59 research outputs found

    Rising Euroscepticism is positively linked to increased support for radical right-wing parties.

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    Support for the EU has fallen in several European countries since the beginning of the financial crisis. Han Werts, Marcel Lubbers and Peer Scheepers assess the political effects of this rise in Euroscepticism using data from the European Social Survey. Their analysis shows that the probability of voting for radical right-wing parties increases substantially with levels of Euroscepticism

    The TLR signalling adaptor TRIF/TICAM-1 has an N-terminal helical domain with structural similarity to IFIT proteins

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    TRIF/TICAM-1 (TIR domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-beta/TIR domain-containing adaptor molecule 1) is the adaptor protein in the Toll-like receptor (TLR) 3 and 4 signalling pathway that leads to the production of type 1 interferons and cytokines. The signalling involves TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor) domain-dependent TRIF oligomerization. A protease-resistant N-terminal region is believed to be involved in self-regulation of TRIF by interacting with its TIR domain. Here, the structural and functional characterization of the N-terminal domain of TRIF (TRIF-NTD) comprising residues 1-153 is reported. The 2.22 angstrom resolution crystal structure was solved by single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) using selenomethionine-labelled crystals of TRIF-NTD containing two additional introduced Met residues (TRIF-NTDA66M/L113M). The structure consists of eight antiparallel helices that can be divided into two subdomains, and the overall fold shares similarity to the interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats (IFIT) family of proteins, which are involved in both the recognition of viral RNA and modulation of innate immune signalling. Analysis of TRIF-NTD surface features and the mapping of sequence conservation onto the structure suggest several possible binding sites involved in either TRIF auto-regulation or interaction with other signalling molecules or ligands. TRIF-NTD suppresses TRIF-mediated activation of the interferon-beta promoter, as well as NF-kappa B-dependent reporter-gene activity. These findings thus identify opportunities for the selective targeting of TLR3- and TLR4-mediated inflammation

    Luminescent thermometer based on Eu3+/Tb3+-organic-functionalized mesoporous silica

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    In this work we investigate a mesoporous silica (MS) decorated with dipyridyl-pyridazine (dppz) ligands and further grafted with a mixture of Eu3+/Tb3+ ions (28.45%:71.55%), which was investigated as a potential thermometer in the 10-360K temperature range. The MS material was prepared employing a hetero Diels-Alder reaction: 3,6-di(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine was reacted with the double bonds of vinyl-silica (vSilica) followed by an oxidation procedure. We explore using the dppz-vSilica material to obtain visible emitting luminescent materials and for obtaining a luminescent thermometer when grafted with Eu3+/Tb3+ ions. For the dppz-vSilica@Eu,Tb material absolute sensitivityS(a) of 0.011K(-1) (210K) and relative sensitivityS(r) of 1.32 %K-1 (260K) were calculated showing good sensing capability of the material. Upon temperature change from 10K to 360K the emission color of the material changed gradually from yellow to red

    Functionalized Mesoporous SBA-15 with CeF3: Eu3+ Nanoparticle by Three Different Methods: Synthesis, Characterization, and Photoluminescence

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    Luminescence functionalization of the ordered mesoporous SBA-15 silica is realized by depositing a CeF3: Eu3+ phosphor layer on its surface (denoted as CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/IS, CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/SI and CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/SS) using three different methods, which are reaction in situ (I-S), solution impregnation (S-I) and solid phase grinding synthesis (S-S), respectively. The structure, morphology, porosity, and optical properties of the materials are well characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, N2 adsorption, and photoluminescence spectra. These materials all have high surface area, uniformity in the mesostructure and crystallinity. As expected, the pore volume, surface area, and pore size of SBA-15 decrease in sequence after deposition of the CeF3: Eu3+ nanophosphors. Furthermore, the efficient energy transfer in mesoporous material mainly occurs between the Ce3+ and the central Eu3+ ion. They show the characteristic emission of Ce3+ 5d β†’ 4f (200–320 nm) and Eu3+5D0 β†’ 7FJ(J = 1–4, with 5D0 β†’ 7F1 orange emission at 588 nm as the strongest one) transitions, respectively. In addition, for comparison, the mesoporous material CeF3: Eu3+/SBA-15/SS exhibits the characteristic emission of Eu3+ ion under UV irradiation with higher luminescence intensity than the other materials

    Highly Luminescent Salts Containing Well-Shielded Lanthanide-Centered Complex Anions and Bulky Imidazolium Countercations

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    In this paper, we report on the syntheses, structures, and characterization of four molten salts containing imidazolium cations and europium(III)- or terbium(III)-centered complex anions. In the complex anions, the lanthanide centers are wrapped by four pseudodiketonate anionic ligands, which prevent them from contacting with high-frequency oscillators and allow them to show intense characteristic europium(III) or terbium(III) emission, small line widths, high color purity, high quantum yields (30βˆ’49%), and long decay times (\u3e2 ms)

    CD14 Signaling Restrains Chronic Inflammation through Induction of p38-MAPK/SOCS-Dependent Tolerance

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    Current thinking emphasizes the primacy of CD14 in facilitating recognition of microbes by certain TLRs to initiate pro-inflammatory signaling events and the importance of p38-MAPK in augmenting such responses. Herein, this paradigm is challenged by demonstrating that recognition of live Borrelia burgdorferi not only triggers an inflammatory response in the absence of CD14, but one that is, in part, a consequence of altered PI3K/AKT/p38-MAPK signaling and impaired negative regulation of TLR2. CD14 deficiency results in increased localization of PI3K to lipid rafts, hyperphosphorylation of AKT, and reduced activation of p38. Such aberrant signaling leads to decreased negative regulation by SOCS1, SOCS3, and CIS, thereby compromising the induction of tolerance in macrophages and engendering more severe and persistent inflammatory responses to B. burgdorferi. Importantly, these altered signaling events and the higher cytokine production observed can be mimicked through shRNA and pharmacological inhibition of p38 activity in CD14-expressing macrophages. Perturbation of this CD14/p38-MAPK-dependent immune regulation may underlie development of infectious chronic inflammatory syndromes
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