164 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a sobrevivência e o vigor vegetativo de material genético adulto selecionado de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hill) enxertado diretamente a campo. A enxertia foi realizada em plantas de aproximadamente 3 anos de idade, sendo o material vegetativo enxertado coletado do terço inferior ou próximo da base de duas árvores selecionadas com a idade estimada em torno de 70 anos. O método de enxertia utilizado foi o de garfagem em fenda cheia, onde foram enxertadas 48 plantas com material de cada uma das duas matrizes. Os dados de sobrevivência foram obtidos aos 60 e 90 dias após a enxertia, e de crescimento (quantidade e comprimento total de brotos por enxerto vivo) aos 90 e 120 dias da enxertia. Pôde-se concluir sobre a enxertia da erva-mate realizada diretamente a campo que: é viável tecnicamente, havendo um decréscimo na sobrevivência das plantas enxertadas em função do número de dias após a enxertia; as matrizes utilizadas apresentaram comportamentos distintos na porcentagem de sobrevivência e; os enxertos sobreviventes demonstraram um bom vigor de crescimento

    Seedlings of Eucalyptus dunnii grown in renewable substrate

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    A necessidade premente de aumento no número de mudas plantadas anualmente e a variabilidade de matérias-primas tradicionais para composição de substratos têm levado à necessidade de desenvolvimento de estudos que visem à avaliação da viabilidade técnica e econômica desses materiais. Com base nisso, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade técnica da utilização de vermiculita média (VM) e dos componentes renováveis à base de fibra de coco (FC), casca de arroz carbonizada (CAC) em diferentes granulometrias e dois substratos comerciais compostos por casca de pínus semidecomposta (SC) na composição de substratos para a produção de mudas de Eucalyptus dunnii, e avaliar a correlação das propriedades físicas e químicas dos substratos com a qualidade das mudas. Foram formulados 14 tratamentos, sendo a semeadura realizada em tubetes de 55 cm³. Com base nos resultados obtidos, o substrato que proporcionou maior crescimento das mudas de Eucalyptus dunnii foi o CAC combinado com VM, seguido dos SC, enquanto aqueles à base de CAC em diferentes granulometrias, combinadas ou não com FC, proporcionaram baixo crescimento. Quanto às propriedades dos substratos, verificou-se que densidade aparente, porosidade total, macroporosidade, pH e capacidade de troca catiônica apresentaram correlação com o crescimento das mudas.Palavras-chave: Eucalipto; casca de arroz carbonizada; fibra de coco; casca de pínus.AbstractSeedlings of Eucalyptus dunnii grown in renewable substrate. The pressing need to increase the number of seedlings planted annually and variability of raw materials for traditional composition of substrates have led to the need to develop studies aimed at evaluating these materials, technically and economically feasible. Based on this, the present study aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility of using fine vermiculite (VF) and component-based renewable coconut fiber (FC), rice hulls (CAC) in different grain sizes and two commercial substrates composed by pine bark semidecomposta (SC) in the composition of substrates for the production of seedlings of Eucalyptus dunnii, and assess the correlation between the physical and chemical properties of the substrates with the quality of the seedlings. 14 treatments were formulated, and the sowing in tubes of 55 cm³. Based on these results, the substrate that provided greater seedling growth of Eucalyptus dunnii CAC was combined with VF, followed by the SC, while those based CAC in different particle sizes, combined or not with CF, gave low growth. Regarding the properties of the substrates, it was identified that the bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, pH and cation exchange capacity correlated with seedling growth.Keywords: Eucalyptus; rice hulls; coconut fiber; pine bark. AbstractThe pressing need to increase the number of seedlings planted annually and variability of raw materials for traditional composition of substrates have led to the need to develop studies aimed at evaluating these materials, technically and economically feasible. Based on this, the present study aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility of using fine vermiculite (VF) and component-based renewable coconut fiber (FC), rice hulls (CAC) in different grain sizes and two commercial substrates composed by pine bark semidecomposta (SC) in the composition of substrates for the production of seedlings of Eucalyptus dunnii, and assess the correlation between the physical and chemical properties of the substrates with the quality of the seedlings. 14 treatments were formulated, and the sowing in tubes of 55 cm³. Based on these results, the substrate that provided greater seedling growth of Eucalyptus dunnii CAC was combined with VF, followed by the SC, while those based CAC in different particle sizes, combined or not with CF, gave low growth. Regarding the properties of the substrates, it was identified that the bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, pH and cation exchange capacity correlated with seedling growth.Keywords: Eucalyptus; rice hulls; coconut fiber; pine bark


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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a sobreviv\ueancia e o vigor vegetativo de material gen\ue9tico adulto selecionado de erva-mate ( Ilex paraguariensis A.St.- Hil.) enxertado diretamente a campo. A enxertia foi realizada em plantas de aproximadamente 3 anos de idade, sendo o material vegetativo enxertado coletado do ter\ue7o inferior ou pr\uf3ximo da base de duas \ue1rvores selecionadas com a idade estimada em torno de 70 anos. O m\ue9todo de enxertia utilizado foi o de garfagem em fenda cheia, onde foram enxertadas 48 plantas com material de cada uma das duas matrizes. Os dados de sobreviv\ueancia foram obtidos aos 60 e 90 dias ap\uf3s a enxertia, e de crescimento (quantidade e comprimento total de brotos por enxerto vivo) aos 90 e 120 dias da enxertia. P\uf4de-se concluir sobre a enxertia da erva-mate realizada diretamente a campo que: \ue9 vi\ue1vel tecnicamente, havendo um decr\ue9scimo na sobreviv\ueancia das plantas enxertadas em fun\ue7\ue3o do n\ufamero de dias ap\uf3s a enxertia; as matrizes utilizadas apresentaram comportamentos distintos na porcentagem de sobreviv\ueancia e; os enxertos sobreviventes demonstraram um bom vigor de crescimento.The present work aimed to evaluate the survival and the vegetative vigor of adult selected genetic material of Ilex paraguariensis A.St.- Hil. grafted directly in the field. The grafting was accomplished in approximately 3 year-old understocks, and the material collected was close to the base of two selected trees with around 70 years old. The grafting method used was the top cleft, in which 48 plants were grafted with material of each one of the two plus trees. The survival data were obtained at 60 and 90 days after the grafting, and of growth (amount and total length of sprouts) at 90 and 120 days after the grafting. It could be concluded that: there was a decrease in the survival of the grafts in function of the number of days after the grafting; the used plus trees presented different behaviors in the survival percentage; the surviving grafts plants demonstrated a good growth vigor. It is presupposed that the low percentile of success (about of 40%) is linked to the high physiologic age of the plus trees, besides less favorable environmental conditions when compared with the grafting in the nursery

    El estiércol de aves aumenta la fertilidad del suelo, el crecimiento y el estado nutricional de las plántulas de yerba mate

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    Contextualization: The use of organic fertilizers from agricultural industry residues is an alternative as a nutritional source in agroforestry cultures, mainly due to the slow release of nutrients. The leaf biomass production is essential for yerba mate production, which demands adequate nutritional management to maintain productivity and soil fertility. Knowledge gap: Most yerba mate is produced with the use of mineral fertilizers, and there are no records of how organic fertilization with poultry manure could influence plants growth, nutritional status, and soil fertility. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of organic fertilization on soil fertility, growth, and nutritional status of yerba mate seedlings. Methodology: Two clonal cultivars of yerba mate (BRS408 and BRS409) were subjected to three fertilization doses with poultry manure (0, 20, and 35 g dm-3). The study was established in a factorial design, in a randomized block design with four replications. After 210 days, pH, organic matter content, availability of P, K, Ca, and Mg in the soil were analyzed. In addition, plants were evaluated in the same period for growth and leaf content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S. Data were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey test for means comparison. Results and conclusions: Organic fertilization positively influenced soil characteristics and yerba mate seedlings growth, with significant differences in the response of each clone. The use of 20 g dm-3 of poultry manure is recommended for yerba mate seedlings production.Contextualización: El uso de fertilizantes orgánicos a partir de residuos de la industria agrícola es una alternativa como fuente nutricional en cultivos agroforestales, principalmente por la lenta liberación de nutrientes. La producción de biomasa foliar es muy importante para la producción de yerba mate, que demanda un adecuado manejo nutricional para mantener la productividad y la fertilidad del suelo. Vacío de conocimiento: La mayor parte de la yerba mate se produce con el uso de fertilizantes minerales y no hay registros de cómo la fertilización orgánica con estiércol de aves de corral podría influir en el crecimiento de las plantas y el estado nutricional, así como en la fertilidad del suelo. Propósito del estudio: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la influencia de la fertilización orgánica en la fertilidad del suelo, el crecimiento y el estado nutricional de las plántulas de yerba mate. Metodología: Dos cultivares clonales de yerba mate (BRS408 y BRS409) fueron sometidos a tres dosis de fertilización con estiércol de aves (0, 20 y 35 g dm-3). El estudio se estableció en un diseño factorial, en un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Después de 210 días se evaluó el pH, el contenido de materia orgánica, la disponibilidad de P, K, Ca y Mg en el suelo. Las plantas se evaluaron en el mismo período para determinar el crecimiento y el contenido de hojas de N, P, K, Ca, Mg y S. Los datos se sometieron a ANOVA y prueba de Tukey para la comparación de medias. Resultados y conclusiones: La fertilización orgánica influyó positivamente en las características del suelo y el crecimiento de las plántulas de yerba mate, con diferencias significativas en la respuesta de cada clon. Se recomienda el uso de 20 g dm-3 de estiércol de ave para la producción de plántulas de yerba mate

    Sobrevivência e crescimento inicial no campo de mudas de eucalipto produzidas em diferentes substratos

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the survival and initial growth, in the field, of eucalyptus seedlings produced in different substrates. Eucalyptus benthamii seedlings produced in 36 substrates were evaluated in the field. The substrates consisted of mixtures, at different volumetric proportions, of: carbonized rice husk, charcoal with granulometry between 1.0–3.0 mm, charcoal with granulometry between 3.0–5.0 mm, coconut fiber, semi-decomposed pine bark, fine vermiculite, sewage sludge, and peat moss. At 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after planting, survival, height, and diameter were determined. At 24 months after planting, height increment, diameter increment, transversal area, and basal area were also measured. The seedlings that showed 100% survival after 24 months under field conditions were those grown in the nursery in substrates with a higher proportion of fine vermiculite, sewage sludge, and peat moss, that is, in substrates with a higher microporosity. However, there is no effect of substrate characteristics on seedling initial growth in the field. A significant correlation is observed between the survival of seedlings at 6 months and their diameter at the end of the nursery period, evidencing the importance of this characteristic for the establishment of the plant in the field, regardless of the used substrate.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sobrevivência e o crescimento inicial, no campo, de mudas de eucalipto produzidas em diferentes substratos. Mudas de Eucalyptus benthamii produzidas em 36 substratos foram avaliadas em campo. Os substratos consistiram em misturas, em diferentes proporções volumétricas, de: casca de arroz carbonizada, carvão com granulometria entre 1,0–3,0 mm, carvão com granulometria entre 3,0–5,0 mm, fibra de coco, casca de pinheiro semidecomposta, vermiculita fina, lodo de esgoto e turfa. Aos 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses após o plantio, foram determinados sobrevivência, altura e diâmetro. Aos 24 meses após o plantio, também foram medidos incremento em altura, incremento em diâmetro, área transversal e área basal. As plântulas que apresentaram sobrevivência de 100% após 24 meses em condições de campo foram aquelas cultivadas, no viveiro, em substratos com maior proporção de vermiculita fina, lodo de esgoto e turfa, ou seja, em substratos com maior microporosidade. No entanto, não há efeito das características do substrato no crescimento inicial das plântulas. Há correlação significativa entre a sobrevivência da plântula aos 6 meses de idade e seu diâmetro no final da fase de viveiro, o que ressalta a importância desta característica para o estabelecimento da planta em campo, independentemente do substrato utilizado


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    Ficus enormis is a native species with great ecological potential, especially for ecosystems restoration. The present study aimed to evaluate the rooting, root and vegetative vigor of Ficus enormis mini-cuttings and to determine its best length for the formation of seedlings. Mini-cuttings were collected from clonal mini-garden, prepared with 2 ± 0.2 cm, 4 ± 0.2 cm, 6 ± 0.2 cm, 8 ± 0.2 cm and 10 ± 0.2 cm of length and diameter of 0.5 ± 0.2 cm. The planting was carried out in plastic boxes filled with commercial substrate based on carbonized rice hulls and coconut fiber, conditioned in a greenhouse. After 45 days, were avaluated the rooting percentage, original leaf maintenance, mini-cuttings with roots and callus percentage, length of the three largest roots/mini-cutting, shoot emission percentage, number of root/mini-cutting and mortality percentage. The results showed that the mini-cuting length did not influenced the rooting percentage, callus and root formation, and root length mean. However, shoot emission, number of root and mortality were influenced by the mini-cutting length

    Concentrações de ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de Cryptomeria japonica

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    Cryptomeria japonica is a large conifer that stands out for its rapid growth and timber potential. Although it can be propagated via seed, the vegetative propagation of this species is justified by the maintenance of desirable characteristics of selected individuals and, on this subject, scientific studies are extremely restricted outside Japan. The objective was to evaluate the effect of indolbutyric acid (IBA) and of alcohol in the rooting of cuttings of adult clones of Cryptomeria japonica. Cuttings of three nine-year-old clones were disinfected and submitted to treatments: T1 = 0 mg L-1; T2 = water + alcohol (1: 1 v / v); T3 = 2000 mg L-1 IBA; T4 = 4,000 mg L-1 IBA and T5 = 8,000 mg L-1 IBA. There was variation among the clones regarding the evaluated characteristics, presenting low rooting level, independent of the evaluated IBA concentrations. The concentration with the best results was 4,000 mg.L-1 of IBA, with 22.9% rooting for clone 2.Cryptomeria japonica é uma conífera de grande porte que se destaca pelo rápido crescimento e o potencial madeireiro. Apesar de poder ser propagada via semente, a propagação vegetativa dessa espécie se justifica pela manutenção das características desejáveis de indivíduos selecionados e, neste tema, estudos científicos são extremamente restritos fora do Japão. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do ácido indolbutírico (AIB) e do álcool no enraizamento de estacas de clones adultos de Cryptomeria japonica. Estacas de três clones de nove anos foram desinfestadas e submetidas aos tratamentos: T1 = 0 mg L-1; T2 = água + álcool (1:1 v/v); T3 = 2.000 mg L-1 de AIB; T4 = 4.000 mg L-1 de AIB e T5 = 8.000 mg L-1 de AIB. Verificou-se variação entre os clones quanto as características avaliadas, apresentando baixo nível de enraizamento, independente das concentrações de AIB avaliadas. A concentração que apresentou os melhores resultados foi a de 4.000 mg.L-1 de AIB, com 22,9% de enraizamento para o clone 2

    Production and survival of Ilex paraguariensis minicuttings and ministumps cultivated in semi-hydroponic system

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade técnica do sistema semi-hidropônico para condução de minicepas de erva-mate e a resposta destas a soluções nutritivas de diferentes diluições nas sucessivas coletas, bem como, a sobrevivência das miniestacas produzidas neste sistema, após enraizamento. Depois de onze coletas, obteve-se 95,6% de sobrevivência das minicepas e média de 291 miniestacas m-2 de minijardim. As mudas obtidas por miniestaquia apresentaram média de 85,6% de sobrevivência, sem variação significativa entre as soluções testadas e número da coleta. O sistema adotado é tecnicamente viável, e recomenda-se a utilização de solução nutritiva menos concentrada.The objective of this study was to assess the technical viability of semi-hydroponic system for conduction of Ilex paraguariensis ministumps, and the answer of these to different nutritional solutions in the successive gatherings, as well as, the survival of the minicuttings produced in this system after rooting. After eleven gatherings, there was 95.6% of ministumps survival, and production of 291minicuttings m-2 of miniclonal garden. The minicuttings survival was 85.6%, with no significant difference between the solutions. The adopted system is technically viable, and lower concentrated solution to conduct the ministumps is recommended


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    The present study aimed to analyze the physical characteristics, seed health, and seedling emergence of nine Ilex paraguariensis mother trees. Physical characterization included determining the thousand-seed weight, number of seeds per kilogram, and moisture content. Viability and embryonic development were determined by the tetrazolium test, using five replications of 20 seeds for each mother tree. Seedling emergence was evaluated under three treatments: non-stratified seeds, seeds stored for 70 days, and seeds stratified for 180 days, using three replications of 2 g, being sown in a commercial substrate. Sanitary analysis was conducted by Blotter-test, using five repetitions of 20 non-disinfested seeds. Significant results were observed among the mother trees for physical and biometric variables. The initial seed viability was 52%, with embryos in the heart and post-heart stages. The most prevalent fungal genera in yerba mate seeds were Trichoderma sp., Aspergillus sp., and Penicillium sp

    Minicutting technique of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. using juvenile propagules

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sobreviv\ueancia e a produtividade de minicepas no sistema de tubetes e o efeito do \ue1cido indolbut\uedrico (AIB) no enraizamento de miniestacas de Grevillea robusta . O experimento foi conduzido em Colombo, PR, com minicepas formadas partindo de mudas obtidas de sementes, as quais foram cultivadas no sistema de tubetes, durante o per\uedodo de um ano. A sobreviv\ueancia das minicepas, ap\uf3s 15 coletas, foi de 100% com produtividade m\ue9dia de 1,7 miniestacas por minicepa e 4030 miniestacas por metro quadrado ao ano. As taxas m\ue9dias de enraizamento foram 83, 79, 75 e 72% para os tratamentos com 0, 1000, 2000 e 4000 mg L-1 de AIB respectivamente, sendo os melhores n\uedveis obtidos sem aplica\ue7\ue3o ex\uf3gena de AIB. Com base nesses resultados, conclui-se que a miniestaquia de prop\ue1gulos juvenis \ue9 uma op\ue7\ue3o para produ\ue7\ue3o de mudas de Grevillea robusta durante o ano inteiro, sem a necessidade de aplica\ue7\uf5es de reguladores de crescimento, al\ue9m de ser uma importante ferramenta para adapta\ue7\ue3o dos protocolos de propaga\ue7\ue3o vegetativa em materiais adultos selecionados.The objective of this study was to evaluate the survival and productivity of ministumps in tube system and the effect of indolbutyric acid (IBA) in rooting of Grevillea robusta minicuttings. The experiment was done in Colombo-PR, with ministumps originated from seedlings. These ministumps were cultured in plastic tubes during one year. After 15 collections, ministumps survival was 100% with an average production of 1.7 minicuttings per ministump and 4030 minicuttings per square meter. The rooting results were 83, 79, 75 and 72% for the treatments 0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 mg L-1 of IBA, respectively, being the best results obtained without IBA. Considering these results, it is possible to conclude the minicutting technique of young propagules is an interesting alternative to propagate Grevillea robusta during the whole year and, in addition, it is an important tool on adaptation of protocols for selected adult material