895 research outputs found

    Relatos contemporáneos de mujeres en la experiencia y la práctica de la libertad

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    Diploma de postgrau "La pràctica de la diferencia", dins del Màster en Estudis de la Diferència Sexual, Universitat de Barcelona. DUODA, Centre de recerca de dones, curs: 2012-2013, Tutora: Dra. Carmen Yago Alons

    La escritura de la vida en la obra autobiográfica de Doris Lessing

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    Màster en Estudis de la Diferència Sexual, Universitat de Barcelona. DUODA, Centre de recerca de dones, curs: 2013-2014, Tutora: Dra. Caroline WilsonEn el primer tomo de la autobiografía de Doris Lessing, Dentro de mí (1997), la autora presenta el transitar por las distintas etapas de la vida de una mujer que se hace escritora. Lo hace en completa libertad, en busca de su verdad y reconociendo su particular mundo femenino que la llevó a buscar su expresión creativa en las palabras. Doris Lessing ha hecho una contribución importante al pensamiento de las mujeres, aunque no se consideró a sí misma feminista en un primer momento. La autora planteó la idea de que el mundo cambiaba tan rápidamente, que si los seres humanos lográbamos sobrevivir a lo que ella denominó “cataclismos”, las ideas desparecerían, o parecerían insignificantes. Pensó que hasta sus propias ideas no iban a lograr sobrevivir a la rapidez de estas transformaciones humanas y de allí que pensó que sus propias ideas acerca del feminismo desaparecerían con el tiempo. Más tarde, con la publicación de otro de sus libros, El cuadernos dorado, 1962, dándose cuenta de la gran acogida que tuvo, sobre todo por parte de las mujeres, aceptó que nunca dejaría de lado ni a la mujer ni al feminismo. En la actualidad se puede apreciar que en su autobiografía hay aspectos que la vinculan al Pensamiento de la Diferencia, como son: el lenguaje como mediación, la escritura como búsqueda de la verdad, el reconocimiento de la medición y autoridad materna y la indagación sobre la escritura autobiográfica femenina como una forma de libertad. De esta manera la autora se inserta en una nueva forma de ser mujer y escribir como mujer

    Strategies to reduce the sugar content of dairy products targeted at children

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    Children’s sugar intake has raised concern worldwide as it exceeds nutritional recommendations. Although sugars are naturally present in food, sugars added to foods during industrial processing are currently the main source of sugar in children's diets. In particular, dairy products, which are generally recommended to be part of children diets, have drawn attention due to their high content of sugar. In this context, the main objective of this thesis was to explore different sugar reduction strategies in dairy products targeted at children. Results showed that sugar reduction of dairy products targeted at children available in the Uruguayan marketplace is possible. A direct sugar reduction up to 25% did not have a significant impact on children hedonic perception in three dairy products. Meanwhile the use of taste-odor-texture cross-modal interactions allowed to minimize the impact of sugar reduction on the sensory characteristics of dairy desserts. Co-creation with children was identified as a feasible approach to develop innovative healthy dairy products with high acceptance among children. Finally, package information influenced parent’s healthiness perception and choice of snacks for their children, stressing that packaging regulations should play a key role as part of the comprehensive set of strategies that should be implemented to reduce children's sugar intake. Overall, results from this work provide useful insights to food scientists for the development of sugar reduced products targeted at children, as well as valuable information for policy makers to design programs to reduce children’s sugar intake at population level

    La gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos en la ciudad de Hannover: un modelo exitoso

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    Sustainable waste management is one of the most important challenges that all governments must face. Environmentally developed countries give solution to the waste questions admitting that the success is based on the renewed perception of the term "garbage" and relying on the social and industrial participation. In order to arrive to these goals, special attention is paid to two instruments: the application of environmental principles, and the use of charges and taxes on production and consumption. Education and environmental awareness of the society is also important to offset the new consumption needs with excessive waste generation, mainly because of packaging. This paper shows the actions undertaken in Hannover with the main goal of offering a series of strategic directions to correct the actual waste management problem in other countries.Lograr una gestión sostenible de los residuos domésticos es un gran desafío que todo gobierno debe enfrentar. Los países más desarrollados en materia ambiental comienzan a dar solución a esta problemática reconociendo que el éxito se basa en la reconceptualización del término "basura" y contando con la participación social e industrial. Esto sólo se alcanzará con la aplicación de principios ambientales y la imposición de gravámenes sobre la producción y el consumo. Se resalta también la importancia de la educación y toma de conciencia ambiental de la sociedad para contrarrestar las nuevas necesidades de consumo con la excesiva generación de residuos, principalmente los provenientes del empacado y envasado de los productos. El texto pretende mostrar el modelo de actuación en la ciudad de Hannover con el objetivo de ofrecer estrategias que deberían ser incluidas por otros países para corregir sus sistemas de gestión de los residuos

    Health education project: Handling urinary incontinence in women in menopause.

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaEste trabajo persigue el abordaje de la Incontinencia Urinaria (IU) en mujeres en etapa menopaúsica. Dicha afección se encuentra en aumento en esta población, que por parte de los profesionales sanitarios, no adquiere el valor que le concierne. La normalización del problema por los medios de comunicación y su estigmatización en la sociedad, da lugar a que las personas afectadas no se empeñen en tratar los síntomas que presentan. Aunque no supone un riesgo vital, puede ocasionar un alto impacto psicológico, social, físico, higiénico, mental y económico, que puede conllevar a una limitación de la autonomía y reducción de la autoestima. El soporte de este proyecto, parte de una búsqueda bibliográfica, respecto al descenso de la calidad de vida (CdV), prevalencia y etiología, protocolos, guías prácticas o Best-practice. Tras análisis de la información, se observa la necesidad de crear un proyecto de Educación para la Salud (EpS) con el fin de conseguir pacientes autosuficientes, mejorando sus conocimientos, promoviendo comportamientos saludables, y ofreciendo estrategias facilitadoras del proceso tanto física como emocionalmente. Se selecciona una población de mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 50 y 60 años, padeciendo IU. El proyecto incluye 5 sesiones educativas mediante un método de enseñanza que pretende encauzar a la persona en un proceso de cambio de actitud y de conducta; será evaluado de manera continua y a los 6 meses, comprobándose los resultados obtenidos con la estrategia elegida.This work pursues the approach of urinary incontinence in women in the menopausal stage. The condition is increasing in this population, which by health professionals, not acquires the value that concern it. Normalization of the problem by the media and their stigmatization in society, gives rise to the affected people to not endeavor to treat symptoms that present. Although it is not life-threatening, it can cause a high impact psychological, social, physical, mental, hygienic and economic, which may lead to a limitation of autonomy and self-esteem reduction. The support of this project, starts with a literature search, respect to the decline in the quality of life, prevalence and etiology, protocols, practical guides, or Best-practice.After analysis of the information, there is the need to create a project of education for health in order to achieve self-reliant patients, improving their knowledge, promoting healthy behaviors, and offering strategies facilitators of the process both physically and emotionally. A population of women, aged between 50 and 60 years old, suffering from UI is selected. The project includes 5 educational sessions by a teaching method that aims to guide the person in a process of attitude and behavior change; it was evaluated continuously and at 6 months, verifying the results obtained with the chosen strategy

    Design of highly stabilized nanocomposite inks based on biodegradable polymer-matrix and gold nanoparticles for Inkjet Printing

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    Nowadays there is a worldwide growing interest in the Inkjet Printing technology owing to its potentially high levels of geometrical complexity, personalization and resolution. There is also social concern about usage, disposal and accumulation of plastic materials. In this work, it is shown that sugar-based biodegradable polyurethane polymers exhibit outstanding properties as polymer-matrix for gold nanoparticles composites. These materials could reach exceptional stabilization levels, and demonstrated potential as novel robust inks for Inkjet based Printing. Furthermore, a physical comparison among different polymers is discussed based on stability and printability experiments to search for the best ink candidate. The University of Seville logo was printed by employing those inks, and the presence of gold was confirmed by ToF-SIMS. This approach has the potential to open new routes and applications for fabrication of enhanced biomedical nanometallic-sensors using stabilized AuNP.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO, (Grants Nos. CTQ2016- 78703-P and MAT2016-78703-P)Junta de Andalucía (Consolidation Grant for Research Group FQM135 and 2017/FQM-386, P-2018/809)University of Seville (V y VI Plan Propio PP2016-5937

    Alternativa metodológica para el desarrollo de la actividad competitiva en el Judo categoría infantil

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     A methodological alternative is proposed for the development of competitive activity in Judo category 7-8 years old, which contributes to reinforcing the sports initiation process from a systemic and integrative perspective, to evaluate skills. Techniques and methods such as document review, bibliographic analysis, surveys and interviews, among others, were used. The alternative will serve as a new form of competition, favoring the correct training of practitioners, and will allow a more effective way to evaluate skills. Se propone una alternativa metodológica para el desarrollo de la actividad competitiva en el Judo categoría 7-8 años, la cual contribuye a reforzar el proceso de iniciación deportiva desde una perspectiva sistémica e integradora, para evaluar las habilidades. Se emplearon técnicas y métodos como revisión de documentos, análisis bibliográficos, encuestas y entrevistas, entre otros. La alternativa servirá como una nueva forma de competición favoreciendo la formación correcta de los practicantes, y permitirá una vía más efectiva para la evaluación de las habilidades

    The Spanish technical change : a regional and a dynamic analysis (1994-2007)

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    Studying wage dispersion, many researchers have found that the skill premium (the ratio of skilled workers¿ wages to unskilled ones) has increased after 1979 in many developed countries, when there was a very sharp increase in the supply of skilled workers. The recent consensus is that technical change favours skilled workers, replacing tasks previously performed by the unskilled and exacerbating inequality. In the Spanish case, Nuñez and Alfaro (2009) have found evidences of a decline in the wage premium during the nineties. So, in this paper, we distinguish between skilled and unskilled workers differentiating the efficiency units of both types of workers. Moreover, we calculate the Spanish technology frontier and the technology differences between the Spanish Regions in 2006 and we analyze the evolution of the Spanish technology frontier over 1994-2007, testing the kind of technical change. In addition, a coherent Spanish wage micro-data base is achieved, using data from Eurostat: ECHP and EU-SILC

    Isolation and typing methods for the epidemiologic investigation of thermotolerant campylobacters

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    Thermotolerant campylobacters, C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari and C. upsaliensis, are spiral bacteria involved in human enteric disease. The prevalence of these emerging pathogens, mainly C. jejuni and to a lesser extent C. coli, as etiologic agents of enteric disease in industrialized countries has increased over the last decade. The isolation and culture of these microorganisms is tedious and timeconsuming mainly due to their complex nutritional and environmental requirements. This review discusses the techniques and methods developed for the selective isolation of thermotolerant campylobacters from food, environmental and clinical samples. Additionally, both traditional and newer molecular biology techniques applied to this group of thermophilic organisms for typing and taxonomic purposes are summarized

    Alansmia , a new genus of grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae) segregated from Terpsichore

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    Alansmia, a new genus of grammitid ferns is described and combinations are made for the 26 species known to belong to it. Alansmia is supported by five morphological synapomorphies: setae present on the rhizomes, cells of the rhizome scales turgid, both surfaces of the rhizome scales ciliate, laminae membranaceous, and sporangial capsules setose. Other diagnostic characters include pendent fronds with indeterminate growth, concolorous, orange to castaneous rhizome scales with ciliate or sometimes glandular margins, hydathodes often cretaceous, and setae simple, paired or stellate. The group also exhibits the uncommon characteristic of producing both trilete and apparently monolete spores, sometimes on the same plant. New combinations are made for Alansmia alfaroi, A. bradeana, A. canescens, A. concinna, A. contacta, A. cultrata, A. dependens, A. diaphana, A. elastica, A. glandulifera, A. heteromorpha, A. immixta, A. kirkii, A. lanigera, A. laxa, A. longa, A. monosora, A. reclinata, A. semilunaris, A. senilis, A. smithii, A. spathulata, A. stella var. stella, A. stella var. flava, A. turrialbae, A. variabilis, A. xanthotrichia. Lectotypifications are made for Alansmia concina, A. variabilis, Polypodium ciliare, P. flexile, and P. ovalescens. The genus is named in honor of pteridologist Alan R. Smit