517 research outputs found

    Family planning methods and fertility preferences according to HIV status among women in Cameroon

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    We investigated whether HIV-positive women differ from HIV-negative women in their fertility, fertility intentions, and use of family planning (FP) among 16,202 women who received services through the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services’ Women’s Health Program from 2015 to 2017. The 13% of women who were HIV-positive had similar rates of modern FP usage and unmet need compared to HIV-negative women (26% versus 29% for modern FP usage, and 20% versus 21% for unmet need). However, HIV-positive women were more likely to be satisfied with their FP method (aOR = 1.70, p < .001). There were no significant differences in usage by HIV status for most FP methods, but HIV-positive women were more likely to use condoms (aOR = 1.85, p < .01) and less likely to use IUDs (aOR = 0.77, p < .05). HIV-positive women had fewer living children and also desired fewer children (both associations significant at p < .001 in multivariate linear regression). These findings highlight low FP usage and high unmet need among all women, and the need for integrated HIV and FP services for HIV-positive women, particularly aimed at increasing use of more reliable FP methods in addition to condoms. (Afr J Reprod Health 2021; 25[5]: 25-36)

    Tobacco Use and Cardiovascular Disease among American Indians: The Strong Heart Study

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    Tobacco use among American Indians has a long and complicated history ranging from its utilization in spiritual ceremonies to its importance as an economic factor for survival. Despite this cultural tradition and long history, there are few studies of the health effects of tobacco in this population. The Strong Heart Study is a prospective observational study of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 13 American Indian tribes in Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota with 4,549 participants. Baseline examinations were followed by two examinations at regular intervals and 16 years of morbidity and mortality follow-up. Hazard ratios (HRs) for non-fatal CVD for current smokers vs. non-smokers after adjusting for other risk factors were significant in women (HR = 1.94, 95% CI 1.54 to 2.45) and men (HR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.16 to 2.18). Hazard ratios for fatal CVD for current smokers vs. non-smokers after adjusting for other risk factors were significant in women (HR = 1.64, 95% CI 1.04 to 2.58), but not in men. Individuals who smoked and who were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, hypertension or renal insufficiency were more likely to quit smoking than those without these conditions. On average, American Indians smoke fewer cigarettes per day than other racial/ethnic groups; nevertheless, the ill effects of habitual tobacco use are evident in this population

    Risk Factors for Arterial Hypertension in Adults With Initial Optimal Blood Pressure

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    Whether metabolic factors and their change over time influence development of arterial hypertension in adults with initially optimal blood pressure (BP) is unknown. We analyzed associations of BP in the optimal range (<120/80 mm Hg), metabolic risk factors, and their changes over 4-year follow-up, with 8-year incident hypertension, in a cohort of American Indians with a high prevalence of obesity. At baseline, 967 participants with optimal BP and no prevalent cardiovascular disease (69.5% women; mean age, 54±7 years) were evaluated and reexamined after 4 (second examination) and 8 years to evaluate predictors of 8-year incident arterial hypertension. In participants with normal glucose tolerance, baseline BP and decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol from baseline to the second examination were the most potent predictors of 8-year arterial hypertension (both P <0.0001), with additional effects of baseline waist circumference and its increase, increase in BP, and presence of diabetes at the second examination (all P <0.04). In participants with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes, the most potent predictor of 8-year incident hypertension was diabetes at the second examination ( P <0.0001) followed by a increase in BP and LDL cholesterol over the first 4 years (both P <0.001). Thus, incident arterial hypertension can be predicted by initial metabolic profile and unfavorable metabolic variations over time, in addition to initial BP. At optimal levels of initial BP, increasing abdominal obesity, and abnormal lipid profile are major predictors of development of arterial hypertension. Possible implications of these findings for primary cardiovascular prevention should be tested in prospective studies

    Using HbA1c to improve efficacy of the American Diabetes Association fasting plasma glucose criterion in screening for new type 2 diabetes in American Indians. The Strong Heart Study

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    WSTĘP. Celem badania jest określenie optymalnej krytycznej linii FPG-HbA1c, umożliwiającej rozpoznanie cukrzycy w grupie chorych z nieprawidłowym stężeniem glukozy na czczo (IFG, impaired fasting glucose) i poprawa skuteczności oznaczenia glikemii na czczo (FPG, fasting plasma glucose), stosowanego jako samodzielne badanie przesiewowe w kierunku cukrzycy u Indian amerykańskich. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Analizowano oznaczenia stężenia glukozy na czczo i 2 godziny po doustnym obciążeniu glukozą (2hPG) oraz HbA1c w grupie 2389 Indian amerykańskich w wieku 45-74 lat, którzy dotychczas nie byli leczeni z powodu cukrzycy, u których wcześniej nie rozpoznawano cukrzycy, a których poddano wyjściowej i powtórnej ocenie w ramach badania SHS (Strong Heart Study). Zgodnie z kryteriami American Diabetes Association cukrzycę rozpoznawano, gdy stężenie glukozy na czczo było równe lub wyższe niż 126 mg/dl lub gdy wartość 2hPG wynosiła 200 mg/dl lub więcej. Nieprawidłowe stężenie glukozy na czczo rozpoznawano, gdy mieściło się ono w przedziale 110 Ł FPG < 126 mg/dl, a jako wartość prawidłową (NFG, normal fasting glucose) przyjęto stężenie glukozy na czczo niższe niż 110 mg/dl. Do rozpoznawania cukrzycy w grupie badanych z IFG (2hPG ł 200 mg/dl) zastosowano modele regresji logistycznej. Najlepszy model wybrano na podstawie porównania pól pod krzywymi ROC (receiver operating characteristic) utworzonymi w oparciu o różne modele regresji logistycznej. Do wyznaczenia optymalnych wartości krytycznych użyto funkcji przydatności opartej na najlepszym modelu oraz współczynniku koszt/korzyść. Dane z drugiego badania wykorzystano do oceny wpływu czasu, jaki upłynął pomiędzy dwoma kolejnymi badaniami przesiewowymi, zarówno na kryterium FPG, jak i na optymalną krytyczną linię FPG-HbA1c. WYNIKI. W grupie chorych z nowo rozpoznaną cukrzycą, u 37% w badaniu wyjściowym oraz u 55,2% w badaniu powtórnym stwierdzono wartości 2hPG większe bądź równe 200 mg/dl, przy wartościach FPG mniejszych niż 126 mg/dl. Zarówno w wyjściowym, jak i w drugim oznaczeniu u znacznej części pacjentów z IFG rozpoznano cukrzycę (odpowiednio: 19,3 i 22,9%). Porównanie pól pod krzywymi ROC dla poszczególnych modeli regresji logistycznej wykazało, że największa wartość pola odpowiada łącznemu oznaczeniu FPG i HbA1c. Wartość ta była znamiennie wyższa od wartości pola dla oznaczenia FPG (p = 0,0008). Dla współczynnika koszt/korzyść = 0,23888 optymalna linia krytyczna o największej użyteczności miała wartość równą 0,89 × HbA1c + 0,11 × FPG = 17,92. U chorych, u których wartości FPG i HbA1c znajdowały się na tej linii lub powyżej, zalecano wykonanie doustnego testu tolerancji glukozy (OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test) w celu rozpoznania lub wykluczenia cukrzycy. Optymalne wartości krytyczne w badaniu powtórzonym po 4 latach były mniejsze. WNIOSKI. Według kryteriów American Diabetes Association cukrzycę rozpoznaje się, gdy wartość FPG jest większa lub równa 126 mg/dl albo gdy wartość 2hPG wynosi 200 mg/dl lub więcej. Wykonanie badania FPG jest proste i zaleca się je jako badanie przesiewowe. Natomiast stosowanie w praktyce OGTT w celu uzyskania wartości 2hPG jest kłopotliwe, szczególnie u chorych, u których stwierdza się wartość FPG poniżej 126 mg/dl. Wykonywanie OGTT jako badania przesiewowego u każdego pacjenta również jest niepraktyczne. Uzyskane dane wskazują, że u 37% osób z nowo wykrytą cukrzycą w badaniu wyjściowym i u 55,2% w oznaczeniu drugim stężenie glukozy w OGTT wynosiło 200 mg/dl lub więcej, podczas gdy wartość FPG była niższa niż 126 mg/dl. W takich wypadkach, na podstawie oznaczenia wyłącznie FPG jako badania przesiewowego, cukrzyca nie zostałaby rozpoznana. Mimo że odsetek chorych na cukrzycę w grupie NFG jest mały i może zostać zignorowany (4,7% w pierwszym i 6,5% w drugim oznaczeniu), to częstość przypadków cukrzycy stwierdzonych w grupie IFG w trakcie niniejszego badania (ok. 20%) wymaga uwzględnienia w dyskusji na temat metody badań przesiewowych. Wydaje się, że u części chorych z nieprawidłowym stężeniem glukozy na czczo, wybranych na podstawie optymalnych krytycznych wartości FPG-HbA1c, warto wykonać OGTT. Wyznaczenie optymalnej linii krytycznej i odstępu między kolejnymi testami przesiewowymi wymaga dalszych badań.INTRODUCTION. To find an optimal critical line in the fasting plasma glucose (FPG)-HbA1c plane for identifying diabetes in participants with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and thereby improve the efficacy of using FPG alone in diabetes screening among American Indians. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS. We used FPG, 2-h postload glucose (2hPG), and HbA1c measured in the 2,389 American Indians (aged 45&#8211;74 years, without diabetes treatment or prior history of diabetes) in the Strong Heart Study (SHS) baseline (second) examination. Participants were classified as having diabetes if they had either FPG &#163; 126 mg/dl or 2hPG &#8805; 200 mg/dl, as having IFG if they had 110 &#163; FPG < 126 mg/dl, and as having normal fasting glucose (NFG) if they had FPG < 110, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) definition. Logistic regression models were used for identifying diabetes (2hPG &#8805; 200 mg/dl) in IFG participants. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves generated by different logistic regression models were evaluated and compared to select the best model. A utility function based on the best model and the cost-to-benefit ratio was used to find the optimal critical line. The data from the second examination were used to study the effect of the time interval between the successive diabetes screenings on both the FPG criterion and the optimal critical line. RESULTS. A total of 37% of all subjects with new diabetes at baseline and 55.2% of those in the second exam had 2hPG &#8805; 200 but FPG < 126. There was a very large portion of IFG participants with diabetes (19.3 and 22.9% in the baseline and second exam, respectively). Among the areas under the ROC curves, the area generated by the logistic regression model on FPG plus HbA1c is the largest and is significantly larger than that based on FPG (P = = 0.0008). For a cost-to-benefit ratio of 0.23888, the optimal critical line that has the highest utility is: 0.89 × HbA1c + 0.11 × FPG = 17.92. Those IFG participants whose FPG and HbA1c were above or on the line were referred to take an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to diagnose diabetes. The optimal critical line is lower if a successive diabetes screening will be conducted 4 years after the previous screening. CONCLUSIONS. FPG &#8805; 126 and 2hPG &#8805; 200, as suggested by the ADA, are used in-dependently to define diabetes. The FPG level is easy to obtain, and using FPG alone is suggested for diabetes screening. It is difficult to get physicians and patients to perform an OGTT to get a 2hPG level because of the many drawbacks of the OGTT, especially in those patients who already have FPG < 126. It is also impractical to conduct an OGTT for everyone in a diabetes screening. Our data show that 37% of all subjects with new diabetes in the SHS baseline exam and 55.2% of those in the second exam have 2hPG &#8805; 200 but FPG < 126. These cases of diabetes cannot be detected if FPG is used alone in a diabetes screening. Therefore, although the small portion of diabetes in the NFG group (4.7% in the base-line and 6.9% in the second exam) may be ignored, those cases of diabetes among IFG participants (~20% in our data) need further consideration in a diabetes screening. It may be worthwhile for those IFG participants identified by the optimal critical line to take an OGTT. The optimal critical line and time interval between successive diabetes screenings need further study

    Scale-Up and Case-Finding Effectiveness of an HIV Partner Services Program in Cameroon: An Innovative HIV Prevention Intervention for Developing Countries

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    Partner services (PSs) are a long-standing component of HIV control programs in the United States and some parts of Europe. Small randomized trials suggest that HIV PS can be effective in identifying persons with undiagnosed HIV infection. However, the scalability and effectiveness of HIV PS in low-income countries are unknown

    Health Facility Characteristics and Their Relationship to Coverage of PMTCT of HIV Services across Four African Countries: The PEARL Study

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    Background: Health facility characteristics associated with effective prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) coverage in sub-Saharan are poorly understood. Methodology/Principal Findings: We conducted surveys in health facilities with active PMTCT services in Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, South Africa, and Zambia. Data was compiled via direct observation and exit interviews. We constructed composite scores to describe provision of PMTCT services across seven topical areas: antenatal quality, PMTCT quality, supplies available, patient satisfaction, patient understanding of medication, and infrastructure quality. Pearson correlations and Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) to account for clustering of facilities within countries were used to evaluate the relationship between the composite scores, total time of visit and select individual variables with PMTCT coverage among women delivering. Between July 2008 and May 2009, we collected data from 32 facilities; 78 % were managed by the government health system. An opt-out approach for HIV testing was used in 100 % of facilities in Zambia, 63 % in Cameroon, and none in Côte d’Ivoire or South Africa. Using Pearson correlations, PMTCT coverage (median of 55%, (IQR: 33–68) was correlated with PMTCT quality score (rho = 0.51; p = 0.003); infrastructure quality score (rho = 0.43; p = 0.017); time spent at clinic (rho = 0.47

    Millimeter dust continuum emission unveiling the true mass of giant molecular clouds in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    CO observations have been so far the best way to trace molecular gas in external galaxies, but at low metallicity the gas mass deduced could be largely underestimated. At present, the kinematic information of CO data cubes are used to estimate virial masses and trace the total mass of the molecular clouds. Millimeter dust emission can also be used as a dense gas tracer and could unveil H2 envelopes lacking CO. These different tracers must be compared in different environments. This study compares virial masses to masses deduced from millimeter emission, in two GMC samples: the local molecular clouds in our Galaxy and their equivalents in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), one of the nearest low metallicity dwarf galaxy. In our Galaxy, mass estimates deduced from millimeter emission are consistent with masses deduced from gamma ray analysis and trace the total mass of the clouds. Virial masses are systematically larger (twice on average) than mass estimates from millimeter dust emission. This difference decreases toward high masses and has already been reported in previous studies. In the SMC however, molecular cloud masses deduced from SIMBA millimeter observations are systematically higher (twice on average for conservative values of the dust to gas ratio and dust emissivity) than the virial masses from SEST CO observations. The observed excess can not be accounted for by any plausible change of dust properties. Taking a general form for the virial theorem, we show that a magnetic field strength of ~15 micro Gauss in SMC clouds could provide additional support to the clouds and explain the difference observed. Masses of SMC molecular clouds have therefore been underestimated so far. Magnetic pressure may contribute significantly to their support.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics accepte

    The Boundary Conditions of the Heliosphere: Photoionization Models Constrained by Interstellar and In Situ Data

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    The boundary conditions of the heliosphere are set by the ionization, density and composition of inflowing interstellar matter. Constraining the properties of the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) at the heliosphere requires radiative transfer ionization models. We model the background interstellar radiation field using observed stellar FUV and EUV emission and the diffuse soft X-ray background. We also model the emission from the boundary between the LIC and the hot Local Bubble (LB) plasma, assuming that the cloud is evaporating because of thermal conduction. We create a grid of models covering a plausible range of LIC and LB properties, and use the modeled radiation field as input to radiative transfer/thermal equilibrium calculations using the Cloudy code. Data from in situ observations of He^O, pickup ions and anomalous cosmic rays in the heliosphere, and absorption line measurements towards epsilon CMa were used to constrain the input parameters. A restricted range of assumed LIC HI column densities and LB plasma temperatures produce models that match all the observational constraints. The relative weakness of the constraints on N(HI) and T_h contrast with the narrow limits predicted for the H^O and electron density in the LIC at the Sun, n(H^0) = 0.19 - 0.20 cm^-3, and n(e) = 0.07 +/- 0.01 cm^-3. Derived abundances are mostly typical for low density gas, with sub-solar Mg, Si and Fe, possibly subsolar O and N, and S about solar; however C is supersolar. The interstellar gas at the Sun is warm, low density, and partially ionized, with n(H) = 0.23 - 0.27 cm^-3, T = 6300 K, X(H^+) ~ 0.2, and X(He^+) ~ 0.4. These results appear to be robust since acceptable models are found for substantially different input radiation fields. Our results favor low values for the reference solar abundances for the LIC composition.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics together with papers from the International Space Sciences Institute workshop on Interstellar Hydrogen in the Heliospher