2,832 research outputs found

    Spin structure of spin-1/2 baryon and spinless meson production amplitudes in photo and hadronic reactions

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    The most general spin structures of the spin-1/2 baryon and spinless meson production operator for both photon and nucleon induced reactions are derived from the partial-wave expansions of these reaction amplitudes. The present method provides the coefficients multiplying each spin operator in terms of the partial-wave matrix elements. The result should be useful in studies of these reactions based on partial-wave analyses, especially, when spin observables are considered.Comment: RevTex 34 pages, revised versio

    Related Factors of Chronic Energy Deficiency at Pregnant Woman in Kamoning and Tambelangan Sub District, Sampang District, West Java

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    Background:Pregnant woman who suffered Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) has delivered babies with low birth weight and increased the risk for mortality. The objective of this research was to analyze the related factors of CED at pregnant woman. Method:A Cross sectional design was used. A random sample of pregnant women who registered in kohort. has taken 104 people as the samples. Collecting data using questionnaires (quantitative) and secondary data obtain through kohort register during 2012–2013 and profile of Dinkes 2012, conducted during 6 (six) months 2013 in Puskesmas Kamoning and Tambelangan. The data were analyzed descriptively and statistically using Chi Square test. result: The socio-economic factors: 35.5% mother's education mostly elementary school graduates. 29.4 % didn't graduate from elementary school. The majority of their husband (39.2%) work as farm worker with income less than 1 million rupiah per month. The maternal factors: the average age between 21 until 34 years old (70.6%). The age of marriage mostly under 17 years old (41.1%) and most of them (31.4%) have their first pregnancy in the age between 18 until 21 years old. The most pregnant women (54.9%) ate 3 times/day. 70.6% pregnant women with CED suffered from anemia; 66.7% of them took irow tablets every day. conclusion:economic factors social conditions associated with the incidence of maternal CED husband is education and maternal work status, whereas maternal factors are gestational age, hemoglobin levels in the blood and consumption of iron pills. recommendation:Areas programme and sectorce, should be involved to reduce the CED prevalence

    Photon-induced oxidation of graphene/Ir(111) by SO<sub>2</sub> adsorption

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    We prepare a single layer of graphene oxide by adsorption and subsequent photo-dissociation of SO2 on graphene/Ir(111). Epoxidic oxygen is formed as the main result of this process on graphene, as judged from the appearance of characteristic spectroscopic features in the C 1s and O 1s core level lines. The different stages of decomposition of SO2 into its photo-fragments are examined during the oxidation process. NEXAFS at the carbon K edge reveals a strong disturbance of the graphene backbone after oxidation and upon SO adsorption. The oxide phase is stable up to room temperature, and is fully reversible upon annealing at elevated temperatures. A band gap opening of 330 ± 60 meV between the valence and conduction bands is observed in the graphene oxide phase

    The conceptual model of construction and real estate negotiation

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    Negotiations are common in many activities; the sectors of construction and real estate are not an exception: here the negotiations are an inseparable part of the real estate buying and selling process. The article analyses scientific research related to negotiations and presents the developed model for multiple criteria analysis of construction and real estate negotiations. The analysis of the negotiation processes in construction and real estate and the analysis of the relevant support for decision‐making in negotiations must be thorough; it must consider not only economic but also political, legal, socio‐cultural, psychological, consumer behaviour, technological, quality of life and other issues. The developed model enables to analyse the combination of the real estate negotiation process, the improvement of its efficiency through use of decision support and voice stress analysis technology and the participating stakeholder groups seeking their goals together with the influencing external macro and micro environment. The paper dwells on the components of this model. Santruka Derybos nuolatos vyksta daugelyje veiklos sričiu, neaplenkdamos ir statybos bei NT sektoriu, kur jos yra neatsiejama nekilnojamojo turto pirkimo ir pardavimo proceso dalis. Straipsnyje analizuojami mokslininku tyrimai derybu srityje ir pristatomas sukurtas statybos ir NT derybu daugiakriterines analizes modelis. Nagrinejant statybos ir NT derybu procesa bei taikoma parama derybu sprendimams priimti, bĆ«tina tai nagrineti iĆĄsamiai, kreipiant demesi ne tik i ekonominius, bet ir i politinius, teisinius, socialinius, kultĆ«rinius, psichologinius, vartotoju elgsenos, technologinius, gyvenimo kokybes ir pan. klausimus. Sukurtas modelis leidĆŸia analizuoti NT derybu procesa, jo efektyvumo didinima, taikant sprendimu paramos ir balso analizes technologijas, joje dalyvaujančias ir savo tikslus norinčias igyvendinti suinteresuotas grupes bei jas veikiančia iĆĄorine makro‐ ir mikroaplinka kaip visuma. Straipsnyje aptartos sukurta modeli sudarančios sudetines dalys. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 201

    Mothers’ Reflections on Cat Ownership for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder During COVID-19

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    Animal- assisted interventions are increasingly used as a complementary therapy in clinical practice to support people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with promising outcomes compared to traditional therapies. Less is understood about the therapeutic benefits of more accessible and affordable small pet ownership for families with a child with ASD, alongside the pets’ welfare living in these homes. This study explored the experiences of cat ownership for young people with ASD from the perspective of their mothers during a time of transition generated by COVID-19. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six mothers and transcripts analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Three themes were identified: “Sensory benefits with heightened emotions,” “Special bond between cat and child,” and “Learning through the relationship.” The results highlighted how cat ownership benefited cat and child, encouraging empathy and responsibility skills in children with ASD through the development of a reciprocated relationship between child and cat, while also providing a nurturing home environment for the cats in this study. The relationship and physical presence of each other provided sensory stimulation, a calming influence, and companionship for the children. In conclusion, cats with a sociable and easygoing temperament demonstrated multiple therapeutic benefits for children with ASD and should be considered as an accessible complementary home- based therapy for caregivers who are able to offer a nurturing home to a cat. Cats have the potential to play an important role in a family’s life, particularly for parents managing additional demands and whose children experience sensory overload while outside. Given the importance of cat ownership for children with ASD in this study, this could enhance engagement with clinical practitioners through a shared cat-focused dialogue benefiting the wider development and well- being of children with ASD and their families


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    Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) merupakan unit krusial yang berfungsi sebagai pintu utama dalam penanganan kasus kegawatdaruratan. Pada Istalasi gawat darura total Lengh Of Stay (LOS) dan Waiting time digunakan untuk melihat tingkat kepadatan dan kinerja klinis. Pada kegiatan triage perawat bertanggung jawab untuk dapat mengambil keputusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan peran perawat triage dengan waiting time dan length of stay pada ruang triage di instalasi gawat darurat rumah sakit dr Saiful Anwar Malang dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien pada ruang triage dengan teknik quota sampling sebanyak 200 pasien dan perawatan ruang triage yang menangani 200 pasien tersebut. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi yang telah di validasi dengan uji kappa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi Square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 0,05 didapatkan terdapat hubungan antara peran perawat dengan waiting time ( p =0.000.), tidak terdapat hubungan antara peran perawat dengan length of stay (p = 0.263). Analisis multivariat menggunkan regresi logistik didapatkan kontribusi peran perawat sebesar 10% pada waiting time dan 0.9 % pada length of stay. Bagi perawat diharapakan meningkatkan skill terkait penanganan pasien triage, pemahaman kasus, penetapan kriteria kegawatadaruratan secara tepat dan peran koloborasi dapat menjadi fokus dalam penangan pasien pada ruang triage. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan mengkaji secara detail faktor-faktor lain yang mengpengaruhi kinerja perawat dan penangan pasien pada ruang triag

    A Novel Echo State Network Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Iot Systems

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology had a very strong impact on the realization of smart frameworks for detecting anomalous behaviors that could be potentially dangerous to a system. In this regard, most of the existing solutions involve the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models running on Edge devices, such as Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS) typically equipped with sensing and actuating capabilities. However, the hardware restrictions of these devices make the implementation of an effective anomaly detection algorithm quite challenging. Considering an industrial scenario, where signals in the form of multivariate time-series should be analyzed to perform a diagnosis, Echo State Networks (ESNs) are a valid solution to bring the power of neural networks into low complexity models meeting the resource constraints. On the other hand, the use of such a technique has some limitations when applied in unsupervised contexts. In this paper, we propose a novel model that combines ESNs and autoencoders (ESN-AE) for the detection of anomalies in industrial systems. Unlike the ESN-AE models presented in the literature, our approach decouples the encoding and decoding steps and allows the optimization of both the processes while performing the dimensionality reduction. Experiments demonstrate that our solution outperforms other machine learning approaches and techniques we found in the literature resulting also in the best trade-off in terms of memory footprint and inference time

    Genetic modifiers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy

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    OBJECTIVE: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a major complication and leading cause of death in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DCM onset is variable, suggesting modifier effects of genetic or environmental factors. We aimed to determine if polymorphisms previously associated with age at loss of independent ambulation (LoA) in DMD (rs28357094 in the SPP1 promoter, rs10880 and the VTTT/IAAM haplotype in LTBP4) also modify DCM onset. METHODS: A multicentric cohort of 178 DMD patients was genotyped by TaqMan assays. We performed a time-to-event analysis of DCM onset, with age as time variable, and finding of left ventricular ejection fraction 70 mL/m2 as event (confirmed by a previous normal exam < 12 months prior); DCM-free patients were censored at the age of last echocardiographic follow-up. RESULTS: Patients were followed up to an average age of 15.9 \ub1 6.7 years. Seventy-one/178 patients developed DCM, and median age at onset was 20.0 years. Glucocorticoid corticosteroid treatment (n = 88 untreated; n = 75 treated; n = 15 unknown) did not have a significant independent effect on DCM onset. Cardiological medications were not administered before DCM onset in this population. We observed trends towards a protective effect of the dominant G allele at SPP1 rs28357094 and recessive T allele at LTBP4 rs10880, which was statistically significant in steroid-treated patients for LTBP4 rs10880 (< 50% T/T patients developing DCM during follow-up [n = 13]; median DCM onset 17.6 years for C/C-C/T, log-rank p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS: We report a putative protective effect of DMD genetic modifiers on the development of cardiac complications, that might aid in risk stratification if confirmed in independent cohorts

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of cobalt intercalated in graphene on Ir(111)

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    Using a combination of photoemission and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), we characterize the growth and the electronic as well as magnetic structure of cobalt layers intercalated in between graphene and Ir(111). We demonstrate that magnetic ordering exists beyond one monolayer intercalation, and determine the Co orbital and spin magnetic moments. XMCD from the carbon edge shows an induced magnetic moment in the graphene layer, oriented antiparallel to that of cobalt. The XMCD experimental data are discussed in comparison to our results of first-principles electronic structure calculations. It is shown that good agreement between theory and experiment for the Co magnetic moments can be achieved when the local-spin-density approximation plus the Hubbard U (LSDA+U) is used
