261 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Tentang Peranan Informasi dalam Kualitas Produk dan Jasa pada Mata Kuliah Sistem Informasi Manajemen Melalui Penerapan Metode Jigsaw Bagi Mahasiswa Politeknik Ubaya Prodi Sekretari Angkatan 2014 dan 2015

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    In order to improve a classroom engagement in learning one specisific lesson, for instance in Management Information System (MIS) subject, certainly there is an extra effort need to be done. MIS originally is quite technical lesson that requires adequate prior knowledge on Management and Information system. Clearly, MIS is something new for secretary program students. As a lecturer. we need to shift from becoming the centre of learning rather than to lead students become more active in the learning process (student centered learning). In relation to that, a classroom action research (CAR) is needed urgently to help both lecturer and students running the class effectively. This time, researcher tries to implement a Jigsaw learning type through out two stages and phases. Hopefully, all students who learn one of MIS chapter which is about �The role of Information to increase product and services quality� could understand the topic better than before using Jigsaw. Then, finally all secretary students who enrolled in this class could achieve a good mark in the final exam

    Personal Managerial Effectiveness: Future Vision, Current Reality and Identification of Gaps and Strengths

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    This article focuses on the process on how an individual states future vision, current reality and finding the gaps between, in order to know his own strengths. Often we did not realize that our vision is too hard to achieve without considering the current reality. There are four tests I did to find out the gaps and strengths; these are including The McPhee Andrewartha, The Personality Test, The Big Five Test and Strength Finder. The result of the test shows some gaps and strengths for me to note. The four tests allow me to recognize some strength that I should work and improve. What is new here we focus only on the strengths we have, not the weaknesses. As pandemic is going on, effectiveness test could be a solution for us to perform better at the workplaces

    How to Win Indonesian Movie Viewers: Case Of Village Cinema Australia

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    Australia and Indonesia have a close relationship in many business areas including entertainment; this paper focuses on how Australia’s Giant Cinema expands its business into Indonesia. Since many Indonesian stay in Australia and experienced directly Australian products and services, they aware that Australian product has a high quality. Fortunately, vice versa, Australia quite familiar with Indonesian culture. This is an opportunity for Village Cinema to enter Indonesian Market. This paper will start with market segmentation and Village cinema’s target customer; furthermore it draws Village’s position map compare to its competitors in Indonesian market. Not to mention that Indonesian Cineplex has been quite established in many Indonesian primary city with XX1, 21 Cineplex and CGV formerly Blitz Megaplex lead the market share accordingly. However, there are some marketing strategy Village Cinema should choose, including product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategy. There is a chance for Village cinemas to be a Multinational cinema company player in Indonesia

    The Role of Tax Extension Officers in Optimizing Tax Compliance with Representative Offices

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    The debate over the taxation aspect of the Foreign Trade Representative Office (KPDA), especially PPh Article 15, seems to be protracted and will never be finished. Meanwhile, according to the PPh and P3B Laws, KPDAs have fulfilled subjective requirements when they have or occupy an office address where the term establishment still includes a place of management.It is common for a KPDA to carry out marketing activities in the form of product promotion which is carried out continuously for the benefit of the Head Office which is proven to be able to increase and earn export earnings to Indonesia, so that the income is subject to tax in other countries or source countries (Indonesia). only as big as the share of profit that is considered to come from KPDA.The term activities that are purely auxiliary in nature which are additional activities to facilitate essential and significant activities is often the root of the problem so that the KPDA has the right not to pay Article 15 PPh.This study aims to see how the Income Tax Law and P3B regulate income from KPDA, especially business activities that are "only". Isn't it clear that supporting activities are only carrying out indoor activities, namely activities that are not related to other parties or outside parties, so that it can be said that they do not carry out business communications with other parties. The research concluded that the KPDA is required to make PPh payments for its activities either through corporate income tax funds or Article 15 PPh, if the KPDA has an office address as a place of management and conducts business activities with other partie

    Critical Pedagogy Principles in Teaching EFL Reading

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    This study attempts to reveal how the use of critical pedagogy principles in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading facilitates students to think critically. Additionally, it investigates and elaborates the benefits and challenges of using critical pedagogy principles in teaching EFL reading. The three critical pedagogy principles used in this study were dialogic education, democratic classroom, and reading the world and the word. Critical thinking skills and dispositions expected to be performed by the participants were analysis and evaluation skills, open-mindedness, and making reasoned decision. This is a case study design which was conducted in the form of teaching program. The teaching program which consisted of eight meetings was given to 59 EFL sophomores in the Reading in Professional Context class at a private teacher education in Bandung. Data in the form of classroom talks and activities and students‟ responses as well as their critical thinking skills self-assessment were collected by using video recordings, observation notes, interview guideline, students‟ learning journals, and questionnaires. It is revealed that the teaching program has facilitated students to think critically by providing four categories of activity. They are (1) offering problematic topics and reading materials that are linked to the students‟ lives, (2) encouraging students to read between the lines, (3) distributing classroom power, and (4) creating space for students‟ voices to be heard. Meanwhile, there are two benefits of the teaching program, namely (1) language development and (2) new knowledge as well as experience acquisition. However, there are three major challenges in conducting the teaching program that are (1) the lack of classroom-friendly authentic controversial reading materials, (2) the passive culture, and (3) the unpredictable classroom.Keywords: critical pedagogy principles, critical thinking skills, EFL reading clas


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    Law enforcement without direction and not based on the three pillars of the justice of law, legal certainty and the benefits to society can break the law anyway even violate human rights. As one of the policies of the government that are not considered mencerminakan the values of justice and disturbing for the people, the government policy that acts of omission or delay in the application of the death penalty. This research is a normative legal normative juridical approach. The data collected is secondary data were analyzed using qualitative methods juridical analysis. Based on these results it can be concluded that in the application of the death penalty there are serious legal issues, this is due to government policies that commit omission or delay in the execution of the death penalty is a violation of human rights as stipulated in Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution. Keywords: Death penalty, Justice, Legal Certainty, La

    Assessment of Polder System Drainage Experimentation Performance Related to Tidal Floods in Mulyorejo, Pekalongan, Indonesia

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    During the last 20 years, Pekalongan was flooded by tides and rainfall, this had a big impact on the Mulyorejo area as a pilot project. There were a lot of rice fields that turned into salty fishponds. The land is located below the sea and river water level. The objectives of the research are to assess a temporary polder infrastructure, to analyse the in-out flow and its water balance. The research knows different stages of the investigation and data collection that contains water system analysis. Mulyorejo has a catchment area of 1,841,148 m2 (184 ha) that contains houses, batik industry, offices, schools, agriculture and aquaculture. The polder system has different inlets i.e. Meduri river, rainfall, southern canal and there are water outlets like pumps and evapotranspiration. To design for t=25 year rainfall return periods of 187,797 m3/hour and to analyse a water balance. The area has a large surplus of 186,950 m3/hour water. The method ‘Bakken model’ is used to visualize the different waterways, inlet and outlet and retention areas. The pond will secure a retention capacity of 37,372 m³. Also, a new pump house will drain water into the Sengkarang river instead of Meduri river

    Konsep Pendekatan Behavior Dalam Menangani Perilaku Indisipliner Pada Siswa Korban Perceraian

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    Artikel ini memapakan konsep pendekatan behavior dalam menangani perilaku insdisipliner pada siswa korban perceraian. Behavior sendiri merupakan salah satu pendekaan dalam bimbingan dan konseling untuk mengatasi perilaku maladaptife menuju ke adaptif. Pendekatan behavior merupakan pendekatan yang tepat guna menangani siswa yang tidak disiplin di sekolah. Agar siswa mampu menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik di sekolah, tanpa mengalami hambatan. Perilaku tidak disiplin ini dipengaruhi salah satu faktor yaitu masalah-masalah dari internal siswa, yang cenderung dari latar belakang siswa akibat perceraian. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan endekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menekankan pada terjun langsung kelapangan. Selanjutnya apabila assessment sudah dilakukan, maka perencanaan dapat dilaksanakan ke proses konseling. Dimulai kontrak konseling, rileksasi, modeling, reward dan punisment sampai tahap follow up

    The Use of Critical Pedagogy Principles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for Senior High School Students in Subang

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    Three research questions are addressed are: (1) How can CP principles be used in teaching EFL for senior high school students? (2) What learning materials are suitable to be used in using CP principles to teach EFL for senior high school students? (3) What are benefits and challenges of using CP principles in teaching EFL for senior high school students? In uncovering the answers for those questions, several data collection techniques are employed, namely questionnaire, classroom observation, interview, and learning as well as teaching journals. The collected data, after being triangulated, were then analyzed by transcribing, categorizing, coding, and interpreting. It is revealed that there are 23 activities can be performed when using CP principles in teaching EFL for senior high school students. It is also uncovered that there are four conditions should be fulfilled by the learning material before it can be used in CP-principles-informed EFL classrooms for senior high school students. Additionally, there are three categories of challenges are (1) students’ limited English proficiency, (2) cultural problems, and (3) pre-determined curriculum. In the meantime, the four types of benefits are (1) new experience, (2) new knowledge acquisition, (3) increased language awareness, and (4) improved English proficiency
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