31 research outputs found

    Directrices situacionales y de rasgo de la experiencia de flujo en la vida cotidiana

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    Cilj je ovog rada istražiti neke situacijske i osobinske odrednice doživljavanja zanesenosti (engl. flow) u svakodnevnom životu. Pri tome je provjeravano u kojoj mjeri percipirani izazov, percipirane vještine te njihov odnos predviđaju doživljaj zanesenosti kroz različite svakodnevne situacije. Nadalje, provjeravano je u kojoj mjeri bihevioralne inhibicijske i aktivacijske dimenzije temperamenta mogu objasniti interindividualne razlike u doživljavanju zanesenosti te usmjeravaju li odnos između preduvjeta za zanesenost i doživljaja zanesenosti. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 102 studentice sedam različitih studijskih grupa u dobi 18-27 godina. Podatci su prikupljeni metodom uzorkovanja doživljaja. Sudionice su, nakon dobivenog signala ručnog programiranog sata, deset puta dnevno tijekom tjedan dana u dnevnik bilježile svoja trenutna afektivna stanja i procjene situacije u kojima se trenutno nalaze. Nakon preliminarnih analiza u svrhu detekcije dnevničkih podataka moguće smanjene pouzdanosti i valjanosti, glavne su analize provedene na uzorku doživljaja iz ukupno 2880 točaka mjerenja, prikupljenih od 70 sudionica. Dimenzije temperamenta mjerene su pomoću BIS/BAS skala (Carver i White, 1994). Rezultati su pokazali kako se s povećanjem percepcije izazova i percepcije vještina u prosjeku povećava i doživljaj zanesenosti, no kako ovi preduvjeti nemaju iste učinke na doživljaj zanesenosti u svim situacijama, kao ni među različitim osobama. Izraženost dimenzije BAS – Nagon pozitivno je povezana s prosječnom razinom zanesenosti. Nadalje, što je kod osobe izraženija BIS dimenzija temperamenta, percepcija izazova manje pridonosi doživljaju zanesenosti. Dobiveni nalazi upućuju na to da dimenzije temperamenta mogu objasniti neke interindividualne razlike u sklonosti doživljavanju zanesenosti, ali i relativnu važnost pojedinih preduvjeta u predikciji ovog doživljaja.The aim of this paper was to explore some situation-level and person-level determinants of flow experience in everyday life. It was examined to what extent perceived challenge, perceived skills and their relationship predict flow experience through various daily situations. Furthermore, it was explored to what extent behavioral inhibition and activation dimensions of temperament explain interindividual differences in a tendency to experience flow and whether they moderate the relationship between preconditions for flow and flow experience. A total of 102 female students aged 18 to 27 participated in this study. Diary study was based on experience sampling method. Prompted by a randomly scheduled signal ten times per day during one week, participants recorded their current affective states and perceptions of a current situation. After exclusion of data with potentially reduced reliability and validity, main analyses were conducted on a sample of experiences from the total of 2800 measurements points, collected by 70 participants. Dimensions of temperament were measured using BIS/BAS scale (Carver & White, 1994). Results showed that with the increasing perception of challenge and perception of skills, on average, a level of flow increases. However, these preconditions did not have the same effects on flow in all situations nor between different individuals. The level of BAS-Drive was positively correlated with the average level of flow. Furthermore, with higher levels of BIS, perception of challenge contributed less to the flow. Findings suggest that dimensions of temperament can explain some interindividual differences in the tendency to experience flow, but also the relative importance of these preconditions in the prediction of flow experience.Objetivo de este estudio es investigar algunas directrices situacionales y de rasgo de la experiencia de flujo en la vida cotidiana. Fue comprobado en qué medida el dasafío percibido, las habilidades percibidas y su relación predicen la experiencia de flujo en las diferentes situaciones cotidianas. Luego, fue comprobado en qué medida los sistemas de inhibición y activación conductual pueden explicar las diferencias interindividuales en la experiencia de flujo y también si dirigen la relación entre las condiciones previas para el flujo y la experiencia de flujo. En la investigación participaron 102 estudiantes de siete diferentes grupos de estudio a la edad entre 18 y 27 años. Los datos fueron obtenidos por el método de muestreo de la experiencia. Las participantes, después de la señal dada por el reloj de pulsera programado, diez veces al día durante una semana anotaban en un diario sus estados afectivos momentáneos y valoración de las situaciones en las que se encontraban en el momento. Después de los análisis preliminares, con el fin de detectar los datos del diario que posiblemente eran de confiabilidad y validez disminuidas, los análisis principales fueron realizados en la muestra de 2880 puntos de medida, obtenidos gracias a 70 participantes. Las dimensiones del temperamento fueron medidas a través de las escalas SIC/SAC (Carver y White, 1994). Los resultados demostraron que con el aumento de la percepción del desafío y la percepción de las habilidades normalmente aumenta también la experiencia de flujo, pero que estas condiciones previas no tienen los mismos efectosen la experiencia de flujo en todas las situaciones y tampoco entre diferentes personas. La expresividad de la dimensión SAC-Impulso está en una relación positiva con el nivel medio del flujo. Luego, cuanto más una persona tiene expresada la dimensión SIC del temperamento, la percepción del desafío influye menos en la experiencia de flujo. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las dimensiones del temperamento pueden explicar algunas diferencias individuales en la tendencia hacia la experiencia de flujo, pero también la importancia relativa de ciertas condiciones previas en la predicción de esta experiencia


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    Istraživanja ukazuju kako se dosada često doživljava te da javljanju osjećaja dosade doprinosi niz situacijskih i osobinskih faktora. Većina nalaza o dosadi dobivena je putem korelacijskih istraživanja u kojima su uspoređene različite upitničke mjere dosade ili eksperimentalnim studijama kojima se dosada izazivala u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati u kakvim situacijama se dosada javlja u svakodnevnom životu, primjenom metode uzorkovanja doživljaja, kako bi se ispitala ekološka valjanost ranijih zaključaka. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 102 studentice Sveučilišta u Osijeku. Kroz tjedan dana, deset puta dnevno, studentice su u polu-strukturirane dnevnike unosile podatke o situacijama u kojima se nalaze, bilježile kako doživljavaju te situacije i kako se osjećaju u tom trenutku. Rezultati dobiveni višerazinskom regresijskom analizom pokazali su da je, u prosjeku, razina dosade manja u situacijama koje osoba procjenjuje kao: neočekivane, pozitivne i s kojima se uspješno može nositi, u većoj mjeri nego obično. Osim toga, razina dosade pozitivno je povezana sa situacijama koje osoba procjenjuje kao da bi za nju mogle biti neugodne. Pored normativnih zaključaka, raspravlja se o inter-individualnim razlikama u prediktorima osjećaja dosade kao i teorijskim i praktičnim implikacijama dobivenih nalaza

    Perception of invulnerability, engaging in risky behaviors and life satisfaction among high school students

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    A sense of invulnerability is commonly associated only with adolescents’ risk behaviors, but according to some developmental theories, it is also an adaptive response to developmental tasks that occur during that period of life. The objective of this paper was to explore two aspects of the sense of invulnerability (physical and psychological) on a sample of high school students. More specifically, the relationship between physical and psychological invulnerability in terms of engagement in risky behaviors (cigarette use) on the one hand and indicators of subjective wellbeing (life satisfaction) on the other was explored. The data from 297 adolescents aged 16 to 20 years (M = 17.33; SD = 0.834; 54.2% girls) were analyzed. The study found that boys’ assessment of physical and psychological invulnerability was higher in comparison to girls’ assessment. Smokers rated their physical invulnerability higher than adolescents who had quit smoking, who had only tried smoking and those who had never smoked. While physical invulnerability was not associated with life assessments in most domains of life satisfaction, psychological was positively associated with all domains as well as general life satisfaction. The findings also showed that assessing psychological invulnerability contributed more to explaining life satisfaction than assessing physical invulnerability, whereas physical invulnerability was a significant predictor of smoking frequency among adolescents. The results of this study indicate the significance and importance of both domains of invulnerability in adolescence


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    Ovim radom nastoje se istražiti neki mehanizmi u procesu otpornosti. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi odnos rizika, zaštitnih mehanizama i razine sreće. Navedeni odnosi ispitivani su kod mladih, smještenih u odgojne ustanove, populacije izložene brojnim rizicima, s izraženim problemima u ponašanju, ali neistraženim drugim relevantnim razvojnim ishodima. Istraživanje je provedeno s prigodnim uzorkom od 118 mladih, smještenih u domove za odgoj Zagreb, Karlovac, Rijeka i Osijek te Odgojni dom Bedekovčina. Dob sudionika je od 14 do 18 godina (M=16.47, SD=1.21). Podaci su analizirani pomoću deskriptivne statistike, koeficijenta korelacije te hijerarhijske regresijske analize. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je moguće govoriti o procesu otpornosti kod sudionika istraživanja jer su kod sudionika, prosječno, zadovoljena dva najvažnija kriterija za otpornost: visoki rizik i dobar ishod. Naime, sudionici procjenjuju vlastitu razinu rizika (velikih životnih događaja/stresora i svakodnevnih stresora) kao i razinu sreće u relativno visokim vrijednostima. Također, zaštitne mehanizme, za koje je u literaturi poznato da potpomažu proces otpornosti, procjenjuju vrlo visoko. Od varijabli rizika, samo je svakodnevni stres povezan (negativno) sa samoprocjenom sreće. Tri od četiri zaštitna mehanizma značajno su pozitivno povezana sa razninom sreće (individualni resursi te brižni odnosi s odgajateljima i prijateljima) dok brižni odnosi s obitelji nisu povezani s razinom sreće. Od svih navedenih potencijalnih prediktora, jedino individualni resursi imaju značajan nezavisni doprinos objašnjenju varijance sreće. Rezultati su interpretirani u skladu s relevantnim spoznajama na području otpornosti i subjektivne dobrobiti te su u skladu s time ponuđene smjernice za intervencije.This paper aims to explore some mechanisms in the resilience process. The goal of the study is to determine the relation between risk, protective mechanisms, and levels of happiness. These relationships have been tested among youth in residential care, a population exposed to numerous risks, exhibiting behavioural problems, but also other relevant developmental outcomes that have so far been under-researched. The research was conducted with the convenience sample of 118 youth placed in community residential home in Zagreb, Karlovac, Rijeka, and Osijek, and in the state residential home in Centre Bedekovčina. The participants\u27 age ranged from 14 to 18 (M=16.47, SD=1.21). The data were analysed utilizing descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations and hierarchical regression. The results indicate that participants are involved into resilient process, as they, on average, satisfy two of the most important criteria for resilience: high risk and favourable outcome. The participants have assessed their own risk levels (major life events/stressors and everyday stressors) and their levels of happiness as relatively high. Additionally, they have assessed the level of their protective mechanisms as high, which is assistive in the resilience process, according to the relevant literature. Among the risk factors, only the everyday stress was found to be correlated (negatively) with the self-assessment of happiness. Three of four protective mechanisms were significantly positively correlated with the level of happiness (individual resources, caring relationships with the professional staff and friends), while caring relationships with family were not correlated with the level of happiness. Among all of these predictors, only the individual resources had a significant independent effect in explaining the variance in happiness levels. The results have been interpreted in line with the relevant findings in the area of resilience and subjective well-being, according to which some intervention guidelines have been discussed

    Medidas de sensibilidad de los sistemas de inhibición y de activación conductual como predictores de rasgos de personalidad

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    Gray (1987) je u teoriji osjetljivosti na potkrepljenja opisao tri hipotetska biološka sustava u mozgu, za koje je pretpostavio kako predstavljaju podlogu stabilnih obrazaca u doživljavanju i ponašanju. Među njima su najviše istraživani bihevioralni inhibicijski (BIS) i aktivacijski sustav (BAS) te su utvrđene relativno stabilne veze s dvjema dimenzijama ličnosti – neuroticizmom i ekstraverzijom. Skale Bihevioralnoga inhibicijskog i aktivacijskog sustava Carvera i Whitea (1994) predstavljaju jedan od najčešće korištenih instrumenata za operacionalizaciju ovih konstrukata. BIS/BAS upitnik sadržava skalu osjetljivosti BIS-a, kojom se ispituju reakcije na pojavu ili anticipaciju kazne, odnosno averzivnog iskustva. Osjetljivost BAS-a operacionalizirana je pomoću tri podskale, koje zahvaćaju tri konceptualno različita, ali međusobno povezana konstrukta: BAS – Nagon, kojom se mjeri ustrajnost u ostvarivanju poželjnih ciljeva; BAS – Traženje zabave, koja se odnosi na želju za novim nagrađujućim iskustvima i spremnost osobe da se uključi u potencijalno nagrađujuću situaciju te BAS – Osjetljivost na nagradu, koja ispituje pozitivne reakcije na pojavu ili anticipaciju nagrade.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati mogu li se na temelju mjera osjetljivosti bihevioralnoga inhibicijskog i aktivacijskog sustava predviđati individualne razlike u osobinama ličnosti.U ovom su radu analizirani podatci 284 studentice, koje su ispunile prevedenu i adaptiranu verziju BIS/BAS skala te upitnik temeljen na petofaktorskom modelu ličnosti, IPIP-50. Eksploratornom je faktorskom analizom utvrđeno kako je faktorska struktura hrvatske verzije BIS/BAS skala usporediva s originalnim instrumentom. Rezultati regresijskih analiza pokazali su da je BIS značajan prediktor emocionalne nestabilnosti, dok BAS podskale pokazuju različite obrasce povezanosti s ispitanim osobinama ličnosti, što upućuje na važnost operacionalizacije BAS-a kao višedimenzionalnog konstrukta.In the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory, Gray (1987) described three hypothetical biological brain systems, assumed to represent underpinnings of the stable patterns of experience and behaviour. Most research has been devoted to studying behavioural inhibition system (BIS) and behavioural activation system (BAS), which have shown relatively stable associations with neuroticism and extroversion, respectively. BIS/BAS scale (Carver & White, 1994) is one of the most frequently used instruments for measuring these constructs. The questionnaire contains one scale of BIS sensitivity that captures reactions to appearance or anticipation of punishment, and three subscales of BAS sensitivity which are aimed to assess distinct but related constructs: BAS – Drive, that relate to persistence in achieving desired goals; BAS - Fun seeking, that relates to desire for new rewarding experiences and indicates person\u27s readiness to engage in potentially rewarding situation, and BAS – Reward sensitivity, that measures positive reactions to appearance or anticipation of reward.The aim of the current study was to explore to what extent individual differences in personality traits can be predicted based on measures of BIS and BAS sensitivity. In this paper we analysed the data of 284 female students, that completed translated and adapted Croatian version of BIS/BAS scales, as well as International Personality Item Pool (IPIP 50) which measures the Big-Five personality domains. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the factor structure of Croatian version of BIS/BAS scale was comparable to the original instrument. Results of the regression analysis revealed that BIS scale was a significant predictor of emotional instability, while BAS subscales showed different patterns of relationships with measured personality traits. These results indicate the importance of measuring distinct aspects of BAS sensitivity.En su Teoría de la Sensibilidad al Refuerzo, Gray (1987) describió tres sistemas biológicos hipotéticos en el cerebro para los cuales supuso que representaban la base de los modelos estables en la experiencia y comportamiento. Entre ellos los más investigados fueron los sistemas de inhibición (SIC) y de activación (SAC) conductual y fueron verificadas las conexiones relativamente estables con dos dimensiones de personalidad – neuroticismo y extraversión. Las escalas SIC y SAC de Carver y White (1994) representan uno de los instrumentos más usados para la operacionalización de estos constructos. El cuestionario SIC/SAC contiene la escala de la sensibilidad del SIC con la que se investigan las reacciones al castigo o su anticipación, o sea, de la experiencia aversiva. La sensibilidad de SAC está operacionalizada a través de tres escalas que comprenden tres constructos conceptualmente diferentes, pero relacionados entre sí: SAC-Impulso, con el que se mide la perseverancia en la realización de objetivos deseados; SAC-Búsqueda de divertimento, que se refiere al deseo para nuevas experiencias gratificantes y la disposición de la persona para incluirse en una situación potencialmente gratificante; BAS-Sensibilidad a la recompensa, que evalúa las reacciones positivas a la recompensa o su anticipación.El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar si es posible predecir las diferencias individuales en los rasgos de personalidad a base de las medidas de sensibilidad de SIC y SAC.En este trabajo fueron analizados los datos de 284 estudiantes que rellenaron la versión traducida y adaptada de las escalas SIC/SAC y un cuestionario basado en el modelo de los cinco grandes, IPIP-50. A través del análisis factorial exploratorio fue comprobado que la estructura factorial de la versión croata de las escalas SIC/SAC se podía comparar con el instrumento original. Los resultados de los análisis regresivos demostraron que SIC representa un predictor significativo de la inestabilidad emocional, mientras que las subescalas SAC demuestran diferentes modelos de conexión con los rasgos de personalidad investigados, lo que indica la importancia de la operacionalización de SAC como un constructo multidimensional


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    Ovim radom nastoje se istražiti neki mehanizmi u procesu otpornosti. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi odnos rizika, zaštitnih mehanizama i razine sreće. Navedeni odnosi ispitivani su kod mladih, smještenih u odgojne ustanove, populacije izložene brojnim rizicima, s izraženim problemima u ponašanju, ali neistraženim drugim relevantnim razvojnim ishodima. Istraživanje je provedeno s prigodnim uzorkom od 118 mladih, smještenih u domove za odgoj Zagreb, Karlovac, Rijeka i Osijek te Odgojni dom Bedekovčina. Dob sudionika je od 14 do 18 godina (M=16.47, SD=1.21). Podaci su analizirani pomoću deskriptivne statistike, koeficijenta korelacije te hijerarhijske regresijske analize. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je moguće govoriti o procesu otpornosti kod sudionika istraživanja jer su kod sudionika, prosječno, zadovoljena dva najvažnija kriterija za otpornost: visoki rizik i dobar ishod. Naime, sudionici procjenjuju vlastitu razinu rizika (velikih životnih događaja/stresora i svakodnevnih stresora) kao i razinu sreće u relativno visokim vrijednostima. Također, zaštitne mehanizme, za koje je u literaturi poznato da potpomažu proces otpornosti, procjenjuju vrlo visoko. Od varijabli rizika, samo je svakodnevni stres povezan (negativno) sa samoprocjenom sreće. Tri od četiri zaštitna mehanizma značajno su pozitivno povezana sa razninom sreće (individualni resursi te brižni odnosi s odgajateljima i prijateljima) dok brižni odnosi s obitelji nisu povezani s razinom sreće. Od svih navedenih potencijalnih prediktora, jedino individualni resursi imaju značajan nezavisni doprinos objašnjenju varijance sreće. Rezultati su interpretirani u skladu s relevantnim spoznajama na području otpornosti i subjektivne dobrobiti te su u skladu s time ponuđene smjernice za intervencije.This paper aims to explore some mechanisms in the resilience process. The goal of the study is to determine the relation between risk, protective mechanisms, and levels of happiness. These relationships have been tested among youth in residential care, a population exposed to numerous risks, exhibiting behavioural problems, but also other relevant developmental outcomes that have so far been under-researched. The research was conducted with the convenience sample of 118 youth placed in community residential home in Zagreb, Karlovac, Rijeka, and Osijek, and in the state residential home in Centre Bedekovčina. The participants\u27 age ranged from 14 to 18 (M=16.47, SD=1.21). The data were analysed utilizing descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations and hierarchical regression. The results indicate that participants are involved into resilient process, as they, on average, satisfy two of the most important criteria for resilience: high risk and favourable outcome. The participants have assessed their own risk levels (major life events/stressors and everyday stressors) and their levels of happiness as relatively high. Additionally, they have assessed the level of their protective mechanisms as high, which is assistive in the resilience process, according to the relevant literature. Among the risk factors, only the everyday stress was found to be correlated (negatively) with the self-assessment of happiness. Three of four protective mechanisms were significantly positively correlated with the level of happiness (individual resources, caring relationships with the professional staff and friends), while caring relationships with family were not correlated with the level of happiness. Among all of these predictors, only the individual resources had a significant independent effect in explaining the variance in happiness levels. The results have been interpreted in line with the relevant findings in the area of resilience and subjective well-being, according to which some intervention guidelines have been discussed

    Everyday Stress and Core Affect: Examination of the Dynamic Model of Affect

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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je testirati postavke Dinamičkoga modela afekta, prema kojemu je odnos ugodnih i neugodnih afektivnih stanja promjenjiv, ovisno o kontekstualnim čimbenicima vezanima uz složenost procesiranja informacija. Model smo provjeravali analizom intraindividualnih promjena u odnosu ugodnoga i neugodnoga temeljnog afekta, u funkciji stupnja percipiranoga stresa. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom uzorkovanja doživljaja kroz dvije dnevničke studije, u kojima su sudionice nakon dobivenoga signala, više puta na dan u nekoliko dana bilježile svoja trenutačna afektivna stanja i procjene situacije u raznim trenucima u svakodnevnom životu. Analize su provedene na uzorku doživljaja iz 2879 točaka mjerenja, prikupljenih od 70 sudionica raznih studijskih grupa (Studija 1) te na uzorku doživljaja iz 3284 točke mjerenja, prikupljenih od 50 studentica psihologije (Studija 2). Rezultati višerazinskih analiza pokazali su isti trend u objema provedenim studijama – u stresnijim situacijama prosječni odnos ugodnih i neugodnih afektivnih stanja mijenja se prema većim negativnim vrijednostima. Nalazi ovog istraživanja pružaju potvrdu Dinamičkom modelu afekta.The paper aimed to test the Dynamic model of affect which postulates that the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affective states depends on contextual factors related to the complexity of information processing. The model was tested analysing intraindividual changes in the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant core affect, as a function of perceived stress. Data was collected using the experience sampling method in two diary studies. After receiving a signal, participants recorded their current affective states and appraisals of the current situation, several times a day within a few days. Analyses were conducted on a sample of experiences from 2879 measurement points, recorded by 70 miscellaneous students (Study 1), and on a sample of experiences from 3284 measurement points, recorded by 50 psychology students (Study 2). The results of multilevel analyses showed the same trend in both studies – in more stressful situations the average relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affective experiences changes toward higher negative values. The findings support the Dynamic model of affect


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    Cilj istraživanja je bio procijeniti razinu i strukturu anksioznosti i depresivnosti djece i mladih s ponavljanim bolnim tjelesnim tegobama (1) i usporediti ih s vrijednostima normativnog uzorka (2), usporediti bolesnike s pojedinačnim i one s višestrukim tjelesnim tegobama te (3) ispitati proporciju klinički značajno anksioznih i depresivnih bolesnika. Skalom strahova i anksioznosti (SKAD-62) i skalom depresivnosti (SDD) ispitano je 160-ero djece u dobi od 10 do 17 godina, koju su pedijatri uputili psihologu u okviru bolničkog ili ambulantnog liječenja: 57-ero djece s glavoboljama, 24-ero s bolovima u trbuhu, 40-ero s bolovima u prsištu i njih 39-ero s višestrukim tegobama. Rezultati su pokazali kako svi bolesnici imaju sličnu ukupnu razinu anksioznosti i depresivnosti kao i djeca iz normativnog uzorka. Klinički značajna anksioznost registrirana je u 22%, a klinički značajna depresivnost u 4% bolesnika. Najviše je visoko anksiozne djece s bolovima u prsištu (35%), a najmanje s glavoboljama (8,6%). Djeca s višestrukim tjelesnim tegobama ne iskazuju veću anksioznost i depresivnost od one s pojedinačnim tegobama. Između kliničkih skupina iskazana je razlika u dominantnim oblicima anksioznosti: djeca s glavoboljama većinom su separacijski anksiozna, ona s bolovima u trbuhu i u prsištu većinom su anksiozno osjetljiva, a djeca s više tjelesnih tegoba zabrinuta.The aim of this study was to examine the level and different aspects of anxiety and depression in children and youth with recurrent painful somatic complaints and (1) compare them to the norm values of a general population sample, (2) compare the patients with single complaints to patients with multiform somatic complaints and (3) to examine the proportion of clinically significant anxiety and depressive patients. The Fear and Anxiety Scale SKAD-62 and The Depression Scale SDD were applied to 160 children, ages 10 to 17, who were referred by paediatric specialists for psychology assessment under hospital or ambulatory treatment: 56 with headaches, 24 stomach pain sufferers, 40 chest pain sufferer and 39 children with multiple somatic complaints. The results showed that all patients had similar global levels of anxiety and depression as compared to the norm values. Clinically significant anxiety was observed in 22% patients and clinically significant depression in 4% patients. Most anxiety in patients was found in the chest pain group (35%) and less in those with headache (8.6%). Children with multiform complaints are as anxious as single complaint sufferers. A difference was found between clinical samples in different aspects of anxiety symptoms: those with headache were separation anxious, abdominal and chest pain sufferers were more anxiety sensitive, multiform complainers were more worried

    Validation of the Short Version (TLS-15) of the Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45) Across 37 Languages

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    Love is a phenomenon that occurs across the world and affects many aspects of human life, including the choice of, and process of bonding with, a romantic partner. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to quantify love is Sternberg’s 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. However, our literature review reveals that most studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. Here, aiming to achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, we developed a short version of the scale—the TLS-15—comprised of 15 items with 5-point, rather than 9-point, response scales. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test–retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provide support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which can be used as a measure of love components—either separately or jointly as a three-factor measure

    Predictors of Enhancing Human Physical Attractiveness: Data from 93 Countries

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    People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending \u3e10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary perspectives