35 research outputs found

    Desain Komunikasi Visual Sebagai Sarana Untuk Meningkatkan Eksistensi Komunitas Parkour Bali

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    Abstract Bali Parkour community is a community of interests and hobbies that practicing about "Parkour". Parkour is a way to move from point A to point B by simply relying on the ability of the human body itself, which aims to train physically and mentally through the barriers and obstacles that is useful in a state / condition of danger. In other words, Parkour is the art of escape. In Indonesia especially in Bali, Parkour is something new. To increase its presence mainly in Bali, media information is needed for Parkour Bali to be known in the public (art lovers, sports and entertainment). The study was conducted to create an effective media design in order to improve the existence of Parkour Bali community. The basic concept used in designing visual communications media is the Urban Sport, according to the character of Parkour Bali itself which is based on their regular exercises done around the city of Denpasar. The designs were created basicaly by photographic illustration technique combined by using computer aimed to attract the attention of the public and be able to lift the image of the community. The data obtained from the study, interview data and theoretical data were processed through the analysis and synthesis, so a good quality of the visual communication media can be created in accordance to the existing criteria. Keywords: Bali Parkour Community, Design, Visual Communication Media, Urban Sport


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    AbstractRadicalism is the effort of certain groups, who want a rapid change in society. The group considers the government's legitimate actions to be wrong and only causes suffering for the people so that changes must be made thoroughly even though using violent means. This happened in all parts of Indonesia, one of which was in the Tenggarong Subdistrict of Kutai Kartanegara District. The action was very disturbing for the community. The police at the forefront of law enforcement is expected to be able to handle this act of radicalism. The handling of radical groups in the Tenggarong Subdistrict of Kutai Kartanegara District by the Kutai Kartanegara District Police, by undertaking a cross-sectoral approach strategy in the context of efforts to prevent radicalism and intolerance, namely : (a) Galang and deradicaliation, (b) integrated coordination between Polri, TNI, and Regional Government, (c) monitoring Lapas, (d) monitoring ex-prisoners, (e) em-powering Palmas. The obstacles in handling radical groups in the Tenggarong Subdistrict of Kutai Kartanegara District by the Kutai Kartanegara Police Station and their remedies, namely the community’s indifference to law enforcement so that they do not have effective deterrence to prevent law enforcement that is not in line with a sense of justice that lives within the heart Public. Counteracting radicalism requires synergy between the National Police and the community in efforts to prevent pro-radical and intolerant radicalism carried out by the Kutai Kartanegara District Police by focusing on the function of Bhabinkamtibmas. Keywords : Law Enforcement, Police, Radicalis

    Analisis Perbandingan Pola Makna Idiomatikal Bahasa Prancis Dan Bahasa Indonesia Dalam Novel Le Petit Prince Dan Pangeran Kecil

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola idiom yang terdapat di dalam bahasa Prancis dan bahasa Indonesia melalui novel populer Le Petit Prince dan Pangeran Kecil serta perbandingan pola idiom yang terdapat di dalam kedua sumber yang berhubungan pada pola makna idiomatikalnya. Untuk melihat perbandingan pola idiom beserta pola makna idiom yang terdapat dalam kedua sumber tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan terlihat bahwa penggunaan idiom jauh lebih banyak ditemukan dalam Pangeran Kecil daripada idiom yang terdapat di dalam Le Petit Prince. Selain itu, bentuk idiom memiliki hubungan dengan makna yang dibawanya.d this novelette, rather than the typical satire of Akutagawa this novelette include lots of Nietsche thought. EXTRAIT Les buts de recherche dans cette étude sont connaître la structure d\u27idiome français et indonésien dans les deux romans et connaître la structure formelle d\u27idiome dans Le Petit Prince et Pangeran Kecil peut rendre une relation de la structure du sens de l\u27idiome. Cette étude utilise la méthode d\u27analyse comparative descriptive. Pour cela, on compare des résultats trouvés dans les deux sources. Selon les résultats de la recherche, on trouve que les idiomes dans Pangeran Kecil sont plus frequents que ceux dans Le Petit Prince. Dans un autre côte, il y a une relation du sens qui se trouve entre l\u27idiome trouvé avec le sens idiomatique


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    Saat ini banyak metode untuk menentukan jenis dan warna objek dalam suatu citra, salah satu metode untuk mengenali jenis suatu objek adalah dengan menggunakan algortima PCA. Banyak penelitian yang menggunakan algoritma PCA hanya untuk mengenali bentuk atau jenis dari wajah seseorang, sedangkan fitur RGB adalah salah satu metode untuk mengenali warna dari sebuah objek citra. Untuk itu penelitian ini ingin membuktikan apakan algoritma PCA dan fitur RGB dapat mengenali jenis dan warna buah dalam sebuah citra. Dengan cara mengumpulkan data untuk dijadikan data training yang akan menunjang tingkat akurasi dari Algoritma PCA. Dari hasil implementasi dan pengujian Algoritma PCA dan fitur RGB, didapat kesimpulan bahwa Algoritma PCA dan fitur RGB mampu menjawab kebutuhan dalam pelacakan jenis dan warna buah dengan tingkat akurasi Algoritma PCA sebesar 86,7% sedangkan fitur RGB dapat mengenali warna dengan tingkat akurasi 100%

    Face Recognition Using Holistic Features and Within Class Scatter-Based PCA

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    The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and itsvariations are the most popular approach for features clustering,which is mostly implemented for face recognition. The optimumprojection matrix of the PCA is typically obtained by eigenanalysisof global covariance matrix. However, the projection datausing the PCA are lack of discriminatory power. This problem iscaused by removing the null space of data scatter that containsmuch discriminant information. To solve this problem, we presentalternative strategy to the PCA called alternative PCA, whichobtains the optimum projection matrix from within class scatterinstead of global covariance matrix. This algorithm not onlyprovides better features clustering than that of common PCA(CPCA) but also can overcome the retraining problem of theCPCA. In this paper, this algorithm is applied for face recognitionwith the holistic features of face image, which has compact sizeand powerful energy compactness as dimensional reduction ofthe raw face image. From the experimental results, the proposedmethod provides better performance for both recognition rateand accuracy parameters than those of CPCA and its variationswhen the tests were carried out using data from several databasessuch as ITS-LAB., INDIA, ORL, and FERET

    Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Alat Transportasi dan Rambu Lalu Lintas Berbasis Android untuk Sekolah Dasar

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    Transportation equipment and traffic signs are one of the important lessons for elementary school students. However, many elementary school students only know the means of transportation without knowing the traffic signs. The purpose of this study is to build and create learning media to make it easier for students to recognize transportation tools and traffic signs using the Android platform. The method used in building this application is the waterfall method, which starts with making observations to testing the system. The tests used are black box testing and Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The results of the black box testing test are that the menu has been able to run according to their respective functions, while for MOS, it produces about 98% results stating that the application is running well. So that this application is used in accordance with the needs of elementary school students in helping to recognize means of transportation and traffic signs

    Traffic Light Signal Parameters Optimization using Modification of Multielement Genetic Algorithm

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    A strategy to optimize traffic light signal parameters is presented for solving traffic congestion problem using modification of the Multielement Genetic Algorithm (MEGA). The aim of this method is to improve the lack of vehicle throughput (FF ) of the works called as traffic light signal parameters optimization using the MEGA and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). In this case, the modification of MEGA is done by adding Hash-Table for saving some best populations for accelerating the recombination process of MEGA which is shortly called as H-MEGA. The experimental results show that the H-MEGA based optimization provides better performance than MEGA and PSO based methods (improving the FF of both MEGA and PSO based optimization methods by about 10.01% (from 82,63% to 92.64%) and 6.88% (from 85.76% to 92.64%), respectively). In addition, the H-MEGA improve significantly the real FF of Ooe Toroku road network of Kumamoto City, Japan about 21.62%