Everyday Stress and Core Affect: Examination of the Dynamic Model of Affect


Cilj ovoga rada bio je testirati postavke Dinamičkoga modela afekta, prema kojemu je odnos ugodnih i neugodnih afektivnih stanja promjenjiv, ovisno o kontekstualnim čimbenicima vezanima uz složenost procesiranja informacija. Model smo provjeravali analizom intraindividualnih promjena u odnosu ugodnoga i neugodnoga temeljnog afekta, u funkciji stupnja percipiranoga stresa. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom uzorkovanja doživljaja kroz dvije dnevničke studije, u kojima su sudionice nakon dobivenoga signala, više puta na dan u nekoliko dana bilježile svoja trenutačna afektivna stanja i procjene situacije u raznim trenucima u svakodnevnom životu. Analize su provedene na uzorku doživljaja iz 2879 točaka mjerenja, prikupljenih od 70 sudionica raznih studijskih grupa (Studija 1) te na uzorku doživljaja iz 3284 točke mjerenja, prikupljenih od 50 studentica psihologije (Studija 2). Rezultati višerazinskih analiza pokazali su isti trend u objema provedenim studijama – u stresnijim situacijama prosječni odnos ugodnih i neugodnih afektivnih stanja mijenja se prema većim negativnim vrijednostima. Nalazi ovog istraživanja pružaju potvrdu Dinamičkom modelu afekta.The paper aimed to test the Dynamic model of affect which postulates that the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affective states depends on contextual factors related to the complexity of information processing. The model was tested analysing intraindividual changes in the relationship between pleasant and unpleasant core affect, as a function of perceived stress. Data was collected using the experience sampling method in two diary studies. After receiving a signal, participants recorded their current affective states and appraisals of the current situation, several times a day within a few days. Analyses were conducted on a sample of experiences from 2879 measurement points, recorded by 70 miscellaneous students (Study 1), and on a sample of experiences from 3284 measurement points, recorded by 50 psychology students (Study 2). The results of multilevel analyses showed the same trend in both studies – in more stressful situations the average relationship between pleasant and unpleasant affective experiences changes toward higher negative values. The findings support the Dynamic model of affect

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