327 research outputs found

    The Management Of Vocational School (A Site Study at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen)

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    This research has four objectives, to describe the Vocational School Curriculum, Human Resources, Facilities, and Funds at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen. It is a qualitative research using ethnography design. The main research subject consists of the principal, teachers, and students. Data collection method used interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was started by (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data display, and (4) drawing conclusion. Data validity used credibility, transferability, confirmatbility, and dependability. The findings suggest that Vocational school curricula at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen is compiled in a team by focusing on intellectual aspects of students and also the character of students. The compiled curriculum contains the adaptive, normative, productive and local content subject matters and also self-development through extracurricular activities and entrepreneurship program. Curriculum evaluation is done by looking at the achievement of any program implemented by the school. Human resources at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen have a good competence. It is seen from the students’ achievements in the Olympiad activities, although it is classified as a new school in Sragen. This is not apart from a credible form of recruitment and competence development program organized by the school. Competence development program organized by the school include motivation, implementation, supervision, and also sending teachers in the deliberation of subject matter teachers. Facilities of vocational school at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen still need to be completed such as the computer repair shop, props, and reference books. Although the facility is not yet complete, the school has made a special team to manage the facilities. Currently the school is focusing on building a class, and will continue on the construction of the laboratory room. Financing of vocational school at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen is done transparently in which all revenues and expenditures or expenses, including costs to the public are informed to parents. The school funding is managed by the school treasurer, head of administrative, and the principal. Costs to be incurred by the school are allocated to the needs of students, building construction, and complete the facilities to support teaching and learning activities as well as fulfilling teachers’ welfare


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    Panliten iki njlentrehake wujud kapribaden neurotis-e paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri anggone ngrampungi masalah-masalah sajrone lelakonn uripe kang sesambungan karo rasa sumengit lan rasa sumelang saengga nuwuhake cara-cara tartamtu. Cara-cara tartamtu kang ditindakake kaloro paraga kasebut mujudake gegambaran saka kapribadene neurotis-e kaloro paraga kasebut. Lelandhesan tintingan psikoanalisis Karen Horney, cara-cara tartamu kanggo ngrampungi rasa sumengit lan sumelang bisa ditindakake kanthi telung cara sing onjo minangka ancase panliten sajrone panliten iki, yaiku: (1) wujud kapribaden neurotis-w paraga kanthi cara nyedhaki wong liya, (2) wujud kapribaden neurotis-e paraga kanthi cara nglawan wong liya, (3) wujud kapribaden neurotis-e paraga kanthi cara ngedohi wong liya. Pamarekan sing digunakake sajrone panliten iki yaiku pamarekan psikologi sastra. Panliten iki kalebu wujud panliten dheskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pangumpulaning dhata sajrone panliten iki nggunakake teknik maca lan cathet, kanthi cara maca sumber dhata lan nyathet tembung-tembung utawa ukara sing laras lan trep karo underaning panliten. Sumber panliten kang digunakake yaiku cerbung Wanita Buron . Asiling panliten yaiku: (1) kecenderungan neurotik kanthi cara nyedhaki wong liya ditindakake paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri minangka cara ngrampungi rasa sumelang awujud nggayuh kabutuhan tumrap rasa sih tresna lan tinarima liya, mitra utawa kanca sing bisa menehi pangaribawa sing gedhe, lan urip narima ing pandum, (2) kecenderungan neurotik kanthi cara nglawan wong liya ditindakake paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri minangka cara ngrampungi rasa sumelang awujud nggayuh kabutuhan tumrap kewenangan, nggunakake wong liya, rasa panghargyan sosial utawa gengsi, rasa nggumun utawa bombong marang awake dhewe, lan ambisi utawa gegayuhan pribadi, lan (3) kecenderungan neurotik kanthi cara ngedohi wong liya ditindakake paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri minangka cara ngrampungi rasa sumelang awujud nggayuh kabutuhan tumrap urip mandhiri lan bebas, lan kasampurnan utawa rasa ora mungkin salah. Tembung-tembung wigati : Neurotis, Psikoanalisis Sosial, lan kapribaden neurotis (Kecenderungan Neurotik)


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    Javanese personal names in the north coastal region of Java have undergone various developments in form, meaning, and function along with the developments that have taken place during different eras of human civilization. Various cultural phenomena that have occurred from one era to another have been recorded and preserved in the personal names used in this community. This research is important not only as a linguistic study but also to provide a unique flavour to the fields of historical, sociological, and cultural research. The method used is a qualitative research method which aims to discover and gain an in-depth and detailed understanding a number of different social, historical, and cultural phenomena in order to obtain comprehensive and holistic research results. This paper also provides an interesting illustration of the developments in Javanese society, in particular in the north coastal region of Java

    Perancangan Alat Bantu Untuk Memperbaiki Postur Kerja Pada Aktivitas Pemelituran Dalam Proses Finishing (Studi Kasus: Home Industry Waluyo Jati)

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    ABSTRAK Argadia Teguh Widodo, NIM: I 0311010. PERANCANGAN ALAT BANTU UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI POSTUR KERJA PADA AKTIVITAS PEMELITURAN DALAM PROSES FINISHING (STUDI KASUS: HOME INDUSTRY WALUYO JATI), Skripsi. Surakarta : Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Oktober 2015. Sikap kerja tidak alamiah sering dilakukan dalam suatu proses kerja. Beberapa dari sikap kerja tidak alamiah yang sering dilakukan adalah membungkuk dan jongkok. Seperti pada proses kerja finishing pemelituran, pekerja harus melakukan sikap kerja membungkuk dan jongkok untuk dapat meyelesaikan proses kerjanya. Sebagaimana diketahui postur kerja membungkuk dan jongkok merupakan cara kerja yang tidak baik secara kaidah ergonomi, apalagi dilakukan secara berulang dan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar level resiko yang ditimbulkan oleh proses kerja finishing pemelituran serta memberikan usulan perbaikan terhadapnya. Nordic Body Map digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi ketidaknyamanan dan keluhan yang dirasakan oleh pekerja. Analisis menggunakan metode REBA dipilih untuk memberikan analisis postural penilaian observasional secara keseluruhan. Penilaian terhadap postur kerja menunjukkan level resiko yang tinggi terhadap proses kerja dengan skoring REBA 9 hingga 10 dan level tindakan 3 yang berarti bahwa perlu dilakukan perbaikan segera. Perbaikan diberikan dengan merancang suatu alat bantu untuk dapat memperbaiki postur kerja pada proses kerja finishing pemelituran. Penerapan alat bantu pada proses kerja finishing pemelituran memberikan perbaikan yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan level resiko menjadi skoring REBA 2 hingga 3 yang berarti level resikonya menjadi rendah. Dengan begitu dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai solusi alternatif untuk mengurangi resiko kerja dari proses finishing pemelituran. Kata Kunci : ketidaknyamanan, Nordic Body Map, proses finishing pemelituran, REBA, sikap kerja tidak alamiah xvii + 112 halaman; 80 gambar; 22 tabel; 3 lampiran Daftar pustaka : 19 (1972-2014

    Perencanaan dan Penyelengaraan Event Seminar Nasional Startup di Industri Kreatif Zaman Now Berbasis Digital Business

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    This seminar is an activity related to pioneering company that nowday runs its business in the creative industries world through a growing digital business. The specific objectives of the research are to know the technical aspects of the work donational implementation, to determine the required human resource, to determine job specification and job description committee, to determine the criteria of the resource, motivate the working team in the organization, know the descriptive reports and financial reports of human and operational aspects, to find out the constraints that occur from the beginning of preparation to the implementation of the seminar, to find out how the solution of the constraints that occur from the beginning of preparation to the implementation of the seminar. The methods used in planning and organizing this seminar consist of project preparatory plans, project implementation plans, project completion plans and project reporting plans. The result of the research shows that the initial plan that is the determination of activity specification and job description and looking for experienced and expert source. In the implementation of motivation given the extrinsic motivation, intrinsic and needs continued run the agenda of the event. While the form of supervision that is preventive and repressive. Project reporting consists of implementation reports and financial report

    The Influence of Javanese Culture on the Education Curriculum in Indonesia

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    Javanese culture has a strong influence on the entire education curriculum in Indonesia, especially on the implementation of the four main strengths of Javanese culture, namely mythos, logos, ethos, and pathos. These four pillars form the spirit of Javanese culture as self-cultivation for every human being in Indonesia. This paper aims to describe several main ideas surrounding the influence of Javanese culture on the education system and curriculum in Indonesia, in particular the aforesaid four pillars of Javanese culture. In addition, it will also explain the role of culture as an initiator, dynamist, and inspiration for the development of education in Indonesia. Keywords: pillar, culture, Java, curriculum, Indonesi

    Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping During in the Pandemic Covid-19 Period in Bengkalis Sub-District

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence consumer behavior in online shopping, determine the dominant factors and determine the lowest factor consumer behavior in shopping online during the covid-19 period in Bengkalis district. Method of collecting data is through a survey through a questionnaire instrument. Research questionnaires were presented to respondents through distributing online questionnaires on uploaded internet links, number of samples obtained was 100 respondents in total. The sampling technique used was a non-probability sampling technique, a type of snowball sampling. The results show that personal is the dominant factor while culture is the lowest factor influencing consumer behavior, where both of these factors are included in the high category. respondents who filled out the questionnaire to be able to help pass it on to other potential respondents. It is hoped that in the future this research can continue to be developed in accordance with the times


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    Since the emergence of negative issues about the environment, caused human awareness level began to emerge. The green lifestyle is now starting widely applied by the people. The purpose of this study is to build a research framework, which helps companies to generate green consumption intention through the predictors of environmental responsibility mediated by environmental concern and moderated by green product unavailability. This research is classified as quantitative that used associative design with case study approach on Nutrifood company. The research model used is Structural Equation Modeling with questionnaire survey method to compile data from 269 people who know and have looked for Nutrifood products in Indonesia. The findings of this study reveals that environment concern is an important precursor and intermediary that helps encourage green consumption intention through consumer environment responsibility. The green products unavailability has moderating role between environment responsibility and green consumption intentions
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