12 research outputs found

    Signature of selection on the rhodopsin gene in the marine radiation of American seven-spined gobies (Gobiidae, Gobiosomatini)

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    In comparison with terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, information about speciation modes and the role of selection in marine environments is scarce. Recent studies have indicated that spectral adaptation could play an important role in the diversification of marine species flocks. Natural selection influences specific amino acids (AAs) that are involved in the spectral tuning mechanism of visual pigment genes. To study the wider occurrence and the characteristics of spectral adaptation in marine radiations, a reinterpretation of the rhodopsin (RH1) data of American seven-spined gobies (genus Elacatinus; Gobiidae; Teleostei) was carried out. Reanalysis revealed that some AAs, which are well known in the literature as spectral tuning sites, are variable in Elacatinus. Those crucial AA substitutions originated polyphyletically, indicating convergent evolution within the genus Elacatinus. Moreover, statistical tests based on the dN/dS ratio detected selection in several phylogenetic lineages and at specific AAs. Many of these AAs were previously shown to be under selection in other marine radiations. Therefore, the current phylogenetic approach provided an extended list of AAs that are probably involved in spectral tuning, and which should be validated by mutagenic experiments

    Ancyrocephalidae (Monogenea) of Lake Tanganyika. II : description of the first Cichlidogyrus spp. parasites from Tropheini fish hosts (Teleostei, Cichlidae)

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    Although Lake Tanganyika hosts the most diverse endemic cichlid fish assemblage, its monogenean parasite fauna has hardly been documented. The cichlid tribe Tropheini has generated great interest because of its systematic position within the Haplochromini s.l. and its diversity in trophic morphology, reproductive behaviour and population structure. It has the potential to host a diverse Monogenea fauna. Here, we describe the first Cichlidogyrus spp.: Cichlidogyrus steenbergei sp. n., Cichlidogyrus irenae sp. n. and Cichlidogyrus gistelincki sp. n. The three host species, Limnotilapia dardennii, Ctenochromis horei and Gnathochromis pfefferi, are all infected by a single unique Cichlidogyrus sp. The genital and haptoral structure of the new species suggests a close relationship, which might mirror the close affinities between the hosts within the Tropheini. Based on haptoral configuration, the new species belong to a morphological group within the genus containing parasites both of West African cichlids and of Haplochromini, and hence, do not represent a new organisation of the attachment organ (as has recently been described of congeners infecting the ectodine cichlid Ophthalmotilapia)

    First Eastern Mediterranean Record of Xenoligophoroides cobitis, the Only Dactylogyrid Monogenean Infecting Mediterranean Gobies: Just Arrived or Missed the Boat?

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    Gobies and their ectoparasitic monogenean flatworms are promising models for species diversification because of their species richness. Recent decades have seen the discovery of several new species of Gyrodactylus (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) on European gobies, mostly in the sand goby lineage and especially in the eastern Mediterranean. However, the monogenean fauna of other gobies is much less understood. Therefore, we inspected five gobiid species (34 specimens, vouchered, with some representatives sequenced), sampled in Greece, for monogenean ectoparasites. Only specimens of the giant goby, Gobius cobitis, were infected; they harbored Xenoligophoroides cobitis (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) on their gills. Here, we provide the first record from Greece, and the first ITS rDNA and COI sequences of the representative of this monotypic genus. Additionally, 28S rDNA was sequenced and compared with published data from across its known distribution, suggesting clinal variation. No sister-group for Xenoligophoroides could be proposed, nor could we explain the presence of a single known member of this genus on gobies, due to a lack of sequence data of closely related dactylogyrid monogeneans in public databases. Possible hypotheses include either the ancestral long-term presence on gobiids but “missing the boat” of the diversification events in the “Gobius-lineage”, or a recent host switch from a non-gobiid host. © 2022 by the authors

    In vitro selection and characterization of putative probiotics isolated from the gut of Acipenser baerii (Brandt, 1869)

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    To select and characterize potential probiotic bacteria from the gut microbiota of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), 129 strains isolated from the hindgut were screened for antagonistic activity against five fish pathogens. Ten isolates showed antagonism towards three or more pathogens. Nine of these isolates were Gram-positive, belonging to Lactococcus (seven) and Bacillus (two), and a single strain belonging to the Gram-negative Citrobacter. These inhibitory isolates were identified using genetic, phentotypic and biochemical traits, and further characterized by in vitro tests assessing the adhesion and growth in mucus and resistance to gastric and intestinal fluids. The candidate probiotics were determined to be non-pathogenic through an in vivo study. Based on these assays, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis STG45 and STG81 showed the broadest inhibitory potential, a high viability in simulated gastrointestinal juice and the highest adhesion capacity to mucus. They were therefore selected as the most promising candidate probiotics. This is the first study screening probiotics among the gut microflora of Siberian sturgeon

    Cichlid evolution : lessons in diversification

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    We discuss geographical distribution and phylogeny of Dactylogyridea (Monogenea) parasitizing Cichlidae to elucidate their hosts' history. Although mesoparasitic Monogenea (Enterogyrus spp.) show typical vicariant distribution, ectoparasitic representatives from different continents are not considered sister taxa, hence their distribution cannot result from vicariance alone. Because of the close host-parasite relationship, this might indicate that present-day cichlid distribution may also reflect dispersal through coastal or brackish waters. Loss of ectoparasites during transoceanic migration, followed by lateral transfer from other fish families might explain extant host-parasite associations. Because of its mesoparasitic nature, hence not subject to salinity variations of the host's environment, Enterogyrus could have survived marine migrations, intolerable for ectoparasites. Host-switches and salinity transitions may be invoked to explain the pattern revealed by a preliminary morphological phylogeny of monogenean genera from Cichlidae and other selected Monogenea genera, rendering the parasite distribution explicable under both vicariance and dispersal. Testable hypotheses are put forward in this parasitological approach to cichlid biogeography. Along with more comprehensive in-depth morphological phylogeny, comparison with molecular data, clarifying dactylogyridean evolution on different continents and from various fish families, and providing temporal information on host-parasite history, are needed to discriminate between the possible scenarios

    Phylogenetics and biogeography of the Balkan ‘sand gobies’ (Teleostei: Gobiidae): vulnerable species in need of taxonomic revision

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    Within the Atlantic–Mediterranean region, the ‘sand gobies’ are abundant and widespread, and play an important role in marine, brackish, and freshwater ecosystems. They include the smallest European freshwater fish, Economidichthys trichonis, which is threatened by habitat loss and pollution, as are several other sand gobies. Key to good conservation management is an accurate account of the number of evolutionary significant units. Nevertheless, many taxonomic and evolutionary questions remain unresolved within the clade, and molecular studies are lacking, especially in the Balkans. Using partial 12S and 16S mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences of 96 specimens of at least eight nominal species (both freshwater and marine populations), we assess species relationships and compare molecular and morphological data. The results obtained do not support the monophyly of Economidichthys, suggesting the perianal organ to be a shared adaptation to hole-brooding rather than a synapomorphy, and urge for a taxonomic revision of Knipowitschia. The recently described Knipowitschia montenegrina seems to belong to a separate South-East Adriatic lineage. Knipowitschia milleri, an alleged endemic of the Acheron River, and Knipowitschia cf. panizzae, are shown to be very closely related to other western Greek Knipowitschia populations, and appear conspecific. A distinct Macedonian–Thessalian lineage is formed by Knipowitschia thessala, whereas Knipowitschia caucasica appears as an eastern lineage, with populations in Thrace and the Aegean. The present study combines the phylogeny of a goby radiation with insights on the historical biogeography of the eastern Mediterranean, and identifies evolutionary units meriting conservation attention