weaned and allotted with 6 pigs per pen (3 barrows and 3 gilts) and 6 pens per treatment. All pigs were fed a common diet for 7 d postweaning and the experimental diets for the next 28 d. Treatments were corn-soybean meal-based in the form of mash, pellets, and pellets with 100% of the corn either ground (618 μm) or cracked (3,444 μm) and blended into the diet after the rest of the formulation (the supplement) had been pelleted. Overall (d 0 to 28), ADG and F/G improved when pigs were fed the mash control compared to the pelleted diets (P \u3c 0.001); however, this response was caused by the poor performance of pigs fed the supplement treatments, with the pigs fed the complete pellets having improved (P \u3c 0.01) ADG and F/G compared with pigs fed the pelleted supplement blended with ground and cracked corn. Finally, pigs fed the supplement blended with cracked corn had numerically lower (P \u3c 0.11) ADG and poorer (P \u3c 0.001) F/G compared to those fed the supplement blended with ground corn. In Exp. 2, 224 nursery pigs (initially 16.3 lb) were used with 7 barrows or 7 gilts per pen and 8 pens per treatment. Treatments were corn-soybean meal-based and fed as mash, pellets, and pellets with 50% of the corn either ground (445 μm) or cracked (2,142 μm) and blended with the pelleted supplement. Pigs fed mash had improved (P \u3c 0.03) ADG and F/G compared with pigs fed the other treatments; however, this resulted from adding ground or cracked corn outside the pellets (complete pellets vs. pelleted supplement with corn, P \u3c 0.01). In Exp. 3, 252 finishing pigs (initially 88.2 lb) were used with 7 pigs per pen and 9 pens per treatment. The treatments were the same as Exp. 2. Pigs fed mash had lower (P \u3c 0.004) ADG compared with pigs fed diets with pellets. Pigs fed complete pellets had improved (P \u3c 0.03) ADG and F/G compared with pigs fed corn and the pelleted supplement. Also, pigs fed the supplement blended with cracked corn had greater (P \u3c 0.02) ADG than pigs fed the supplement blended with ground corn. Pelleting the diet led to an increase (P \u3c 0.05) in ulceration scores; however, these negative effects on ulcer scores were reduced (P \u3c 0.001) by cracking 50% of the corn and adding it postpellet.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 17, 201